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StarTopic Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp |ST| AW, here we go again!


Embracer of the Wah
It’s after midnight and wanted to get this live, will update tomorrow AM with real content. Apologies for the delay, life got in the way.
Waking up and knowing my day is going to be filled with strategy 😌

But first I need to pick up my antihistamine prescription, do some grocery shopping, and wash the dishes 😅

Not quite the transporting back to childhood yet, but I can drink beer later. There's that!

Take your time, OP.
My day is completely busy, but I’ve gotten extra excited for this after the reviews, so I’m going to try to cram some time in this weekend (sorry Octopath Traveler II 😭)
Played like 4 hours after midnight, which is already an statement of how much i was enjoying it.

Gameplay still holds up well, but also there's more new stuff than i was expecting going on.
My copy has arrived! Will probably park my playthrough on Dragon Ball Kakarot for the time being and give this a go
Super excited to finally play this!

Unfortunately I have to be financially responsible and wait until tuesday which is my credit card closing date lol I'll take the extra time to finish the games I'm currently playing and dive into this very soon
Wow that Gold Points issue is quite the goof on Nintendos' part. Hopefully they can rectify that swiftly.

About to walk into town to pick up my copy. Got a clear weekend for working my way through the campaigns!
Does anyone familiar with the old games know an estimated playthrough time for the games?

It varies wildly depending on how experienced you are with the game. For a first timer each main campaign should take around 20h.

If you're counting both campaigns plus the war room (extra maps), it could amount to 60h easily.
Does anyone familiar with the old games know an estimated playthrough time for the games?

If you're just doing the two campaigns, probably 40-45 hours to get through both. Advance wars 1 has a pretty replayable campaign with maps you probably won't get the first time however, and there's also a lot of side content that's not story based that will take a bunch of time too.
It varies wildly depending on how experienced you are with the game. For a first timer each main campaign should take around 20h.

If you're counting both campaigns plus the war room (extra maps), it could amount to 60h easily.

If you're just doing the two campaigns, probably 40-45 hours to get through both. Advance wars 1 has a pretty replayable campaign with maps you probably won't get the first time however, and there's also a lot of side content that's not story based that will take a bunch of time too.

Thanks! 40-60 hours seems like it's hopefully doable before Zelda :p
Does anyone familiar with the old games know an estimated playthrough time for the games?
Depends on how good you are at such games. The first game's campaign should clock at 12-13 hours for a first timer, but my latest playthroughs were around 8 hours. War Room should give some extra hours to bring it to 20 or so. The game also has an unlockable higher difficulty upon completion.

Black Hole Rising is a little meatier than the first game, more stages in the campaign.
Somehow my target copy is backordered and won’t show up till next week at the earliest… kind of wishing I had done this and ToTK digitally with vouchers and $40 Costco cards a few weeks back despite the challenge of making space DX.
The game being backordered in places probably speaks well of how demand vs expectations for this game is going.

It is, I really hope it's successful to some degree. As far as we know I don't think any game in the series has broken a million copies, if this one can get there (as a full price release) I think it would be seen as a huge success.
Initial impressions... it's really like slipping back into a pair of comfy shoes. The gameplay, the mechanics, the COs, they've done a fantastic job of updating it while keeping it Advance Wars. The graphics are really growing on me now I'm seeing it in person on my screen, and the cartoon animations the COs perform are really endearing. But the best update is the sound design. Holy hell some of the twists they add to the themes during CO powers are great, and hearing the COs provide blurbs of dialogue really helps too. WayForward really excelled themselves in this regard.

Really enjoying my time with it so far, and one again envious of people playing these games for the first time
The game being backordered in places probably speaks well of how demand vs expectations for this game is going.
I’m just annoyed cause I ordered the day it was announced
It is, I really hope it's successful to some degree. As far as we know I don't think any game in the series has broken a million copies, if this one can get there (as a full price release) I think it would be seen as a huge success.
The original release of Advance wars hit 750K in the west and that was enough for 3 more entries and a west first focus. So I’d imagine if it hit between that and a mil that would be more than enough to green light a new game from Wayforward if that’s what they were after from this remake
If you're just doing the two campaigns, probably 40-45 hours to get through both. Advance wars 1 has a pretty replayable campaign with maps you probably won't get the first time however, and there's also a lot of side content that's not story based that will take a bunch of time too.

Which of the Advance Wars games had wholly distinct maps for NG+? I know you're referring to the branching paths of AW1, but I recall NG+ (so to speak) being functionally a totally different hard mode in some of them).

I need the music in my veins...

Picking it up, but ain’t no way I’ll have a window to play this game before June.
I wonder if this makes the sales goal they have, and Wayforward gets the green light for an original game, What direction Wayforward would take it. Just go forward past dual strike? Do an original setup but pull character’s from all 4 games? Do something inbetween the trilogy and days of ruin? Just a lot of ways things could go
I wonder if this makes the sales goal they have, and Wayforward gets the green light for an original game, What direction Wayforward would take it. Just go forward past dual strike? Do an original setup but pull character’s from all 4 games? Do something inbetween the trilogy and days of ruin? Just a lot of ways things could go
I reckon they’d make a new one but have some of the old characters as either unlockables or DLC.
Thankfully my amazon order I made in July 2021 is out for delivery lol
I can't see them outright ditching the original cast again as they're pretty popular (and I sense their popularity is only going to get bigger in this age of Twitter fanart and whatnot). Maybe they could go all out with time travel hijinks or something, have the OG cast travel to the future to deal with a new threat while meeting new characters (who could be their descendants). Basically embrace the cheesy Sci-fi to avoid the real world paralells going forward.

Though I would like to see the Dual Strike characters again, Rachel, Jake and Sasha in particular.
Ah, shit, so AW1 and 2 both had full Hard Mode campaigns. You have to beat regularly completely still before doing them? I hate having unlocks like that in remakes. Should be there from the start.
Which of the Advance Wars games had wholly distinct maps for NG+? I know you're referring to the branching paths of AW1, but I recall NG+ (so to speak) being functionally a totally different hard mode in some of them).

I need the music in my veins...

Both 1 and 2 had hard mode Ng+ where the units are set up in much more difficult configurations for the player (but the maps are the same otherwise)
Both 1 and 2 had hard mode Ng+ where the units are set up in much more difficult configurations for the player (but the maps are the same otherwise)

Ah, it was Dual Strike that had wholly distinct maps, too. But AW1 and AW2 changes were enough to really justify a 2nd playthrough.

I can't see them outright ditching the original cast again as they're pretty popular (and I sense their popularity is only going to get bigger in this age of Twitter fanart and whatnot). Maybe they could go all out with time travel hijinks or something, have the OG cast travel to the future to deal with a new threat while meeting new characters (who could be their descendants). Basically embrace the cheesy Sci-fi to avoid the real world paralells going forward.

Though I would like to see the Dual Strike characters again, Rachel, Jake and Sasha in particular.
Could always go 10 years after dual strike in universe for a new game, allows them to bring back anyone they want with some changes and developments to spice things up, but do a new starting team and any unit shakeups they want. Have the classic versions of the CO’s as war room unlockables for multiplayer and challenges.
I'm enjoying it a lot so far. It's nice being able to replay levels without having to start a new campaign. It looks a hell of a lot better in person.
This remake is awesome! Wayforward have done an amazing job here. The sound design in particular is outstanding (I'm assuming it's Jake Kaufman on deck here, sounds like his work).

But I just wanted to point out something that nobody else has... The HD Rumble integration is superb in this game! It's the best use of HD Rumble we've seen in a Switch game since Luigi's Mansion 3! You can feel each individual missile/rocket getting fired in the battle screens! Even the animated cutscenes and the intro integrate it seamlessly! (You can even feel each individual punch as Max hits his punching bag!). Technically it's all superfluous, but it really speaks to just how polished the game is as a whole.

Can't say I was expecting Advance Wars of all games ending up being a showcase for the Switch's HD Rumble feature, but there ya go!

BTW, another awesome little thing? It looks like Wayforward have actually replicated the AI behaviour seperately for both AW games, because the APC Diversion Strat still works in AW1! (This is something that IS specifically fixed in AW2, because it's stupid busted). Super cool!
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This remake is awesome! Wayforward have done an amazing job here. The sound design in particular is outstanding (I'm assuming it's Jake Kaufman on deck here, sounds like his work).

But I just wanted to point out something that nobody else has... The HD Rumble integration is superb in this game! It's the best use of HD Rumble we've seen in a Switch game since Luigi's Mansion 3! You can feel each individual missile/rocket getting fired in the battle screens! Even the animated cutscenes and the intro integrate it seamlessly! (You can even feel each individual punch as Max hits his punching bag!). Technically it's all superfluous, but it really speaks to just how polished the game is as a whole.

Can't say I was expecting Advance Wars of all games ending up being a showcase for the Switch's HD Rumble feature, but there ya go!

BTW, another awesome little thing? It looks like Wayforward have actually replicated the AI behaviour seperately for both AW games, because the APC Diversion Strat still works in AW1! (This is something that IS specifically fixed in AW2, because it's stupid busted). Super cool!

I was going to post about the HD Rumble right now, lol

Also going over the map editor help, seems you can unlock using the AW2 volcano in maps later on?
Only played a short while but it's great to be able to play this game that I have had a tumultuous time with before launch. When it was announced at E3 2021 it was the only game Nintendo announced then that I was really excited for, Waroware was neat but not too exciting, I don't play multiplayer games so MP Superstars was nothing for me and while Dread looked very good I I never played a 2D Metroid game before and needed a little more convincing (put a pin in this one though). I had also never played an AW game but am a really big Fire Emblem fan so I was happy to redeem a voucher on it, since I thought it was good value for money at £42 (what one voucher is worth here approximately) rather than the £45-50 the physical version would have cost.

I thiiiink I redeemed the voucher in around September or so, which was only a few months before the game was due to launch in December. But of course it didn't, which was a bit surprising as it had been over 2 years since Nintendo delayed a game (Animal Crossing was the previous one I think at E3 2019) and all the other aforementioned E3 announcements hit their dates fine and AW was the last one with ostensibly the longest time to iron out any issues. But delayed it was, and a new date was confirmed fairly quickly for April, and it's not like my preorder was cancelled or anything so I was disappointed but not too frustrated.

Then March came, not long after the February Direct where the game briefly featured and had its April release date confirmed after a few murmurings of another delay, and it was indefinitely delayed. As a result, all preorders were cancelled and refunds issued, at least on the e-Shop. Yet I didn't 'buy' the game technically, I still had it preordered based on the voucher I redeemed in September 2021, and my order was cancelled still of course yet I got nothing, no voucher returned and no e-Shop credit either. I was furious when I realised this I think understandably.

So I contacted Nintendo UK customer support and thankfully they were understanding after I emailed them a respectful but still strongly worded summary of the situation, I was out of pocket for a really unusual last minute delay of a game that was already delayed once with no new release timeframe confirmed at all. I think what made it interesting is that I do not recall a single thread or even a comment on Era or even here of anyone in the same boat as me, I think a mix of how the vouchers were not available in the US, the fact that it isn't releasing in Japan and how few people in the one region that could've been in my situation actually preordered the game. Nintendo UK did give me a voucher, thankfully, but did stress that this was 'a one time gesture of goodwill' which I didn't really appreciate as a comment but I considered it fair recompense. So I used it on Metroid Dread (told you we'd be coming back to that) and I have since completed it, Fusion, Super and Samus Returns.

Fast-forward a year nearly and it of course came back, which I never really doubted considering how late, late it was delayed, and I of course did the smart thing and redeemed a voucher on it :)

Rant over. Just was a fun time leading up to this long overdue launch for me.
It looks like Nintendo fixed the gold points issue on physical copies. I originally had the "expiration date has passed" error message, but on a lark I decided to try it again a couple of minutes ago and was able to collect the gold points.

Game is great by the way. As others have already stated the use of HD rumble is both surprising and well done, and while I can understand how some people can be turned off by the toy-like aesthetic, I'm not one of them. I love the art style, the music, and most importantly the gameplay.
I've had a blast with it so far. Agreed with others that the music and HD rumble touches are really excellent. Broadly I like the visuals, though I'm not overly keen on the slightly stiff infantry models.

Gameplay's superb as ever. Put about 3 and a half hours into the campaign and just arrived in Yellow Comet. Did the first War Room map, too.
I recall 2 having an extra map in the Orange Star campaign. That one surprised me since I only expected hard mode versions of the existing maps.

A more detailed look. Most maps are the same tiling between Normal and Hard, but a fair chunk are the same concept expanded and/or with fog of war added.

A more detailed look. Most maps are the same tiling between Normal and Hard, but a fair chunk are the same concept expanded and/or with fog of war added.
That's pretty cool. I remember enjoying and appreciating the Hard maps quite a lot in 2. By the way, this is the extra Hard map that I was referring to: https://lparchive.org/Advance-Wars-2/Update 09/
I'm just starting, but is there not an option to skip enemy turns?? They really slowed down the enemy turns from the original game and I always wanted to skip even the faster old versions...
I'm just starting, but is there not an option to skip enemy turns?? They really slowed down the enemy turns from the original game and I always wanted to skip even the faster old versions...

Hold ZR to speed them up, check the options menu to disable their battle animations.

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