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PlayStation ASTRO BOT releases for PS5 on September 6, 2024

It's not "bizarre". It's just a good, fun game that oozes charm, like the Mario games. It's the first thing I felt when I played the first VR game. I thought it's Mario in VR, in PlayStation! Felt fantastic.

Then came the PS5 game and the feeling was still the same. Still had the same charm, and I wanted more of it. And I wished it wasn't a pack-in game, and it came physically. And they basically, literally are just going to give us that! I can't be any happier!
The bizarre part is the defensiveness over criticism of the game's aesthetic. Also, it's not out yet. No one here is saying it plays bad.
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Man, people are very angry to see that a thing that was here before… is still here. I totally expected this ! Like… why is this a massive problems to you guys ? This is Astro Bot, not Turrican : Geoff Keighley and the Doritos Dew.

It’s just characters here and there that are in the levels because, strap yourselves, Astro lives in the OS of the hardware ! Wow, who knew !
The bizarre part is the defensiveness over criticism of the game's aesthetic. Also, it's not out yet. No one here is saying it plays bad.
Well, from that pov, I guess it's equally bizarre some are outright dismissive of it.

I don't know if it's "defensiveness", and I can't speak for others, but for me it's rather more "baffling", since some of the posts I've read couldn't be any further from the truth from what I've experienced of the 2 games I've played. And this one looks to be more of the same.

I for one enjoy the new mascot and the PS celebration. Why not? It's well deserved 5 gens in. I'd feel exactly the same if Nintendo does it. In fact, I've been longing for it. Not Smash, but a mix of Mario and Zelda worlds, with all the Nintendo heroes and enemies.
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I personally couldn't justify spending this many thoughts on a game I'm not interested in but using Famiboards is free, I guess.
Seems like maybe characters will be rescued in a similar fashion to the dragons from Spyro? 150 is a shitload. This game will be massive.

Hope they have some third party characters so we can have Astro with the iconic hat worn by Adrian Pearce from Ubisoft's hit-series Watch Dogs (stylized as Watch_Dogs).
Hope they have some third party characters so we can have Astro with the iconic hat worn by Adrian Pearce from Ubisoft's hit-series Watch Dogs (stylized as Watch_Dogs).
Him and Jason Drape from Shadow Guardian would be a welcome surprise. Love this basic bootleg bloke. Please Sony, just show as many third parties as possible some love.


Hope they have some third party characters so we can have Astro with the iconic hat worn by Adrian Pearce from Ubisoft's hit-series Watch Dogs (stylized as Watch_Dogs).
Excuse me Dardan, that character with the very iconic hat is named Aiden Pearce. How could we ever forget with a hat that iconic. lol
this thread is bad vibes all around, damn
Lemme help with that as I have yet to comment on the announcement itself:




I ain't kidding either. So glad to see Team Asobi put out such a chunky successor to Playroom!
I mean, 150 is a lot when you think about it. There's surely gotta be some 3rd parties in there. Even if you get 2-3 characters from each of Playstation's IP, I imagine you're still left with a lot left (unless I'm totally lowballing that estimation).
I mean, 150 is a lot when you think about it. There's surely gotta be some 3rd parties in there. Even if you get 2-3 characters from each of Playstation's IP, I imagine you're still left with a lot left (unless I'm totally lowballing that estimation).
50 characters and 100 Ape Escape apes
Why? They delayed because of this game?
It was a bad faith/shitpost on his part. He’s showed up on my Twitter timeline through other people’s retweets, and I’ve never found him funny. On the game itself, it’s something I would like PlayStation to do more of. I just hope the controls won’t be floaty, and that they nail the jump mechanics. Still unsure about the character, too. The design is hardly endearing, and I don’t see much personality… BUT it is a relatively young IP, so, perhaps we’ll see more in future entries. Or throughout the gameplay. Unless I stay at my brother’s for some time, I don’t know that I’ll get to play this in the near future, but if it’s ported to PC some time, that would be cool.
With this ending the State of Play, do you all think this will be Sony's year-end, first-party holiday title for 2024? Spider-Man 2 (2023) released in October, while God of War: Ragnarok (2022) released in November, so September seems a bit early. However, with it seeming likely and rumored that Sony's next presentation would be around September i.e. in the TGS window (maybe for a PS5 Pro reveal?) and Sony not generally casually revealing their major titles outside of presentations (as far as I recall), I have a hard time imagining when they would announce their big holiday 2024 title unless they saved it for SGF. I also don't remember any big second-/third-party exclusives planned for this holiday unless it's Silent Hill 2?

Could it be a holiday of Astro Bot, PS5 Pro, Silent Hill 2, the big third-party games (Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed), and any games that get heavily marketed PS5 Pro updates?

Just curious how much PlayStation will be pushing this game and if this is seen as a potential turning point for the franchise. It is a full game not tied to a peripheral (PSVR), so the path is being paved for that possibility.
Until Dawn remaster will likely be later, though obviously not a big game. They already said there won't be a "big game" till FY25 tho

I don't get why we're complaining about Astro Bot not being Sackboy when we already had a Sackboy platformer this generation and no one bought it.
Yeah I find it a pretty funny complaint considering they already gave Sackboy a shot this gen and that Mm is still making new games. I don't understand this obsession about how IP have to live forever and can't just be something good that happened and ended.
Until Dawn remaster will likely be later, though obviously not a big game. They already said there won't be a "big game" till FY25 tho

Yeah I find it a pretty funny complaint considering they already gave Sackboy a shot this gen and that Mm is still making new games. I don't understand this obsession about how IP have to live forever and can't just be something good that happened and ended.
Ah, you're right: I forgot about the Until Dawn remaster. Because that's also launching on PC, I guess I'm seeing that more like a God of War: Ragnarok late PC release that's happening to get a new PS5 SKU rather than as a big exclusive, but maybe it's more similar to Helldivers II or Concord. I might also dismiss it because the remaster didn't look that impressive to me (it may be significantly better than the original and I'm forgetting), but that's not a great reason to discount a game being the game Sony pushes this holiday. Horror fans should be served well on PS5 this holiday season.
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Did they need to? I just assumed that they'll both be $70.
70 for Concord would make it a non starter at least for PC which I assume Sony wants to get a good launch to ensure some kind of legs.

As for Astrobot, 70 might hurt its chance of successful sales. Even a long running franchise like Ratchet and Clank can barely break 3 millions unit sales on PS5. And Rescue Mission was around 1 million.
70 for Concord would make it a non starter at least for PC which I assume Sony wants to get a good launch to ensure some kind of legs.

As for Astrobot, 70 might hurt its chance of successful sales. Even a long running franchise like Ratchet and Clank can barely break 3 millions unit sales on PS5. And Rescue Mission was around 1 million.
doubt they'd go much higher than helldivers 2. That was $40, right?
doubt they'd go much higher than helldivers 2. That was $40, right?
I was thinking between either 50 or 60 but maybe Helldivers 2 will encourage them to go lower since this is gonna be a GaaS that should make its money back with microtransactions. Unless they think it's not gonna perform as strongly as anticipated so they'll try to get as much as possible out of every sales at 70 which would probably be a mistake.

Some cruel pre-order bonuses!
they are early unlocks according to the PS Blog and not exclusively tied to the preorders

Sadly it looks like they're always gonna make those a big Playstation advertisement rather than a franchise that stands on its own.
It didn't bother me too much in Playroom since it's a pack-in game, but for a first full fledged game i find it more off-putting for sure.
Not gonna lie, it bothers me that people think this is the first full fledged Astro Bot game when Rescue Mission exists. Playroom was a tech demo, Rescue Mission very much wasn't.
Not gonna lie, it bothers me that people think this is the first full fledged Astro Bot game when Rescue Mission exists. Playroom was a tech demo, Rescue Mission very much wasn't.
Funnily, calling Playroom a tech demo is underselling it as well. It's longer than some full Kirby games!
Funnily, calling Playroom a tech demo is underselling it as well. It's longer than some full Kirby games!
True, but at least I get that perspective given that it was a pack-in title made to show off the controller. But Rescue Mission was a full game. Heck, even the bosses shown in the trailer are all from it! We shouldn't discount a game because of what it was on.
I really enjoyed Playroom and going from the trailer I think I'll really like this too (the charm is through the roof), but there's a part of me that wishes they could have pushed this in VR.

Rescue Mission was truly a revelation and easily the best 3D platformer I'd played in a loooong while when it came out, mainly thanks to how it used being in a VR space - I still dig out my PSVR on occasion just to give it a whirl.

Mario Bros. is not a celebration or brand advertisement. Smash Bros. and Mario Kart are - they only exist as spin-offs of well established titles with their own long standing identities. This is Astro Bot’s debut full scale title. This is not Astro taking part in a multi franchise fighting or racing title that has an Astro themed level.

If you don’t see why these are false equivalencies I can’t help you. I didn’t say it won’t be fun, but this is not what I personally hoped Astro Bot would be. Perhaps they decided this was the franchises best chance at relevance with PlayStation audiences, but I think it’s a bit shit.
What game is Smash Bros a spin off of exactly?
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Those games have personality.

Astro's Playroom was a decent tech demo of the PS5 hardware but was completely unimpressive from a presentation standpoint. Use of nostalgia isn't a bad thing in and of itself, but the method the game employs it feels so cold and clinical that there's no charm to it. The most creative point in the game is the use of the PS1 tech demo Tyrannosaurus as the final boss, and even that gets completely undercut by a second phase that is utterly devoid of that charm.

I am not paying $70 for more of that.
When I played it on VR I kept thinking “this is what people are saying is the Mario 64 moment for VR?…”

The VR game and the pack in game are… serviceable 3D platformers. I can’t help but feel if it was released by anyone other than Sony it would get about 5% of the attention it gets. I felt exactly the same about Crash, Spyro and Sackboy. They’re all fine games but critically / fan boosted by being Sony exclusives.

Some Mario games are obviously the same but there’s no denying Mario has been the star of at least 10 of the greatest games ever made.
Honestly brilliant move on Sony's end to not release any games this year so that people are actually excited to pay for Astro's Playroom 2. Any other year and nobody would have cared.

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