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StarTopic Final Fantasy XVI |ST| Garuda, Bahamut... Come On Crystal Mama

Anyone feel like attribution points are gained really slow, or is it just me?
If that’s what the ability upgrade points are called yeah it seems a bit slow, though a bit par for the course for a DMC-like game. If a second playthrough carries that over then I’d be more ok with it, but I’m also too early to tell if that’s something I’m interested in just yet.
I haven’t been able to play since Saturday and it suuucks. Work and life are just too much lately I guess. Jealous of everyone who’s making good progress!
Anyone feel like attribution points are gained really slow, or is it just me?
I just don't feel like there's enough worth buying. Pragmatically once you master all of the basic skills, the 3 feats you want, and the 6 abilities you want, there's really no need for anymore AP as you can just freely reset and swap your build quickly. I had mastered all my basics before getting the third Eikon, and had mastered 6 abilities shortly after getting the 4th. At this point the only thing thing I need more AP for is if I wanted to unlock/master some of the ultimate abilities as there long cool downs just don't seem worth it most of the time. I've heard some of the later ones giga flare and zatsuken are bonkers, but I'll cross that proverbial bridge when I get there.
Holy crap is this game dark. I just did the sidequest where
you have to find a "pet" for a little girl and Chloe turns out to be a branded who turned into a rock. The little girl thinks it is no big deal.
Yes just did that quest today too - very dark
though when clive told her the reality of her actions she cries and gets upset and only understood what her parents tell her, same as the little boy with the mother who dumped her bearer child… the ominous dark music in that area is an interesting choice, v “these ppl are all horrible” haha
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I hope Goetz dies a horrible death, and whoever made this this awful merchant pass storyline is fired into the sun.
Anyone else find the film grain filter thing they have to be annoying? I’ve seen some people online say it only appears if you have the tv too bright but that’s absolutely not the case. Just seems a weird choice by the devs.
People have valid criticisms for this game, but I'm still having an awesome time with it. Combat is (at least the way I play it) bombastic, and hunts and bosses offer great variety. I love the lore and story as well. Can't tell you how much time I've spent reading lore entries just because I enjoy it, haha. Some side quests are definitely boring, but then there are others that either add a great amount of context to certain story elements or provide you with excellent rewards. I'm only about 50% through the main story, so my feelings could change. But right now I straight up love it.
I feel like I'm playing a different game when people say the enemies have a lot of variety. You fight the same mini bosses over and over again, and even some of the bigger bosses feel very samey like
the dragon before you destroy the first mother crystal, and the dragon that attacks you during Dion's rebellion
I feel like I'm playing a different game when people say the enemies have a lot of variety. You fight the same mini bosses over and over again, and even some of the bigger bosses feel very samey
I didn't look at your spoilers, but each of the bosses I've fought required me to change my approach based on their different attack patterns. And the hunts I've done introduced creatures I hadn't fought yet, and even the reused creatures in hunts are stronger and have more/new moves. But yeah, a lot of the basic enemies are often repeated. And they're not as aggressive as I'd want. That's probably my biggest gripe with the game, actually. Still hasn't hurt my overall enjoyment, though.

Edit: Come to think of it, God of War (PS4) had a similar issue with repeated mini-bosses. But again, for me, it didn't really change my love for that game either.
I didn't look at your spoilers, but each of the bosses I've fought required me to change my approach based on their different attack patterns. And the hunts I've done introduced creatures I hadn't fought yet, and even the reused creatures in hunts are stronger and have more/new moves. But yeah, a lot of the basic enemies are often repeated. And they're not as aggressive as I'd want. That's probably my biggest gripe with the game, actually. Still hasn't hurt my overall enjoyment, though.
If the game was like, half as long it wouldn't be a problem. When you're fighting your 5th dragoon mini boss who does nothing different from the last 4 but takes just as long to kill it becomes tedious.
If the game was like, half as long it wouldn't be a problem. When you're fighting your 5th dragoon mini boss who does nothing different from the last 4 but takes just as long to kill it becomes tedious.
That's completely fair. I guess it just doesn't bother me quite as much. You may not have seen my edit, but I mentioned that God of War (PS4) had a similar issue. Though that didn't really change my enjoyment of that game either.
About 10 hours in now and really enjoying myself. I can see why some hardcore JRPG/Final Fantasy fans aren't happy though. Finally got my collector's edition too and while the statue is smaller than I thought it would be it's very well detailed. And the enamel pins are gorgeous.
I'm 27 hours in and I've had trouble with just one boss where I felt like it had too much HP. I constantly change my abilities and Eikons when I get new ones. The game even lets you reset your build and refund all points to start again whenever. Having a ton of fun. I'm glad I started on Action Focused. Maybe I will take a break when I beat it for Pikmin and then do FF mode in New Game Plus.
Finished the game tonight and it's entering my top 5 for the series for sure (9, 6, 12, 8 and now 16). Absolutely loved every character, loved how the side quests carry some pretty strong development for the secondary and even tertiary cast, give great backstory for stuff and even change situations for some fairly major areas. Loved battles from start to finish, nothing dragged and I had tons of fun changing up my moveset because thankfully they made respeccing free. The later variations of large enemies having "nothing different" is a total lie and there's more variety to them than in anything you'd find in the classic games.

Just an incredible game. Easily my favorite game this year so far.
I feel like I'm playing a different game when people say the enemies have a lot of variety. You fight the same mini bosses over and over again, and even some of the bigger bosses feel very samey like
I think I'm a bit earlier than you (I'm just about to fight Dion I think) but I think it's for two reasons, the smaller mob enemies generally have very detailed re-skins so I can imagine people just don't see them as anything but new (even if they have the same attack animations), and for sub bosses I think people might not complain as much because the story basically acknowledges they're repeats in roundabout ways. Like, it makes sense there's a second Dragoon, and there is the Akashic bosses of earlier enemies.

but each of the bosses I've fought required me to change my approach based on their different attack patterns.
really? Huh. I feel like the weakest thing about the game's combat is definitely that enemy patterns don't really force you to switch up your moveset / approach at all. Maybe I felt like I needed to switch things up when like, I was getting acquainted to the dodge system in the very beginning of the game. But for the most part you don't ever have to do it. Especially because most unique boss attacks in this game are just another AOE, which really only require the player to dodge or run away.

That's one thing about this game that I think holds it back a little from the games its emulating. It feels like there's small touches that just aren't there that make character action games so good. For example instead of making the controls actually work for the combat by having style switching on the d-pad, you have it on the left trigger with only 3 styles vs 4, all to account for Torgal, who isn't even that useful. Or how medium enemies can't be juggled, so anything higher than a small enemy basically just requires cooldown spam.

Edit: Should say that I'm absolutely still enjoying the game though and especially like the combat. Just wanted to add my two cents.
I'm at 78% of completion according to the PS5 stats on the home screen. What. A. Game.

There was this one glorious boss fight that lasted 25 - 30 minutes and it absolutely melted my eyes.
That Bahamut fight left me speechless. Seriously. It was full of awesome moments and it even turned into a shoot-em-up at some point. When the fight went to space, I was flabbergasted. I almost felt like a fool when I said the Titan fight was probably the best fight in the entire game and then this Bahamut fight appears shortly after to take the crown.

Pro tip for everybody! Equip the Berserker Ring as soon as you get it. It makes the combat so much more cinematic and flashy while providing a more than welcome boost to damage. I'm surprised it's such an early unlock given how good it is to be honest.
I got the fourth story trophy today. The big boss fight before that point is so good! Really digging this game a ton. I’ll put a few thoughts behind a spoiler tag. It’s up to the first moment you can save following the fourth story trophy.

Super sad Cid died. I knew it was coming eventually and I figured he’d give Clive his powers in his dying breath, but I was still sad it happened even though I’m glad he got one more final rad moment in. Definitely my favorite character so far.

I’m sure it’s going to be explained as Clive rebuilding the hideout mostly (I saved upon entry), but why did it time skip there lol. Feels like if you blow up a crystal you’d make haste to hit the rest soon. Also again not sure how it’ll pan out, but targeting the water crystal first seems like a bad call if you aren’t 100% sure how it works lol.

I’m guessing Ultima is going to possess Joshua ultimately, but we’ll see how that goes.
I think I'm a bit earlier than you (I'm just about to fight Dion I think) but I think it's for two reasons, the smaller mob enemies generally have very detailed re-skins so I can imagine people just don't see them as anything but new (even if they have the same attack animations), and for sub bosses I think people might not complain as much because the story basically acknowledges they're repeats in roundabout ways. Like, it makes sense there's a second Dragoon, and there is the Akashic bosses of earlier enemies.

really? Huh. I feel like the weakest thing about the game's combat is definitely that enemy patterns don't really force you to switch up your moveset / approach at all. Maybe I felt like I needed to switch things up when like, I was getting acquainted to the dodge system in the very beginning of the game. But for the most part you don't ever have to do it. Especially because most unique boss attacks in this game are just another AOE, which really only require the player to dodge or run away.

That's one thing about this game that I think holds it back a little from the games its emulating. It feels like there's small touches that just aren't there that make character action games so good. For example instead of making the controls actually work for the combat by having style switching on the d-pad, you have it on the left trigger with only 3 styles vs 4, all to account for Torgal, who isn't even that useful. Or how medium enemies can't be juggled, so anything higher than a small enemy basically just requires cooldown spam.

Edit: Should say that I'm absolutely still enjoying the game though and especially like the combat. Just wanted to add my two cents.
Yeah, my approach to each boss hasn't been radically different in the sense that it's really all about dodge and punish. However, some of the combos I like certainly don't work against every boss. I just fought one recently that could easily break my combos and counter. So I had to find a different pattern to maximize damage. I'm also a very grounded fighter. But certain bosses have required me to develop better combos for mid-air. Now, having said all this, I don't think enemies generally hit that hard. I suppose I could just plow through and take damage more often. But I personally like trying to find the optimal approach to each situation.
For those who completed the game, how many pieces of Orichalcum are there in the game? I might have just made a huge mistake lol.
For those who completed the game, how many pieces of Orichalcum are there in the game? I might have just made a huge mistake lol.

You can get them from
S rank hunts I've heard
You can get them from
S rank hunts I've heard

Yeah, I looked it up and it seems there are only 4 pieces of Orichalcum in the entire game and they are acquired from S rank hunts. Too bad, I've used 2 of them already, so I won't be able to craft the one item that requires 3 pieces of Orichalcum :(
Yeah, I looked it up and it seems there are only 4 pieces of Orichalcum in the entire game and they are acquired from S rank hunts. Too bad, I've used 2 of them already, so I won't be able to craft the one item that requires 3 pieces of Orichalcum :(
I'm not sure if it is possible but can you replay those through arcade mode or stage replay?
I'm not sure if it is possible but can you replay those through arcade mode or stage replay?

Those are more of a score attack type of thing I think!

I think the crisis has been avoided though, as there are 2 pieces of Orichalcum that can be acquired through late game quests, so it's basically impossible to miss the item I had problems with. Just kind of sad it seems I'm pretty much at the end of the game!

I just wend through the cutscene where
Cid dies
. I feel like I was supposed to change the game disc after that. This game is amazing!
This was where I stopped last night! Amazing scene and boss fight!

I just wend through the cutscene where
Cid dies
. I feel like I was supposed to change the game disc after that. This game is amazing!
Also just played literally this part! What a fantastic sequence. And the music during that last big boss battle... My God it's so freaking cool

I just wend through the cutscene where
Cid dies
. I feel like I was supposed to change the game disc after that. This game is amazing!

Yeah those couple of scenes were amazing, who even needs CG a this point?

Anyway, i've just unlocked

the new Hideaway

and i just love it. Immaculate vibes and music.
I'm finding myself with the music stuck in my head all day (currently the "boss" music that gets used for the hunts, which I am afraid to look up for fear of spoilers lol).

One thing I particularly like is when Clive sort of smiles when agreeing to help people during side quests. It's both slightly uncanny valley but also endearing in its own way.
This game is crazy. Just beat


The pacing is just insane, story is clearly separated into arcs that have their climaxes at the perfect time, yet flow pretty seamlessly into the next arc that was brewing in the background.

Vivian’s State of the Realm before each story arc are a really neat addition in terms of giving you the bigger picture of what’s going on. I love them
Great ST! I'm at 60% and 30 hours played. I had intended on not using the accessibility accessories but the combat is a bit too involved for my old butt to keep up with so I had to equip timely strikes, focus, and the Torgal one. I love how much lore they put in the game and the story had me hooked before I even finished the demo. I'm having a blast with it and the Eikon battles blow my mind. The last one I did was possibly the craziest and grandest spectacle I've ever played in a video game and people are saying the next one matches or surpasses it. Can't wait to find out.
Great ST! I'm at 60% and 30 hours played. I had intended on not using the accessibility accessories but the combat is a bit too involved for my old butt to keep up with so I had to equip timely strikes, focus, and the Torgal one. I love how much lore they put in the game and the story had me hooked before I even finished the demo. I'm having a blast with it and the Eikon battles blow my mind. The last one I did was possibly the craziest and grandest spectacle I've ever played in a video game and people are saying the next one matches or surpasses it. Can't wait to find out.

The next Eikon battle is going to blow your mind. I made the mistake of playing through that part right before bedtime and I couldn't fall asleep after.

It was peak videogame experience to be honest.
i really hope i get to play some of this this weekend. i haven’t been able to play since last saturday! life is hard 😒

all your posts are so freaking hype though! i’m living through all of you
Anyone feel like attribution points are gained really slow, or is it just me?
If that’s what the ability upgrade points are called yeah it seems a bit slow, though a bit par for the course for a DMC-like game. If a second playthrough carries that over then I’d be more ok with it, but I’m also too early to tell if that’s something I’m interested in just yet.
If you think that, just keep playing. Eventually you'll be covered in upgrade points. I built up several thousand over the course of just a few chapters and that's without even dabbling into side quests which grant even more.

It also helps that you can refund points at any time.

These Eikon fights legit just make me laugh alone in my room at the absurdity of what is going on (in the best way).
No kidding. It's been a while since I've played a game grinning ear to ear for the entire segment of some of these fights. You think one fight is already insane, then they turn it up and increase the absurdity several times over amidst the same boss battle.

Sonic Frontiers is one of those games where each of the main bosses feels like it could be the final boss of another lesser game. That feeling is multiplied times ten in this game. Some of these Eikon battles straight up feel like the culmination of a final boss.
I played some tonight if you can believe it! I'm now approaching the second Eikon fight. Getting the second set of Eikon powers turned the combat from something that was fun but simple, to something immediately more complex and interesting, and tons of fun. The difference is staggering.
I have finished the game and have to say I'm very disappointed. I was very open to the idea of a mainline FF action game, but FF XVI is neither a good RPG nor a good character action game. The system is very limited and quickly get as repetitive as the encounter enemy variety. And without scoring or elemental weaknesses, as well as the fact that when you die mid boss, you can restart with full health while the boss only have 50% health left, it seems like the game doesn't want you to engage with its system, which is very weird to me.

Despite liking some characters (Clive and Cid, mostly). I feel that the writing is very meh, most female characters seem to come from a 2004 video game, and the story borrows heavily from Game of Thrones, except Game of Thrones wants to subvert fantasy tropes and FF XVI does not. Also it's a bit weird that the game sets up something during its first half, only to say "it doesn't matter anymore, do you like magic lol" during its second half. The fact that the gameplay is never here to convey the story, except during a handful of moments in the game, makes the whole thing feels a bit dated.

The level design in general, but especially in the "dungeons", is kinda awful : corridors, false choices, all the rooms look the same so you have to rely on your dog because of course there's no minimap. There are some highs in the game, though, like some fights, some characters and such, but the rest is so mid that it never feels earned. Like, yes, the Eikon fights are spectacular, but because the gameplay during them is so basic, they're never epic.

I'm sorry to be so negative, maybe I was too hyped, and I'm genuinely happy for those of you who like the game, but to me it's a big disappointment. Not awful by any mean, but a 5 to 6/10 game at best. I think that if you wanna play an action-oriented FF game, Stranger of Paradise is a way better choice.
Holy crap, some of these side quests have huge consequences for the world and its people. Awesome stuff, honestly. It's crazy how much I've come to care about some of these minor characters and their struggles.
I had read here and there shortly after release by people who had finished the game already that Clive and Jill are never really acknowledged as a couple. I wonder what the hell those people were smoking or of they just skipped cutscenes because god daaaaamn their relationship is great. Best romance ever in a FF imo.
I have finished the game and have to say I'm very disappointed. I was very open to the idea of a mainline FF action game, but FF XVI is neither a good RPG nor a good character action game. The system is very limited and quickly get as repetitive as the encounter enemy variety. And without scoring or elemental weaknesses, as well as the fact that when you die mid boss, you can restart with full health while the boss only have 50% health left, it seems like the game doesn't want you to engage with its system, which is very weird to me.

Despite liking some characters (Clive and Cid, mostly). I feel that the writing is very meh, most female characters seem to come from a 2004 video game, and the story borrows heavily from Game of Thrones, except Game of Thrones wants to subvert fantasy tropes and FF XVI does not. Also it's a bit weird that the game sets up something during its first half, only to say "it doesn't matter anymore, do you like magic lol" during its second half. The fact that the gameplay is never here to convey the story, except during a handful of moments in the game, makes the whole thing feels a bit dated.

The level design in general, but especially in the "dungeons", is kinda awful : corridors, false choices, all the rooms look the same so you have to rely on your dog because of course there's no minimap. There are some highs in the game, though, like some fights, some characters and such, but the rest is so mid that it never feels earned. Like, yes, the Eikon fights are spectacular, but because the gameplay during them is so basic, they're never epic.

I'm sorry to be so negative, maybe I was too hyped, and I'm genuinely happy for those of you who like the game, but to me it's a big disappointment. Not awful by any mean, but a 5 to 6/10 game at best. I think that if you wanna play an action-oriented FF game, Stranger of Paradise is a way better choice.

I Yeah'd you not because I agree with you, but because you were perfectly honest! Never apologize for being negative when you write it like that!
And my weekend is here. I think I'm going to no-life this and try to finish it before I go back to work. I'm ready for my traditional Final Fantasy ending induced trauma.
I really struggle to play this game for more than like, 30 minutes at a time. Something just sets in and it becomes insanely repetitive really quickly.
So the
Titan/Titan Lost combo fight
was absolutely amazing and a wild ride. I'm loving this game so much.
The next Eikon battle is going to blow your mind. I made the mistake of playing through that part right before bedtime and I couldn't fall asleep after.

It was peak videogame experience to be honest.

Oh. My. God. And also holy shit. Just finished that next Eikon battle. My brother had stopped by to visit right as it started. About halfway through he asked me if I realized I was giggling out of pure amazement and I was like wait, what. He wasn't wrong. I've never experienced a stretch of gameplay that reduced me to amazed giggling before. What a wild ride.

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