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StarTopic RPGs |ST| Our Home Base For All Role Playing Game Discussions!

Saw afterwards it was discussed in the ST, but made a thread on the news for visibility Triangle Strategy got a free update that added more story content. Thought some people might be interested especially since it felt fairly out of nowhere.

Edit - Happy +2,000 posts in this thread btw! We really have a great community here for RPG discussion :)
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Completely unplanned other than thinking it’d be a good airplane game for a recent trip, I’m playing Etrian Odyssey 3 now and it’s some nice simple DRPG fun. I’m still in the first stratum but I’m definitely enjoying it, we’ll see how long I stick with it before other games overwhelm me.
Still very much enjoying Rise of the Third Power. It’s really cool the way the party levels up together, it encourages you to experiment with team setups. The strongest part of it is definitely the writing and narrative over the visuals and music, but the battle engine is fun too. The story is compelling as it’s hard to work out what’s going to happen next, the politics of the world are a bit of a vipers nest of stuff that leaves the roguish heroes as just trying to survive and maybe do the right thing.

Lead character Rowan is also just really engaging to follow as an rpg lead. As far as I can make out, he’s in his 30s, had an abusive, alcoholic father. Joins the navy at 15, takes part in the war that underpins the world still recovering from it 15-20 years later, and eventually gets kicked out for alcoholism himself. Years later, he’s picked up a job out of a debt owed, but the self-awareness and loyalty to his allies just makes him interesting- he doesn’t blame the guy who kicked him out of the navy, he’s made his peace with deserving it. The whole world is shaken from the war and so is he. His bickering with his partner-in-crime and general put-upon demeanour rounds him out as someone who has made mistakes, but is trying to move on, and has friends who value and trust him for what he is, flaws and all. Just such a more interesting character than yet another teenager without any real flaws or traits to speak of yet somehow everyone trusts them immediately.
Once again FFV demonstrating its a masterpiece

Not surprising considering how much reverence there is in JP for III, and V is basically III++ after IV took III and shoved it into a 16-bit engine, redid the combat and removed player choice about character development.
Trying to decide what to focus on next, go back to ffviii or Ryza 1, start P3P , Star ocean or arafell. Or really wildcard and pop in the Digimon cyberslueth 2 pack for hackers memories
Not surprising considering how much reverence there is in JP for III, and V is basically III++ after IV took III and shoved it into a 16-bit engine, redid the combat and removed player choice about character development.
Why not Final Fantasy VI, I wonder?

That's considered the best one in the United States and the West, correct?
Why not Final Fantasy VI, I wonder?

That's considered the best one in the United States and the West, correct?
Yeah, VI is super popular in the west but in japan, it's considered good but not as good as for example V.
I think a lot of VI's popularity in the west comes down to Kefka, which isn't super popular in japan due to the localization making him more of a horror clown akin to the Joker than he actually is in the og script.
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VI for all it does well, really railroads you in terms of character growth unlike V where everyone is a blank slate. VI is like a halfway point between IV and V.
VI for all it does well, really railroads you in terms of character growth unlike V where everyone is a blank slate. VI is like a halfway point between IV and V.
There's a lot of Western works that basically form the characters and exposition-dump about them from the almost the very get-go.

Which could make an impression and be mistaken for "well-written characters."

Idk, maybe that partly explains why VI is popular in the West; it's kind-of engrained in Western culture nowadays to be "character-focused" anyway.
Idk, maybe that partly explains why VI is popular in the West; it's kind-of engrained in Western culture nowadays to be "character-focused" anyway.
We also never had II, III, or V on their original platforms as comparison points. One thing I’ve always wondered is how different people would view certain games in retrospect if more games of that era were not exclusive to Japan due to the cost and time of localization.

FWIW, there’s also a lot of love in Japan for Dragon Quest III which has a class/job system similar to FF III and V. That flexibility and amount of player freedom may have a lot to do with it on all three accounts.
Me: "Hey Squenix, are you ready to show some DQ3 2DHD???"
SQE "No but here is some epic DQ ballet"
Me. "Ok, I'll take it..... for now"

Had a rare moment of laughing out loud at an rpg last night.

Playing Rise of The Third Power, and the party has just overpowered some guards.

Guards: “I don’t suppose you’ll take bribes to let us go”
Rowan (a ‘reformed’ pirate) “of course! How mu..”
Party cleric- “Rowan!”
Rowan- “Oh apparently we don’t.”

Such a fun bunch of characters. I always love it in an rpg where I’m looking forward to playing it after work, or when my family is asleep, as I want to hang out with the cast for a bit as they are endlessly entertaining.
Well, after finally finishing Persona 5, I decided to fill the rpg-shaped hole in my heart with finally starting the FF7 Remake. I've never really liked the original much (I really tried but was always annoyed by Cloud and most other characters) but I gotta say that I'm having a good time so far.

It's clearly a labour of love, with a lot of effort put into it and I respect that a lot. Especially the music is awesome :)
It's time people, FF5 Fou job fiesta starts in 2 days. Anyone here going to participate?. Also the boost in the PR are def going to make this easier if you've never play this mode before
I finished Golden Sun tonight! It was good and I had fun. The battle system, breezy pacing, and battle system were definitely the strongest elements of the game. I’m not sure it’s going to leave too huge of an impression on me, but it was solid and I’m glad I finally saw it all through myself as it was probably the biggest Nintendo series I felt I had been missing out on. Favorite stretch tonight was definitely the optional area, Crossbone Island, as it’s a series of puzzle rooms and boss fights. I particularly dug the rolling logs in the water room (floor 9) as it had a pretty satisfying one to work through (you kind of had to build a staircase with the log rolling back and forth). I did snap pictures of the 6(!) page password you get to transfer all of your data into the sequel. I’ve played games with similar password systems before and I heard Golden Sun’s were big, but I didn’t know they were that large lol.

Anyway I plan to use that password and briefly start The Lost Age tonight. I didn’t think I’d be beating the game tonight, so I think I’m going to move forward with seeing how much of The Lost Age I can beat before Final Fantasy XVI comes out. I’m not too keen on juggling games with XVI, but I’ll see how far I get and make my decision then. My project might get put on pause until August once FFXVI drops as I have Rain Code, Trails Into Reverie, and Pikmin 4 all back to back, so there is incentive there. Regardless, my final Wii U VC games project is going well now with seven done this year and six to go!
I’ve put a little less than five hours so far into Golden Sun The Lost Age so I’d like to share some early impressions. First typing in a 260 character password sucks! I wasn’t sure if it worked since it wasn’t clear if hitting B on a submenu canceled it entirely so I had to type it again 🙃

Once that was done, I’m kind of digging how this one is a bit different than the first game in that it feels less directed and also more open in structure. Feels like I’m pointed towards quests less so I’m kind of just wandering around finding adventures. Unfortunately the tradeoff here is that I was kind of hoping playing as a different party would feel a bit different since the main character Felix was an actual voiced character in Golden Sun (and still is in the prologue!) whereas here he becomes the same silent protagonist Isaac was. Maybe there’s some weird meta revelation there like he was possessed by the spirit of the player or my hope that Isaac now has dialogue when they reunite, but this was still a let down and kind of drives home how thin these characters are (they so far also talk even less than Isaac’s group :/ ). I’m still having a good time though. Building up a new team from scratch has been fun and the pacing is even breezier. Excited to play more soon.
Still very much enjoying Rise of the Third Power. It’s really cool the way the party levels up together, it encourages you to experiment with team setups. The strongest part of it is definitely the writing and narrative over the visuals and music, but the battle engine is fun too. The story is compelling as it’s hard to work out what’s going to happen next, the politics of the world are a bit of a vipers nest of stuff that leaves the roguish heroes as just trying to survive and maybe do the right thing.

Lead character Rowan is also just really engaging to follow as an rpg lead. As far as I can make out, he’s in his 30s, had an abusive, alcoholic father. Joins the navy at 15, takes part in the war that underpins the world still recovering from it 15-20 years later, and eventually gets kicked out for alcoholism himself. Years later, he’s picked up a job out of a debt owed, but the self-awareness and loyalty to his allies just makes him interesting- he doesn’t blame the guy who kicked him out of the navy, he’s made his peace with deserving it. The whole world is shaken from the war and so is he. His bickering with his partner-in-crime and general put-upon demeanour rounds him out as someone who has made mistakes, but is trying to move on, and has friends who value and trust him for what he is, flaws and all. Just such a more interesting character than yet another teenager without any real flaws or traits to speak of yet somehow everyone trusts them immediately.

Rise of the Third Power and Ara Fell (same dev) are in my wishlist.

I've seen them pop up from time to time in people's reccomendations on reddit, but it doesn't feel like there's much talk about them even among jrpg fans. Glad to hear RotTP seems to be good at least!
I think I’m going to mess with FFVIII today. But I accidentally skipped a major triple triad kickoff, and have to complete the current Timber storyline before I can backtrack
Rise of the Third Power and Ara Fell (same dev) are in my wishlist.

I've seen them pop up from time to time in people's reccomendations on reddit, but it doesn't feel like there's much talk about them even among jrpg fans. Glad to hear RotTP seems to be good at least!
Oh Zara Fell is in my backlog, got it on sale forever ago
I think I’m going to mess with FFVIII today. But I accidentally skipped a major triple triad kickoff, and have to complete the current Timber storyline before I can backtrack

Oh Zara Fell is in my backlog, got it on sale forever ago
Triple Triad is the best minigame ever in an RPG, definitely don't miss it! I love how it works and integrates with the combat in so many ways and helps you do so much, along with just being a blast to play.
Triple Triad is the best minigame ever in an RPG, definitely don't miss it! I love how it works and integrates with the combat in so many ways and helps you do so much, along with just being a blast to play.
I missed the mini mog and getting the Queen of hearts to move
Rise of the Third Power and Ara Fell (same dev) are in my wishlist.

I've seen them pop up from time to time in people's reccomendations on reddit, but it doesn't feel like there's much talk about them even among jrpg fans. Glad to hear RotTP seems to be good at least!
Just finished Rise of the Third Power and holy shit that was an enjoyable, well-written RPG. Linear but the party were such fun to travel with, like a decent adventure serial. I was on the edge of my seat at several points, where some of my favourite characters luck looked like it had finally run out and I was rushing through, trying to find out if they’d made it.

The writing just sparkles all the way through, bar the odd misstep, it’s hilarious, tragic and melodramatic in turn, and i love the way the characters feel real. They don’t let villains just walk off screen, they challenge obvious or stupid points and hypocrisy, and each other. Also their cause is desperate and urgent, as is that of their various allies, the linearity works fairly well as the game just isn’t about whimsical exploration, every member of the party has a desperate need to get stuff done. It’s great that the characters pushing forward aren’t just letting a generic teen out on their first big adventure call the shots when it’s rogues and spies and their resistance allies trying to stop a war. Actual characters with histories, feuds, values and past relationships and responsibilities that all clash against each other, and all get a chance to lead the way based on what they are good at. I hope they get to make a sequel!

I’ll definitely check out Ara Fell next, it’s 70% off at the moment here so that feels like a good pick. Stegosoft Games is on my list of indie studios to watch after this.

Also I hope more people play RotTP so I can talk more about it :)
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After I beat TOTK I’ve been fucking around with various games, unable to commit to anything (even started a new Skyrim playthrough) but I decided that next month I’m gonna play nothing but Persona 5 Royal and if not beat it, at least get a good chunk of it done. I’ve been playing it in the background and beat the first three dungeons but I would like to clear it out so it’s not hanging over my head.

Then I have a bunch of other RPGs in my backlog after that which I have no idea how I’ll make time to play, but baby steps
After I beat TOTK I’ve been fucking around with various games, unable to commit to anything (even started a new Skyrim playthrough) but I decided that next month I’m gonna play nothing but Persona 5 Royal and if not beat it, at least get a good chunk of it done. I’ve been playing it in the background and beat the first three dungeons but I would like to clear it out so it’s not hanging over my head.

Then I have a bunch of other RPGs in my backlog after that which I have no idea how I’ll make time to play, but baby steps
P5R’s in my backlog but I wanted to do P3P first
After I beat TOTK I’ve been fucking around with various games, unable to commit to anything (even started a new Skyrim playthrough) but I decided that next month I’m gonna play nothing but Persona 5 Royal and if not beat it, at least get a good chunk of it done. I’ve been playing it in the background and beat the first three dungeons but I would like to clear it out so it’s not hanging over my head.

Then I have a bunch of other RPGs in my backlog after that which I have no idea how I’ll make time to play, but baby steps
Well you're at a good point in the game, dungeon 4 is one of the best parts of the game all around. Dungeon 5 is probably the low point, fair warning, but once you're past it it's pretty much a nonstop ride of greatness to the end.
Well you're at a good point in the game, dungeon 4 is one of the best parts of the game all around. Dungeon 5 is probably the low point, fair warning, but once you're past it it's pretty much a nonstop ride of greatness to the end.
Well I’ve played vanilla so I somewhat know to expect but I have been liking most of the changes and additions so far. Though everyone says the new fifth dungeon boss is a pain in the ass so I’m bracing myself for that.
Well I’ve played vanilla so I somewhat know to expect but I have been liking most of the changes and additions so far. Though everyone says the new fifth dungeon boss is a pain in the ass so I’m bracing myself for that.
Ah okay, gotcha. IMO the dungeon itself is actually better and they improved it a fair bit, it's just the boss that sucks. If you run into a wall there don't worry about looking up some strategies or guides for it, it can be pretty bullshit especially depending on your level and what confidant abilities you have unlocked.
Welp I'm for some start...

So I am in the tail end of CS 3 (about 89 hours in, I more chapter) and this stretch of the game has been like molasses storywise. I might take a break from it (till the end of the month, vacation) because I do not want to ruin wants been a great game so far by forcing through.

Guess Ill go back to farming shrines lol
Wanted to make a small update post on Golden Sun The Lost Age. I sadly didn’t get to play too much since I made my last post, but I did tackle and finish my next dungeon between yesterday and today, Air’s Rock. I walked away relatively impressed with this dungeon in comparison to the ones seen in the first game. This one felt closer to being a proper Zelda-like space as it was a series of puzzle rooms both outside and inside the big rock you had to climb up and enter into. The rooms also felt much more attached together in an organic fashion and I enjoyed the puzzles here as they played around with enough mechanics (riding the wind, pushing and pulling stuff, digging, etc.) and mixed them together well with even some fun verticality thrown in. My only real knock is that the enemies were just jokers who melted apart instantly and did no meaningful damage (there was no boss either), but it still flowed together well enough. Thought it was a neat touch even though they were weak too, mummies came out regularly after you claimed the big treasure/ability here. This was much longer in length and complexity than anything in the first game so I walked away pretty excited to see what other dungeons this game will have.

Plan to play a good bit more tonight and also tomorrow night. Haven’t made a decision yet if I’ll try to juggle this with FFXVI or not, but I am enjoying it.
Wanted to make a small update post on Golden Sun The Lost Age. I sadly didn’t get to play too much since I made my last post, but I did tackle and finish my next dungeon between yesterday and today, Air’s Rock. I walked away relatively impressed with this dungeon in comparison to the ones seen in the first game. This one felt closer to being a proper Zelda-like space as it was a series of puzzle rooms both outside and inside the big rock you had to climb up and enter into. The rooms also felt much more attached together in an organic fashion and I enjoyed the puzzles here as they played around with enough mechanics (riding the wind, pushing and pulling stuff, digging, etc.) and mixed them together well with even some fun verticality thrown in. My only real knock is that the enemies were just jokers who melted apart instantly and did no meaningful damage (there was no boss either), but it still flowed together well enough. Thought it was a neat touch even though they were weak too, mummies came out regularly after you claimed the big treasure/ability here. This was much longer in length and complexity than anything in the first game so I walked away pretty excited to see what other dungeons this game will have.

Plan to play a good bit more tonight and also tomorrow night. Haven’t made a decision yet if I’ll try to juggle this with FFXVI or not, but I am enjoying it.
Yeah, the first Golden Sun is solid, but I adore The Lost Age. It takes everything from the first game and pushes it further with more complex dungeons, more djinn and summons to experiment with, and a bigger world with a more open-ended structure filled with optional content. Especially if one of your favorite parts of the first game was Crossbone Isle, I think you'll be pleased to discover a lot of the areas later on in Lost Age.
I should be wrapping up Zelda today or tomorrow after putting off the story for so long, so I can finally start something new soon! Honestly, the FFXVI demo really made me want to play it at launch, but I've already decided to play games from my backlog next.

I couldn't decide whether to continue with Yakuza or Trails (both long overdue), so I'm going to play Kiwami 2 and Sky the Third back to back and naively hope I can finish both before Pikmin 4 lol.
Yeah, the first Golden Sun is solid, but I adore The Lost Age. It takes everything from the first game and pushes it further with more complex dungeons, more djinn and summons to experiment with, and a bigger world with a more open-ended structure filled with optional content. Especially if one of your favorite parts of the first game was Crossbone Isle, I think you'll be pleased to discover a lot of the areas later on in Lost Age.
Awesome to hear! Looking forward to it :) None of my friends had Golden Sun, so I really never heard much about these games except for a few bits in Nintendo Power. It’s been fun seeing what they are all about!
I did snap pictures of the 6(!) page password you get to transfer all of your data into the sequel. I’ve played games with similar password systems before and I heard Golden Sun’s were big, but I didn’t know they were that large lol.
Kinda late replying to this, but I think there was a way to bypass needing a password if you had two GBAs and a link cable?
I know next to nothing about Star Ocean but the new remake looks pretty cool. Would that be a good jumping in point for a newbie?

And where is Suikoden, Konami?
So my understanding of Star Ocean, having only played four, there’s a greater timeline in the series but otherwise it is so spaced out the characters/adventures might as well be disconnected. So if this one looks cool, jump in.

Star Ocean and Mario RPG looked amazing in today’s Direct. Also very excited for the Pokemon DLC and Persona 5 Tactica. Haven’t played Dragon Quest Monsters before so I was intrigued by that and Silent Hope. Great day for RPG fans!
Kinda late replying to this, but I think there was a way to bypass needing a password if you had two GBAs and a link cable?
Yes! I’m playing on Wii U so that wasn’t an option for me, but yeah if you had two GBAs, a link cable, and the first game and sequel, you could transfer data instantly (there’s also a VS mode for linked play). For the password option, they actually let you have three levels of intensity, but you don’t get a full transfer if you don’t use the biggest password. It hasn’t come into play too much for me yet, but certain characters and events are remembered too which is super neat. The game remembered I won the Colosseum for example so the other competitors are bitter lol.
Oh yeah! Forgot to mention in the Direct thread but Star Ocean 2R makes me think they've found an approach for bringing Xenogears to modern systems since it uses a similar blend of 3D backgrounds with 2D sprites.
Oh yeah! Forgot to mention in the Direct thread but Star Ocean 2R makes me think they've found an approach for bringing Xenogears to modern systems since it uses a similar blend of 3D backgrounds with 2D sprites.

This is the dream.

C'mon Bandai get a Xenosaga collection brewing as well! Let's get some brand synergy...
I know next to nothing about Star Ocean but the new remake looks pretty cool. Would that be a good jumping in point for a newbie?
Yep! All the mainline games take place in the same setting, but in different places/time periods, so sometimes you get references to past events (or lore that applies to another game but isn't super relevant to the one you're in), or learning about a character's ancestors/descendants but that's most of it. So the new remake is as good a point to start as any, and Star Ocean 2 is generally considered to be the best one in the series.

There's also the remake of Star Ocean 1 (First Departure R) that came out a couple years ago on Switch if you're curious.
I'm in a bit of a weird spot right now. I won't be able to start FFXVI until Sunday or Monday, but I'm also dead set on dropping everything for Trails into Reverie on July 7th. On top of that, I want to finish Crisis Core Reunion in the next few days before doing anything else. So, realistically I won't start XVI until Thursday or Friday next week, which would leave about one week until Reverie.

I've thought about putting XVI to the side until after I beat Reverie, but then Pikmin 4 comes out on July 21st! As hyped as I have been for Final Fantasy XVI, it may not get my full attention until August. It's crazy how so many of the games that interest me are coming out around the same time.
Thinking about it It's just crazy how much retro RPG we eating with all the ports /remakes / whatever squenix call them now: Mario RPG, Star Ocean 1 and 2, EO, Baten kaitos, FF PR, Front Mission, Suikoden, hell even the original Atelier Marie incluided in the remake.
Thinking about it It's just crazy how much retro RPG we eating with all the ports /remakes / whatever squenix call them now: Mario RPG, Star Ocean 1 and 2, EO, Baten kaitos, FF PR, Front Mission, Suikoden, hell even the original Atelier Marie incluided in the remake.
Don’t forget Live A Live and all the SaGas!

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