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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Do we think Switch accesories like the pro controller will all be usable in the Switch 2? Or will they force people to buy a new pro controller to the Switch 2?
I think that depends on if they decide to go with analog triggers or not.
Nintendo was able to design much less Bulky Dock from the beginning , it is not like the Switch Dock need to be Huge for anything useful , but i guess one thing was in Nintendo's mind when they designed the dock was , we want something to look like a console when connected to a TV and not like a mobile phone connected to TV via Dongle .
And they were also able to package Switches in smaller boxes from the beginning, but that didn't happen til the OLED. Sometimes you go with what works in the moment (even if you know it's less efficient) and you refine later with testing, feedback, etc.
Here's the source for unannounced Capcom title but I don't understand why it was qualified as a leak if it's part of Capcom financial report.

Q: How do you plan to achieve the sales goal for new titles for this financial year?

A: In the second half of this FY, we plan to release Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy in January in addition to a currently unannounced major title. Moreover, we plan to boost the sales figures of new titles of the first half of this FY to achieve the target.

Q: How do you think of the sales goal of 45 million copies of console titles? Taking into account the first half of this FY, wouldn't it be difficult to achieve it?

A: We are planning a major title in the second half of this FY. Additionally, we originally planned to achieve the goal mainly by focusing on sale events in the second half of this FY to boost the sales figures of our catalogue titles.

Took the translation from someone from Era so take it with a grain of salt, anybody who knows Japanese can comb through the document to verify its accuracy.

Nintendo was able to design much less Bulky Dock from the beginning , it is not like the Switch Dock need to be Huge for anything useful , but i guess one thing was in Nintendo's mind when they designed the dock was , we want something to look like a console when connected to a TV and not like a mobile phone connected to TV via Dongle .
Ans it's nice that the screen is covered when docked
other than necro has anyone else said monter hunter 6 is coming to switch? cause I feel like that is the only possible game that would be switch bound that capcom is talking about, but if it ends up being something like a new resident evil it might not come to the switch 2 at launch so its kinda pointless to talk about it at all
There are very good hints that Capcom's "Major title" is Monster Hunter. I mean, they're celebrating the 20th anniversary of the series, they said there will be surprises, and March 11, 2024 is the 20th anniversary of the first Monster Hunter Game. Where there's smoke...
Please not this again, we killed off this discussion many pages ago. Mobile gaming isn't gonna take off.

Honestly how many of you here would rather game on your iPhone? I wouldn't.

Like always, the buzz around mobile gaming is gonna be short lived and fizz out. Nobody who does serious gaming like we do here is gonna want do it on their iPhones.
say about mobile gaming what you will, but it's the biggest market in gaming, towering far above any console or PC market
say about mobile gaming what you will, but it's the biggest market in gaming, towering far above any console or PC market
Their purchasing model is very different, so we can't assume success immediately. Especially when the games are full priced. The big selling point for Apple is cross buy, which Android doesn't have (until the play store is fully running on windows)
There are very good hints that Capcom's "Major title" is Monster Hunter. I mean, they're celebrating the 20th anniversary of the series, they said there will be surprises, and March 11, 2024 is the 20th anniversary of the first Monster Hunter Game. Where there's smoke...

Which prompts the question, why has it not been announced yet? They've brought it up to investors multiple times now, you would think they'd just announce it normally. If something like MH6 was coming in March, the latest I'd expect it to be announced would probably have been, like... Summer Games Fest?
Which prompts the question, why has it not been announced yet? They've brought it up to investors multiple times now, you would think they'd just announce it normally. If something like MH6 was coming in March, the latest I'd expect it to be announced would probably have been, like... Summer Games Fest?
Unless it's a you know what for the you know what, it's probably another game. I could still see a game awards announcement with a big blowout but why would they only give themselves 3 and a half months to market something that big lol. Even in the scenario for MH6 being a switch 2 launch game we're approaching the March release date doomsday in a week or so.

Gonna guess that it's just the megaman project.
My point is that if Nintendo is using a custom display, I don't believe there are inherent technological issues preventing them from having vrr at 60hz.
Considering Nintendo's new hardware's rumoured to use 7.91" 1080p LCD displays from Innolux and Tianma, I don't think Nintendo's using a custom LCD display.

I imagine Sharp's probably going to charge Nintendo extra to transfer the custom LCD display design to another LCD manufacturer and supplier (e.g. Tianma), especially if Sharp's IPs are involved, which I believe is the case, assuming Nintendo was indeed involved in R&D for a custom LCD display with Sharp as implied by Takashi Mochizuki.

I believe all the LCD displays used on the Nintendo 3DS family (here, (here & here), and here) were only supplied by Sharp. And that makes sense since Sharp did R&D for the parallax barrier 3D LCD display.
Unless it's a you know what for the you know what, it's probably another game. I could still see a game awards announcement with a big blowout but why would they only give themselves 3 and a half months to market something that big lol. Even in the scenario for MH6 being a switch 2 launch game we're approaching the March release date doomsday in a week or so.

Gonna guess that it's just the megaman project.

But if it is the Mega Man thing, then repeatedly telling investors about it and not just announcing it becomes even weirder.

Ghost and Goblins Resurrection was announced TGA 2020 and released February 2021.

If they have those devs working on X9, they could do something similar here.

G&GR wasn't a "major title", though, and as far as I know wasn't used to reassure investors of upcoming big sales before the late announcement.
The new MH will probably be released at the late 2024 on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series, with the Switch 2 version possibly in late 2025 or early 2026.
I expect this to be the opposite of what happened with MH:Rise.
Considering Nintendo's new hardware's rumoured to use 7.91" 1080p LCD displays from Innolux and Tianma, I don't think Nintendo's using a custom LCD display.

I imagine Sharp's probably going to charge Nintendo extra to transfer the custom LCD display design to another LCD manufacturer and supplier (e.g. Tianma), especially if Sharp's IPs are involved, which I believe is the case, assuming Nintendo was indeed involved in R&D for a custom LCD display with Sharp as implied by Takashi Mochizuki.

I believe all the LCD displays used on the Nintendo 3DS family (here, (here & here), and here) were only supplied by Sharp. And that makes sense since Sharp did R&D for the parallax barrier 3D LCD display.
Nintendo can contract panels from multiple suppliers who can deliver their custom specs.
Nintendo can contract panels from multiple suppliers who can deliver their custom specs.
Considering I haven't seen any 60 Hz displays that support VRR, and assuming Nintendo wants to implement VRR in a 60 Hz display, I can see LCD display manufacturers and suppliers charge Nintendo extra to implement VRR in a 60 Hz display, even though hypothetically speaking, there's little to no cost for LCD display manufacturers and suppliers to implement VRR on a 60 Hz display. Just like other companies, LCD displays manufacturers and suppliers do like relatively high profit margins.

And I feel like that's in conflict with rumours from Video Games Chronicle and NateDrake that said that Nintendo's using a LCD display specifically for reducing costs.

As for 40 Hz support, I don't think that requires any customisation if the Steam Deck's any indication.
Reading through various papers and articles about RT cores to see non-RT applications

-HW accelerated sound ray-tracing: Requires expensive headphones or stereo systems for any difference to be heard and difference is fairly marginal, very very few devs would ever use this.

-Non sound, non lighting applications: A few interesting non-gaming relating things are theorized through none have been used (such as database searching, scientific visualization), but nothing related to gaming.

So it's RT lighting or nothing for the RT cores most likely (but there's only 12 so it's not a huge waste if nothing)
Considering I haven't seen any 60 Hz displays that support VRR, and assuming Nintendo wants to implement VRR in a 60 Hz display, I can see LCD display manufacturers and suppliers charge Nintendo extra to implement VRR in a 60 Hz display, even though hypothetically speaking, there's little to no cost for LCD display manufacturers and suppliers to implement VRR on a 60 Hz display. Just like other companies, LCD displays manufacturers and suppliers do like relatively high profit margins.

And I feel like that's in conflict with rumours from Video Games Chronicle and NateDrake that said that Nintendo's using a LCD display specifically for reducing costs.

As for 40 Hz support, I don't think that requires any customisation if the Steam Deck's any indication.
Well see. Im not saying its likely, just saying that imo it's not impossible. It would be a gamechanger for a handheld console, because it would mean devs are no longer locked in to target either 30 or 60 fps.

But a 40 fps mode would be great too.
Maybe Superplay is a code name.

Nintendo did it (not having the charger) with the pro upgrade off the 3DS though (the New 3DS) But this could backfire unless there's ample supply of the dock and its cheap. Anyone know the total sales of OLED vs regular 3DS? I can't imagine it being higher overall.

The only thing that doesn't make sense to me anymore is using OLED dock if it only supports 4k 30fps. I feel pretty adamant that we will get 4k 60fps games, whether they are indie games or switch games.. In the case that Switch 2 uses another dock, then I can't imagine them not including it with every console sold just to play docked mode. That would be insane.
I think @LiC has indicated that they either know the actual code name or someone who does, and Super Play is not it. I could be wrong though. Feel free to correct.
The new MH will probably be released at the late 2024 on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series, with the Switch 2 version possibly in late 2025 or early 2026.
I expect this to be the opposite of what happened with MH:Rise.
That... Makes very little sense and isn't consistent with a existing reports.
Which prompts the question, why has it not been announced yet? They've brought it up to investors multiple times now, you would think they'd just announce it normally. If something like MH6 was coming in March, the latest I'd expect it to be announced would probably have been, like... Summer Games Fest?
There are currently rumors that during Apple event next week there will be a tie in with a major Japanese developers during their event and now some people are speculating that Capcom will unveil the next MH game there which would confirm also ports to apple devices.

Otherwise yeah the timing is pretty short, by comparison MH Rise was revealed in September for a March release.
Here's a fun tech thought experiment: What if, rather than coming up with the Switch concept in the mid-2010s, Nintendo had done it decades prior? Let's say around the late 80s to early 90s, Nintendo had decided to follow up the NES with a hybrid console rather than the separate SNES and Game Boy. What sort of tech would they have been able to put into it for each generation?
Here's a fun tech thought experiment: What if the Switch concept had always existed? Let's say that rather than coming up with the hybrid concept in the mid-2010s, they had done it decades prior? Let's say around the late 80s to early 90s, Nintendo had decided to follow up the NES with a dockable portable rather than the separate SNES and Game Boy. What sort of tech would they have been able to put into it for each generation?
it kinda has already. "portable consoles" have been done for a long time. they just lack the tv connection, though I'm sure some tried it. Turbographix, Sega Nomad, Neo Geo Pocket all played console cartridges

the PSP is literally the Switch already as you could get a tv dock and play on the tv

Which prompts the question, why has it not been announced yet? They've brought it up to investors multiple times now, you would think they'd just announce it normally. If something like MH6 was coming in March, the latest I'd expect it to be announced would probably have been, like... Summer Games Fest?

MH6 announced for Apple at the Apple event on Oct. 30th, and watch everyone melt down.

That would actually be good for Nintendo in the sense that it basically guarantees a Switch 2 port.
The issue with the Vita is that the PSP was completely dead when the Vita launched and the brand was dead and the issue with the PSP (that caused these issues) was that piracy destroyed the PSP.

With less piracy, the PSP line probably would have been much more successful.
Here's a fun tech thought experiment: What if, rather than coming up with the Switch concept in the mid-2010s, Nintendo had done it decades prior? Let's say around the late 80s to early 90s, Nintendo had decided to follow up the NES with a hybrid console rather than the separate SNES and Game Boy. What sort of tech would they have been able to put into it for each generation?
The GameBoy Player exists. A GameBoy color with a screen that has a 4:3 aspect ratio, and a docking station that gives you AV out and a controller seems viable. Probably expensive as hell.

The barrier on the technology there is making a GBC that can dock without making the GBC the size of a tv. You don’t have viable rechargeable battery tech at the time, so either your home console is battery powered, or you have to wire up a power bypass solution, and hope no kid leaves it in the dock so long the old batteries explode.

Similar challenge with the AV out.

It feels like offering a sub NES experience during the MegaDrive/Genesis era would kill Nintendo dead, but considering how far Nintendo pushed the GameBoy period, maybe not.
If Apple is successful in getting more and more AAA 3rd party games on iPhone/iPad it's in one way good for the Switch 2 because it will basically force devs to have to make Switch 2 ports also (no point in making an ARM compatible, mobile compatible version of a game and not making a Switch 2 version while you're at it).

It may make life a little tougher for Nintendo execs if AAA gaming does take off on Apple devices, but having said that, for us as consumers, it's generally good. It will mean more 3rd party content for Switch 2 because it will be hard for developers to ignore Switch 2 + hundreds of millions of Apple devices and maybe Nintendo also has a bit more fire under their ass and has to go ahead and do things like release a more powerful Switch 2 Pro model for real this time around ... which again ... is good for us as consumers.

So yeah I hope there are some good announcements from Apple tomorrow.
The issue with the Vita is that the PSP was completely dead when the Vita launched and the brand was dead and the issue with the PSP (that caused these issues) was that piracy destroyed the PSP.

With less piracy, the PSP line probably would have been much more successful.
Didn't the Nintendo DS suffer the same problems with piracy around that period? Certainly on around 2009/2010 the platform was no longer considered to be viable. According to a survey conducted by an old gaming magazine, more than 60% of players used a flashcard on the device.

I doubt that piracy was really the only issue with the PSP. There were other factors.

• Monster Hunter Rise was announced on a Nintendo Direct Mini: Partners’ Showcase on September 17th, 2020, for a March 26th, 2021 release.
— That’s approximately a six month announcement-to-release window

The Capcom thing was either a mistranslation or Capcom really is gonna market a new game with less than four month window (assuming it’s MH)
According to a survey conducted by an old gaming magazine, more than 60% of players used a flashcard on the device.

Those taking the magazine survey wouldn't really be representative of the average DS owner. The average DS owner wouldn't subscribe to gaming magazines.

I seriously doubt more than half of DS owners used a flashcard.

• Monster Hunter Rise was announced on a Nintendo Direct Mini: Partners’ Showcase on September 17th, 2020, for a March 26th, 2021 release.
— That’s approximately a six month announcement-to-release window

The Capcom thing was either a mistranslation or Capcom really is gonna market a new game with less than four month window (assuming it’s MH)
Or the game is for something other than MH that Capcom can afford a shorter marketing cycle for. Likewise, unannounced can also mean the release date has been revealed yet for this fiscal year.
The Capcom thing was either a mistranslation or Capcom really is gonna market a new game with less than four month window (assuming it’s MH)
Yeah, the first time Capcom/March bit came up (during TGS), some also thought there was a mistranslation. But I don't think it was ever fully debunked.

And then this is resurfacing again in form of Capcom reiterating (in the Q&A section of their latest financial earnings report) that there'll be a game that will sell millions by March 2024.

Not sure what to make of it but I think we'd probably find out in the upcoming Apple event, where it was mentioned there's ties to a major Japan publisher (so Capcom?). If it's MH, that's pretty short amount of time to market game that supposedly will release by March (unless Capcom thinks they'll sell millions by preorders alone)
Those taking the magazine survey wouldn't really be representative of the average DS owner. The average DS owner wouldn't subscribe to gaming magazines.

I seriously doubt more than half of DS owners used a flashcard.

I doubt even 5% DS owners would read that "old gaming magazine", let alone take their survey.
Those who did were enthusiasts who were a lot more inclined to use flashcards.

Any survey by any media is heavily skewed by their little bubble and anyone bringing up their results should know better.
Or the game is for something other than MH that Capcom can afford a shorter marketing cycle for. Likewise, unannounced can also mean the release date has been revealed yet for this fiscal year.
My sentiments exactly. But if it’s a short marketing cycle, then:
• Either Capcom doesn’t want to spend a lot in marketing;
• Or the game can carry itself.


I doubt even 5% DS owners would read that "old gaming magazine", let alone take their survey.
Those who did were enthusiasts who were a lot more inclined to use flashcards.

Any survey by any media is heavily skewed by their little bubble and anyone bringing up those results should know better.
Unless the marketing contracted a firm that did the survey for them, it’s possible it wasn’t even a survey, but rather, a poll
Those taking the magazine survey wouldn't really be representative of the average DS owner. The average DS owner wouldn't subscribe to gaming magazines.

I seriously doubt more than half of DS owners used a flashcard.
Can't speak for elsewhere in the world, but here in Spain the DS was really popular and I don't know anyone who didn't own a flashcard for it
I wouldn't expect Capcom to announce MH6 with such a short marketing turn around. Not because it will hurt MH6 much but because they don't have any real reason to risk it. It is by far their biggest franchise. Why rush it? That said. A mid November reveal and a late March launch is still 4 months. That's lots of time to generate interest.

You don't need lots of time to market a game effectively.
DS is (was) popular everywhere.

2nd best selling console of all time, behind PS2 at 154 million.
I'm aware, thank you. I'm just saying that levels of piracy vary by country. The number above seems low for places like southern Europe and Latin America tbh, and those are pretty big markets
I'm aware, thank you. I'm just saying that levels of piracy vary by country. The number above seems low for places like southern Europe and Latin America tbh, and those are pretty big markets

Gotcha. Yeah - I wouldn't be surprised if gamer "circles" all partook into flashcards, it's bound to spread among themselves. But that's still purely anecdotal.

US here (and this is also purely anecdotal) but I owned a DS, had friends, children, and children's friends who owned DS, "flashcard" never entered our vocabulary back then.
Here's a fun tech thought experiment: What if, rather than coming up with the Switch concept in the mid-2010s, Nintendo had done it decades prior? Let's say around the late 80s to early 90s, Nintendo had decided to follow up the NES with a hybrid console rather than the separate SNES and Game Boy. What sort of tech would they have been able to put into it for each generation?
The gigaleak shows that they came up with it in the mid-2000s at the latest, there's a GameCube hybrid proposal that even uses the same internal name for the dock ("Cradle") as the Switch.
it kinda has already. "portable consoles" have been done for a long time. they just lack the tv connection, though I'm sure some tried it. Turbographix, Sega Nomad, Neo Geo Pocket all played console cartridges

the PSP is literally the Switch already as you could get a tv dock and play on the tv

The PSP Go literally has a rare TV Dock. I've been searching for it for a long time and found some in Malaysia but couldn't buy it.

The difference between these devices is that the switch has boost mode during dock.
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