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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST15 Dec 2022| The Holidays Are a Time for Fami

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Maybe I should post this as a thread ro get more responses but what's everybody's worst reviewed game on metacritic that they love?
I don’t tend to look up a lotta metacritic scores but I do know that Deadly Premonition is kinda low on there.

I was going to guess Crackdown (that Xbox 360 game that came with the Halo 3 Beta) was gonna be pretty lowly reviewed but it’s got a low-80s score. A nice surprise, seeing as that game was mostly known for including the Halo 3 Beta and not what it should be known for: being one of the best 3D Platformers of all time.
Maybe I should post this as a thread ro get more responses but what's everybody's worst reviewed game on metacritic that they love?

Mine is One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP on 3DS. I prefer the Wii version too but if I only had the 3DS version I'd still love the game. It has a 46 on Metacritic.

Enter the Matrix is in the low 60s on Metacritic.


Now I'll say that I really enjoyed it back when it came out. I have never replayed it, so I guess I might hate it now, who knows. We'll never know because I don't plan to ever go back :p

Edit: worth mentioning that the user scores are in the 8 range. So I'm not alone in thinking the game was lots of fun despite its technical shortcomings.
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This just in! Of course with all the swag that comes with it but to lazy to photgraph it all lol! Been a long wait since Stricty Limited probably got hit by the shortages but this is finally in. Though I'm way more wary to order this kinda stuff now with the bizarre waiting times

I uploaded yet another track for my fake OST project, this time it's an adventurous tune. The game would theoretically be separated into areas and the first one would be a castle that you infiltrate from the garden with this music!

As always, hope you enjoy and any feedback is welcome.
Maybe I should post this as a thread ro get more responses but what's everybody's worst reviewed game on metacritic that they love?

Mine is One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP on 3DS. I prefer the Wii version too but if I only had the 3DS version I'd still love the game. It has a 46 on Metacritic.

I could fill a thread with these! I’ve played a lot of portable rpgs in my time and often found something to like in even those with relatively poor reviews .

This got a 45, which it deserves, it’s a faithful representation of the fighting fantasy game book, it’s just a bit clunky. I loved the books as a kid though so easily overlooked the issues. https://www.metacritic.com/game/ds/fighting-fantasy-the-warlock-of-firetop-mountain

Elminage Original on PSP got a 55 but I put it down to a lack of reviewers that love a good dungeon crawl

Dragoneers Aria- a long forgotten FF-style rpg on PSP. Reviews are entirely fair though- it’s forgotten for a reason as it does nothing memorable. It passed the time for me though, did what it said on the tin- it’s a passable JRPG. I didn’t love it though, it’s one of those where the reviews are entirely fair (56)

Damascus Gear is actually a really fun action mech game, and it got a sequel too! It’s very repetitive though. (58)
Maybe I should post this as a thread ro get more responses but what's everybody's worst reviewed game on metacritic that they love?

Mine is One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP on 3DS. I prefer the Wii version too but if I only had the 3DS version I'd still love the game. It has a 46 on Metacritic.

Cursory glance but so far Gauntlet: Dark Legacy on Gamecube is my lowest sitting at 60.

Somehow Custom Robo sits at a 65 and Worms 3D on GC got a 69, but I am curious to see what else is out there and how supposedly trash my gaming taste is 😂
I don't think there's any particularly low rated game I love, I searched and I couldn't find one quickly. Like, I love Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 which only has a 76 MC but I'd hardly call it a bad score, just not as good as what I'd personally give the game.
How is it so low??? I played the hell out of DX as a kid.
Based on the reviews quoted: bad camera, glitches, bad voice acting, etc

All the same stuff people complained about when it was new, which I ignored then as well. 🤣
Give it 10-15 years and the general sentiment will be “actually Scarlet and Violet were always good”

that game makes so many wildly interesting choices and has some incredible writing

and the soundtrack rules

honestly most people are too blinded by superficial things like performance and graphics and aren’t ready to have the conversation of “is the game enjoyable or not” to which I truly believe the answer is a resounding “yes”
I haven’t even played S/V but I’m old enough that I’ve seen this play out plenty of times to know that you are 110% right
How is it so low??? I played the hell out of DX as a kid.
It's specifically reviews of the Xbox 360 port. And to be fair, it's a worse version of a not so great port! For comparison, DX on GameCube has a 57, and the Dreamcast version reviewed much better.
I don’t tend to look up a lotta metacritic scores but I do know that Deadly Premonition is kinda low on there.

I was going to guess Crackdown (that Xbox 360 game that came with the Halo 3 Beta) was gonna be pretty lowly reviewed but it’s got a low-80s score. A nice surprise, seeing as that game was mostly known for including the Halo 3 Beta and not what it should be known for: being one of the best 3D Platformers of all time.
Crackdown was awesome. Lotta good memories with that game.
I uploaded yet another track for my fake OST project, this time it's an adventurous tune. The game would theoretically be separated into areas and the first one would be a castle that you infiltrate from the garden with this music!

As always, hope you enjoy and any feedback is welcome.

This is a great tune. It sounds like it takes cue's from Indiana Jones OST but just a bit. I really like it!
Some more rpgs (I’m just looking through their listings and picking out the ones I enjoyed)
Black Sigil on DS (58). This was a fun, perfectly adequate JRPG. These days it would likely be received a lot better as an indie release at half the price, the range of pricing options on console digital stores is a good thing to have happened.

Ragnarok Odyssey Ace (61)
I played this on Vita where it reviewed a little higher, probably as hunting games were a bit more familiar to the audience. It’s not as good as Monster Hunter but I enjoyed it all the same. Score felt fair to me.

Weirdly, of the hunting games, Final Fantasy Explorers did better at (69), but I felt it was one of the worst ones I’d played

Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time is also on (67), and I thought that was one of the best JRPGS on PSP!

I’ll stop there as the numbers are heading into pretty reasonable scores. I was just used to portable games feeling like they got a couple of points knocked off in reviews just for being on a portable for so long. Portable games had to be exceptional to get a decent score, and particularly on PSP/Vita for some reason.
Conundrum for you fam.

I have a "willpower" stat which is meant to govern how likely it is a character will receive a negative condition when attacked, and if they do receive the a condition it is checked each turn to determine if the condition should be removed.

My issue is, I'm having trouble figuring out how this will play out in a playthrough. I'm the beginning of the game your willpower will be low, as you go on it'll get boosted bit by bit with items or other stat boosters. So am I supposed to make it like, impossible to avoid getting a condition or getting rid of it when you're a very low level?

Feels extremely hard to balance this.
Holiday Jazz Day 6: Jeff Golub “Here Comes Santa Claus”

I told you I would be putting in some more smooth jazz/soul jazz/groovier tracks, and this one doesn’t disappoint. Love the guitar playing accompanied with that drum beat. Fun take on this classic.

Conundrum for you fam.

I have a "willpower" stat which is meant to govern how likely it is a character will receive a negative condition when attacked, and if they do receive the a condition it is checked each turn to determine if the condition should be removed.

My issue is, I'm having trouble figuring out how this will play out in a playthrough. I'm the beginning of the game your willpower will be low, as you go on it'll get boosted bit by bit with items or other stat boosters. So am I supposed to make it like, impossible to avoid getting a condition or getting rid of it when you're a very low level?

Feels extremely hard to balance this.
Maybe you need more factors like variables in how debilitating the condition is, and how long it lasts?

So, for example, say you don’t want conditions to disappear entirely. Perhaps a low level, low willpower character gains the ‘blah’ condition at 10% chance and it takes 5 turns to clear.
Perhaps a low level, high willpower character gains it at 10% chance but it only takes 3 turns to clear.
Perhaps a high level, low willpower character gains it at 5% chance but it still takes 5 turns to clear.
And a high level, high willpower character only gains it at 5% chance and it only lasts 3 rounds.
At endgame, a very high level, very high willpower character only gains it at 2% and it only lasts one round.

Maybe there’s a variable where there’s a resistance to x condition stat for each condition, where those more resistant take less effects- E.g. poison does 10% damage each turn, but each point in a poison resistance stat reduces that by x%.

That kinda thing? You just need a few variable ranges for the condition, and % chance and duration are two of them. You could even have ‘% chance to auto-shrug off each turn’ as well as duration and tie that to a constitution stat.
Maybe you need more factors like variables in how debilitating the condition is, and how long it lasts?

So, for example, say you don’t want conditions to disappear entirely. Perhaps a low level, low willpower character gains the ‘blah’ condition at 10% chance and it takes 5 turns to clear.
Perhaps a low level, high willpower character gains it at 10% chance but it only takes 3 turns to clear.
Perhaps a high level, low willpower character gains it at 5% chance but it still takes 5 turns to clear.
And a high level, high willpower character only gains it at 5% chance and it only lasts 3 rounds.
At endgame, a very high level, very high willpower character only gains it at 2% and it only lasts one round.

Maybe there’s a variable where there’s a resistance to x condition stat for each condition, where those more resistant take less effects- E.g. poison does 10% damage each turn, but each point in a poison resistance stat reduces that by x%.

That kinda thing? You just need a few variable ranges for the condition, and % chance and duration are two of them. You could even have ‘% chance to auto-shrug off each turn’ as well as duration and tie that to a constitution stat.
Yeah I'm kinda trying to avoid adding additional variables but it looks like it might have to be how I do it. Right now I have conditions as a simple enum array, with no way to indicate how "severe" they are. I could theoretically just allow the array to accept duplicate enum "condition" values to indicate severity. Two poisons means twice as much poison damage as one poison, etc.

Right now I have the clear chance as ((Wil/10)+Turns affected)/10, which honestly feels like a decent way to do it. I may have to just play a bunch with it this way to see how it feels.

This is why game developers hire testers isn't it
Yeah I'm kinda trying to avoid adding additional variables but it looks like it might have to be how I do it. Right now I have conditions as a simple enum array, with no way to indicate how "severe" they are. I could theoretically just allow the array to accept duplicate enum "condition" values to indicate severity. Two poisons means twice as much poison damage as one poison, etc.

Right now I have the clear chance as ((Wil/10)+Turns affected)/10, which honestly feels like a decent way to do it. I may have to just play a bunch with it this way to see how it feels.

This is why game developers hire testers isn't it
Oh absolutely.

On a tangential note, in rpgs I’ve often thought that players quickly zero in on a ‘hierarchy’ of which status affects to prioritise resisting/immunity to as well, as they are rarely equally debilitating. I often find that, when choosing which status effects to resist in a game through items etc, I tend to prioritise confusion, petrify and poison. As the former is usually ‘inflicts high damage on party AND can’t act freely, petrify is usually ‘can’t do anything or be healed, requires specialist cure and is game over if the others die too’ and the latter is usually ‘massive cumulative damage’. So they all often feel way worse than silence, being stunned for a turn, slowed down, attack/defence down etc.
Maybe I should post this as a thread ro get more responses but what's everybody's worst reviewed game on metacritic that they love?

Mine is One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP on 3DS. I prefer the Wii version too but if I only had the 3DS version I'd still love the game. It has a 46 on Metacritic.


These two games have immaculate vibes that make up for their shortcomings but they're not easy to recommend.
Oh absolutely.

On a tangential note, in rpgs I’ve often thought that players quickly zero in on a ‘hierarchy’ of which status affects to prioritise resisting/immunity to as well, as they are rarely equally debilitating. I often find that, when choosing which status effects to resist in a game through items etc, I tend to prioritise confusion, petrify and poison. As the former is usually ‘inflicts high damage on party AND can’t act freely, petrify is usually ‘can’t do anything or be healed, requires specialist cure and is game over if the others die too’ and the latter is usually ‘massive cumulative damage’. So they all often feel way worse than silence, being stunned for a turn, slowed down, attack/defence down etc.
The way I have it right now, your willpower governs mental conditions (silenced, paralyzed, confused and asleep) and vitality governs physical conditions (poisoned, diseased, bleeding and chilled). That way no one stat protects you from everything.

And some conditions aren't resistable without some extra magical assistance, like frozen or stoned or vaporized or eaten (which limits you to only targeting the enemy which ate you but you do 3x damage)
I finally finished Shadow of the Tomb Raider

It's both the best and the worst game in the reboot series. No, I will not elaborate.
The way I have it right now, your willpower governs mental conditions (silenced, paralyzed, confused and asleep) and vitality governs physical conditions (poisoned, diseased, bleeding and chilled). That way no one stat protects you from everything.

And some conditions aren't resistable without some extra magical assistance, like frozen or stoned or vaporized or eaten (which limits you to only targeting the enemy which ate you but you do 3x damage)
That all sounds really interesting!
(i'll also respond to everybody regarding my metacritic question, I've already seen great answers! Probably tomorrow tho, I'll go to sleep earlier today lol)
Maybe I should post this as a thread ro get more responses but what's everybody's worst reviewed game on metacritic that they love?

Mine is One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP on 3DS. I prefer the Wii version too but if I only had the 3DS version I'd still love the game. It has a 46 on Metacritic.

As Derachi said, Deadly Premonition would be a good pick, even though it's not so terribly rated on Metacritic (68 to 70 depending on the version).

Binary Domain also is a 68 that feels like it should be way higher. Imo one of the best TPS of its gen, and maybe of all time.

Other than that... Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires looks like shit on the Switch but it's a game I genuinely love (I gave it 70% iirc) and one of the games I've played the most this year. On the Switch as well : while not as good as the first one, Deadly Premonition 2 is an interesting and well-written game that absolutely should be above 70 on MC.
Conundrum for you fam.

I have a "willpower" stat which is meant to govern how likely it is a character will receive a negative condition when attacked, and if they do receive the a condition it is checked each turn to determine if the condition should be removed.

My issue is, I'm having trouble figuring out how this will play out in a playthrough. I'm the beginning of the game your willpower will be low, as you go on it'll get boosted bit by bit with items or other stat boosters. So am I supposed to make it like, impossible to avoid getting a condition or getting rid of it when you're a very low level?

Feels extremely hard to balance this.
Just have some kind of floor/ceiling. E.g. you could have:

Probability to avoid/recover = 0.2 + 0.7*(current level)/(max level)

Then your odds to avoid/recover begin at 20% (at a presumably non-existent level 0) and then increase linearly to 90% at your level cap. The increase also need not be linear

EDIT: Also, having seen your conversation with @PixelKnight, to account for severity you could just implement different probability functions for each status (assuming there aren't like 100) rather than worry too much about implementing additional variables

E.g. using Pokémon status conditions as an example, you'd likely want Sleep/Freeze (stops you from moving entirely) to be recovered from much quicker than Poison (loses some HP per turn). So you'd set a higher floor and possibly use more rapid level scaling as well
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As Derachi said, Deadly Premonition would be a good pick, even though it's not so terribly rated on Metacritic (68 to 70 depending on the version).

Binary Domain also is a 68 that feels like it should be way higher. Imo one of the best TPS of its gen, and maybe of all time.

Other than that... Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires looks like shit on the Switch but it's a game I genuinely love (I gave it 70% iirc) and one of the games I've played the most this year. On the Switch as well : while not as good as the first one, Deadly Premonition 2 is an interesting and well-written game that absolutely should be above 70 on MC.
Binary Domain was such a good game! I loved the way the robots fell apart as you shot them and crawled towards you, and the cheesy B-movie story. I don’t usually enjoy shooters but I really liked that, I hope it gets ported to Switch at some point although it’s probably fairly unlikely.
Just have some kind of floor/ceiling. E.g. you could have:

Probability to avoid/recover = 0.2 + 0.7*(current level)/(max level)

Then your odds to avoid/recover begin at 20% (at a presumably non-existent level 0) and then increase linearly to 90% at your level cap. The increase also need not be linear

EDIT: Also, having seen your conversation with @PixelKnight, to account for severity you could just implement different probability functions for each status (assuming there aren't like 100) rather than worry too much about implementing additional variables

E.g. using Pokémon status conditions as an example, you'd likely want Sleep/Freeze (stops you from moving entirely) to be recovered from much quicker than Poison (loses some HP per turn). So you'd set a higher floor and possibly use more rapid level scaling as well
I already do handle some effects differently, yeah. Generally the ones that make you unable to act, like frozen/electrocuted/stunned/stoned/burning (forces you to melee attack nearest enemy). Asleep I treat differently since being attacked instantly wakes you up, so it's not quite as debilitating IMO as poison which both halves your stats and does damage per turn.

Also I was trying to think of another "mental" condition to allow both types to have an equal four.

I only use a Switch unfortunately but I’m sure there’s some fami pals who could help :)
One day I'll get a Switch devkits.

Might try to get it working on Android first though since that seems easier especially for demos.
It's interesting taking a look at GOTY lists and seeing there really isn't that much of a consensus - at least not yet - about the best Switch titles this year. From the exclusive gang, Bayonetta 3, Kirby, and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 tend to be turning up the most, followed by Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope, Pokemon Legends, and Splatoon 3. Triangle Strategy and perhaps more surprisingly Sunbreak seem pretty rare so far (I think both are excellent), with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet also popping up. Tunic and Neon White seem to be the most common multiformat picks for Switch. Arguably, last year had Metroid Dread as a sort for consensus GOTY pick across multiple outlets.

Generally this reflects good things (so many games! so many tastes!) but also bad things. Looking forward to next year being an incredible return to form for Nintendo because of Zelda and 3D Mario.
So how is the 3rd party switch dock situation now? Mine suffered and "accident" (parents invited the neighbor kid and somehow the dock "fell" and I can see it's broken and it doesn't display anymore).

I know there was dock panic with some of them bricking or burning switch and don't want to risk it (but also the original is fucking expensive) . Anyone has some recommendations?
It's interesting taking a look at GOTY lists and seeing there really isn't that much of a consensus - at least not yet - about the best Switch titles this year. From the exclusive gang, Bayonetta 3, Kirby, and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 tend to be turning up the most, followed by Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope, Pokemon Legends, and Splatoon 3. Triangle Strategy and perhaps more surprisingly Sunbreak seem pretty rare so far (I think both are excellent), with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet also popping up. Tunic and Neon White seem to be the most common multiformat picks for Switch. Arguably, last year had Metroid Dread as a sort for consensus GOTY pick across multiple outlets.

Generally this reflects good things (so many games! so many tastes!) but also bad things. Looking forward to next year being an incredible return to form for Nintendo because of Zelda and 3D Mario.
Nice mix of stuff this year. I also loved Triangle Strategy and Sunbreak. I’m on the anomaly grind with the latter, somewhere around 190 at this point!

Live A Live was a hit for me too, enjoyed that.

While there isn’t so much a standout hit this year, I still think it’s indicative of the Switch first party library continuing to be pretty strong on average. Almost every one of their major IP has at least one solid entry on Switch now.
Nice mix of stuff this year. I also loved Triangle Strategy and Sunbreak. I’m on the anomaly grind with the latter, somewhere around 190 at this point!

Live A Live was a hit for me too, enjoyed that.

While there isn’t so much a standout hit this year, I still think it’s indicative of the Switch first party library continuing to be pretty strong on average. Almost every one of their major IP has at least one solid entry on Switch now.
Sure, absolutely, that's what I'm getting at.

That, and a section of the gaming media/world which won't acknowledge that unless there's new Zelda and new Mario :p
It's interesting taking a look at GOTY lists and seeing there really isn't that much of a consensus - at least not yet - about the best Switch titles this year. From the exclusive gang, Bayonetta 3, Kirby, and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 tend to be turning up the most, followed by Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope, Pokemon Legends, and Splatoon 3. Triangle Strategy and perhaps more surprisingly Sunbreak seem pretty rare so far (I think both are excellent), with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet also popping up. Tunic and Neon White seem to be the most common multiformat picks for Switch. Arguably, last year had Metroid Dread as a sort for consensus GOTY pick across multiple outlets.

Generally this reflects good things (so many games! so many tastes!) but also bad things. Looking forward to next year being an incredible return to form for Nintendo because of Zelda and 3D Mario.
I think for me at least this year has had a lot of good-to-great titles but nothing astounding. Even the Pokemon games, which are probably the two that stand out to me the most, are pretty flawed in a lot of areas (S/V more so than Legends) so even if they might be 9+ for me in enjoyment factor I wouldn't expect them to rate highly on any list trying to be objective
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So how is the 3rd party switch dock situation now? Mine suffered and "accident" (parents invited the neighbor kid and somehow the dock "fell" and I can see it's broken and it doesn't display anymore).

I know there was dock panic with some of them bricking or burning switch and don't want to risk it (but also the original is fucking expensive) . Anyone has some recommendations?
Honestly I’d be afraid of using a third-party dock but you probably don’t risk much if you’re using one from a well-know brand that you can get in stores. A friend of mine uses the Steelplay Mini Dock everyday, it works well without issues.

With that said, depending on the country where you live, your home insurance can cover the cost of replacement for « accidents » like that (or the neighbor kid’s liability insurance, if you feel comfortable talking about that with his parents).
I hear Deadly Premonition, Binairy Domain… that’s some good stuff.

DP is great in its rather Twin Peaks like stuff.

Binairy Domain is crazy pants; it also has an android who speaks with a French accent. What’s not to like?
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