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StarTopic Dragon Quest Treasures | A Horii Side Story

I finally know how it feels to be a multimillionaire, next stop: multibillionaire, I have to become even richer.

Edit: 100.000.000!!!
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Busy morning in Draconia; I found three of the Dragonstones! Gonna post some pics later. And agreed that the difficulty is continuing to slowly ramp…had a boss today that put up a solid fight!
Finally got my first dragon stone! Still going to say I'm surprised by the level of complexity of the maps, as I was exploring the cinderworks to get that stone an finally got close to the big cactus in the center and I fell down when got to close, thinking "welp I'm dead" but no, there is an entire level below the cactus (with a hidden balloon btw) that you can explore. Was honestly blown away by this.
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Happy to read that you guys continue to have fun with the game. I hope I can play in the evening tomorrow!
I wasn’t planning to pick this up right away (though I definitely wanted to soon) but all the positive reactions have me seriously considering grabbing it this week, it looks lovely

also really love the choose-your-own-adventure book cover in the OP, awesome work!
Omg, I used the special attack several times but only now do I get the reference: "Blizzard of Ooze" 😅
So do we know for sure whether or not the Deluxe Edition monsters are obtainable in the regular game? That’s what’s making me hesitate on the pre-order right now.
Just as a follow up to this: I have seen at least one of the monsters listed for the Deluxe, the Ruby Golem, and I only have the base edition. I feel like my gut tells me the other monsters will probably be around too, even if they’re rare. But I’ll keep an eye out 👀
Just as a follow up to this: I have seen at least one of the monsters listed for the Deluxe, the Ruby Golem, and I only have the base edition. I feel like my gut tells me the other monsters will probably be around too, even if they’re rare. But I’ll keep an eye out 👀
Thanks for the report. I actually bought the base version already but haven’t played any of it yet because I decided to play through FFVIIR over the past week. But I will probably get to it soon.
I don't know about any deluxe edition but if you are talking about gemified monsters they are in the base game.

I've scouted and recruited a Emerald King Slime and a Ruby Golem is scouted and on the list. Seen a few other like a yellow bat and more but they escaped my grasp. Also saw some sort of arcane golem in a dungeon.

Also to the person asking about shinies: there are regular monsters with palette swaps and costumes that are waaay more rare than regular monsters so yes, semi-shinies are in.
I was expecting the horse manure in the game, just not like this...

Also the pellets are more useful than I thought. Was going to fight a lvl 35 golem and the second version of the impact pellet did 65 damage. Monster went down with 3 and then I started to hunt them.

Just as a follow up to this: I have seen at least one of the monsters listed for the Deluxe, the Ruby Golem, and I only have the base edition. I feel like my gut tells me the other monsters will probably be around too, even if they’re rare. But I’ll keep an eye out 👀
Yes, just to confirm the 3 monters in the digital deluxe version are in game, and I wouldn't even call them rare. as once you find where they tend to be, it will usually spawn one of them.

How is the difficulty in this game. Is there any sort of challenge?
It starts easy, and then ramps up if you are not prepared. But as long as you tend to manage your party an use medals it's very balanced. With that said part of the challenge is also to avoid other gangs stealing your treasures, and your monsters can drop your loot if they get a critical hit. The rival gang will then take it and escape, so even if the combat is not that complex it's still a bummer when they steal your treasure.
Played till Switch died (haven't tried docked mode yet), here's some more impressions!

- I'm finding the slingshot much more useful now. It's a good way to take on enemies that are a few levels stronger than you. For example, I was able to take out a level 17 ice golem at level 9 by using fire pellets from my slingshot and took it down in like 3 hits doing 40 a pop (full combos only did like 16 combined).

- Many of the sidequests or characters that want to give you sidequests are laid out for you in the menu too. It doesn't allow you to accept quests there, but it will tell you to speak to certain characters for quests then mark them on your map, so you don't have to go scouring each land for them.

- There appear to be two types of treasures: Minor Treasures and Major Treasures (names coined by me lol). Major ones you get a compass ability which pretty much give you a hot and cold game. Minor treasures will automatically pop up on the minimap.

- Different monsters can hold different amounts of treasures. So far each monster can hold two treasures each. If one gets killed, then they drop their treasures and you have to revive them using a resuscitate method. Then you pick up the treasures individually so they'll be able to carry them.

- Weird writing in one part. I got an early quest to read stone tablets which are written in a different language. I tried reading one before I even knew it was a quest, and the companion said something like "I can read this language, but it wouldn't be any interest to you.." then I accepted the quest and the tablet literally translated into monsters that can seek out treasures by sight/feeling. So yeah.. I do believe it would be of interest to me lol

- One little peeve is I think the map feature takes away too much of the fog of war to let you know how much you've explored. You can run to mountain and the map not only uncovers the mountain on it, but like a big chunk of the area on the other side of the mountain. Tiny peeve but it can disorient me.

- I still need help on how the golden ratio works. Does it mean that if it's low/nothing I won't detect any major treasure at all? Or does it have to do with the minor treasures that monsters detect on the map?

- There're areas where it can get surprisingly challenging, mainly because aggro can be pretty far away. You'll engage with one enemy and another like 50 feet away might join in the fight. You can get surrounded easily by enemies in tight caves and spaces and stuff I find.

Besides that, still addictive. Surprisingly challenging at some points, but also really relaxing. I'll give another unnecessarily long wall of text after 2 more hours of playing tomorrow lol.
- I still need help on how the golden ratio works. Does it mean that if it's low/nothing I won't detect any major treasure at all? Or does it have to do with the minor treasures that monsters detect on the map?
I did some tests and basically, the better the golden ratio the farther your team can detect golden treasures. At 0% you have to be REALLY close for the compass to activate, like pretty much on top of it, but you'll still be able to gather it. I think it would have work better with a word descriptor like "low chance" or something.
Finishing treasuring today. Manage to get the second dragon stone and certainly wasn't expect the boss in the snarl 3rd portal and finally manage to surpass the 100 million mark. Also unfortunately pirates manage to steal one of my treasures from base becasue high level shadows (the pink ones) can cast whack so yeah, one hit kill. Tomorrow going try to recover it.

Today best loot:
Just popping in to say that I just collected all of the Dragonstones and am about to go and see what’s next! Still loving it.

Also my HQ was just raided..,
The gang was the Thieving Phantoms, and when the battle started one of them had a speech bubble that said, “We don’t do calling cards!” 😂 Didn’t quite catch it on a screenshot.
OK, one spoilery post and then I’ll go back to more general stuff:

The game quickly goes into a “final” confrontation and credits once you grab the seven stones and head for the island…but if you’ve played a Dragon Quest game before, you may be unsurprised to learn this isn’t the end! Once you hit the title screen and press through it, the story continues.

The overarching objective now is to collect 50 iconic treasures, with your collection so far counting toward that. So I’ve got 30 more to find! Interested to see where the story goes with Purrsula, Porcus and the baby dragon (name is escaping me at the moment). Despite the game not being that story heavy, the strong writing and localization shine through and make everyone memorable regardless.

This game rules!
I haven't played DQXI yet. Does this have a lot of references/easter eggs to it? Conversely, if I played DQXI after this, would there be references to this that would be in that?
I haven't played DQXI yet. Does this have a lot of references/easter eggs to it? Conversely, if I played DQXI after this, would there be references to this that would be in that?
Not really , this game happens before the main events of XI so it's pretty much it's own thing. I guess the only real spoiler/reference is Mia herself since you don't actually learn about her in the main game at the beginning
I haven't played DQXI yet. Does this have a lot of references/easter eggs to it? Conversely, if I played DQXI after this, would there be references to this that would be in that?
There has been one moment in particular so far that I thought was a really neat way to tie the two together. But generally, they’re not very interconnected.
Today I had the first BIG frustration in the game and I need to vent it. While I was happily exploring the desert with 8 golden treasures a frigin purple shadow enemy of 20 levels LOWER decided to use Kazam on me and all my progress since last save was gone in an instant. Poof.

That shit needs to be forbidden
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Today I had the first BIG frustration in the game and I need to vent it. While I was happily exploring the desert with 8 golden treasures a frighin purple shadow enemy of 20 levels LOWER decided to use Kazam on me and all my progress since last save was gone in an instant. Poof.

That shit needs to be forbidden
Still having the same instakill BS we had since DQ1/2... this game really does keep up with tradition!
Today I had the first BIG frustration in the game and I need to vent it. While I was happily exploring the desert with 8 golden treasures a frigin purple shadow enemy of 20 levels LOWER decided to use Kazam on me and all my progress since last save was gone in an instant. Poof.

That shit needs to be forbidden
this is how I lost my bunny suit defending my base :(

UPDATE: Bunny Suit recovered
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Welp, got destroy by the 4th snarl boss, twice, and I'm not underleveled. I think I got the idea of how to beat it but even with orders the monsters just go directly to it and they are kiled. At least managed to get to rank 10
After 100.000.000 my dystopian dream is getting closer being at now. Even Wario must be jealous at this point!!!
Finally beat the 4th snarl boss. Pellets where my main attack here. 2 more stones to go but I'm doing more of the other quests as exploring this world is extremely fun. Everytime there is an interesting area is like "can I go actually there" and yes, you can and there is going to be at least a wooden treasure or items. I honestly like it more than XB3
This game is literally the definition of a hidden gem. The biggest crime is that so many people saw the trailers and stuff and assume it's low budget jank and that it killed the Monsters series. In reality it's its own thing and I really wish it did get much more recognition.

Finally beat the 4th snarl boss. Pellets where my main attack here. 2 more stones to go but I'm doing more of the other quests as exploring this world is extremely fun. Everytime there is an interesting area is like "can I go actually there" and yes, you can and there is going to be at least a wooden treasure or items. I honestly like it more than XB3
Honestly this game really is DQ:BOTW edition and it does an amazing job of giving that feeling with the exploration. I'm like 12 hours in and so far only been to Grass, Fire, Ice and starting area, and even most of those have only like 20-30% of the map uncovered.
This game is literally the definition of a hidden gem. The biggest crime is that so many people saw the trailers and stuff and assume it's low budget jank and that it killed the Monsters series. In reality it's its own thing and I really wish it did get much more recognition.

Honestly this game really is DQ:BOTW edition and it does an amazing job of giving that feeling with the exploration. I'm like 12 hours in and so far only been to Grass, Fire, Ice and starting area, and even most of those have only like 20-30% of the map uncovered.
I was amazed with the dessert area because the complexity is incredible. Once you get to the center area with the huge bone and the cactus you can explore both the upper , middle and lower part, and all of them has something of interest. I also thought the maps were small but no, doing the trek from one station to activate another takes me around 15 min , assuming I don't go of the path.

I also like how they don't limit you if you don't have certain ability (with exception of the shadow one), as they will usually put a way to reach that part via other abilities. For example in the Ice area you have to use the shadow skill to get to the princess, but if you don't have it you can still use bounce or fly to go over the wall with some creativity
I also like how they don't limit you if you don't have certain ability (with exception of the shadow one), as they will usually put a way to reach that part via other abilities. For example in the Ice area you have to use the shadow skill to get to the princess, but if you don't have it you can still use bounce or fly to go over the wall with some creativity
One of the many joys of this game for sure: you can Skyrim the shit out of these maps, and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible
One of the many joys of this game for sure: you can Skyrim the shit out of these maps, and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible
Like the swamp one, when you go for the huge tree at the top of the mountain and during the climb there is a part with huge bones that form an arch over the path. Once I arrived to the top of the tree saw there was a chest on top of those bones, they expect you to fly from the top to get there!

Also very appreciated: Fall damage will never kill you.
Me: "Okay I spent 3 hours in the maneland, I think I pretty much explored all the are.... whats that little hole?"
The hole:


There is an entire subterranean area.

Yep, the maps and just about everything in this game just keep gently unfurling and showing you a little more depth and complexity. Still having an awesome time! I'm about 2/3 the way through what I think will be the final quest of the game. Ran into some genuinely tough encounters this morning! After fighting three new(ish) bosses, I...came into a quest to beat them, and now I'll have to run into them all over again! They were probably the most fun and involved encounters so far.

Did a pretty long run through the Snarl this morning, got deep enough that the monsters were ~lvl 80. I'm not sure what the idea behind the endless portal is though. I didn't earn that much gold or materials, you can't scout the monsters you fight down there (at least I didn't get a single one), and the boss floors don't even drop treasure or anything! I think I came out of there in the red with all the pellets I spent trying to keep going and make something happen haha. When I'm flush with gold I'll try again.

Some shots from the last couple mornings:



Yeah this game friggin rocks. I haven't had a ton of time since release so only about 6 hours in, haven't even got the first Dragonstone yet (though I at least have the quest for it now!) -- I just keep getting distracted doing sidequests and finding treasures and trying to get the right items to recruit the monsters I want. Love the freedom of gameplay, the game really doesn't lock you out from anywhere, just lets you explore and find things, no invisible walls or arbitrary checkpoints. This game needs more attention!
I also found that after level 40+ your best attack options are the pellets (unless the enemy is weak to slash). Even with the basic ones doing 100+ damage to undeads with the light attack pellets or golems with the impact one saves a lot of time. In the 4th snarl level i got lucky and found a store that sold the high level pellets (wasted all my money there lol) and was doing 300+ damage to that boss with them.

Also something not mentioned is that the experience of finding chest is scaled to your level, which is awesome if you want to level up some low level monsters
Yeah this game friggin rocks. I haven't had a ton of time since release so only about 6 hours in, haven't even got the first Dragonstone yet (though I at least have the quest for it now!) -- I just keep getting distracted doing sidequests and finding treasures and trying to get the right items to recruit the monsters I want. Love the freedom of gameplay, the game really doesn't lock you out from anywhere, just lets you explore and find things, no invisible walls or arbitrary checkpoints. This game needs more attention!
Yep, anyone whose favorite types of games are exploration/adventure type games and prefer exploration to combat regardless will be in literal heaven playing this game.
Yep, anyone whose favorite types of games are exploration/adventure type games and prefer exploration to combat regardless will be in literal heaven playing this game.
I’m like 95% sure I got DQT for Christmas, so this makes me very excited for Christmas morning.
Some images from today, this game needs a photo mode now, hope SQ does put it in a future update



Most notable advances:
  • Finally found how to open those goddman color treasures boxes, along with reading the tablets
  • Finished Gayle mainline quest too.
And finally managed to finish the train main quest, it ended very well and had a big smile while they showed the video when you complete the quest, especially

when Erik and Mia goes on the world tour and show all the islands. The shot on the cinderback ridge volcano was epic


Could just be that I got very unlucky! But I ran that endless portal for probably 25-30 rooms, pelting dudes with friendship pellets, and nada 👎
I think I was confused with the treasure dungeons as they look the same, I tried to capture monsters in the snarl without any success.
Looking at sales thread in other sites "well its a kids game can't expect much". yeah let see your fighting against 3 pinks shadows casting instadeath spells. Also the more I think about it, this game was made for adults as this is 100% fueled by nostalgia of the older games with the treasures. Of course they put Eirik and Mia since that one is probably the youngers one has played (and that squenix hasn't ported any other games to newer consoles with exception of 1-3) but when playing it, everytime I'm like "oh yeah let's see frohm which game these treasures are" and unconvering it just make me remember things from those games.

So it's more like a game for parents which played those games to enjoy with a younger audience, and it works.

Also it finally reached the "woke discourse" seeing some comments in reddit becuase SQ edited the model from the DQ3 female warrior by * check notes * covering her with shorts and top behind the bikini armour 🤦‍♂️
Found the best monster


You need to find 50 iconic treasures in the second half of the game and all morning I was stuck at...49! Gonna get a few more treasures runs in later and see if I can finish the game up soon!
Finally finished the main story, glad that last part was very direct to keep the action going. Honestly putting all the tablets lore and quest information together the world makes more sense than what BotW tried to do with the memories.

The final battle was very good, the first part when Silverbones takes the form of the 3 beasts was good, but then, shit got serious and DQ3 Zoma theme starts to sound, that was amazing, and the fact you had to steal the treasures from him was a nice touch to keep using the mechanics and involver the other sibling.
Also gods kinda dicks here, it wasn't porcuss and purrsula fault the treasure was the child of Padra and Madra, they shouldn't have been scolded

Anyway now on to the post game! This will keep me busy until new year thankfully, because damn some of those goddamn ballons are really well hidden. And to confirm, yes this actually became my GotY. It surpassed all my expectations and even now, searching the balloons and treasures I'm still finding little new areas I didn't notice in the main quest.

Also @big lantern ghost I did another run on the 5th snarl level and was actually able to capture some monsters, so maybe it's just a luck and level thing. I was able to befriend one of the big red demon guys
Finally found my 50th iconic treasure today and...not too much happened! I was expecting something a little bigger, although something significant does happen and I wouldn't be surprised if something happens if you
Level up that lil' baby dragon who joins your gang.

Update on the Snarl @ermitron2: After wrapping up the last of my quests, I geared up and took another trip through the last Snarl portal. I dunno if I hit a bug or simply was that unlucky last time, but this time monsters could be scouted and dropped medals as I went. Did a few cycles where every enemy was lvl 99, which seems to be the bottom of the loop. Recruited a few lvl 99s as well, which is fun!

Gonna do some research now that I'm this far and see if there's anything I'm missing.
A little off topic, but Jump Festa 2023 has come and gone now, so does anyone know what happened to those new DQ trailers they were supposed to show?

Well nothing happened actually, SQE was there but only had a Dragon Quest Treasures booth with a rally and give away some monsters. Also there was a collab of DQ Walk and Dai's adventure and... that's it. The official DQ account only congratulated FF series for it's anniversary. My guess is that they had to move this for the FF Pixel Remaster announcement. Next week there is going to be an anniversary show on DQX so it's the last chance to see something related

Also really liked the jp tv cm, with the "don't worrry, there's no world to save, take your time" And I'm totally the dude in the net cafe when I found something from DQ3

The game is fun, a bit addictive for me but God the game dialogue and story feels like it's for preschoolers.
It could've been much better if they aimed for all ages as they do with the Dragon Quest series in general.
OK, I think I found something to still shoot for.

I've seen enough though! I can comfortably bestow this game...


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