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News Monster Hunter Wilds announced for 2025, coming to consoles and PC


I paid $70 for this tag
Just announced.

PS5, Xbox Series X, and Steam.


Edit - Updated with official trailer and interview. Capcom hasn't uploaded yet. This one is 4K at least.

Edit 2 - Added Capcom channel trailer.
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Thank you for posting this, since I couldn’t catch the TGAs live. I’m a recent convert to Monster Hunter and I’m ready to delve into more! Now just have to decide whether I get it on Steam or wait for the inevitable Switch 2 port…

Visually it looks terrible.
They still have a couple years to work on this, don’t worry

Switch 2's gonna be out in 2024 tho
There’s a monkey’s paw somewhere curling its fingers
God, as someone who's been dreaming about a next gen Monster Hunter, this is so disappointing lol.
Visually it looks terrible.
I'll reserve judgement until we see more from the game. Still have at least a year to go, and we've only seen one area.
It looks a little strange, and I'm not thrilled they're bringing the desaturated World style back. However, I believe in the devs and it coming in 2025 makes me believe they are cooking. Can't wait to see future trailers!
I think this 'looks' amazing conceptually. We can't say anything about mechanics. How questing and gearing and items and everything will work in the new format.
Hyped. But visually it did not look like a big step? Might have been the trailer and it‘s still ways out.
The graphics don't look as good as I'd like and it being open world is kinda questionable. I give the Monster Hunter devs my trust though!
Fucking psyched. But it better have crossplay this time Capcom I sweat to god
Street Fighter 6 has crossplay, and Capcom is heavily incentivized to avoid fragmenting the online playerbase to keep the active player count as high as possible.
Switch 2 already holding back games I see.
Maybe using a desert area as a first impression was not the best idea. I think it looks great
I think the game looks great, besides the night scenes (somethings up with the lighting)
Happy to see this finally announced. I imagined that MH6 would look like a mix of World and Rise and that's definitely the vibe I'm getting here. The chocobo-lizard mount reminds me a whole lot of Rise's Palamutes while the actual world design reminds me a whole lot of World. Excited to see more about what they have cooking, but that 2025 release date is definitely going to have me waiting for a minute.

God, as someone who's been dreaming about a next gen Monster Hunter, this is so disappointing lol.
Visually it looks terrible.
The actual visual quality isn't exactly what I would expect from an next-generation RE Engine title which definitely has me thinking that this will be coming to the Switch 2. I think the bigger showcase in the trailer was meant to be the large amount of monsters on screen at once.
I think this launches with Switch 2 depending on the timing. Capcom puts their games on basically anything they can make it work on nowadays.
I predict that all of the computational power of current gen consoles is going straight into building a vespoid mob whose AI is crafted specifically to stunlock players to death.

EDIT: Also, I will be extremely disappointed if we don't get a Bullfango stampede in this.
2025 ... just in time for Switch 2 to get a good install base cooking. That Visions of Mana is totally coming to Switch 2 too.
That was far too little to make any definitive statements. What I can say, tho, is that I didn't particularly like the trailer itself.
I really liked what i saw, the emphasis on the amount of monsters to create a more believable world is great, and the world itself looks way bigger. Nice to see that the palamute returned but they fly now. It looks open world to me (specially with that rathalos shot at the end) but the loop of the game really goes against OW so who knows, but it would be really exciting if they went that route.

Colors seem to be more saturated than Rise which is nice too, overall without a doubt my most anticipated game and very likely to remain that way.
I remember playing the og on my ps2 then world on my ps4... ps5 bout to become my monster hunter machine soon
I just realised the raptor buddy reminds me of Miraidon from Pokemon lmao, the flying and the riding across the mountains.
God, as someone who's been dreaming about a next gen Monster Hunter, this is so disappointing lol.
Visually it looks terrible.
I gotta imagine they’ll touch it up, considering it seems to be a recurring thing with Capcom’s first trailers that the game looks rough. Though it seems scale is bigger and has crazy weather effects which is something world didn’t have.
Rewatched the trailer and yeah not feeling it especially coming off of Rise. Hopefully the next showing is more promising.
Literally all I wanted to see from the TGAs. Very happy it was finally shown off, even if that 2025 date hurts.

I rarely play current gen PS5/XSX games, so the graphics complaints puzzle me. I thought it looked great. Though I’m not a graphics snob at all, I think most Switch games look great too.

I’ll need to see more to truly gauge how I feel about this being open world, if that’s truly what it is. I wonder if there will still be a central hub then, or maybe multiple hub towns in the open world. And will it require an internet connection like World kind of did? I didn’t like that.
How much did you guys like World? I wasn't its biggest fan (8/10 game for me) but really loved Iceborne.

It was the game that got me into the series so i can't badmouth just for that BUT the roster is genuinely awful lol, in retrospective is hard to believe that bunch of lame-os got me hooked.
Needless to say, I'm really liking what I'm seeing so far! The big thing for me will be seeing if this is still going to be more or less an evolution of World's "large, open-air biomes", or if they're really going to for something a bit more traditionally "open world" this time. MH being the kind of game it is, I'm still leaning more towards the former.

Love the new bird wyvern mount. I'll miss the dogs from Rise, but in the end, I'll fully admit our new friend fits the series' overall aesthetic better than ninja dogs, however cool they may be.

And obviously, this is just a teaser, and very early. Wish we could've gotten a hint at a new weapon, a new large monster, or even the return of someone like Nibelsnarf, just to finally put some fears to rest. But I'm a patient guy.

How much did you guys like World? I wasn't its biggest fan (8/10 game for me) but really loved Iceborne.
I'd give World a 7.5/10.

I appreciate a lot of what the game set out to do. But the game's base roster was a bit boring, with the over-reliance of flying wyverns. DLC made things a bit better with, but Kulve and Behemoth both being siege type monsters that "highly encouraged" a full party was a drag. I also say that some weapons really benefited from the slinger more than others, to the point that a weapon like SnS lost a lot of key things that made it unique. After all, now that every weapon could use some items without putting your weapon away, what did SnS have left?

Also, I HATED the idea of not having a true pause button, when I'm playing offline. It's understood that you can't do that when you're in a lobby, but when I'm just rolling my own? C'mon, now.

Comparably, Iceborne, even if it didn't do everything I wanted, I'd give an 8.5. What more can be said about the Clutch Claw, but at least the monster roster was much more interesting, the Guiding Lands was a fun end game loop, and the build up that ended with Fatalis as the grand finale for all the DLC was great. Even Rise/Sunbreak, as much as I like those games better overall, tried to do similar with Amatsugamatsuchi, and it was just not quite the same~!
Ohhh this IS coming to Xbox!

The trailer I saw just said PS5 and I was like nah can’t be right I’ll check Fami, lol

Honestly I’m a bit iffy on it. The trailer doesn’t really grab me, but I said the same thing about World but we’ll see.
Honestly really worried about this

I like my Monhun streamlined. Don't waste my time fucking around tracking and shit, just let me go fight.

I really hope they don't lean too hard into open-world exploration or anything. When I'm grinding a quest for parts, I should be able to do a quick in-and-out loop, THAT'S what I want from this series
How much did you guys like World? I wasn't its biggest fan (8/10 game for me) but really loved Iceborne.
Not a fan, but it's still fun because it's MH

The dumbass cutscenes fucking RUIN multiplayer, trying to play though the story with a friend is a slog and I can't believe they thought that was a good idea

I hate tracking with a passion. First time I'm fighting something, okay fine. Every other time I fight the same monster it should be on my map by default

The map design is largely awful. The forest is ridiculously intricate for no real reason, making traversal a massive pain. The cliffs in Coral Highlands are also terrible, the maps in general are just way too big for their own good without a mount

Rise is a better game by pretty much every metric. The Wirebug stuff is overkill for sure, but it beats slowly plodding around World's maps forever
I gotta imagine they’ll touch it up, considering it seems to be a recurring thing with Capcom’s first trailers that the game looks rough. Though it seems scale is bigger and has crazy weather effects which is something world didn’t have.
Yeah, this is actually super super common for Capcom. Rise's first trailer also looked rough (though good for a Switch game), and most of their games end up looking much better at launch. Same with Nintendo and Rockstar.

How much did you guys like World? I wasn't its biggest fan (8/10 game for me) but really loved Iceborne.
My history with the Monster Hunter series is weird.

I started with 4 Ultimate and loved it. I didn't even play much online at the time, but I thought it was amazing nonetheless. It was shocking how immersive it was as a 3DS game, and it became one of my favorite games. I got immersed in it like little else. 9.5-10/10

I got the original Generations on 3DS and didn't like it that much. It felt like an example of a game being so ambitious that it wasn't good. The maps weren't that good and I didn't have nostalgia for them because I was a newer player, there were so many monsters that they had to cut out intro cutscenes, and there were so many fetch quests that it threw the balance completely off. The fact that the Palicos basically just exist as playable characters so that the fetch quests would go down easier felt like a sign they should have realized there's too much filler. I've tried to go back with Generations Ultimate a few times and I still want to give it another try someday, I'm sure I'd like it more once I got into higher ranks it's just very slow. 7/10

World was something I liked a lot when I was playing it, I didn't love it but I still enjoyed it. That being said, I think I'm more critical of it in retrospect, because I can see that some of the magic was gone and why some of the magic was gone. They made the game not nearly as challenging or about preparation but then also didn't make it into a better action game so you're just left with a sort of middling result. There's some cool stuff and I still like it but it's not impressive. I haven't played Iceborne and I do want to try the PC version to play that. But overall I'd give it a 7.5-8/10.

Rise I loved in just about every way. One of my favorite games of all time. I know it launched a little rough with the endgame but it doesn't stop it from being such an incredible evolution on Monster Hunter. 9.5-10/10.

So that's basically 1 for the main team and 1 for the second team
Crossposting from another forum.

Good thing they used the technology provided by the new machines to invest on new gameplay ideas while expanding on those introduced by Monster Hunter Rise. Art direction and themeing got me interested and the crowd AI and physics are really impressive. And I LOVE the bird-like evolved Palamute.

A prettier World after Rise would have been creative bankruptcy imho, not that it was going to happen. Monster Hunter World before anything was Monster Hunter 5, and they've been on the record saying that the next games would be their own thing with a title that goes along. This seems to be focused on exploration and big gameplay arenas (while Rise was already way bigger and more ambitious than World in this angle, could this be open world?) so maintaining the visual target of the last games is to be expected, even more so with the next Switch being taken into account if not the leading development plataform.

I've never been happier with the franchise and its evolution and I hope this is the path they follow.

Not a fan of how they handled microtransactions the last time around, so we'll see. I understand periodic free updates keep the game alive and ensure a smoother transition between games and expansions, but World, Rise and Sunbreak turned classic event rewards into DLC and that rubbed me the wrong way. Not a fan either of how World was pretty content light by launch, although that was to be expected given the jump between Gen 4 and Gen 5. Rise was already better in this regard, and now they have plenty of assets from both Gen 5 games to repurpose on this.

Either way, 2025 is still quite far and I'm sure the game will change a good bunch from this trailer. And that's fine! That means we have plenty of time to enjoy World, Rise and the prior entries a bit more to appreciate what they did in anticipation of new, good things to come. If there's one thing I love about modern Monster Hunter is how each entry has its own identity worth of either replaying or jumping for the first time even if you started on the tail end of the franchise

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