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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

What’re you guys doing when Nate hits us with the, “We are in uncharted territory”

I have a good feeling about this one. He is talking features, if he knows anything good this thread will be a lot of fun tomorrow

I have a good feeling about this one. He is talking features, if he knows anything good this thread will be a lot of fun tomorrow
I thought Nate was leaning towards more speculation than discussion of new rumours, at least that's what I got from his more recent comments.
One thing we can guarantee tomorrow morning is that within 15 seconds of Nate uploading the video someone going to ask for TLDR version of a hour long discussion

Somebody will inevitably write one here anyway if there’s anything important. Alternatively it’ll get reported on outside of the podcast somewhere.

I’m looking forward to listening. Hoping whatever he has to share is positive, whether it’s news or speculation.
So apparently the Switch is the best selling console ever in Japan now.

Also, my uncle was at the meeting and Furukaw mentioned they're not releasing shit until we go out and buy 16m more Switches to get that top spot


I thought the source was your uncle

Start @14.36.

They go into Furukawa's comment on the Switch 2.

I put more stock into what they say more than anyone else since they worked at Nintendo long enough to know better than anyone else, especially marketing and PR.

Start @14.36.

They go into Furukawa's comment on the Switch 2.

I put more stock into what they say more than anyone else since they worked at Nintendo long enough to know better than anyone else, especially marketing and PR.

I wouldn't put too much stock into their views (even if it is from experience) but I also need to stress that I didn't need to be told this because Nintendo (entity) are the biggest compulsive liars in gaming. Not saying they don't say stuff without reason, but this is just... normal honestly and probably doesn't mean anything at all. Nintendo could announce the Switch 2 on Thursday and just say "Lol lmao" and noone could do a thing about it.

Not saying that Nintendo will do something sooner than we expect, but it's just not really something to be all too bummed about. 2025 is still not a part of the conversation yet just because of a single statement from a man who has to say "We're focusing on [Current Gen System]" otherwise people will get their hopes up too early.

Start @14.36.

They go into Furukawa's comment on the Switch 2.

I put more stock into what they say more than anyone else since they worked at Nintendo long enough to know better than anyone else, especially marketing and PR.

When he says "main" business, it's kind of implied that there will be another business besides the Switch (but it's not the main one maybe because it won't be there for most of the year).

It was a very carefully worded quote and I think very different from what Furukawa usually says regarding future hardware.
can i get some clarification on his exact wording? there seems to be mixed messaging on whether furukawa said something along the lines of

"switch will be our focus for 2024"
"switch will be our focus going into 2024
can i get some clarification on his exact wording? there seems to be mixed messaging on whether furukawa said something along the lines of

"switch will be our focus for 2024"
"switch will be our focus going into 2024
The quote from Bloomberg, who I believe reported it first, was, "The existing Switch will be Nintendo’s 'main business' heading into 2024"

I can't tell whether that was Bloomberg's interpretation or the actual quote. I think we'll find out more when the Q&A drops in a little bit
can i get some clarification on his exact wording? there seems to be mixed messaging on whether furukawa said something along the lines of

"switch will be our focus for 2024"
"switch will be our focus going into 2024

lol at this stage we’ve no reason to doubt hardware is this year. doesn’t really matter what he said. wouldn’t be surprised if Switch (1) has some focus through 2025.
The quote from Bloomberg, who I believe reported it first, was, "The existing Switch will be Nintendo’s 'main business' heading into 2024"

I can't tell whether that was Bloomberg's interpretation or the actual quote. I think we'll find out more when the Q&A drops in a little bit
It depends on if it was translated badly... or translated at all. Apparently Furukawa speaks fluent English, so there's a chance it wasn't even a translation in the first place.

Either way, the Q&A is the most interesting discussion when we cross that bridge soon enough.
I believe Furukawa has talked about wanting to continue supporting the Switch even with the release of new hardware, and that sort of plays into Nintendo's plan of cementing the current userbase.

On an entirely separate note, do any of you think Square Enix will consider bringing the FF7 Remakes to the Switch successor? They already have a good partnership with Nintendo, and although the remakes are timed exclusives, would Squeenix be enticed by the strength of the successor?
When he says "main" business, it's kind of implied that there will be another business besides the Switch (but it's not the main one maybe because it won't be there for most of the year).

It was a very carefully worded quote and I think very different from what Furukawa usually says regarding future hardware.
How about this. It's the Switch for the first 7+ months of the year and then Switch and Switch 2 for August onwards, then Switch is their main business.
I believe Furukawa has talked about wanting to continue supporting the Switch even with the release of new hardware, and that sort of plays into Nintendo's plan of cementing the current userbase.

On an entirely separate note, do any of you think Square Enix will consider bringing the FF7 Remakes to the Switch successor? They already have a good partnership with Nintendo, and although the remakes are timed exclusives, would Squeenix be enticed by the strength of the successor?
I absolutely think Square would consider it, the problem is if they're actually allowed to. I don't know about the contract between them and Sony, but if it was a hassle to get the games on PC, god forbid how hard it is going to be to get them on Switch.
I absolutely think Square would consider it, the problem is if they're actually allowed to. I don't know about the contract between them and Sony, but if it was a hassle to get the games on PC, god forbid how hard it is going to be to get them on Switch.

There’s got to be a point where Sony hatting the game isn’t as valuable as increasing the exposure of it. For quite some time Square would have been keenly aware of Switch’s success, and also considerate of whether a new platform would be enough to support a competent port.

I’m not holding my breath but it wouldn’t be that surprising, especially given Nintendo’s dominance in Japan. Edit: Would they really get themselves into a contract that guarantees exclusivity in a challenging landscape like today’s for what is probably one of their best recent offerings? I’m of the opinion they’d have had more leverage for Rebirth.
Furukawa isn't lying if he says that, going into 2024, the Switch is the main business of the company, but Switch + Switch 2 will be the main business of the company once Fiscal Year 2025 starts xD

But yes, the highlight of "main business" could be interpreted to meaning that "something else is gonna accompany the main business".

Which, by the way, means that "main business" is Furukawa's "Third Pillar"
can i get some clarification on his exact wording? there seems to be mixed messaging on whether furukawa said something along the lines of

"switch will be our focus for 2024"
"switch will be our focus going into 2024
The original text is likely Japanese.
Let’s be patient and wait 1-2 days until the Japanese version of Q&A is available.
There’s no point to anyone digging into this meeting. The only meeting worth it this year is the next one.

In May of 2023, he said we won’t see hardware till April of 2024.
I will admit that early this morning reading that furukawa quote I was all doom and gloom about 2024 but now that I have rested and thought it over, he basically admitted they would go into further details about what's next to come in May. I'm going to look at this as a glass half full situation
All the people who said or wanted 2023 or early 2024 were just not paying attention to words said.
To play devil's advocate, some people, including myself, define early 2024 as January to May 2024. And so far, April and May 2024 hasn't been completely ruled out.
Maybe if we replaced “2024” with “Q4” when referring to what Nintendo's main business is, and then it'd make more sense I think. So it'd be “our main business is Switch going into Q4 of this FY.” This would make sense given this meeting is focused on Q3, which ended on Dec 31st.

It would heavily imply Switch is the focus for the remainder of the current Fiscal year. But for FY2025, the shift may take place then.

At least, that’s how I personally interpret the info.
To play devil's advocate, some people, including myself, define early 2024 as January to May 2024. And so far, April and May 2024 hasn't been completely ruled out.
I'm not going to rule them out, but I feel like their likelihood is plummeting.
The original text is likely Japanese.
Let’s be patient and wait 1-2 days until the Japanese version of Q&A is available.

Actually this Reuters Japan report has some Furukawa’s words in Japanese.
(just several words, not even a full sentence. That’s why we need to wait for the full text in the Q&A)


The “heading into …” part we discussed is
Note that “来期” is not quoted
The best is an announcement in early or mid April, just even mention of the project name. Then in May they talk about wall st stuff regarding Switch 2 and then in June or July a full blowout. Release in Oct or Nov depending on demand and supply.


It gets revealed in the Investor meeting, "Please look forward to it in the coming weeks" and then blowout in June followed by a late 2024 release

IMO, I would choose the first option.
The best is an announcement in early or mid April, just even mention of the project name. Then in May they talk about wall st stuff regarding Switch 2 and then in June or July a full blowout. Release in Oct or Nov depending on demand and supply.


It gets revealed in the Investor meeting, "Please look forward to it in the coming weeks" and then blowout in June followed by a late 2024 release

IMO, I would choose the first option.
So what are your thoughts about the March rumours? Are they empty, or is that when devs will be shown more of the Switch successor behind closed doors?

2023 was never on the table and the same for Jan-March 2024. All the people who said or wanted 2023 or early 2024 were just not paying attention to words said.

No, if you read the original article here (on Yahoo Finance, which republishes Bloomberg articles), what was claimed was:

Furukawa added that no new or upgraded hardware is factored into Nintendo’s annual forecast.

This is a meaningless statement, as Nintendo historically haven't included new hardware in their forecasts, even if it's already been announced. What's more, if you look at Nintendo's official English language translation of the Q&A session here, you won't find any discussion about new hardware being included in forecasts or not. They only include the "main" questions and answers in these transcriptions, but as far as I can tell that mostly means leaving out questions which have a simple "no comment" or yes/no answer. Without any official translation it's impossible to say if this was mistranslated, or taken out of context, or a simple non-committal reply to a "Hey, you got any Switch 2s in that forecast?" question. And it's not like Nintendo would make a statement like that and try to hide it. The one time they actually explicitly stated they weren't releasing new hardware (in 2020), it was included right in the briefing itself (see here, page 10).

This is the issue with these Q&A sessions. We get "quotes" from Nintendo leadership published by the media that are either paraphrased, missing context, or just plain mistranslated, and people read too much into them, as if they made a definitive statement about new hardware or the lack of it, leading to many follow-on articles and tweets and other commentary. A couple of days later the official English translated transcript arrives, and it's obvious that it was just another standard non-committal statement that was misinterpreted. But by this point the news cycle has moved on, and none of the outlets who wrote about the misinterpretation go back and update their articles or issue clarifications after the fact. So it becomes taken as gospel that Furukawa said "purple monkey dishwasher" based on an article paraphrasing another article paraphrasing a mistranslation of an out-of-context quote, and gets referenced months and years afterwards, even though it was disproven literally only a couple of days later.
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How can this be the original article if it was released on June of 2023. The one I am referencing is from May 2023.

Yahoo Finance reprints Bloomberg articles so that you can read them without a Bloomberg subscription, although if you're willing to pay for Bloomberg you'll see the exact same thing. The reason that the article states 23rd of June 2023 is that the article was updated on that day, according to the statement printed at the bottom:

(Corrects PIF stake in final paragraph after the firm amended its own filing in June 2023)

Presumably Yahoo Finance just use the most recently updated date for an article rather than the original publication date. However, even without a Bloomberg subscription you can see at the top of the Bloomberg version both the original publication date and the date the correction was made:

9 May 2023 at 07:34 GMT+1
Corrected 23 June 2023 at 09:52 GMT+1

Yeah I get it now.

Honestly I should have clarified that it's Yahoo Finance republishing the Bloomberg article in the first place, as I understand how that could have been confusing. I just edited the post to clarify this.
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Revealed in June during traditional E3 season (and after most of the already announced Switch games have released) then released in late October with 3D Mario.
Playing to not lose rather than win.
I feel like they’ve always been this way… at least since Wii days…
If they were playing to win they’d have made a Wii HD and not let it fizzle out and die

If they were playing to win they’d have a stronger online presence

If they were playing to win we’d have freaking themes by now…

They don’t play to win they play to be in existence for the next hundred years 🤣

I wish they’d play to win at least SOMETIMES…
Both honestly. As a shareholder, I understand the importance of release/announcement strategy and generally default to thinking the company knows what it’s doing.

Clownery to the side and being real. This feels different though. It feels like Nintendo is playing scared. Playing to not lose rather than win. This is just me thinking aloud. It makes no sense what they are doing. Running into a POSSIBLE Fall 2024 going against PS5 pro, Xbox refresh, and who knows what kind of economic environment just seems like walking into a lions din on purpose. I may be wrong on this sentiment. I may not be. That’s what I aim to find out this week through my circles.

(FYI to anyone: please miss me on the “Nintendo doesn’t compete with Sony/microsoft comments. I don’t feel like explaining for a billionth time why entertainment dollars are always competing with each other)
They literally went head to head with the launch of PS5 and Series X in 2020-2021 and still won commercially vs both in sales when spending was at an absolute PEAK. I don't think the prospects of a mid gen refresh from either company are enough to discourage Nintendo.

Switch was in its prime all the way through 2022. New hardware wasn't needed during that time and releasing new hardware too early could've presented much larger problems that the ones they could potentially face now. The time is finally right.
If they were playing to win they’d have a stronger online presence
Well, they do gave stronger online presence. They are just weird about it. I mean at the core of online presence is games with an online multiplayer mode or some sort of online functionality. We didn't get as much online games back in the Wii DS days as we do now. As far ass added functionality. Either Nintendo doesn't have it anymore or they add it and don't use it. Weird....

Anyway, does everyone remember that quote Miyamoto said about powerful consoles? Funny times, Xbox, the world most powerful console.... in a state it is in now.

"Too many powerful consoles can't coexist. It's like having only ferocious dinosaurs. They might fight and hasten their own extinction."
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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