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StarTopic Diablo IV | Fresh Hell

Beat my first World Boss yesterday. I think i was the only one that didnt die. My legendary loot rewards was top tier trash though xD

I’m about level 20 as a Rogue on World Tier II and I feel like I am getting my ass kicked by the bosses lol. I’ve been on one for like half an hour now
...whats your build like? Shouldnt take more than 5mins on most bosses if not less.

Sorcerer lvl25 atm World tier 2. I do not know if it is like that all along the campaign but i'm playing with a Friend who plays Necro and it's very easy for the moment, is it the fact that we are 2 or the fact that we are still in the first act ? I was thinking World tier 2 would be more difficult from the get go.

The game scales so as long as your gear is of level its going to stay relatively the same difficulty in World Tier 2 outside of maybe the last 2 acts.

And yes the game is easier coop. I dont know how to explain how crazy beneficial Diablo without making up percentages. Lets say in an MMO like WoW the benefit of playing with freinds is 2 times beneficial. In Diablo 4 playing with friends can feel like its 15 times beneficial. For example, completing the renown for one refion is going to take me 3+ hours alone IF i speed through it. A group can get it done in 1 hour. Theres alot of other shenanigans in group play that i expect some nerfs in how much is shared will happen in the future.

World Tier 3 is much harder than 2 but unfortunately its locked until you beat the campaign. The end game is definitely more challenging.
...whats your build like? Shouldnt take more than 5mins on most bosses if not less.
I mean I’m only level 20, so I’ve got 5/5 in 3 skills (the homing shot, power shot, poison trap), couple in the specializations, and whatever the best stuff I’ve found is! I wouldn’t have thought your build should have to be so crucial at this point…

Yeah I dunno. Get like 75% through the boss and then just get overwhelmed. Can chew through enemies and their unique variants just fine 🤷‍♂️
the homing shot, power shot

Idk k ow those skills xD but ima guess. It mainly depends on how your spreading your points. Are you using Penetrating Shot? If so that skill is not great for bosses and you either have to lean into Posion Imbuement or temp respecc into Rapid Fire when you see healing well that hints a boss is coming. If homing shot is your very first skill that should not be at 5 points if thats what you meant. The very first attacks for Rogue are more support skills and only one point in each of that skills tree which will free up points to add more damge like in the damage passives.
Idk k ow those skills xD but ima guess. It mainly depends on how you’re spreading your points. Are you using Penetrating Shot? If so that skill is not great for bosses and you either have to lean into Posion Imbuement or temp respecc into Rapid Fire when you see healing well that hints a boss is coming. If homing shot is your very first skill that should not be at 5 points if thats what you meant. The very first attacks for Rogue are more support skills and only one point in each of that skills tree which will free up points to add more damge like in the damage passives.
Alright, thanks. Lots to look into it sounds like
Alright, thanks. Lots to look into it sounds like

Also, noticed Poison trap. I have only been playing with 1 point in the first two slots and i feel like thats all you need as its more a support skill to knockdown and trigger your concussive skill and some legendaries. Its actual damage is kinda bad but as utility its phenomenal.
Loving how gory and violent this game is, really cool art and zone design for sure.
Finally have some time to login and respec and…there’s a login issue! At least on Xbox. Blizzard is assuredly calling upon the Dark Lord now to fix the problem.
Trying again and my current queue time is…1452 minutes. In just 24 short hours, I will be logged into Diablo IV!
Eventually got in. Did a respec and am definitely kicking more ass now, thanks @blue2425. I guess I didn’t think I was that far off the mark cause everything else was going down OK. But this setup is much better!
Managed to crack WT4 with my Ice Shard Sorcerer @ 61. Capstone boss was tough and took many attempts due to one-shots.

The road to 100 continues, but loving every minute. Hard to imagine what the game will look like after years of seasonal content and expansions.
Pray for me


Done with the campaign. Gonna be honest, that was excruciatingly mediocre and dull, and I'm glad I never have to do it ever again. Even Diablo 3 was memorably bad, this is just utterly forgettable.

Glad I can just vibe around Sanctuary killing demons now.
Got my Barb and Rogue to 50+ (did my Story playthrough on the former), and am now checking out Sorc. True postgame and grind to 100 can wait for now.

Game is phenomenal. Exceeded all my expectations.
Paragon board resets or stays on eternal at the start of the season correct? If so I am going to stop at the skill point slots. Renown is too slow for me to focus soley on when I know Ima play a full season anyway.
Couple thoughts now that I’ve hit level 30 and have a better impression of things:

  • I’m finding myself enjoying the story, at least so far. It’s interesting to have longer-form quests in Diablo that are telling you a little bit about the world and the people trying to survive in it. It feels more satisfying than the less substantial, more arcadey bounties from III. The more talkative story makes sense now that there is a story-free option to switch over to from the jump in IV, and I imagine everyone will jump ship to that once they finish the campaign the first time.
  • I have finished Act I, which I thought was alright, then made a long trip across the map to go for Act III next. I’m almost at the end of it now and I’m finding it a lot more interesting and gross!
  • Now that I “get” the skill system, I can see its roots are in an unholy union of Diablo II & III — in a good way! It’s a good contrast of the freedom and skill modifiers of III against the overly-strict “put all of your points into 3 or 4 skills” setup of II that nonetheless fostered a great sense of commitment to a build. I’m really happy with my build currently and it felt like it actually took some thought and consideration to get that result.
  • I’m playing Tier II solo and have generally found it to be a good “normal” sort of difficulty, where things aren’t too rough but playing too carelessly will get you into trouble. This feels especially good off of III which, despite its 57’000 difficulty levels, never felt quite right to me no matter how I set things.
  • Since I’m still in that part of the curve where you are regularly finding gear way better than what you currently have, I haven’t messed around too much with the gear upgrades. Mostly I’m just salvaging everything I bring back to town and hoarding it for when it does start to matter more. I did synthesize an aspect to a weapon to make a unique, which was cool! Been using that crossbow a while now.
  • Some great voice acting. Lorath and [REDACTED] in particular have a great, bass-heavy presence that lends some drama to what may otherwise have been flat moments.
  • Great performance on Xbox Series S. Perhaps this isn’t much of a surprise, seeing as how Diablo IV released on last-gen consoles as well. Still! Apart from those just-for-fun vantage points where the camera pans out of its top-down view, it’s been a solid 60 no matter how nutty the combat has become.
  • And it’s already become pretty nutty! It feels so agile to use the dodge now that it’s a part of the game from Day 1. Between it and my Rogue’s dash, I am positively zipping around. You have to; bosses have some pretty tricky, bullet hell-esque tricks up their sleeve sometimes!
  • Overall having an excellent time with it. I haven’t hit the endgame and gotten to the real nitty-gritty yet, but so far I really have no complaints!
For me (around level 40), it's been difficult to figure out where to put my skill points beyond unlocking the attacks on each button (and some obvious synergies). Like, is upping a passive that gives me a situational 3% damage/critical chance boost better than adding another point to one of my core skills for a fixed damage boost? D3 streamlined out most of that sort of optimization.
For me (around level 40), it's been difficult to figure out where to put my skill points beyond unlocking the attacks on each button (and some obvious synergies). Like, is upping a passive that gives me a situational 3% damage/critical chance boost better than adding another point to one of my core skills for a fixed damage boost? D3 streamlined out most of that sort of optimization.

What class you play?
Quoted by: em
I’ve got a good build set up for rogue, I haven’t looked at builds online so don’t know if it’s common or not

But I have a lot of hp regen through momentum key passive, as long as momentum is up I’m getting almost 1,000 hp regen per second
I’m about level 20 as a Rogue on World Tier II and I feel like I am getting my ass kicked by the bosses lol. I’ve been on one for like half an hour now
If your melee rogue you really need some def talents, like your crits healing you for 3% hp
You really need some def at T4

Basically have to turn rogue into a tank in T4 to stay alive
Rogue (but only level 45 at the moment)

Wow lot of Rogues in here! But yea the passives can be alot of damage in the end. Here are passives i recommend for Rogue:

Every Rogue Build
3 Haste
3 Sturdy (yes even marksman builds, the distance is pretty far)
3 Weapon Mastery
3 Exploit
1-3 Malice (w/e you can afford)
0-3 Innervation (if you need th extra energy)
0-3 Siphon Strikes (depends on where you are in the game and your build. The higher tier you are the more useful it is unless your playing a very very ranged Marksman build)

if you run any type of poison
3 Debilitating Toxins
1 Alchemist Advantage

The other passives depends on your build and what you want to do.
On a side note finally beat the capstone to enter Nightmare Tier. My charcter had to spend all my resources and go tanky as the boss is obnoxious. Also had to use Twisting Blades for the first time as the dps is hard to ignore. I straight up got saved by Aspect of the Protector creating a barrier at the last second when I had no potions.

Probaly gonna play on an alt with friends and save rest of endgame for when season starts.
Kinda wondering if I should push onto WT4 or just wait for season 1 so I don't burn out.

Hope the seasons are ambitious, game is maybe a 8/10 tops right now but good seasonal content could help.
It depends on what you like. For me WT4 nightmare dungeons are inefficient at my current level as you want to only fight monsters thats 5-7 levels higher than you. Its currently better for me to do WT3 ND. So the only benefit for WT4 for me is Helltide and World Boss for Ancients equips. I wouldnt even have done WT4 if I wasnt a sore loser and wanted to beat the boss for curbstomping me several times.

So its either grind now in a non-Season for 1 month on a character you wont be playing in the near future or go finally play Zelda and play Diablo casually with friends until the season starts. I already bought the season pass so its hard to wrap my head around grinding for 1 month when I can grind later with Seasonal effects while also progressing my seasonal pass.

It really depends on how much you like playing Diablo. I love it..but backlogs are legitimate stressors for me and its hard for me to rationalize grinding in the current endgame without seasonal benefits over playing other games i spent money on.
It depends on what you like. For me WT4 nightmare dungeons are inefficient at my current level as you want to only fight monsters thats 5-7 levels higher than you. Its currently better for me to do WT3 ND. So the only benefit for WT4 for me is Helltide and World Boss for Ancients equips. I wouldnt even have done WT4 if I wasnt a sore loser and wanted to beat the boss for curbstomping me several times.

So its either grind now in a non-Season for 1 month on a character you wont be playing in the near future or go finally play Zelda and play Diablo casually with friends until the season starts. I already bought the season pass so its hard to wrap my head around grinding for 1 month when I can grind later with Seasonal effects while also progressing my seasonal pass.

It really depends on how much you like playing Diablo. I love it..but backlogs are legitimate stressors for me and its hard for me to rationalize grinding in the current endgame without seasonal benefits over playing other games i spent money on.

Why 5-7 levels? I’m fighting 82 and I’m level 69. It’s working for me, but is there no benefit at all?
I finally hopped into this and am having a great time so far, throw me into the large pile of Rogues we have on here, lol. Currently running all marksman with heartseeker + rapid fire, I'm really loving the shadow explosion imbuement since the main issue with the build currently is lack of AOE damage and you can get swarmed pretty easily (level 24 atm).

My only question is how common are legendary items? I've found zero, but that could just be due to still being fairly low level.
I've found at least one legendary (orange) for each slot at level 45.
Kind of curious to hear what other people are playing.

Class: Druid
Build: Werebear + Pulverize/Shockwave.

I stumbled upon the build during the beta and just knew I needed to make it happen in the base game.

Aside —

I really wish the game was kinder to experimentation late game. This build is feeling a bit one-note and extremely overpowered (1-2 button press screen wide killings of mobs, even some elites, at 5-10 levels above me). It would be nice if it let the player have two “builds”, maybe one I’m confident in and one that I really want to develop. I’ve gotten some uniques in Torment that sound novel, but it’s such a discouraging tedious process to reset skills, and find out your idea isn’t quite going to work.
I finally hopped into this and am having a great time so far, throw me into the large pile of Rogues we have on here, lol. Currently running all marksman with heartseeker + rapid fire, I'm really loving the shadow explosion imbuement since the main issue with the build currently is lack of AOE damage and you can get swarmed pretty easily (level 24 atm).

My only question is how common are legendary items? I've found zero, but that could just be due to still being fairly low level.
They become really common as you go higher, just as random drops, but post-game systems like the Tree of Whispers and Helltides practically guarantee them as rewards.

Don't forget though that legendaries are essentially just rares with a special power (aspect), if you need a power to enable your build, it might be worth seeing if a dungeon rewards that aspect for your Codex of Power. You'll only get the lowest possible roll that way, but it's better than nothing.
I finally hopped into this and am having a great time so far, throw me into the large pile of Rogues we have on here, lol. Currently running all marksman with heartseeker + rapid fire, I'm really loving the shadow explosion imbuement since the main issue with the build currently is lack of AOE damage and you can get swarmed pretty easily (level 24 atm).

My only question is how common are legendary items? I've found zero, but that could just be due to still being fairly low level.
You're at the level where you should start getting some from time to time.
But you'll still swap them every two levels or so with common items that have better stats lol, at this level it doesn't really matter

Kind of curious to hear what other people are playing.

Class: Druid
Build: Werebear + Pulverize/Shockwave.

I stumbled upon the build during the beta and just knew I needed to make it happen in the base game.
Sorcerer, fire build.

Love the sorcerer in Diablo 3, mainly for the hydra + the power beam. A bit disappointed that the beam is not as powerful in this one, so i swapped it for the fire ball. But the hydra is still cool. And I love the ultra ability, the big fire snake. It atttacts all the ennemies in one place, and all your fire abilities takes no mana while the snake is summoned. So you can spam them your most powerful abilities for a few seconds.

I'll make a necromancer for my next character as that's my absolute favorite Diablo 3 character. Love having my squeleton army and exploading corpses lol.
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Just had the game freeze two times in a row while in Hell, on PS5. Each time I had to exit the game and relaunch it.
Annoying because you need to redo the whole dungeon with all the ennemies who have repoped.

Edit : and it freezed a third time. I'll go from level 42 to 50 before being able to finish the dungeon if that keeps happening lol.
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Good lord this map is massive. It takes a while to truly grasp just how big it is, although I wonder if part of that is having a lot fewer movement options like there were in D3. I wonder if endgame gets as ridiculous as that game did with rifting and such.
Why 5-7 levels? I’m fighting 82 and I’m level 69. It’s working for me, but is there no benefit at all?

Depends on how fast you are killing. In general, it is more efficient to do lower levels when it comes to leveling glyphs. Glyphs are one of the only ways to to outpace the enemy scaling in endgame, so its a priority for some people. Unless I am mistaken, fighting monsters that are a higher level than you by 8+ should be for challenge purposes (aka pushing) to see how far you go and not for leveling purposes. If you are going through higher tiers fast and not dying or you like the challenge then keep doing them.
Kinda surprised how much I’ve cooled on Diablo IV since finishing the story. I figured that would be the jumping off point to really getting into it; instead I haven’t really played it since I saw the credits. I’ll get back to it eventually, but it feels weird! Think I'm just gonna wait until the first season starts and make a new character.
Kinda surprised how much I’ve cooled on Diablo IV since finishing the story. I figured that would be the jumping off point to really getting into it; instead I haven’t really played it since I saw the credits. I’ll get back to it eventually, but it feels weird! Think I'm just gonna wait until the first season starts and make a new character.

It does feel like they are giving everyone a lot of time to do that before getting into Season 1.
It does feel like they are giving everyone a lot of time to do that before getting into Season 1.

it was 100% the reason. also a good feedback stage for season 1 and anything they can change before season 2.

i'm 97 now but i've been playing Doraemon SOS 2 and I'm gonna play A Wonderful Life before the season starts.
it was 100% the reason. also a good feedback stage for season 1 and anything they can change before season 2.

i'm 97 now but i've been playing Doraemon SOS 2 and I'm gonna play A Wonderful Life before the season starts.
Hope A Wonderful Life ends up delivering. Pioneers was so shit on Switch. I liked Friends of Mineral Town.
Only had twenty minutes or so to flip on the Xbox today, so I did some housekeeping. Sold a bunch, broke down a bunch, upgraded my gems and skulls, did a full respec on my Rogue that has much better damage output, gemmed and upgraded all my gear. Now I should be all ready to rip and get back into the Diablo groove when I can actually play next!

Also I started a new character just for funsie, a sorcerer. Realizing map data doesn't share to all characters:
Only had twenty minutes or so to flip on the Xbox today, so I did some housekeeping. Sold a bunch, broke down a bunch, upgraded my gems and skulls, did a full respec on my Rogue that has much better damage output, gemmed and upgraded all my gear. Now I should be all ready to rip and get back into the Diablo groove when I can actually play next!

Also I started a new character just for funsie, a sorcerer. Realizing map data doesn't share to all characters:

I'm still slowly making my way through the plot (level 49 now, mid-Act 3). It's fun, and the plot is fairly interesting if kind of low-key so far, but I'm finding the environments and buildup to locations and things to be a bit... disjointed? A lot of areas and places feel pretty similar and repetitive, too. I wonder how much of this overall feel is just due to the nature of the first three acts being more open and able to be done out of order (since I assume there will be an Act 4 that ties things together afterward). We'll see how I like it once I get toward the end of the plot, because while the game made a strong first impression, I feel like I'm starting to cool on it a fair bit now.
A lot of areas and places feel pretty similar and repetitive, too.

I think maybe Blizzard did go a liiiiittle too hard in the direction of trying to appease critics of Diablo III's art style. I think IV looks really nice overall, but it's so desaturated and grim that I agree it's hard to tell some areas apart. The desert and snowy zones in particular almost look like lightly tinted versions of one another at times.

A lot of the dungeon themes are cool, I think in those areas IV maybe has the most variety in the series. I like the one with all the creepy root tendrils!
I think maybe Blizzard did go a liiiiittle too hard in the direction of trying to appease critics of Diablo III's art style. I think IV looks really nice overall, but it's so desaturated and grim that I agree it's hard to tell some areas apart. The desert and snowy zones in particular almost look like lightly tinted versions of one another at times.

A lot of the dungeon themes are cool, I think in those areas IV maybe has the most variety in the series. I like the one with all the creepy root tendrils!
The dungeons are definitely a step up, and some of the outdoor areas are really good. But in general, yes, the desert and snow zones are exactly what I was thinking of. And the northern area is just like... brown-green mud, it all kind of blends together. D3's graphics may have been too cartoon-y but the locations did a much better job of sticking out and looking unique and distinct from one another. Even D2 IMO was better.

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