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PlayStation ASTRO BOT releases for PS5 on September 6, 2024

damn they made Super Mario for hardware fanfiction

looks like it's probably fun to play! but between the familiarity of some of the setup multiplied by "hey look it's a playstation" multiplied by "hey look at all the licenses we own" has me kinda... sour on it.

like. how do I put this?

I'm glad another platformer exists. the team seems to have poured love into it. no matter what similarities it has to other things — good, who cares, give the PSheads a hoppin' fuckarounder.

there's just a core shred of the notion of the exercise that has me like damn. alright. why though. is this not an opportunity to give us a world? at what point does "behold: refráhnce" choke out new bloom?
It's almost like Super Smash Bros. to me. I just see it as a fun celebration of PlayStation history. A handful of the characters shown are ones I grew up with from prior gens, so they've got the nostalgia angle locked down. The gameplay and unique worlds themselves will obviously be the main enticing draw, and I reasonably feel they've got that stuff down pat from what they showed in the trailer (and prior experience having played Astro's Playroom).
What did he say about our process baby MP4?

He said that he has more confidence in Prime 4 for this year because the source that gave him info on Epic Mickey Rebrushed also said Prime 4 is slated for this year. But that was pre Switch 2 delay, and many think that could have changed things.
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Astro's Playground was so sterile that it's the video game equivalent of antiseptic, and Astro Bot doesn't look that much better.
Yup that's a Day 1. Some sort of soul for Japan Studio lives!

Will be keeping an eye out for the QVC deal, should bring it closer to $52 or so.
Astro Bot is literally just "what if you stripped the personality out of Sackboy/LBP?"
They already released a Sackboy platformer a few years back that was apparently pretty decent, but I think Astro Bot will probably end up the better game, tbh.
I love the sackboy 3d world clone. I really think it slipped under every Nintendo fan's radar. 😭

Astro has tons of personality.

Don't @ me with these cold takes.
The croak of joy my PS5 gave at the thought of being played with again in September when this trailer dropped. Like something out of Toy Story 3.
Looking forward to see how Kirby and the Forgotten Land sells on PS5. Sony hasn't exactly cultivated an audience that wants casual experiences so I'm wondering how successful it will be.
Looks like a mix of Mario 3D World and galaxy.

The VR astro-bot game was amazing

I thought it was just me :D all throughout the Astro Bot segment I was thinking "oh I remember this section from <insert 3D Mario game here> or Forgotten Land"
I'm of two minds when it comes to how they are positioning Astro Bot as a PS mascot.

For the tech side, this is just continuing what has been done since the character's first appearance. He was the mascot for the VR playroom game. He interacted a lot with a visible Dualshock 4 in Rescue Mission. Astro's Playroom is a given. It communicates the gameplay (unique experiences with the controller and tech) and the focus on robotics and tech gives the world it's own identity. That's neat! I like it!

For the IP side...I do admit that I am a little nervous about how much they focus on other IP within the Astro universe, as it were. Rescue Mission worked just fine without it, Astro's Playroom makes sense as a pack-in, but it being a bigger focus in this fuller game? Like, cool, Spike from Ape Escape has a robot! I'd like another one of those at some point. Hey, didn't Sony kill off Japan Studio? Haha, welp. How about Parappa the Rapper? I have a friend who loves Parappa, they'll like seeing this. You gonna use that IP for something? No? Okay. It makes Astro less of its own thing and more of a showcase piece for other games, and that's not the worst fate (I mean, I dig a game like Nintendo Land), but Astro can definitely exist on his own, even as a silly little tech mascot.
I’d be happier if they ditched the cameos, but I’m so there for everything else I’m not too bothered either. If they are integrated more that’d be super cool. Like Wander is in there, is there an astro colossus of some sort to fight? That’d be cool.
I saw a Pipo Monkey in there, which is fun. I am not immune to references.

I think this looks pretty good. I ain't going to buy a PS5 for it at this point, so I'll wait for it to come to PC later down the line.
This looks so so good, most interesting PlayStation project all gen. Playroom was an amazing use of the controller and I can’t wait to see how a full game utilizes it
In some parts of the trailer, it looks like there's some parodies of Star Fox and also Link and the Deku Tree - is that intentional?

I know next to nothing about Astro Bot IP - curious if that's the kind of thing the IP would do. The trailer looks great!
It looks lovely!! So glad they're making a full new game. Playroom was such a great little experience.

Think I'll dust off the VR1 to finish the first game now!
In some parts of the trailer, it looks like there's some parodies of Star Fox and also Link and the Deku Tree - is that intentional?

I know next to nothing about Astro Bot IP - curious if that's the kind of thing the IP would do. The trailer looks great!
It looks like it rips off a lot from Nintendo.
Bursting at the seams with personality that most games wish they had.
What game developer has expressed wishes that they're jealous of Astro Bot's personality?
Unless you're saying other games are jealous which - I regret to inform you - is not possible 😔
It's the most boring thing you can do that instead of making interesting iconography you just go for a bland design and rely on iconography from other franchises
These little robot blokes (roblokes? Blobots?) aren't exactly the most compellingly designed buggers in the platforming genre, to be sure, but they do suit the tech integration in these games, and the high level of polish and enjoyment in the gameplay makes up for any aesthetic shortcomings, so it's whatever for me.

I will say though, that it's legit bittersweet to see a couple of these IPs paraded around like this, when they aren't otherwise being touched (and surely won't be anytime soon). I couldn't be any less interested in Horizon, but we'll get six more of them before most of the PS1/2/3 era IPs they're sure to reference in this game get even one sequel.
These little robot blokes (roblokes? Blobots?) aren't exactly the most compellingly designed buggers in the platforming genre, to be sure, but they do suit the tech integration in these games, and the high level of polish and enjoyment in the gameplay makes up for any aesthetic shortcomings, so it's whatever for me.

I will say though, that it's legit bittersweet to see a couple of these IPs paraded around like this, when they aren't otherwise being touched (and surely won't be anytime soon). I couldn't be any less interested in Horizon, but we'll get six more of them before most of the PS1/2/3 era IPs they're sure to reference in this game get even one sequel.
But me mum said Sony was going to make more Parapa…say it ain’t so Bloke…
It looks like it rips off a lot from Nintendo.
I'd like to hear more of what you think of this. Having played the other two Astro games, they've felt Nintendo inspired in places (it's part of why I like them so much) but didn't feel like a ripoff.
This looks incredible! Honestly unless something else wows me at the Xbox show case or Nintendo direct, this is my most anticipated game of 2024 so far.

I think Astros play room is literally a 10/10 perfect game, up there with something like a 3d Mario title. So yes, give me more of that!
Looks fun, but making it PS5: The Game is super cringe ngl

Like, instead of letting Astro have his own identity, let's make him all about the almighty BRAND. Ew.
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The ending of this game is gonna be like Pikmin 2's when Astro realizes he left Bloodborne Bot behind, except he doesn't turn back.
I'm so thrilled were getting a bigger budget 3D Platformer that isn't Mario (Ratchet is great but it's a shooter more than anything). I've been clamoring for something like this for ages.
I'm so thrilled were getting a bigger budget 3D Platformer that isn't Mario (Ratchet is great but it's a shooter more than anything). I've been clamoring for something like this for ages.
Just watched the trailer on my tv and these are my feelings. So happy it's linear too. Linearity is frowned upon these days but I prefer my platformers as linear as possible. Kirby and the Forgotten Land had a PlayStation studios baby 🫣
Yeah, 3D Mario is probably going to be much grander in scope. This looks like the galaxy days (maybe slightly less than galaxy) more like 3d world/forgotten land.
This looks very cool, as expected! Will definitely try this out, I have a backlog of platformers to try out but this one definitely for sure. And only 3 months away!
It's unfortunate Astro Bot is the most uninspired, sterile, mascot character anyone could've created. Of course that suits current day PlayStation very well.

I don't understand why this couldn't have just been Sackboy.
this is legitimately the first time in years that a post has literally made me seethe
Absolutely insane to me that we're arguing how sterile Astro Bot is when one of the most prolific arguments on this forum is whether Nintendo will allow its developers to put outfits on Koopas in Mario games

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