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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST8 May 2022| Prime Real E-ST8

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I thought January 6th would never be topped in terms of me "being embarrassed to be an american" but boy howdy here we fuckin are


Go fuck yourself to hell lmao

Good golly gosh I am starting to thirst for a Direct, or at least reassurance that we can at least rest easy as far as Nintendo's usual June show still happening.

It's awesome that we have Xenoblade 3 and Splatoon 3 dates, but I am craving to know what the go is with rumoured titles like Batman and COD, and after all the delays recently I am anxious that Bayonetta 3, my most wanted game, will slip out of 2022.

The cancellation of E3 has me nervous that Nintendo will skip their midyear direct again.

OCD is a major pain in the posterior in that it makes one stress, agonize, and obsess over seemingly trivial or innocuous things. It's like this demon inside your head constantly whispering that everything will go wrong, and taking the smallest embers of worry and stoking them into a wildfire. :(
I feel this. On the one hand, I don't think Nintendo actually announced they were doing their Direct at all last year until like... two weeks before it happened? IIRC? But at the same time, we all kind of expected it since E3 was at least happening online. This year not even being able to expect that sucks.
Certainly not the biggest issue in the room (Obviously), however, it being leaked is gonna cause plenty of ripple effects.

That saying, I'm hoping for the best for the women who will undoubtedly be affected by this.
Going straight from another great, breezy episode of Better Call Saul to this news is so jarring and upsetting. Fuck this country, man.
You ever just consider the fact that the future of our country is controlled by a bunch of angry white christian men that won't be around in 15 years? I've thought about it many, many times.
My dad was watching the news the other night and I kinda wandered by and saw Sen. Mallory McMorrow, Rep. Neil Rafferty, and Rep. Ian Mackey talking about what they're doing to try and fight this wave of bigotry and with all three of those faces (all of them under 40) on screen at once I honestly had this sort of jolt feeling that I was looking at the actual future of the country. Not the angry olds who get all the big airtime, but the actual future.
If anyone needs a little confidence that some lawmakers are actually picking up to fight the good fight, McMorrow's and Mackey's recent viral speeches can give a little hope.
You ever just consider the fact that the future of our country is controlled by a bunch of angry white christian men that won't be around in 15 years? I've thought about it many, many times.
I've often felt that with every single year that goes by, theoretically more and more older, rich conservative bigoted people are dying off and that the younger generations are soon going to be more in the majority and taking control of things and moving into better directions, and yet that hasn't happened; that older group is doing everything they possibly can to keep things the way they want it to until their dying breath (and after). And the growing further left younger group is staring down the moderate democrats who are (supposedly) in power right now and have done... fuck all. And I just wonder, where's the tipping point? How much longer can this shit keep happening?

(and yeah I know it's not that simple or general and you can't entirely blame the olds and the system is in general just kinda fucked and a ton of other things but just.... BLARGH. That's all I can say coherently right now. Blargh.)
I've often felt that with every single year that goes by, theoretically more and more older, rich conservative bigoted people are dying off and that the younger generations are soon going to be more in the majority and taking control of things and moving into better directions, and yet that hasn't happened; that older group is doing everything they possibly can to keep things the way they want it to until their dying breath (and after). And the growing further left younger group is staring down the moderate democrats who are (supposedly) in power right now and have done... fuck all. And I just wonder, where's the tipping point? How much longer can this shit keep happening?

(and yeah I know it's not that simple or general and you can't entirely blame the olds and the system is in general just kinda fucked and a ton of other things but just.... BLARGH. That's all I can say coherently right now. Blargh.)
I think "BLARGH" is a thorough summary, actually.
You ever just consider the fact that the future of our country is controlled by a bunch of angry white christian men that won't be around in 15 years? I've thought about it many, many times.

It’ll be too late for the planet by then and they’ll have completely shredded our democracy by 2024. So let’s do something other than waiting for a generation of white dudes to die.

Edit: sorry for the flame. On re-read it sounds like you’re aware and just pointing out the absurdity.
At the very least, I have Chrono Cross in the mail, Xenoblade 3 pre-ordered, and the Sonic social media manager said she passed on the huge outpouring of desire for a physical edition of Sonic Origins to Sega, so... there's that at least.

No matter what happens, at least we'll always have video games.
The Republican Party is a North American Taliban. That's not a controversial statement. The only controversy is that I spoke the silent out loud. They exploit religion which they don't truly believe in to enrich themselves and to bring harm to minorities, women, and especially children. The only reason why this party clings to the abortion issue is to give the appearance that they care about children, all the while letting children across this suffer from poverty, depression, sexual abuse, and being gunned down in their schools.
I have been away from my phone and computer most of the day (minus somehow still shitposting here)
Somehow it doesn't surprise me that the head of the shitpost abyss does not need to trifle with silly things like "phones" or "computers" in order to manifest shitposts directly here
well at least democrats now have a slight fighting chance during midterms (even though there still fucked)
a fighting chance to do what

more of the nothing and posturing that isn’t actually preventing us from getting dragged further into hell?

I am so fucking sick of the ceaseless codification of hatred, violence, and apathy as the mundane and moral and necessary when our lives are on the line, let alone our wills to live

and the optic backstabbing and shell game shitshow?

like when is this going to fucking stop?!

tell me when it’s going to fucking stop?!

and like hell this is isolated to America. let alone the constant bleedover and rising global tide and undeterrable onslaught. when? when do we protect people? when do we get to live?

spoiler! it wasn’t the global pandemic! it’s not the climate crisis! if it was ever now or never, now it’s just fucking never! what is it going to take?!

I’m sorry I know everyone’s angry I’m just

we still

we still can’t even live in the systemic and individual apathy that “being over COVID” has wrought. immunocompromised people can’t do a fucking thing because no one wants to wear masks anymore despite cases still rising and that being fucking deadly for us and you. we… we can’t get groceries at the fucking fruit market, in and out in five minutes, without it being a panic attack minefield. let alone anything else! let alone god forbid us wanting to do anything more than barely survive??

as legislation, enforcement, and public apathy or malevolence keeps destroying communities, killing marginalized people, enshrining hostile transphobia into law, crushing women, over and over and over and over this keeps happening and I just


what are we supposed to do?

what the fuck am I supposed to do?

what the fuck are my friends and loved ones supposed to do?

I have looked friends in the eyes and told them it would get better and they are dead now, and I can’t believe I’m sitting here thinking “I fucking lied, I must have always known I was lying, and I’m so glad they didn’t have to be here for this”



I’m sorry. but fuck.
I just read about the thing. Bunch of backwards assholes.
Maaan fuck the Supreme Court. Bunch of fucking dinosaurs.
most of the sitting members either reached adulthood during the civil rights movement or were literally born then

and they’re staying on longer but the average starting age is the lowest since 1900

we keep rolling up this lie that these old fucks don’t know any better but the reality is that we keep spinning the wheel into the same old dirt and foment retaliation, find alternative ways to perpetuate evil, wait for people to forget why something happened and destabilize it and then do it all over again

even if you believe that the system isn’t completely busted and outright antagonistic, how do you explain the supreme court? lifetime appointments with very little direct input? to decide what is real? what is law? what will drag you under and what will let you float? for the heinous crime of being alive and having a body?
You ever just consider the fact that the future of our country is controlled by a bunch of angry white christian men that won't be around in 15 years? I've thought about it many, many times.
I remember thinking that in the 2000s

I know people who remember thinking that in the 1980s

I’m somewhat familiar with people who thought that in the 1960s

at some point you have to understand that it is built to do this, and the “blamable olds” create more paths to that future in their actions, their legacies, and their very existence

let alone their stupid-ass descendants
a fighting chance to do what

more of the nothing and posturing that isn’t actually preventing us from getting dragged further into hell?

I am so fucking sick of the ceaseless codification of hatred, violence, and apathy as the mundane and moral and necessary when our lives are on the line, let alone our wills to live

and the optic backstabbing and shell game shitshow?

like when is this going to fucking stop?!

tell me when it’s going to fucking stop?!

and like hell this is isolated to America. let alone the constant bleedover and rising global tide and undeterrable onslaught. when? when do we protect people? when do we get to live?

spoiler! it wasn’t the global pandemic! it’s not the climate crisis! if it was ever now or never, now it’s just fucking never! what is it going to take?!

I’m sorry I know everyone’s angry I’m just

we still

we still can’t even live in the systemic and individual apathy that “being over COVID” has wrought. immunocompromised people can’t do a fucking thing because no one wants to wear masks anymore despite cases still rising and that being fucking deadly for us and you. we… we can’t get groceries at the fucking fruit market, in and out in five minutes, without it being a panic attack minefield. let alone anything else! let alone god forbid us wanting to do anything more than barely survive??

as legislation, enforcement, and public apathy or malevolence keeps destroying communities, killing marginalized people, enshrining hostile transphobia into law, crushing women, over and over and over and over this keeps happening and I just


what are we supposed to do?

what the fuck am I supposed to do?

what the fuck are my friends and loved ones supposed to do?

I have looked friends in the eyes and told them it would get better and they are dead now, and I can’t believe I’m sitting here thinking “I fucking lied, I must have always known I was lying, and I’m so glad they didn’t have to be here for this”



I’m sorry. but fuck.
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Anyway I'm slicing up robots with a katana and feeling bad about it, so there's that
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Anyway I'm slicing up robots with a katana and feeling bad about it, so there's that
yeah pal I feel it

and it’s not new

like this has been the history and it hasn’t stopped

and no amount of pleading “why do you want us to die and why are you pretending it’s not because you hate us?” seems to make it change

of course we were right, of course our eyes were open

what good is it doing us

it is so fucking sick

and it is engineered

and the worst part is, they probably aren’t entirely wrong when they say this shit is “the will of the nation”

lead by lies or truth, engineered or authentic or watering the worst seeds in people

it all is

and this is part of why we left but it didn’t leave us and we don’t have enough bolt cutters, box cutters, or bricks to make a world that doesn’t want us dead at every turn

we just wanted to live

I think that’s probably all anyone really wanted

but god forbid, right?
and the worst part is, they probably aren’t entirely wrong when they say this shit is “the will of the nation”
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I’ve gotta tap out on all this, I need enough strength to make it at least ‘til Saturday so my partner and I can get married while it’s still legal

we left somewhere awful to feel like we weren’t living some hated half-life


you know
Reads up on the last page

Man, jeez, the hell. America is such a backwards country. I’m sorry AmericaFami. I’m just wondering what’s going on in the world and how these weird ass, backwards type of people keeping coming into power.

But we as Dutchies are one to talk, people here voted for a narcissistic, self absorbed tool who believes that dinosaurs aren’t real, believes that women belong in the kitchen and does not want to condemn Putin. Thank god people are finally waking up and are finally seeing what a cunt he is.
I like how I got my ass beaten so badly by raven beak I only died once in my second playthrough just now.

Now to debate if I want to go under 4 hrs in normal before I start a hard mode.
For those in the US who have the funds for donations, perhaps consider donating to abortion funds, or just learn more about what's out there. I've seen links to the National Network of Abortion Funds and it's giving me a chance to learn for sure: https://abortionfunds.org/funds/

It's not a catch-all solution to any of these problems. But it is important to support the organizations on the ground doing work - if not with money then by being educated and engaged.
I've taken a brief forced break off of Sekiro (I've been away from my Xbox for 2 weekends in a row) but I've started Hotshot Racing. The rubberbanding is ridiculous but I'm having a lot of fun.
My twitter feed In a nutshell tonight:
  • anger over scotus
  • anger over scotus
  • wall of japanese text
  • anger over scotus
  • wall of japanese text
  • etc, etc
I began watching Chernobyl and man its such a gripping show! I told myself i would watch only one chapter and here i am on chapter 3. Love it.
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