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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Having a visually impressive Pokémon game for the launch of a new switch would be HUGE!

who am i kidding, even an ugly Pokémon game at launch would be just as big...
Speaking of The Matrix Awakening tech demo, I tried running it today on my Series X, which had been installed on it since it was first released. After the WB/UE5 logos, it tries Loading Construct Environment, but it keep throwing a dialog box about the Connection failed, and retrying over and over.
So what's the feeling of the Pokemon Leak being true afterall? I think March 2024 may actually be the launch date.
I say there's a 50/50 chance - it either happens, or it doesn't.

But seriously did they get everything right in the leaks? I remember some people saying some of the details were spotty. Been a long time since I've seen the leaks too. If all details are legit that's a chance we see this system much sooner than most expect.
Speaking of The Matrix Awakening tech demo, I tried running it today on my Series X, which had been installed on it since it was first released. After the WB/UE5 logos, it tries Loading Construct Environment, but it keep throwing a dialog box about the Connection failed, and retrying over and over.
So you're saying...there's a glitch in The Matrix.
So what's the feeling of the Pokemon Leak being true afterall? I think March 2024 may actually be the launch date.
The leaker got every single other thing right, it would feel a bit odd if that person just threw in fake Switch 2 info, but it's always a possibility. Also a possibility that the information leaked was correct at the time but that things may have shifted further on. The sooner the console gets her the better though imo, so I hope to heck the information was correct.
Alright I just woke up and searching is hard on my phone. Can any kind soul summarise Nate's podcast (and DF's one too if there's new info there) or point me towards a summary if it already exists please?
Having a visually impressive Pokémon game for the launch of a new switch would be HUGE!

who am i kidding, even an ugly Pokémon game at launch would be just as big...
That's the thing. The visually impressive one will take a few more years, I think 2026 (yearly releases, Indigo Disk 2024, remake 2025 by the B team, Gen 10 2026).

But a "Pokémon Scarlet + Hidden Secret of Area Zero (Optimised for Nintendo Switch 2)" game on shelves next to the console at launch?

If they want to do cross gen, that is the kind of cross gen that would destroy planets
Alright I just woke up and searching is hard on my phone. Can any kind soul summarise Nate's podcast (and DF's one too if there's new info there) or point me towards a summary if it already exists please?
Speaking of The Matrix Awakening tech demo, I tried running it today on my Series X, which had been installed on it since it was first released. After the WB/UE5 logos, it tries Loading Construct Environment, but it keep throwing a dialog box about the Connection failed, and retrying over and over.
I tried the demo my Xbox before but i never had any problems.
I say there's a 50/50 chance - it either happens, or it doesn't.

But seriously did they get everything right in the leaks? I remember some people saying some of the details were spotty. Been a long time since I've seen the leaks too. If all details are legit that's a chance we see this system much sooner than most expect.
They got every detail right, from the name, theme and outfits of the DLCs to the paradox species, the unknown masked green jaguar and the big blue 20p coin turtle

There's also some evidence that next-gen patches are indeed being developed
Alright I just woke up and searching is hard on my phone. Can any kind soul summarise Nate's podcast (and DF's one too if there's new info there) or point me towards a summary if it already exists please?
Nate said...
  • BotW demo was running at 4k60fps with basically no load times. Main menu to getting into the game was practically instantaneous. On the current Switch it's ~30 seconds.
  • Don't expect as much raw power as a Series S, this thing is built with DLSS and other NVidia tech in mind.
  • Raytracing on the system may end up looking better than PS5 or Xbox Series X thanks to NVidia tech.
  • No news on backwards compatibility.
  • March 2024 is a date that was thrown around at Gamescom for when something would happen. It's a mystery what actually happens in March 2024 tho.
As for Digital Foundry, they just covered everything up to this new Nate leak. They sounded optimistic but want people to keep expectations in check. For instance, we hear that the Matrix demo ran, but we're not exactly sure how it looked, so we're all assuming it looks like how it looked elsewhere. Imagine telling someone that Doom 2016 ran on a Switch before the system was even announced - you'd think the Switch is pretty much as capable as a PS4 or Xbox One because you probably aren't expecting it to look like mush.
So what's the feeling of the Pokemon Leak being true afterall? I think March 2024 may actually be the launch date.
Honestly? They've been vindicated at every turn, and now the rumours are pointing in their direction. Personally, I believe them. But I understand the reasons for doubting them.
I don't expect the Matrix demo to have a similar level of downgrade to DOOM Eternal or Witcher 3 on Switch, otherwise impressions would have noted it. It probably looked good enough at a large viewing distance for developers to consider it comparable. At such a viewing distance you could still see Witcher 3, DOOM, Apex, etc. have significant cutbacks. I think this bodes well.
So what's the feeling of the Pokemon Leak being true afterall? I think March 2024 may actually be the launch date.
The leaker got every single other thing right, it would feel a bit odd if that person just threw in fake Switch 2 info, but it's always a possibility. Also a possibility that the information leaked was correct at the time but that things may have shifted further on. The sooner the console gets her the better though imo, so I hope to heck the information was correct.
Honestly? They've been vindicated at every turn, and now the rumours are pointing in their direction. Personally, I believe them. But I understand the reasons for doubting them.
Macro response:
I need a macro response to this...

The only things in their post that weren't part of that week's presentation were "new Terrastal appearance" (a vague, easy guess) and their claims about hardware, which are yet unproven. And even if new hardware launches in early 2024, but it doesn't include a graphics enhancement patch for SV, then the leak was still bullshit.
The next Pokémon games should be Black and White remakes aka my favorites. Hope they're switch 2 bound if not crossgen.
Black and White remake - September
Legends Unova - November
Black and White 2 remake - Somewhere in 2025

Crossgen with base switch with the poetry that Pokemon Black and White 2 will, once again, be the final major games released on a system
The next Pokémon games should be Black and White remakes aka my favorites. Hope they're switch 2 bound if not crossgen.
Yeah... I just hope it's not by ILCA. I believe the Pokémon leaker, so it seems they ARE outsourcing main series development as needed, which is very good to see. My hope is that the 2025 remake of Black and White (be it cross gen or not, I'd say it will be, which would be very apt for Black and White) would be handled by Game Freak with PLENTY of outside help, and ideally go for something like Legends Arceus.
Black and White remake - September
Legends Unova - November
Black and White 2 remake - Somewhere in 2025

Crossgen with base switch with the poetry that Pokemon Black and White 2 will, once again, be the final major games released on a system
I just hope they do my babies justice 😭 😭 😭
The next Pokémon games should be Black and White remakes aka my favorites. Hope they're switch 2 bound if not crossgen.
yeahh. There's always a chance for something else too. I just wouldn't get my hopes up when it comes to the first year of the system.

With that said we should see what they have planned next year in February.
You made me laugh like a madman while waiting in line at the post office.
But not a good enough response for me to consider it inaccurate. So far it has been accurate, including the "special Terastral form".
"So far it has been accurate" to the Pokémon Presents that aired three days after the post. People leaking Presents on 4chan's /vp/ board that way is a common occurrence. And in fact it's pretty much a mathematical certainty that they had seen that Presents early, because they managed to avoid leaking anything from later presentations, like characters, other new Pokémon/forms, setting, or any other elements of the DLCs. That's impossible to do if you were just a programmer who worked on the DLC, because you would not know which specific Pokémon or which elements of the DLCs would be getting revealed next week.

So, they clearly saw the Presents early, and their story about being a programmer was a lie. Is it possible that despite lying about the source of their info, they're in fact someone who was in a position to know more info, maybe even hardware info? Possibly. But there's no reason to believe that (certainly not "special Terrastal appearance") when there's a much more immediate explanation.
Assuming BC is a given, which I think it is, what is the current consensus on how unpatched next Gen games will work on it? I'm mostly referring to those with dynamic res or fps targets or sloppy fps such as age of calamity, trials of mana or Xenoblade 2.

Will those work better simply by virtue of being on a superior hardware?

Games will run better by default hitting their target frame rate. Titles with a dynamic resolution should be hitting the maximum one at all times.
This is not, in fact, terribly clear.
That's right

He could have seen the trailer early through a team meeting or a team slack,supposing he worked with GF

I wouldn't be surprised if all employees gathered to watch the trailer early as part of an internal presentation/meeting
Honestly? They've been vindicated at every turn, and now the rumours are pointing in their direction. Personally, I believe them. But I understand the reasons for doubting them.

I believe that leaker got stuff right that wasn't in the original Pokemon Direct as well, so the idea that he just had seen the Pokemon Direct a few days ahead of time doesn't really pan out for the details they got correct but were announced months later. Now we have a new podcast from Nate, someone has had been pretty bullish on a H2 2024 release date is suddenly open to a "possible" March 2024 release because of the rumblings coming out of Gamescom. MVG states that he still believes it will be H2 but Nate no longer seemed confident in that. It wasn't that long ago and Jeff Grub had mentioned that a late 2023 release wasn't out of the question. H2 may still be what ultimately happens, but the more info that leaks out the more it seems possible a 1H release could happen. Who knows, perhaps Nintendo's initial strategy is to use patched Switch games as a selling feature for the new hardware, offsetting some of the need for lots of titles early on at launch.
I believe that leaker got stuff right that wasn't in the original Pokemon Direct as well, so the idea that he just had seen the Pokemon Direct a few days ahead of time doesn't really pan out for the details they got correct but were announced months later.
Here's the entirety of what they said that had to do with a new Terastal mechanic: "Special Terastal appearance" as a bullet point in the first post, and in the second post, "The special Terastal appearance I mentioned is a new game mechanic that was not announced in the PV. Some Pokémon will acquire new Terrastal forms."
This is the only thing in their posts that didn't come from the Presents three days later, besides the hardware/patch claim. This is really not convincing evidence.
Here's something that surge into my brain, this next gen switch no matter how it called will not have "Super" in its names.
Why, simple. The Wario ware move it game in japan is called Super Smooth Move to really hammered in the fact that its a successor to the wii game. If they don't want to cause confusing amongst consumer by naming a new console Super switch while also having a game that have super in it that is also available for the original switch, they will have to picked a different name.
All that aside, it sounds like the resolution/framerate weren't even the point of the demo. I don't know that Nintendo's expecting oohs and ahhs for that facet of the hardware.

Relevant excerpts:
Oh man.. if DLSS was used to upscale 4k, that's disappointing. I would think 4x the bandwidth would be enough (I know, switch is 900p). Maybe this could sort of confirm it's no more than 102 GB/as.

But if it's an emulation, then maybe that's understandable too.
a(...) conclusion
A conclusion. Just one conclusion. Not THE conclusion. Just because one reaches A conclusion doesn't mean that it is the only possible conclusion. Furthermore, they could have seen the video AND also be a developer.

We can't know with any certainty. It's not helpful to pretend we can.
Oh man.. if DLSS was used to upscale 4k, that's disappointing. I would think 4x the bandwidth would be enough (I know, switch is 900p). Maybe this could sort of confirm it's no more than 102 GB/as.

But if it's an emulation, then maybe that's understandable too.
It's just a demo, maybe DLSS integration with NVN / last-gen games was part of the demo alongside loading times. Maybe rendering natively had a noticeable impact on the instant loading and DLSS reduced the load (not sure about this one).
perhaps Nintendo's initial strategy is to use patched Switch games as a selling feature for the new hardware, offsetting some of the need for lots of titles early on at launch.
I believe this is the case. Honestly, my expectations for launch support from Nintendo outside of next gen patches are very, very low. Maybe a three dimensional puzzler using light puzzles and physics simulation, like a new Fluidity game. Other than that I think the launch will be a bunch of third parties that couldn't or didn't want to shoehorn their game onto Switch, like maybe Elden Ring, RDR2, BD3, etc.
Oh man.. if DLSS was used to upscale 4k, that's disappointing. I would think 4x the bandwidth would be enough (I know, switch is 900p). Maybe this could sort of confirm it's no more than 102 GB/as.

But if it's an emulation, then maybe that's understandable too.
I don't see why it would be disappointing? Maybe if it was 4k30, but I don't see how you would really get to 4k60fps without DLSS pitching in. I mean BotW peaked at 900p30fps on the Switch, often dropping below that, so you're talking like 10-12x performance needed to get to 4k60fps native. Which, why would you want to push for that anyway when DLSS gets you there more efficiently, potentially with better image quality depending on the mode, and likely more quickly in terms of optimization.

Yeah there are modded switches that can get unlocked 60fps, but I'm pretty sure those are essentially maxing out the clocks, so I think that would probably make sense.
Oh man.. if DLSS was used to upscale 4k, that's disappointing. I would think 4x the bandwidth would be enough (I know, switch is 900p). Maybe this could sort of confirm it's no more than 102 GB/as.

But if it's an emulation, then maybe that's understandable too.
There's several ways you could look at it:
  • We don't really know if the enhancements to Breath of the Wild in the demo was "just" resolution and framerate. They could also have been using better assets like higher resolution textures and increased the polygon count, so as to make it more like a "2023 game" instead of a higher resolution/framerate "2017 game". That would increase the load on the hardware significantly
  • Don't forget that even on the PS5 and Xbox Series X, games that target 60 fps rarely render at native 4K, but instead target something like 1440p then upscale it to 4K (or use a dynamic 4K)
  • Using DLSS to go from 1080p to 4K can often look even better than native 4K, and considering that you get a pretty big fps increase by doing that, a fair question would be "Why not use DLSS?"

This is the only thing in their posts that didn't come from the Presents three days later, besides the hardware/patch claim. This is really not convincing evidence.
Not quite true, everything they said was specific to Scarlet and Violet alone, they didn't touch on a single other thing featured in the Presents, they referred to the Paradox Pokémon by their Japanese names but didn't know their English equivalent names, they then stated the DLC clothing rewards would come to buyers with a 1.2.0 version update patch rather than as a DLC reward itself, they then mentioned a new Tera form for some Pokémon in the DLC with a hexagonal theme that wasn't shown in the event (later revealed in the August Presents), finally they confirmed they were talking about a new generational model of Switch slated to release in early 2024, for what it's worth the Indigo Disk DLC is still listed as 'Winter 2023' with its intended to release by date given on the Nintendo Store as April 30th 2024

I believe that leaker got stuff right that wasn't in the original Pokemon Direct as well, so the idea that he just had seen the Pokemon Direct a few days ahead of time doesn't really pan out for the details they got correct but were announced months later. Now we have a new podcast from Nate, someone has had been pretty bullish on a H2 2024 release date is suddenly open to a "possible" March 2024 release because of the rumblings coming out of Gamescom. MVG states that he still believes it will be H2 but Nate no longer seemed confident in that. It wasn't that long ago and Jeff Grub had mentioned that a late 2023 release wasn't out of the question. H2 may still be what ultimately happens, but the more info that leaks out the more it seems possible a 1H release could happen. Who knows, perhaps Nintendo's initial strategy is to use patched Switch games as a selling feature for the new hardware, offsetting some of the need for lots of titles early on at launch.
I definitely think that backwards compatibility with a handful of titles getting patches to go with it would be a massive selling point to a lot of people in its own right, because that alone would give it everything a theoretical Switch Pro would have (and as OLED Switch sales continue to grow while standard/mini sales decline, that demand for "just a Nintendo Switch but stronger" is definitely there). Tie Mario Kart 9 or a new 3D Mario in there and that would already set the console up for a killer first year, but a lot of it does hinge on that idea of backwards compatibility which still seems somewhat up in the air.
I don't see why it would be disappointing? Maybe if it was 4k30, but I don't see how you would really get to 4k60fps without DLSS pitching in. I mean BotW peaked at 900p30fps on the Switch, often dropping below that, so you're talking like 10-12x performance needed to get to 4k60fps native. Which, why would you want to push for that anyway when DLSS gets you there more efficiently, potentially with better image quality depending on the mode, and likely more quickly in terms of optimization.
Because modded switches are able to reach 60fps on Botw and TOTK with higher clockspeeds.. Likely at 720p, because it's only been tested on handheld mode as far as I'm aware actually. But I don't know if the internal resolution would still be close to 900p. Not sure how much of a factor CPU plays in framerate vs GPU in reaching 60fps. 🤔

I guess I was a bit ahead of myself and expecting too much. if I'm being conservative and revaluating, then 9x the pixels required if we start from 720p. I guess that's air enough on the GPU side then, though I forgot how much more efficient Ampere is in architecture vs Maxwell per flop 🤔. Perhaps 60fps to start with and DLSS makes up for the resolution or a combination. Obviously we don't know know the GPU clocks for T239, but I was thinking 3 tflops as a fair expectation.
I'm usually pretty pessimistic about stuff like this and kind of assume the worst, but I feel like this actually makes sense. I might be misremembering, but isn't more ram a pretty popular request from devs even when it comes to PS and Xbox?
The biggest request was 16CPU cores and at least 1GB/s of storage speed
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