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StarTopic Metroid Dread |ST| The Chozon One

There is an obvious tell for the one counter you need to proceed, he basically taunts you. Then you need to just get close and counter.
I never realized that I was supposed to engage his taunt during that fight. I always just kept my distance until he proceeded with his normal pattern. He has other counter moves as well so those are the ones I used. Felt a bit silly watching gameplay and seeing people challenge his taunt.
Already beat the game but I might do the final fight again just for fun.
Phase 1
As far as I can tell, you can only attack him by shooting missiles after countering (on the in-engine animation). IMO, the easiest attack to counter is his dash. He'll turn red and dash towards you. The timing to counter is surprisingly lenient so if you start countering when he starts dashing you'll likely get it.

During this phase I recommend trying to stay far away from the boss at all times. If he shoots the black hole you can destroy it quickly with 4 missiles which is very easy to do if you are far from him. Staying far also makes getting the counter I mentioned earlier very easy to get. Of course, when he does the attack where he raises his hand you have to get near him to avoid damage, but remember to jump and Flash Shift away as soon as it's over otherwise he'll combo you.

Phase 2
You can attack at all times now. For this phase I actually recommend to stay close to him so that you can damage him quickly. His attacks aren't that hard to dodge. The continous beam can be dodged by Space Jumping around him, the dash can be dodged by sliding/morph ball and his other 2 attacks (vertical attack and charged laser) just require a quick Flash Shift or slide.

Phase 3
A lot of attacks from Phase 1 return here, so I recommend the same strategy: staying far from the boss and countering the red dash. For his "sun" attack I recommend using Space Jump and Flappy Bird your way, dodging both the sun's attacks and his charged laser if he uses it.

It didn't take me many tries with this strat, but I did have all the energy tanks.
Phase 1
As far as I can tell, you can only attack him by shooting missiles after countering (on the in-engine animation). IMO, the easiest attack to counter is his dash. He'll turn red and dash towards you. The timing to counter is surprisingly lenient so if you start countering when he starts dashing you'll likely get it.

During this phase I recommend trying to stay far away from the boss at all times. If he shoots the black hole you can destroy it quickly with 4 missiles which is very easy to do if you are far from him. Staying far also makes getting the counter I mentioned earlier very easy to get. Of course, when he does the attack where he raises his hand you have to get near him to avoid damage, but remember to jump and Flash Shift away as soon as it's over otherwise he'll combo you.

Phase 2
You can attack at all times now. For this phase I actually recommend to stay close to him so that you can damage him quickly. His attacks aren't that hard to dodge. The continous beam can be dodged by Space Jumping around him, the dash can be dodged by sliding/morph ball and his other 2 attacks (vertical attack and charged laser) just require a quick Flash Shift or slide.

Phase 3
A lot of attacks from Phase 1 return here, so I recommend the same strategy: staying far from the boss and countering the red dash. For his "sun" attack I recommend using Space Jump and Flappy Bird your way, dodging both the sun's attacks and his charged laser if he uses it.

It didn't take me many tries with this strat, but I did have all the energy tanks.
You can also powerbomb the sun in Phase 3 for extra health and missles.
Saw some people saying the soundtrack is weak, so i got this mindset before playing the game. Honestly, just Fusion's OST is better. Really liked!
The worst by far is Samus Returns, even the remixes are kinda bland
Phase 1
As far as I can tell, you can only attack him by shooting missiles after countering (on the in-engine animation). IMO, the easiest attack to counter is his dash. He'll turn red and dash towards you. The timing to counter is surprisingly lenient so if you start countering when he starts dashing you'll likely get it.

During this phase I recommend trying to stay far away from the boss at all times. If he shoots the black hole you can destroy it quickly with 4 missiles which is very easy to do if you are far from him. Staying far also makes getting the counter I mentioned earlier very easy to get. Of course, when he does the attack where he raises his hand you have to get near him to avoid damage, but remember to jump and Flash Shift away as soon as it's over otherwise he'll combo you.

Phase 2
You can attack at all times now. For this phase I actually recommend to stay close to him so that you can damage him quickly. His attacks aren't that hard to dodge. The continous beam can be dodged by Space Jumping around him, the dash can be dodged by sliding/morph ball and his other 2 attacks (vertical attack and charged laser) just require a quick Flash Shift or slide.

Phase 3
A lot of attacks from Phase 1 return here, so I recommend the same strategy: staying far from the boss and countering the red dash. For his "sun" attack I recommend using Space Jump and Flappy Bird your way, dodging both the sun's attacks and his charged laser if he uses it.

It didn't take me many tries with this strat, but I did have all the energy tanks.

you can totally attack him for most of phase one, just not once his aura turns gold
The door at 1:34 isn't opened for me. What am I doing wrong?

The person in that video has opened that door from the other side previously. There's another route though I can't remember exactly what it is off the top of my head.
So, Y+B just doesn’t work for me. It’s just a fluke when it works.
I realize you're done with them now, but it's not the button combo as much as a way of straightening out. Y then B is more accurate (shooting takes you out of the spin jump).
What Nintendo first party games got ZERO post launch support?

Not talking just paid DLC, like anything. Because even odyssey got Luigi’s balloon world and some costumes, LM3 got those multiplayer updates.

Just trying to weigh Dread’s potential. I can think of Paper Mario: The Origami King and Link’s Awakening?
I think Super Mario Party was never intended to get any. The online support seemed to be a weird coincidence of being useful in a pandemic and having it working for the next game anyway.
The particular thing about the final boss
's first stage is that you can only damage him during counter sequences

But the way you get him to initiate counter sequences is by dealing damage to his barrier, which has a separate, regenerating health bar

When the barrier is gold, you can't damage it, so you have to wait for a counter opportunity, and the best one is usually his "come at me" taunt
The particular thing about the final boss
's first stage is that you can only damage him during counter sequences

But the way you get him to initiate counter sequences is by dealing damage to his barrier, which has a separate, regenerating health bar

When the barrier is gold, you can't damage it, so you have to wait for a counter opportunity, and the best one is usually his "come at me" taunt
That kinda feels like splitting hairs haha
I know most people praise the game, but I think that makes it even weirder for me to read some of the very specific criticism that gets thrown around.

For example that there are too many buttons in use? What would be the alternative? Less powers? Really weird.

Another one is a bit spoilery:
some people want Samus to talk way more and I'm just sitting here and loving her vibes. She clearly isn't and never was a person that talks to herself or makes comments about everything.
Regarding your spoiler,
I'm one of the people that wishes she talked more, simply because the previous game, Fusion, had what I felt to be a really awesome depiction of Samus (and that was a game where we got her internal monologues, as well as intro and ending dialogue, and even her confronting Adam near the end). To me, Samus is a truly fascinating character with a deep history. I would've loved to have known what was going through her head, on this particular mission.
Finished my second playthrough annoyingly close to under 4 hours (4:19:32 to be specific). I fucked up and got really lost at one point so I know I can get it below four hours.

Does anyone know if cutscenes count towards the timer, specifically the check-ins with Adam?
Finished my second playthrough annoyingly close to under 4 hours (4:19:32 to be specific). I fucked up and got really lost at one point so I know I can get it below four hours.

Does anyone know if cutscenes count towards the timer, specifically the check-ins with Adam?
I would assume they do, but sadly they're mandatory anyway. The doors lock you in until you talk to him.
I would assume they do, but sadly they're mandatory anyway. The doors lock you in until you talk to him.
The main reason I think they do is because those check ins are 60fps. But I can button mash through them anyway.

Would be nice to know for sure though
Regarding your spoiler,
I'm one of the people that wishes she talked more, simply because the previous game, Fusion, had what I felt to be a really awesome depiction of Samus (and that was a game where we got her internal monologues, as well as intro and ending dialogue, and even her confronting Adam near the end). To me, Samus is a truly fascinating character with a deep history. I would've loved to have known what was going through her head, on this particular mission.

I think the one time she speaks in Dread is so powerful because she doesn't talk much. And for me personally she just isn't a person that shares her thoughts constantly and in Dread she could only talk to A.I., not to real people. Inner monologues also doesn't fit with my perception of her, but I guess everyone has a different picture of her and that is fair.
Oh yeah, absolutely it is

Still, if you don't shoot him during the counter sequences, he'll never transition to phase 2
As I learned when I sat and played phase 1 for way too long, shooting missiles that did nothing and initiating but not shooting during counter sequences over and over and over and thinking it was just a gruelling endurance fight. Birds and small children learn faster than me! 😭
I finally completed the game my play time says 12 hour but it was over 20 as I spent a lot of time to defeat the bosses. I love this game. I'll go for a 100% playthrough next though I doubt I'll go for the hard mode
After doing 100% for my first run in 12:23:57, I played through on hard mode and finished in 5:28:05, then a normal mode run in 3:37:55.

Question about the clock though - Does it only count time when you hit a checkpoint (and eventually save)? For example, if I had to retry a boss 10 times before succeeding, does it count the time from all 10 or just the last one?

For that first run, the time in the parental controls app totaled like 18 hours, so I'm wondering if I spent a third of my time retrying bosses and EMMIs
My "I'm an idiot" moment in the game was fighting the Z-57 boss and not realizing I had to storm missile the legs during that one specific phase. I tried to kill him by sheer damage for like 10 minutes and was getting incredibly frustrated by nothing happening. If there's a complaint I could make about the bosses it's them requiring damage at specific times and it not being clear in the difference between this mandatory damage and other damage which counts but also does nothing to advance the fight.
The underwater boss on hard mode goes from being a chump to being cheap. Those floating blue and red balls take out two energy tanks if they touch you. That boss is the first time I’ve noticed hard mode being any more difficult.
The underwater boss on hard mode goes from being a chump to being cheap. Those floating blue and red balls take out two energy tanks if they touch you. That boss is the first time I’ve noticed hard mode being any more difficult.
You can kill the blue ones by shooting! They give you missiles and health, don'tcha know
I have streamed this game a couple times and played it by myself. Really great game - best Metroid game I believe as I wasn't the biggest fan of the past 2D games. Need to keep it as it can get hard at times.
I know most people praise the game, but I think that makes it even weirder for me to read some of the very specific criticism that gets thrown around.

For example that there are too many buttons in use? What would be the alternative? Less powers? Really weird.

Ah see, I think I understand that one immediately. Not to say the control scheme should be different, in fact mastering the control scheme is a large part of the challenge and fun of the game for me, but I'm not sure how to word it, the game is very...mechanically engaging physically? Translating what you want to do on screen that you know you can in terms of moveset feels more complex than most modern games that might simplify actions with auto aim, d pad toggles between missile types and so on. Often you have three button holds while moving haha I think it's incredible but I can see it being overwhelming if you have coordination issues.
My "I'm an idiot" moment in the game was fighting the Z-57 boss and not realizing I had to storm missile the legs during that one specific phase. I tried to kill him by sheer damage for like 10 minutes and was getting incredibly frustrated by nothing happening. If there's a complaint I could make about the bosses it's them requiring damage at specific times and it not being clear in the difference between this mandatory damage and other damage which counts but also does nothing to advance the fight.
IIRC the boss is actually healing when it does that; it's not that you need to damage it there to advance, you're interrupting the heal. You can theoretically out-damage it, it's just not easy.
Just thought of something that would have been nice but probably a total waste of development time.

A hidden boss, would have given the powerbombs more of a use if you had to unlock it with them as you get them so late and then can be funneled into the end without ever bothering to go exploring.
Got to the final boss. Wow, this is something alright.

I'm gonna go to bed because it's late and do this in the morning after a coffee lmao

I don't remember any Metroid game having this kind of difficulty before. Nintendo have learned from Hollow Knight and made Metroid into a Souls game too.
Can anyone who finished the game tell me whether I should or shouldn't be able to
Deal with the "5 green light" doors? I got the Super Missile already, had the impression this was just a timing issue, but I am confident I am doing it as fast as I can in both orders, but still can't open. Unless they muat be done on a specific order?
Ah see, I think I understand that one immediately. Not to say the control scheme should be different, in fact mastering the control scheme is a large part of the challenge and fun of the game for me, but I'm not sure how to word it, the game is very...mechanically engaging physically? Translating what you want to do on screen that you know you can in terms of moveset feels more complex than most modern games that might simplify actions with auto aim, d pad toggles between missile types and so on. Often you have three button holds while moving haha I think it's incredible but I can see it being overwhelming if you have coordination issues.
I have this problem tbh. My coordination is not great and I often use the wrong shoulder button or mess up longer input strings like tricky shinespark puzzles. Sometimes I’ll hit the wrong button during a boss fight and it’s enough to disrupt the flow of things that I’ll take a ton of damage or get combo’d. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing about the game, but it is definitely part of the challenge for me compared to other entries and I don’t think it’s “weird” that I feel this way.
Can anyone who finished the game tell me whether I should or shouldn't be able to
Deal with the "5 green light" doors? I got the Super Missile already, had the impression this was just a timing issue, but I am confident I am doing it as fast as I can in both orders, but still can't open. Unless they muat be done on a specific order?
You’ll be able to open them later!
Can anyone who finished the game tell me whether I should or shouldn't be able to
Deal with the "5 green light" doors? I got the Super Missile already, had the impression this was just a timing issue, but I am confident I am doing it as fast as I can in both orders, but still can't open. Unless they muat be done on a specific order?
You need another upgrade
Ah see, I think I understand that one immediately. Not to say the control scheme should be different, in fact mastering the control scheme is a large part of the challenge and fun of the game for me, but I'm not sure how to word it, the game is very...mechanically engaging physically? Translating what you want to do on screen that you know you can in terms of moveset feels more complex than most modern games that might simplify actions with auto aim, d pad toggles between missile types and so on. Often you have three button holds while moving haha I think it's incredible but I can see it being overwhelming if you have coordination issues.

Mhhh, I get what you say, but for example a ring menu would be way too slow for such a fast and action packed game, don't you think?
So I’m over halfway through my second playthrough and decided to do some sequence breaks.

I got the grapple beam and morph bombs early so I could do the quick Kraid kill. Having the grapple beam before you’re supposed to makes things so much easier. I think early grapple is the way to go in every playthrough now.

I also got the gravity suit early, which is obviously awesome. It should make the first encounter with that rat bastard purple EMMI much easier. But there’s a tradeoff - now I have to fight Z-56 without the space jump, and I’ll end up getting the screw attack before the space jump which is gonna be weird.
Finished my second playthrough annoyingly close to under 4 hours (4:19:32 to be specific). I fucked up and got really lost at one point so I know I can get it below four hours.

Does anyone know if cutscenes count towards the timer, specifically the check-ins with Adam?
I think cutscene like the cinematics ones doesn't count. Anyway you can skip them so it's not an issue.
Adam check-ins seems to count towards the timer, but you can save a lot of time just spamming A button. I did it myself on my 2nd and 3rd run and it was a significant time saving when you're aiming sub 4 hours.

After doing 100% for my first run in 12:23:57, I played through on hard mode and finished in 5:28:05, then a normal mode run in 3:37:55.

Question about the clock though - Does it only count time when you hit a checkpoint (and eventually save)? For example, if I had to retry a boss 10 times before succeeding, does it count the time from all 10 or just the last one?

For that first run, the time in the parental controls app totaled like 18 hours, so I'm wondering if I spent a third of my time retrying bosses and EMMIs
Based on my experience, it counts the time from all of your tries since the last save loading. First time I beat the final boss on Hard, I failed at least 10 times and my timer was 4:05:xx. I was disappointed, so I loaded my save pre-boss. I've beaten him first try: my time was 3:43:xx.
So I’m over halfway through my second playthrough and decided to do some sequence breaks.

I got the grapple beam and morph bombs early so I could do the quick Kraid kill. Having the grapple beam before you’re supposed to makes things so much easier. I think early grapple is the way to go in every playthrough now.

I also got the gravity suit early, which is obviously awesome. It should make the first encounter with that rat bastard purple EMMI much easier. But there’s a tradeoff - now I have to fight Z-56 without the space jump, and I’ll end up getting the screw attack before the space jump which is gonna be weird.
The biggest thing about early grapple is that it makes virtually all of the underwater sections in the game after that trivial, since you can just grapple to magnet walls underwater for full speed bursts.
So I’m over halfway through my second playthrough and decided to do some sequence breaks.

I got the grapple beam and morph bombs early so I could do the quick Kraid kill. Having the grapple beam before you’re supposed to makes things so much easier. I think early grapple is the way to go in every playthrough now.

I also got the gravity suit early, which is obviously awesome. It should make the first encounter with that rat bastard purple EMMI much easier. But there’s a tradeoff - now I have to fight Z-56 without the space jump, and I’ll end up getting the screw attack before the space jump which is gonna be weird.

Any chance you could please remind me of where to go next when performing this sequence break after grabbing early grav suit? I can't find my way out of that underwater area lol. I have early grapple, bombs, and super missiles, plus the grav suit of course.
Any chance you could please remind me of where to go next when performing this sequence break after grabbing early grav suit? I can't find my way out of that underwater area lol. I have early grapple, bombs, and super missiles, plus the grav suit of course.
You have to shinespark your way up the shaft right after getting Grav Suit, so you reach the elevator that takes you to Artaria.
Fuck you Yellow E.M.M.I.

I died over ten times trying to destroy that thing. It can rot in hell.
Mhhh, I get what you say, but for example a ring menu would be way too slow for such a fast and action packed game, don't you think?

Haha very possibly! Don't get me wrong, I'm not a game designer, I habe no idea what would be a better solution really and as I mentioned, I loved that aspect. Really mastering the controls and how everything works in tandem during the shinespark puzzles at the end is one of my best experiences of the year. It's not something I would personally change (although maybe there could be accessibility toggles and options to assist?), but I just don't think it's necessarily a weird complaint. I see it and it makes sense to me (and maybe Ramune's post above for example shows that from the angle of someone it affected a little more).
My main controls complaint would be that I feel like the shoulder buttons are switched; ZL and ZR are more comfortable for prolonged holding, while L and R are better for intermittent actions, and yet it's L and R that will be your most-used inputs. I would appreciate an option to switch those sets of buttons around (though I suppose it would screw with my muscle-memory at this point).
Any chance you could please remind me of where to go next when performing this sequence break after grabbing early grav suit? I can't find my way out of that underwater area lol. I have early grapple, bombs, and super missiles, plus the grav suit of course.
I bomb jumped my up to the Arteria elevator.
Just done 100%ing the game. Well, 100% completion, since I didn't do the challenges where you have to complete the game in less than 4 hours in both normal and hard, since I didn't want to commit to that just now. At some point in the future probably.

Definitely the best Metroid game ever made. Mad props to Mercury Steam.
Just beat a boss I saw whispered about, really had no idea a
Big K lizard
was going to appear in this game LMAO. It was so wonderful though- I was downright giddy with a friend sitting beside me as I was being stomped flat by a Metroid boss again- ah, what a feeling! We couldn't help but laugh for thirty minutes or so it took to decipher the path to victory. Good, tight design I really appreciated. Also learned about a really cool sequence break you could achieve against it and just S-tier design on that idea being implemented.

I kept reading about the morph ball coming too late in the game, but I thought its placement really was perfect.

Back to thread blackout mode until I beat the game- and that's not to say you all aren't rocking it with the spoiler tags, I simply insist! Haha

I think we all can agree that remappable buttons would've been great.
Absolutely- a minor inconvenience but it's absence always baffles me.

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