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Rumour Digital Foundry: A mid-generation Switch refresh was canceled internally

As much as I need new Switch hardware at this point, this is absolutely hilarious considering how often much confusion and false hope there has been for a Switch Pro over the years.
At least I can feel better about my purchase of an Oled at launch, I knew they wouldn't launch another premium model so soon after launching the Oled.
900p (at best) Tears of the Kingdom will be painful though.
Yeah, I think the earliest we'll see the next switch is going to be holiday 2023, but probably more into 2024 and it's probably releasing with 3d Mario.
The talks of switch pro were kind of dumb at this point, you don't do a mid gen refresh 6 years after.
Thank god I bought an OLED.
In the end people who expected a more standard console generation into transition from Nintendo seem to be closer to the target of what's going to happen than those that got swept up in the minutiae of the rumor mill. They aren't redefining life cycles or pursuing an iPhone style upgrade model. It's likely to be a continuation of Nintendo's historical tradition of an integrated hardware-software model that they've continued to speak of in meetings with investors.
Pretty cool to have Switch Pro "confirmation". Wonder when we will see the Switch 2, guessing 2024.
It has to be next year.
I think I too wish it's next year.
Only because that will mean the cross gen period will be longer/PS4-5 like.
See, if it comes with Zelda or earlier than that(like if MPR gets announced in January/February for a March/April release), it's all but a given as we already have games known to be coming to Switch later in 2023 and beyond(Pikmin 4, inevitably 2D Mario, 3D Mario and DK, don't see any reason the next 2D Zelda wouldn't be cross gen either, FE remake, tons of remasters, Metroid Prime 4 and etc. Hell maybe one more wave/expansion with new modes and characters for MK8DX alongside the 4K/RTX patch for Drake).
Not that I don't think it will be doomed or Wii to Wii U like, or painful as Wii U to Switch if it's 2024, mind you, as... This fiscal year will be a drop compared to 2020 and 2021, but probably still higher than 2017, 2018, 2019, and even the highest selling FY of the PS4. Next year can be a drop beyond that, but won't be a huge huge one as we have Zelda and more to come, maybe mainline Mario, so it's gonna still be at least 15m+.
It makes sense. The past few years have shown it was not the best time to start manufacturing and shipping brand new hardware.
I agree. I will not buy a new Switch before a real upgrade though. I hope the hardware they end up releasing feels like a big upgrade. And skipping a "pro" version might strengthen that feeling.
I really can't handle 3 more years of articles and clickbait portraying Switch as outdated tech.
looks at Steam Deck

Um, it is kinda outdated, no?

Which is not to say that there is a right answer to POWAH vs. battery life/etc., but something can be outdated, and that doesn't make it bad.

It's okay that the Switch's flaws w/r/t frame rate or whatever are pointed out. Doesn't make me enjoy the machine any less.
If true, this goes back to people roasting leakers online. How can you claim a leak is wrong just because it doesn't come to fruition? If you ever worked a job, you know that ideas and shit are always tossed around, some end up going to market and others do not. I'm glad to know this at least a concept of some sort, and will wait for the true successor to launch.

What leaks, though?
With the exception of the dev kit rumours over a year ago (?) - which most likely would have been for the cancelled "pro" model which the OLED took the place of - there hasn't been anything indicating that there is a new Switch imminent.

I'm aware of the "Dane/Drake", but a very brief look in the Upcoming Hardware thread itself indicated that people don't even know the process node of the thing, which seems to indicate to me that there have been no leaks or rumours regarding its actual manufacturing.

People on here seemed really convinced that a new Switch was imminent, without - as far as I'm aware - any leaks or rumours indicating it was coming, and instead, a wealth of indicators to the contrary (Splatoon 3, Mario Kart DLC, etc.).

I feel like people keep reaching for the clown makeup again and again, and they don't need reasons to do it.

I could be wrong, I'm not following this stuff religiously, but I even asked the question "why is everyone so convinced a new Switch is coming", and the answer I got didn't seem to indicate I've missed anything.
Expecting Switch 2 for 2023/ToK is pure copium at this point tbh

The Switch is still selling super well and shortages/COVID no doubt slowed things down a bunch. Nintendo can easily manage for another year like this.
Nintendo is really weird and very hard to predict.
On one hand, except they have 3D Mario for the holidays, there's literally no other big enough title to launch it with and TotK.
On the other hand... "Summer" isn't really known for being a very good hardware launch timing...(Saturn, N64 and Game Cube were in that timeframe). Don't know if they'd release hardware in May.
To me, the hopium would be Metroid Prime Remake being announced for march and Drake announced to come in the same day weeks later(like Dread announced for October 8th in June then OLED announced for the same day in July). But... Bayonetta Origins was announced at the march title, and they ain't releasing next gen hardware with that. The last hope would be an April release, but if they would already not release in February or March like traditionally, might was well release with Zelda.
I see one or two of the following coming next year to ride the hype of the movie: 2D Mario, 3D Mario or DK. I think it's gonna be 3D Mario, holiday season. Would be cross gen because they'd want everyone on board and get as many copies sold as possible. OG Switch owners would buy it, Drake owners would buy it, non-Switch owners would either buy a Drake to play it or buy an OG/OLED/Lite for their children that watched the movie and for themselves to play it. I'm serious, it would be Pokémon/Smash levels of madness on how frontloaded it would be. It's gonna be one of the best looking Switch games ever as it's done with it in mind, and also one of the best looking Drake games because it will have much room for enhancements. Think of GoW Ragnarok and Horizon Forbidden West, stunning games, take advantage of all PS5 features but are amazing looking and playing on regular PS4 still.
All this absurdity for the last couple years about a Switch Pro amounted to nothing then. Losses should've been cut on this rumor after the OLED reveal.
Following the hardware speculation thread, most people seem to be anticipating a generational successor, not a "Switch Pro"?

Like, the Switch is six years old in like two months. That's "new hardware generation" time by Nintendo standards, not "mid-gen refresh"
I guess this is what would've happened with the Dane chip from a while back, and some of the reports on that got conflated with the Drake chip that would also have been in development. DLSS was likely always intended for Drake, while OLED inherited the other hardware improvements and became more of a Switch SP than a New Switch
Yeah, I have a real hard time believing we'll have to wait until holiday 2024 for the next 3d Mario, and I don't think there's any way they release hardware after 3d Mario.

So I'm expecting either a launch in May with Zelda, holiday with Mario, or next spring with Mario.
This is pretty much in line with what I was expecting. Just total speculation on my part, but I'm feeling that 2023 might be the Switch's last full year, and 2024 will see the launch of the "Switch 2" or whatever the next system will be. I think we're completely out of the window where a hardware revision would make sense and I think a total successor is more imminent than some people might think.
Daily reminder that the entire "Pro/Successor" debate can absolutely just come down to how the device is marketed regardless of specs.
Yeah, I have a real hard time believing we'll have to wait until holiday 2024 for the next 3d Mario, and I don't think there's any way they release hardware after 3d Mario.

So I'm expecting either a launch in May with Zelda, holiday with Mario, or next spring with Mario.
Finally someone said it. Launching successor in holiday 2023 with Mario makes the most sense.
How does this stack up against the latest news in the hardware thread?

I'm also confused as to when this mid-generation model would have launched, unless it was planned instead of OLED for 2021? Do they mention a timeframe for it?

I can't imagine Nintendo targeted 2023 as the release year for a mid-gen refresh. 2023 would also be a little too late for a 'mid-gen refresh', which is why I was expecting them to launch something that might be marketed as part of the Switch family even if it was functionally a next generation upgrade. Plus, Nintendo are pretty firmly set on refreshing their hardware range every 2 years.
I'm kinda confused too... Maybe they once planned OLED to be 4K compatible or have like a Tegra X1+ or something?
What we know for a while is that apparently due to data minings back in 2019 there were codes for what the V2, Lite and OLED would be, and besides that what Drake will be.
Seems like OLED in 2021 was always the plan too, wouldn't make sense to release that earlier nor later.
What could've happened is Drake being expected to release in late 2022 alongside TotK, but ended up with both being delayed independently and, apparently, Drake being delayed even further.
Anyways I just hope, and this time trust Nintendo, to have soft transition with years of cross gen.

People sometimes act like that would hold games back or make games be "unplayable" on current Switch and honestly idk even why.
Horizon Forbidden West is made with PS5 in mind and still looks stunning on base PS4. God of War Ragnarok is apparently made with PS4 in mind, is one of the best looking games available still, the PS5 enhancements make it look like it was done for that machine too. Only differences are resolution and framerate. I mean, if GoW, a hack and slash game, the genre most people act like non-60FPS is unplayable, is still pretty good looking and even at 30FPS plays amazingly on base PS4, I don't know really why Nintendo fans act like a possible full open world 3D Mario being 30FPS would ruin the experience on base Switch(it didn't ruin BotW, despite that one even having severe drops in some areas). Also, curiously, performance mode on PS4 Pro looks even more unstable 60 FPS than Bayo 3 on Switch. But I bet that everyone that didn't buy a PS5 is pretty happy playing it on their base models and Pros despite the 1/4 resolution (I think DF didn't tell the resolution on PS5, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's not native 4K on that either), being 30 FPS on PS4 or very unstable 30-60FPS never reaching 60 on PS4 Pro. Just like I would be happy if I get to play a visually impressive(LM3 level) open world Mario and it's 30FPS on Switch.
Kinda read this as "Switch upgrade with beefed up specs is no longer happening". We'll definitely get something this year, Nintendo releases one handheld iteration every two year. But it won't be a "spec bump" like everyone once anticipated. Switch XXL? Switch Micro? Switch Vertical (GBC like)?
Yeah, it's an unpopular opinion I'm sure but I agree. I think we get a new switch model in 2023 but it won't be a switch pro or 2 (and people will be pissed again). Maybe like a switch lite oled or something and then I think a proper switch 2 is coming 2024/25.
from my understanding, loose as it may be, the 2022 - 2023 device is the cancelled product in question
Jesus Christ if Nintendo has some huge loss next IR meeting we'll know why. R&D for Drake took years and surely involved a ton of money. If they cancelled the product that was supposed to come in late 2022-early 2023(and I mean actually cancelling Drake, not delaying it to 2024 or later), it's gonna be a loss that I don't even think of how many dollars.

People that follow the future hardware speculation thread will be more understanding of the situation than me, but from leaks/dataminings, how long of a R&D are we talking about? 2019 there were stuff found on dataminings already for something else beyond the V1/V2/Lite/OLED, how long was Nvidia developing the ship and how long was Nintendo developing the hardware?
Jesus Christ if Nintendo has some huge loss next IR meeting we'll know why. R&D for Drake took years and surely involved a ton of money. If they cancelled the product that was supposed to come in late 2022-early 2023(and I mean actually cancelling Drake, not delaying it to 2024 or later), it's gonna be a loss that I don't even think of how many dollars.

People that follow the future hardware speculation thread will be more understanding of the situation than me, but from leaks/dataminings, how long of a R&D are we talking about? 2019 there were stuff found on dataminings already for something else beyond the V1/V2/Lite/OLED, how long was Nvidia developing the ship and how long was Nintendo developing the hardware?
ostensibly the cancelled device is not the drake from the nvidia hack. but afaik there's no sign of another device in the hack so it's all up in the air
See, if you spread rumours about upgraded hardware and then spread rumours about said hardware being retracted, you’re always going to be right!

It’s the Metroid Prime Trilogy HD strategy!
It was John and his specific words were:

"At one point" so no specific timeframe but the way DF is talking about the Switch, I don't think they mean mid-gen as in 'right now', since they also talk about the Switch losing some momentum and reaching the end of its life. My assumption is sometime in 2019-2020.
I don't think those years were ever in the cards for Nintendo. 2019 had the first ever Pokémon new gen on a home console, and they made sure to release Lite right before that and Animal Crossing (which got delayed to Q12020), so a cheaper model focused on handheld players, children, etc would be available for those audiences that would get to the roof with Pokémon Sw/Sh.
That same year it had the V2 with more battery life, which was a replacement.
Hardware definitely wouldn't come in 2020, I don't even see any game ever planned to come in that year that would be a good launch title for it(ACNH was its own thing that would sell regardless and if anything bump more Lite and OG), with the sole exception of Monster Hunter Rise, that COVID or not might've been planned as 2021 for all we know. If it was that one, they wouldn't miss March alongside MHR and right after Bowser's Fury to put it out.

A big IF but if at one point (like by early 2021) they planned Zelda as Q1 2022, maybe they'd release Drake with it and not release OLED at all, or released Drake with Dread.

Then there's the classical speculation that it would be September-November 2022 alongside either Zelda or MPR, but none of those happened.

Now, apparently, it's not happening with Zelda in 2023 either... :(
Well, guessing one of my predictions will come true for 2023; it will be the year with the first rumours about the Switch 2.

Was always expecting Switch 2 to hit 2024.
I mean, with a combination of COVID, componant shortages and the base model still selling insanely well I can totally see why Nintendo would hit the brakes on a refreshed Switch. Just seems like the stars didn't align for it, nor did they need to align for it.

Definitely still think 2024 is the likeliest time we'll see the new Nintendo console, in keeping with my thoughts from other threads. 2023 could happen, but I'd advise against expecting it to happen next year.
I assumed as much when I got an OLED this year and everything about was a noticeable improvement...except the Tegra X1 was the same.
I feel by the time the way more demanding games that probably will also make huge advantages of Drake like 3D Mario and MP4 come, they'll find a way to do soft overclocks of Switch, or make that solution of BotW on Wii U to dedicate more RAM to the game and way less to the OS/UI to get those running acceptably on OG models.

And also I'm not gonna be mad if, say, the next 3D Mario is like 720p but has TAAU/480 handheld also featuring TAAU, or if they go the radical road of 1080p30 to get it looking Luigi's Mansion 3 level, gimme gimme baby.
I really can't handle 3 more years of articles and clickbait portraying Switch as outdated tech.
Just because you'll have at least 4 years of forum posts and YouTube comments calling every game an unplayable mass, saying everything on Switch 2 is being held back by Switch cross gen, and then 5 years of articles calling Switch 2 2017 tech.
What leaks, though?
With the exception of the dev kit rumours over a year ago (?) - which most likely would have been for the cancelled "pro" model which the OLED took the place of - there hasn't been anything indicating that there is a new Switch imminent.

I'm aware of the "Dane/Drake", but a very brief look in the Upcoming Hardware thread itself indicated that people don't even know the process node of the thing, which seems to indicate to me that there have been no leaks or rumours regarding its actual manufacturing.

People on here seemed really convinced that a new Switch was imminent, without - as far as I'm aware - any leaks or rumours indicating it was coming, and instead, a wealth of indicators to the contrary (Splatoon 3, Mario Kart DLC, etc.).

I feel like people keep reaching for the clown makeup again and again, and they don't need reasons to do it.

I could be wrong, I'm not following this stuff religiously, but I even asked the question "why is everyone so convinced a new Switch is coming", and the answer I got didn't seem to indicate I've missed anything.

Many leakers said the OLED was supposed to be the beefier revision. Even Bloomberg had articles about it.
Had a feeling. I honestly think the Switch OLED was supposed to be the Pro at one point, but was canned. Likely has to do with the pandemic

You mean 2024. Would be shocked if we heard anything about it before E3.
If the console is 2024 you're not gonna hear about it until October 2023 on a single trailer at the absolute earliest, and E3 2023 will have its full lineup revealed as Switch games that will turn cross gen, including spotlights on the next 3D Mario and Metroid Prime 4, playable on booth, the base Switch versions, and everyone will like it.
Based Nintendo, giving me extra time to clean up my Switch backlog before dropping new hardware.

If only they knew what a fruitless endeavor that is...
2024 Next gen alongside Dragon Quest XII The Prophecy is coming true Pog
I don't think that one is gonna skip Switch OG tbh.
They basically made an enhanced remaster that was basically handcrafting remodeling XI so it would run and look great on Switch and have additional content. Idk if we have additional numbers but I'm pretty sure Switch version sold really, REALLY great despite coming 2 years later.
The 3DS version that's basically another game sold more than the PS4 version in Japan.

I wouldn't be surprised, like, at all if DQXII is being made with Switch/Drake in mind(even tho it's gonna be multiplat). CC FFVII Reunion looks like it's a direct port looking exactly the same as modern platforms if you don't make a side by side comparison. And it's a game that is 30FPS even on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X. And it does look super great. The whole thing with them going for a darker tone might indicate they can do stuff in less open ended segments while having a lot of detail(think of how great LM3 looks going for smaller areas and fixed camera against Super Mario Odyssey that's open ended and 60FPS, or Kingdom Battle compared to Sparks of Hope).
That same year it had the V2 with more battery life, which was a replacement.
One of my hypotheses is that if Mariko had satisfied their performance requirements, they would have released a 'Pro' with this chip instead of the V2 and position it as a New 3DS style replacement. Or just release the Lite in 2019 and push Mariko Pro to 2020, which would match the 3 year gap between the 3DS and New 3DS. Not current Mariko but a hypothetical 'better' Mariko along with more memory bandwidth, better speakers, etc.

Alternatively, after Nvidia demo'd DLSS to Nintendo in 2019-2020 they scrapped whatever plans they had with Mariko and started working on a Tegra Xavier Switch Pro with DLSS so they could create a more compelling mid-gen refresh capable of 4K. But when Xavier didn't meet their requirements for power consumption they moved to Orin and that's the chip we ended up with now (Drake). Since Drake is a big leap over the current Switch they shelved the Switch Pro idea and moved on to developing it as a next-gen console.

Both are just guesses of course, my attempts to reconcile the info.
900p (at best) Tears of the Kingdom will be painful though.
Don't think 900p is that bad tbh. Played a big part of BotW on a 50" TV and it looked super great, no visible aliasing or anything like that.
Tbh most open world games that aren't cross gen and a lot of PS4/XBO only games are 900p and still are known for looking great.
TotK looks like it has a good amount of new tech features that are more common in late PS4/XBO games tho, I recommended everyone to watch the video on GameXplain analysing the graphics of the 2019 teaser and how it improves over BotW.
They ain't gonna sacrifice image quality for all of those features to be included, so, here's the deal:
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is a marvelous tech achievement, it features stuff on animation, real time CG, reflections, particles, poly counts, draw distance and etc that even PS4/XBO struggle to have games that look this good as an example (that's just not to bring Luigi's Mansion 3 to the discussion again lol), BUT, at the cost of its resolution... BUT, there's another but, which is TAAU. Digital Foundry themselves mentioned how it looks like real 1080p when the actual resolution would be 540p. So it can be done.
Either native 1080p, or dynamic res with TAAU for reconstructed 1080p or native 900p with the graphical leap from BotW will make me happy tbh. Let's keep in mind too that it's a game with more than 5 years of development on a Nintendo critically acclaimed series, so we ain't getting a Pokémon Scarlet and Violet situation in any possibility.
In the end people who expected a more standard console generation into transition from Nintendo seem to be closer to the target of what's going to happen than those that got swept up in the minutiae of the rumor mill. They aren't redefining life cycles or pursuing an iPhone style upgrade model. It's likely to be a continuation of Nintendo's historical tradition of an integrated hardware-software model that they've continued to speak of in meetings with investors.
Except Switch is a hybrid, and transitions from one handheld generation to the other were never the same as the home console ones.
Also market has changed and Nintendo's competitors have changed.
Cross gen happened even on Nintendo's flop to successful transitions, even exclusive game launches after the successors were released happened, moreso in handheld but nonetheless.
With the size of the active install base of OG Switch, the record break after record break software sales(Splatoon 3 becoming the fastest selling game ever released in Japan, then Pokémon Scarlet and Violet breaking that record two months after, and also breaking the record of fastest selling exclusive game ever), the possibility this hardware comes after Zelda, tells me expecting something like a 3D Mario launching in late 2023 or early 2024 not coming to OG Switch almost unbelievable to me.
Daily reminder that the entire "Pro/Successor" debate can absolutely just come down to how the device is marketed regardless of specs.
This. And also the daily reminder that even true successors like PS5 and Xbox Series have a lot of games that use the same SKU as the PS4/XBO and that last gen consoles are gonna get cross gen games until 2024 lol.
Late 2024. Early 2024 Belongs to Prime 4
See, I was one of those mad people that expected Prime 4 in 2019 when it was revealed in 2017(turns out 2019/2020 really was the plan of the canned version). Then I was one of the mad ones that hoped for a holiday 2021 release after the reboot announcement (I mean 3 years of development seemed fine). Then I was one of those called mad for believing it was holiday 2023(which at some point was the expected release year). Now that we're entering 2023 knowing the lineup of January to May, and March was given to Bayonetta Origins, and there's still no sign of Metroid Prime Remake...
I came to the painful conclusion that... MP4 is coming October 2024 :(
I don’t understand how a rumor, from the same source that claimed TotK E3 2021 teaser was running on a more powerful hardware than a Switch, that claims Nintendo planned a Switch Pro revision at one point, became a Switch successor for 2024 thread.

I’d love to read about sources, leaks or anything that make people be so sure about a 2024 release for the next hardware because I’m honestly missing.
I don't think that one is gonna skip Switch OG tbh.
They basically made an enhanced remaster that was basically handcrafting remodeling XI so it would run and look great on Switch and have additional content. Idk if we have additional numbers but I'm pretty sure Switch version sold really, REALLY great despite coming 2 years later.
The 3DS version that's basically another game sold more than the PS4 version in Japan.

I wouldn't be surprised, like, at all if DQXII is being made with Switch/Drake in mind(even tho it's gonna be multiplat). CC FFVII Reunion looks like it's a direct port looking exactly the same as modern platforms if you don't make a side by side comparison. And it's a game that is 30FPS even on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X. And it does look super great. The whole thing with them going for a darker tone might indicate they can do stuff in less open ended segments while having a lot of detail(think of how great LM3 looks going for smaller areas and fixed camera against Super Mario Odyssey that's open ended and 60FPS, or Kingdom Battle compared to Sparks of Hope).
True but that does not align with my prophecy...

More serious answer: While I think you could absolutely be right I would personally just prefer them making a more next gen Dragon Quest, with it coming out 2024 at the earliest. I also think they want the game to be on everything (much like FF VII Crisis Core Reunion which you've mentioned), and having a 2017 Switch version vs a PS5 version would suck for me as I'd want the technically superior version but also handheld mode. Actually also kind of a problem for me regarding Crisis Core lol

The other thing is them being weird about the platforms. If the game will come to Switch 2017 why not just say the game will be on Switch and the other major platforms or something. Could just be them not wanting to commit that early but idk. I also do not think the game will be less open, that doesn't really make sense to me.

All in all I would just prefer them to work with the newest tech possible without having to think about the 2017 Switch. Even DQXI had some compromises despite the version being great.
Well that's probably the nail in the coffin of Switch having a chance to reach PS2/NDS numbers.
Watch that sucessor coming in 2024, still having mostly cross gen games and OG Switch being marketed as a budget/entrance model for those that can't afford the new one or as a model to buy for your kid that just want to play Pokémon, OG Switch sales, while decreasing, still manage to sell like more than 10m even that year, more millions on the years to come, and boom, you have exactly the PS2 lol.

It's funny because it's all about who didn't make the jump to the next gen. Sports games didn't leave PS2 until 2013. Minor budget games didn't leave PS2 until like 2010. JRPGs stayed on PS2 for a while after PS3 came out too. Also we had PS3 and Xbox 360 having their souls revived right before PS4 XBO came out with GTA V.

Even if it was a traditional Nintendo transition where its launch title is either exclusive or a swan song to the previous console, Switch will be safe, because, let's say it comes in late 2023 already as a next gen: we'll still have Metroid Prime 4 by late 2024; probably, a new Pokémon remake by late 2024; also probably, a new Pokémon generation in 2025 with high odds of being cross gen too, not to forget a new Legends entry somewhere between 2023-2025.

The other thing is: AA japanese games and indies aren't going anywhere, they've found their home on the Switch and will continue here as long as there are people buying them, and there will be for a while. Also, it's not like there's many of them that would only run on Drake, so they'd just release it on Switch, Drake would be compatible and enhance resolution, and they have both worlds.

Only thing that will stop Switch from selling is Nintendo discontinuing it. Which might take awhile.
PS2 has another thing about it...
The best selling console on the biggest market is the DS(US).
The sales of PS2 on the less privileged world were big. Latin America mainly, I can say that living in Brazil. Everybody has/had a PS2. And guess what: the absolute majority of us only got to buy one after PS3 came out. I got mine like 4 or 5 years after PS3 released lol and know a ton of friends that bought way after that. Switch has an amazing library so people buying it after price drops just to play its catalogue and the minor games coming after a new console comes is natural.
Xbox 360 in Brazil sold tons and tons after One came out too, and PS3 only got to a level where it was possible for anybody to buy it here way after PS4 came.

Switch is hitting this level of becoming a more popular thing here and having an """accessible price"""(which is not accessible in anyway as it's two salaries) by now.

I'm saying it: even if Switch 2 is a Wii U-Switch like transition (which, let's face it, it won't be), the only thing that can stop Switch from hitting PS2/DS level is Nintendo stopping to make it. Which doesn't seem likely, putting a platform that's 400-450$ as their only option in the marketing and killing the previous 200-300$ options would be a risk they definitely don't want to make.
See, I was one of those mad people that expected Prime 4 in 2019 when it was revealed in 2017(turns out 2019/2020 really was the plan of the canned version). Then I was one of the mad ones that hoped for a holiday 2021 release after the reboot announcement (I mean 3 years of development seemed fine). Then I was one of those called mad for believing it was holiday 2023(which at some point was the expected release year). Now that we're entering 2023 knowing the lineup of January to May, and March was given to Bayonetta Origins, and there's still no sign of Metroid Prime Remake...
I came to the painful conclusion that... MP4 is coming October 2024 :(
Nah, late 2023 is Prime Remake followed 6-8 months later by Prime 4. Assuming Retro started development in late 2018, that's 5.5 years of development. Discounting one year of delay due to the pandemic and I'd say they'd about ready to ship.
True but that does not align with my prophecy...

More serious answer: While I think you could absolutely be right I would personally just prefer them making a more next gen Dragon Quest, with it coming out 2024 at the earliest. I also think they want the game to be on everything (much like FF VII Crisis Core Reunion which you've mentioned), and having a 2017 Switch version vs a PS5 version would suck for me as I'd want the technically superior version but also handheld mode. Actually also kind of a problem for me regarding Crisis Core lol

The other thing is them being weird about the platforms. If the game will come to Switch 2017 why not just say the game will be on Switch and the other major platforms or something. Could just be them not wanting to commit that early but idk. I also do not think the game will be less open, that doesn't really make sense to me.

All in all I would just prefer them to work with the newest tech possible without having to think about the 2017 Switch. Even DQXI had some compromises despite the version being great.
Oh yeah I understand that. I think Crisis Core is a pretty great looking game and has everything a modern/current gen game needs, and on a positive note, being that scalable to run on everything makes the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions even more stellar as they're locked 4K and 60FPS, so you still get next gen vibes on it.

We have yet to see what UE5 can do and specially what it can do on the Switch, but hey, let's get excited for what surprises that might bring to the table!

I think the game being a hell of a looker but having actual resolution of 540p but using TAAU so it looks like 1080p(just like Xenoblade Chronicles 3), maybe using Switch as its platform of choice they can still do wonders(tbh I think BotW is more technically impressive than DQ XI on PS4), then the game can be full 4K60 on PS5 and Xbox Series X, maybe have performance mode or dynamic 1080-1440p and 120FPS, who knows.

To me Overwatch 2 and CC FFVII Reunion show how scalable an engine can be and how you can highlight next gen stuff like higher resolutions, frame rates, RTX and so on, while also having that same game on a way weaker platform that is still a looker.

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