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PlayStation ASTRO BOT releases for PS5 on September 6, 2024

damn they made Super Mario for hardware fanfiction

looks like it's probably fun to play! but between the familiarity of some of the setup multiplied by "hey look it's a playstation" multiplied by "hey look at all the licenses we own" has me kinda... sour on it.

like. how do I put this?

I'm glad another platformer exists. the team seems to have poured love into it. no matter what similarities it has to other things — good, who cares, give the PSheads a hoppin' fuckarounder.

there's just a core shred of the notion of the exercise that has me like damn. alright. why though. is this not an opportunity to give us a world? at what point does "behold: refráhnce" choke out new bloom?
Yeah, it's weird...the gameplay looks fun. Some aspects of the visuals and design do remind me a lot of Mario (which is fine!), but then there's this PlayStation tribute to the whole thing that I feel very disconnected from. PS4 was my first PlayStation, and I now own a PS5. I don't have any real brand attachment to the hardware or most of Sony's characters, so I don't get excited seeing the retooled consoles/controllers and costumes. I think they'd have gotten me more if they'd just filled everything with original concepts not so firmly attached to PlayStation. For example, Ratchet & Clank's designs and levels more immediately appeal to me, and Sackboy: A Big Adventure also spoke to me more with its visuals when I first saw it. I get that it's probably fun for the team to reimagine Sony hardware like this and that there are 100s of millions of people who grew up on PlayStation. So, this game's visuals probably just aren't meant for ME.

I'll definitely want to check this out because I'm sure it's going to be an amazing game. I just wish I were more eager to.

(Also not a huuuuge fan of the mechanical aesthetic, but as a lover of Kirby: Planet Robobot, albeit not necessarily for the aesthetic, I know I can be persuaded.)

P.S.: More 3D platformers is a good thing in my book, and I'm glad another platform holder is pushing one with a decent budget. Your turn, Microsoft!
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Absolutely insane to me that we're arguing how sterile Astro Bot is when one of the most prolific arguments on this forum is whether Nintendo will allow its developers to put outfits on Koopas in Mario games
Or getting mad it using dead ips when stuff like Smash or fuckin' Nintendo Land exists
It’s good to see big budget 3D platformers like this. Whether you like the game or not, it’s good for all of us because if it’s successful, then it raises the chances of more big budget games of this nature getting greenlit in the future. Hoping for the best here.

Also, it looks really freakin’ amazing! Very colorful, creative, and fun. Day one come September 6th!
Absolutely insane to me that we're arguing how sterile Astro Bot is when one of the most prolific arguments on this forum is whether Nintendo will allow its developers to put outfits on Koopas in Mario games
This comment makes no sense ... the reason those arguments start is because people want the koopas to be less sterile lol

But yeah, Mario iconography is hardly Donkey Kong
This comment makes no sense ... the reason those arguments start is because people want the koopas to be less sterile lol

That's my whole point. A mascot that's not allowed to have a story, will always have the same bosses, cannot have unique NPCs, etc

Astro Bot being the sterile one is mind-boggling
Honestly the only thing in the State if Play that I really cared about. This announcement got me to re-download Astro's Playroom, and man, I'm excited for a full game of Astro. Just incredibly fun and well designed.

Admittedly I do kinda wish it wasn't so reference-heavy. Playroom was a neat celebration of PlayStation history, but I don't think they needed to do that again.
That's my whole point. A mascot that's not allowed to have a story, will always have the same bosses, cannot have unique NPCs, etc

Astro Bot being the sterile one is mind-boggling
But there is no contradiction there .... if people are criticizing the fact that Mario has those restrictions for the spin-offs, then where is the contradiction in also criticizing Astro Bot for being sterile? It's a big jump in logic, especially because the mainline 3D Mario games aren't like that
Are we really comparing an NES game's artwork to a modern videogame lol.

Grassroots Donkey Kong vs. 2024 AAA Sony Astro Bot.

I actually cannot believe it.
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This board is literally the only place I’ve seen anything negative said about it, bizarre. Y’all are usually so positive.

I can’t help but think the exact same trailer but with as a Nintendo exclusive with Nintendo cameos would be eliciting a very different response.
I've seen plenty of people remarking about how the fan service aspect of the game is off-putting. In the sense that it's beating you over the head with references to IP created by studios that have since been closed down by Sony and/or will never ever be touched again.

The game itself looks good, and I'll likely buy it, but the whole vibe around it between the hardware being "in the game", the overwhelming fan service, and the main character feeling like a new version of Sackboy, all feels a bit wrong and somewhat lame. It feels like Team Asobi has a lot of creative talent, that is probably being handcuffed to some degree.

If you recall back, this is part of the reason people dunked on Nintendoland years ago. It in part was "celebrating" some IP that were either dead or dying at the time.
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This board is literally the only place I’ve seen anything negative said about it, bizarre. Y’all are usually so positive.

I can’t help but think the exact same trailer but with as a Nintendo exclusive with Nintendo cameos would be eliciting a very different response.

I feel the same way somewhat. I have a friend who is obsessed with 3D platformers…. As long as it’s on a Nintendo platform. I sent him this trailer and he has nothing but negative things to say about it. To quote: “The main character is generic the other bots looked generic Astro Bot is a generic name for a game like a 5 year old came up with it.”

He thinks games like Heart Chain Kitty and its sequel looks better visually, has a better art style, is not generic at all and is more creative. To each their own and all, but I just can’t disagree more.
It feels like an eternity since I've felt a tangible amount of excitement for a Sony 1st party IP.

This game has to sell well.
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This board is literally the only place I’ve seen anything negative said about it, bizarre. Y’all are usually so positive.

I can’t help but think the exact same trailer but with as a Nintendo exclusive with Nintendo cameos would be eliciting a very different response.
That makes sense. If people on this forum have attachment to Nintendo properties but not PlayStation ones, then that seems likely. It's hard to know how each person would individually be different. However, I do not think it would be universally positive. It's the internet, after all. For any given thing online, there seems to always be the people who react positively, the people who react negatively, the people who react positively/negatively to the positive reactions, the people who react positively/negatively to the negative reactions, and the people who don't care.

I have been trying to self-analyze if my dampened reaction to Astro Bot is somehow rooted in a Nintendo bias. I do think that games like Ratchet & Clank: A Rift Apart and Sackboy: A Big Adventure both speaking to me more immediately and being higher on my "I want to play" list suggests it's at least not entirely that. Since the mechanical aesthetic in particular has been a little off-putting to me, I've been trying to remember what my first reaction to Kirby: Planet Robobot was. I think it might have been muted. I know the Wooded Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey was never something I liked very much. I also think I wouldn't like Mario as much if he were a robot.

There might be a Nintendo component—I definitely sensed some kind of irrational internal reaction at points watching the trailer—but without that, I think I'd still have my slight disappointment.

And that's the thing for me: my reaction is not enthusiastic but also not negative. I'm still interested in this game. Just not as much as I expected and hoped I would be, and that surprising gap between how I thought I'd react and how I did is what's interesting to me. Perhaps I'm not really one of the people you're talking about, though.
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I hoping Mario has a vacation planned and won't be seeing this cause this is looking hella fun, I loved the first one, the HD rumble was VERY satisfying in this game.
Compared to Mario, this game reminds me of Kirby Forgotten Land.
Yeah, I agree. After looking at the level design more and the bosses... yup. It's very similar to forgotten land. It looks even more linear actually (splatoon campaign level of linearity?) after looking at it more. They did a great job creating a hype trailer lol.

I'm sure the game will be great but it's not looking like a masterpiece or anything after watching trailer a few times. We'll see though.
I don't buy Playstations anymore but this game looks really good. I just think it is kind of funny and sad that they also include old IPs that will never see a new release anymore with the current strategy for Playstation.
All the smaller Astro bot games has had potential to be incredible 3d platformers, rivaling the very best ones. I will buy this.
Look, I just cannot, in good conscience, display any kind of negativity whenever Sony shows a cheerful-looking game. Especially one from people who have already proven themselves.
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Yeah, I agree. After looking at the level design more and the bosses... yup. It's very similar to forgotten land. It looks even more linear actually (splatoon campaign level of linearity?) after looking at it more. They did a great job creating a hype trailer lol.

I'm sure the game will be great but it's not looking like a masterpiece or anything after watching trailer a few times. We'll see though.
I do believe it will be a masterpiece. And rarely do I hype myself up like that, but Astro bot has been so close already.
I really, really hope this does well. It would show Sony that there's an audience for stuff that isn't just third person action games.
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This board is literally the only place I’ve seen anything negative said about it, bizarre. Y’all are usually so positive.

I can’t help but think the exact same trailer but with as a Nintendo exclusive with Nintendo cameos would be eliciting a very different response.
Now I know you're just making stuff up.
Yeah, I agree. After looking at the level design more and the bosses... yup. It's very similar to forgotten land. It looks even more linear actually (splatoon campaign level of linearity?) after looking at it more. They did a great job creating a hype trailer lol.

I'm sure the game will be great but it's not looking like a masterpiece or anything after watching trailer a few times. We'll see though.
Lack of gimmicks?
O hope for the best. It looks awesome. Playroom is amazing. They just need to make the same thing but much more longer.
The game looked like good fun don't get me wrong, but reflecting on it a bit more as someone who has played both games it also looked a bit like a rehash? I'm already bored of those slime enemies that you blow on to kill 1000 of them, the PS bots in costumes was already fully explored in the PS5 tech demo and I'm not seeing any more depth in the crossovers that wasn't done in that free experience and even a few of the bosses were straight from the VR game I'm sure. The game looked more like the VR game too which is fine but again I was hoping for a bit more considering Playroom had some wider areas that allowed for a bit of Oddesey-esque going off the beaten path and exploring.

Still just one trailer but I was hoping for a bit more of an evolution, this just looks like the VR game but with the bots in costumes from Playroom and without the VR element, which was considered an essential component of ABRM back in 2018.

Reading a few snippets of what the developers and Sony have said about this game makes it seem like they're going to charge £70 which is... err good luck I guess!
damn they made Super Mario for hardware fanfiction

looks like it's probably fun to play! but between the familiarity of some of the setup multiplied by "hey look it's a playstation" multiplied by "hey look at all the licenses we own" has me kinda... sour on it.

like. how do I put this?

I'm glad another platformer exists. the team seems to have poured love into it. no matter what similarities it has to other things — good, who cares, give the PSheads a hoppin' fuckarounder.

there's just a core shred of the notion of the exercise that has me like damn. alright. why though. is this not an opportunity to give us a world? at what point does "behold: refráhnce" choke out new bloom?
I couldn't have said better. There's something a bit off about it and that's the reason. That PS5 bit is a bit too much to me.its like it's not confident about its identity.
Personally, I thought this game saved the SoP for me (I guess Where Wind Meets caught my eye, too, but who the hell knows when that's coming out).

Apologies for the hyperbole, but Astrobot looks like it could be the best Nintendo game Nintendo never made, and I absolutely did not expect this from a Sony studio. Outside of possibly Ratchet and Clank, it's probably the first PS5 release that's interested me
Apologies for the hyperbole, but Astrobot looks like it could be the best Nintendo game Nintendo never made, and I absolutely did not expect this from a Sony studio.
I will never understand these takes about Astro. Hyperbole though it may be, it's just completely alien to my perception of the Astro games.
Playroom is great and I'm glad they're making a full title. I think the trailer was pretty damn good, with lots of variety and what looked like an increase in scope, so I'm happy there. I do agree that the PS branding is getting a bit much. I think it worked just fine in Playroom, with the context of it being a pack-in that both celebrated Playstation and showed off new console features. But now they're doing a full title I think they should have dropped that element and made it its own thing. It's a bit much now.

Still, I look forward to playing it.

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