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The fact that April 2024 is the DLC's placeholder date obviously doesn't mean it's coming out that month, but it does mean GF is thinking development could last long enough that it will go into 2024 - to the point they put the placeholder as far as April. Also read that the weirdness around "after winter" is because the Winter season ends a bit earlier for east Asia, so most likely it's just marketing jargon. My personal prediction is that they're going to drop it on Pokemon Day next year and (assuming the 4chan post isn't BSing about a patch) the Switch 2 launching November this year.
The fact that April 2024 is the DLC's placeholder date obviously doesn't mean it's coming out that month, but it does mean GF is thinking development could last long enough that it will go into 2024 - to the point they put the placeholder as far as April. Also read that the weirdness around "after winter" is because the Winter season ends a bit earlier for east Asia, so most likely it's just marketing jargon. My personal prediction is that they're going to drop it on Pokemon Day next year and (assuming the 4chan post isn't BSing about a patch) the Switch 2 launching November this year.
They wouldn't market something as "2023" if it's coming out in 2024. It's really that simple.
does anyone even have access to the press kit before the event? because those always come out afterwards
There where times where tose did go out before to some outlets to prepare stuff,butt youre right, probably the old times and not in this non retail presentation.

Maybe someone that had internal access to it, a media company that prepared parts of it, or somebody that had a look at the already uploaded youtube presentation.
The Eshop is very clear about it being April 2024.

Which lines up with "After Winter 2023". Occam's Razor and all that.
eShop dates should be treated as placeholders when other marketing is still only giving vague windows. The specifics of how the placeholder is selected vary, but the date is always significantly later than the final release date.
I'm not sure I understand the second interpretation then. Would the enhancement patch work with the regular switch?
The most straightforward reading is that the enhancements are for the more powerful hardware, but the hardware will release before The Indigo Disk does.
Don't take eShop estimates as gospel
Remember that Inkopolis was previously listed as May 31st to launch on Splat 3
Tell me
Why would they attach a year (2023) to the pokemon DLC announcement if it were coming in 2024
maybe i'm wrong but that sounds stupid
Because Winter 2023 is Dec 2023 thru March 2024.

Square did the same with FF7R Part 2 and designated it 'Winter 2023'.
And Winter 2023 is June through September, and June through August, and November through January, etc. etc.

It's. Utterly meaningless. Seasons are not accurate, reliable, or useful indicators of release dates.

Nintendo has said 2023. It is fairly unambiguous. Nintendo is not Square Enix. Nintendo has not, to my recollection, ever announced anything for Winter of one year that launched early the next year without declaring it a delay. Because that's what it is. If you say 2023 in marketing, and you have half an ounce of experiencing in marketing, and Nintendo has tonnes, people will understand that to mean 2023. Journalists have understood that to mean 2023. This is because Nintendo meant 2023. As is evidenced by them using "2023" in the marketing, and not early 2024.
tbh both Portuguese (Portugal) and Brazilian PRs states that 1st part will come this year (spring) and the 2nd "in a later date" and not winter 2023 as was been stated in the Presents
tbh both Portuguese (Portugal) and Brazilian PRs states that 1st part will come this year (spring) and the 2nd "in a later date" and not winter 2023 as was been stated in the Presents
Splatoon 3: Side Order is also slated as "for a later date".

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the vagueness around these release times for two games with ongoing support leading up to the release of the next console is because these pieces of content actually form part of the release plan for the new console.

Few other explanations make sense.

That said, 2023. For all of them.
I don’t know, for me it’s irrelevant if it’s at the end of 2023 or beginning of 24. The real question is if the Switch successor information is accurate.
Nintendo has said 2023.
Nintendo has said "after Winter 2023" in two different languages, including their original one. It is fairly unambiguous.

That said, considering how GameFreak is... not the most skilled developer out there, this could always get pushed.
Nintendo has said "after Winter 2023" in two different languages, including their original one. It is fairly unambiguous.

That said, considering how GameFreak is... not the most skilled developer out there, this could always get pushed.
A big part of Game Freak's problem is specifically that they don't budge on release dates.

I suppose it could be interpreted as the "enhancement patches are being released with DLC pack 2" but why mention "new nintendo switch models". We don't even know if the person translating is lying about their first language in order to protect their identity. I think there's a possibility every line was deliberate.

Could just very well be another Switch OLED SKU, yeah programming features for just another garden variety Mariko model seems miniscule to spare the effort.
Quoted by: LiC
There has been a lot of smoke lately for the Nintendo Switch Redacted , boy the month of February has been the complete opposite of the doom spiel we got in January reinvigorating my hopes that we will have the next Nintendo console in the next Fiscal Year
Could just very well be another Switch OLED SKU, yeah programming features for just another garden variety Mariko model seems miniscule to spare the effort.
A graphics enhancement patch is not coming out alongside a new OLED model, and a second set of Pokémon SV OLED models is not happening anyway.

If you believe this information is real, they are clearly stating that an enhancement patch for SV (like the kind that's been discussed for other games here ad nauseum) is planned to release with the DLC alongside the upgraded hardware that will run it. I don't believe it, but I also don't believe in a middle ground where they have legitimate hardware info but it's actually about something else.

I suppose it could be interpreted as the "enhancement patches are being released with DLC pack 2" but why mention "new nintendo switch models". We don't even know if the person translating is lying about their first language in order to protect their identity. I think there's a possibility every line was deliberate.

I believe Nate is simply saying that it’s being misread as though the new model is coming winter. If you read between the lines, it’s saying that this patch will come after a new model has been already released.

aka, let’s say it comes out November, the wave 2 is in late January or early Feb, then in that case the new patch with graphic update is in that frame for a model that is released. Henceforth, it’s not a day 1 patch here for when a new model comes out.

That said I don’t believe this for a second, but I am fine entertaining the words in a vacuum. Not to mention this is being translated from an original source presumably.
In Japanese, winter 2023 does not mean Dec 2023 thru March 2024. It means Nov 2023 thru Dec 2023, or only Dec.
But they say it'll be released on "winter 2023 or later", so it could be anything on paper.
I believe Nate is simply saying that it’s being misread as though the new model is coming winter. If you read between the lines, it’s saying that this patch will come after a new model has been already released.

aka, let’s say it comes out November, the wave 2 is in late January or early Feb, then in that case the new patch with graphic update is in that frame for a model that is released. Henceforth, it’s not a day 1 patch here for when a new model comes out.

That said I don’t believe this for a second, but I am fine entertaining the words in a vacuum. Not to mention this is being translated from an original source presumably.
As I say in a follow up tweet, I also don't believe the 4chan leak is 100% credible. It may have gotten the presentation contents; but the inclusion of a machine translation brings doubt to the last sentence, in terms of clarity; and it can easily be a person who saw the presentation and added misinformation for the sake of watching the world burn. Knowing the presentation details were 100% legit, they tack-on fake info about hardware and watch the internet run wild with it for days.
keep calm and wait for gdc

and if that fails, keep calm and wait for e3

and if that fails, keep calm and wait for the september direct

and if that fails...
I mean, yeah; GDC will certainty be a forum of conversation for many industry individuals -- whether any of what is shared via frien-da is reported by outlets/media remains unknown. But GDC will give clarity in some regard.
I think a Switch 2 in 2023 is possible, but not because of that 4Chan thing. That site is full of attention seeking trolls.
I mean, yeah; GDC will certainty be a forum of conversation for many industry individuals -- whether any of what is shared via frien-da is reported by outlets/media remains unknown. But GDC will give clarity in some regard.
GDC was the only one I wasn't being ironic on. E3, I'm iffy on given the current state of things. but by June, I expect more devs to be in the know.
I will just keep pretending the Switch 2 will launch in 2027 and be happy if it launches before. I know the T239 is probably not cancelled and that'd mean a much earlier release, but watching the world burn as everyone gets more desperate for it can also be fun in a way I guess.
So like, does Gamefreak outsource to outside of Japan?
Because my initial reaction to the base premise of that 4chan post is, 'shouldn't this be on 2ch or some other Japanese image board or somewhere else in the Nihongo-sphere, instead of random English language board'.
(to be clear: I'm in the 'promotion material/YouTube video access' camp)
I'm convinced next Switch is for March or April next year.

Like every year.
Sorry, I know I'm late to this party but I just couldn't pass it up:

February 2024 makes more sense for the Pokemon DLC2 just because DLC1 is launching Fall 2023 so that's probably September or October.

Would be weird to launch DLC1 in September and DLC2 in November.
So like, does Gamefreak outsource to outside of Japan?
Because my initial reaction to the base premise of that 4chan post is, 'shouldn't this be on 2ch or some other Japanese image board or somewhere else in the Nihongo-sphere, instead of random English language board'.
(to be clear: I'm in the 'promotion material/YouTube video access' camp)
Checking a few of the companies on the list, the outsourcing companies seem to be mostly Japanese, though at least some of them seem to have offices elsewhere.

Slightly outdated video but the argument still stands.

I think Switch Pro is real, and there’s just so much evidence pointing towards it using the Orin T239 chip.

But I think the whole concept of “is it Switch Pro or Switch 2?” is a myth. From a technical standpoint it doesn’t matter. Especially if the system is backwards compatible with current Switch games.

Thus Nintendo could easily label it as either a new Switch model, just like they did with OLED and Lite. Or label it is a brand new system.

I think it will really come down to marketing, if I had to predict
Once again, something comes along that only further cements my belief that this is coming for Christmas 2023. It is the most logical choice for a new console release, early 2024 just doesn't make any sense to me at all when you can announce this thing during E3 season and have it released in time for some of the biggest shopping events of the year to maximise launch profits (for example release it in November 2023, have Black Friday, Christmas and Boxing Day to close out the year on a financial high. But since this is supposedly intended for Winter 2023, December would be the launch window in that scenario. Still, Christmas rush is the hot ticket.)

We have barebones information regarding what the second half of 2023 entails for Nintendo outside of DLC releases and it feels extremely intentional at this point. They are hiding something and that something is the fact that they have games for launch on Switch 2 and cannot reveal them because doing so will preemptively blow wide open the fact the new console is coming. Sure, they can be cross gen titles, but why bother showcasing them and leave them open for potential ridicule by the community with more "great and these have to run on Switch 1 still" comments when they just as easily wait and announce some titles and highlight that they will be running on a brand new successor that is more powerful and ready to be released by Christmas.

All the little things that are building up really, really, really cement to me that this is the year, end of 2023 is just the most logical choice at this point for the successor, there is no better time. Sure, they could've had it released alongside TOTK in May, but, that only makes sense solely because of TOTK being a big release. Yet, they have chosen not to do that and to keep their cards for the rest of the year very close to their chest which implies heavily that they are saving this for the second half of the year.

Furthermore, as much as people will debate about it not being "as big as Zelda or 3D Mario as a launch title" I believe Metroid Prime 4 is a launch title and ever since Retro took over, has always been planned during development to target the successor more so than just the OG Switch. Metroid has always been a showcase title for what a Nintendo console is capable of and it makes perfect sense for the Switch 2 version of Prime 4 to be the showcase for this console versus OG Switch's capabilities. I think 3D Mario will absolutely be there as the "bigger title" but Prime 4 will be in that launch line-up, this was cemented more to me from them shadow dropping Prime Remastered now, to leave space for when Prime 4 bookends the year.

All the little tidbits of info we're slowing gathering makes sense to me, if I'm wrong I honestly won't be able to make sense of Nintendo's decision making process at all but I am 100% all in on an end of year release.

Also, Winter 2023 for us Australian's is from June to August, seasons are arbitrary. 2023 means 2023, you don't state Winter 2023 and mean it for 2024, that's false advertising unless a delay announcement is made. Winter 2023 means it has to come under 2023. That ends NYE. If you want to carry Winter into 2024 for January/February, that does not fall under Winter 2023, that falls under Winter 2024/Q1 2024 that you might as well state clearly that this is meant for Winter 2024. You can speculate that could include December 2024 which could confuse people speculating on if Winter 2024 means the beginning or end of the year so it makes more sense to just straight out say, Q1 2024 instead to clarify.

I go by year though, if you put 2023 down, that's a clear definition of the year intended for a release at this time. Everything adds up, 2024 to me is too late to launch this and unless you want Q4 2024, nothing earlier than that in that year makes much sense to me. I'm used to consoles targeting launch in Q4, historically with Sony and Microsoft but Nintendo did launch the GameCube, Wii and Wii U in Q4 as well with Switch being released in March as an oddity to me.
For me winter is at best a few weeks long and summer lasts nearly five months so like.. this discussion is kinda wild 😅
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Winter 2023 is December at worst, going by Nintendo/GF's marketing history.

When GameFreak announced Legends Arceus, they gave it an Early 2022 release date, which ended up being January.
When Nintendo announced Xenoblade 2, they gave it a Winter 2017 release date, which ended up being December.
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