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News Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Release Date trailer, releasing July 29th

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6-8 characters to make fusion combinations out of but it's Heteroblade so of course it's between male/female characters only...

Nahobino outsold!
Fourth, actually. Vangarre was named Vandham in Japanese.

The character was definitely also inspired by Vanderkam from gears and saga.
Oh really? I don't even recall, despite playing the game with Japanese VA. I really hate when they change names like that.
But that's awesome trivia, thanks!
Weird move. They've already lost one of their biggest Q4 games (BOTW2) and now they're moving a Fall title up into the already packed summer. Nintendo must have a much busier fall lineup talking shape than they anticipated before.
Oh really? I don't even recall, despite playing the game with Japanese VA. I really hate when they change names like that.
But that's awesome trivia, thanks!
It's kinda hard to blame them for missing that, because there probably wasn't really a way of knowing at the time that this would become a recurring bit.

There's also some inconsistencies in how Vanderkam's name is spelled between the English versions of gears and saga, but it's pretty well documented that Xenogears' localization was very understaffed and that's far from the only proper noun that ended up with a weird spelling.
Weird move. They've already lost one of their biggest Q4 games (BOTW2) and now they're moving a Fall title up into the already packed summer. Nintendo must have a much busier fall lineup talking shape than they anticipated before.
Likely means they had something big enough to fill Q4 that was complete they moved up from Q1
Some shots in the trailer look like similar resolution to DE in handheld mode. Assuming that Switch trailers showcases docked footage that doesn’t seem too well with how handheld will look for this game lol.
Ha yeah, wasn’t doubting the validity of the source but rather if it was the full picture.

Well I hope that gets the same backlash that Fire Emblem got and results in change. Onto the ignore-until-further-notice list this series goes for me.
I don't think that's necessarily a "romantic" partnership but probably one of the gnosticism themes Takahashi always includes on his games, like maybe some ying-yang, duality, opposing elements kind of stuff in order to "activate" the Ouroboros... who nows, I think it's too early to assume things.
I don't think that's necessarily a "romantic" partnership but probably one of the gnosticism themes Takahashi always includes on his games, like maybe some ying-yang, duality, opposing elements kind of stuff in order to "activate" the Ouroboros... who nows, I think it's too early to assume things.
I’m aware they’re not romantic pairings but that doesn’t mean the decision isn’t rooted in heteronormativity or homophobia. I agree, wait and see, but disappointing at this point.
I’m aware they’re not romantic pairings but that doesn’t mean the decision isn’t rooted in heteronormativity or homophobia. I agree, wait and see, but disappointing at this point.
I don't believe that was the intent at all.

I don't think following constant themes and elements of Jung (like Animus-Anima on Xenogears), Nietzsche, Gnosticism and other mythologies on this games is homophobia or heteronormativity.
Ha yeah, wasn’t doubting the validity of the source but rather if it was the full picture.

Well I hope that gets the same backlash that Fire Emblem got and results in change. Onto the ignore-until-further-notice list this series goes for me.
I don't think it ~deserves~ the same backlash per se, there are no romantic connotations (yet), but the series couldn't be more heteronormative if it tried and this isn't helping. Decisions like this make it very clear who their audience is and that I'm no part of it.
This new trailer and date really flipped the switch for me. WELL…guess I gotta replay the first two lol, it’s been too long for me to remember much. And I’ve never played Torna or Future Connected, so some new stuff to get to in there too!
I think it's a bit preemptive to assume that the initial pairings will remain constant throughout the game. It seems fairly plausible to me that you'll be able to mix and match

That being said, even if you can do that it's likely to be gameplay focused outside of whatever incidents unlock it, and the stated groups will remain the ones used primarily for story purposes.
This new trailer and date really flipped the switch for me. WELL…guess I gotta replay the first two lol, it’s been too long for me to remember much. And I’ve never played Torna or Future Connected, so some new stuff to get to in there too!

I never got to the end of Future Connected, but i'll definitely try it again.
Pair ups could maybe expand later in the game.

Kinda like how XC2’s combat did with Rex being able to equip any blade at a certain point, and giving a certain character a form switch to allow more customizability

I wouldn’t be surprised if it still stuck to one Keves one Agnes per pair up though, feel like that’s part of the major theme.
It would be cool if you unlocked other pairings as the game goes on so you have a pool to call upon, kinda like the Djinn summons in Golden Sun where you can mix and match based on circumstances. Maybe it can link in with character affinity so they have to reach a certain level to unlock a transformation
I don't believe that was the intent at all.

I don't think following constant themes and elements of Jung (like Animus-Anima on Xenogears), Nietzsche, Gnosticism and other mythologies on this games is homophobia or heteronormativity.
Of course it isn’t the intent, but intent isn’t impact.

I don't think it ~deserves~ the same backlash per se, there are no romantic connotations (yet), but the series couldn't be more heteronormative if it tried and this isn't helping. Decisions like this make it very clear who their audience is and that I'm no part of it.
Agreed and well said. The hypersexualization on display in XB2 is a perfect example of this and a discussion that has been had thousands of times before in the gaming sphere by folks better at communicating it than me, but it was just a big “not for you” sign on the game for me in a manner hugely unlike Nintendo + in conflict with why I feel “accepted” in their line up.

Obviously I am not saying that there is an issue with the sexualization at its core, that’s an entirely separate conversation, I’m only speaking to how it made me feel.
Whoa at that new release date, and the UI seems to improve upon what definitive edition started.

Although some of the character designs seem a little oof, I am hyped.
More than anything I'm curious to see how we can traverse the world. We've seen a boat already from the first trailer, but will we see flight?

It'd be wild if the Ouroboros form can be held late game for some X-inspired movement.
I cant get over how we basically only just found out about this game, and its coming even sooner than expected.

So hyped. It looks like they’re addressing a lot people’s problems with XBC2 between the character designs and the apparent lack of gatcha

I can't process this. Release date time travel? We Dbz fusion? What was that thing? And that other thing? I don't even have the sound on cause I'm at work!!!!!
Yo!!! I loved Nintendo flipped the script here and bumped the game more than a month forward!

Trailer was awesome! You don’t pilot mechs, you become mechs! Amazing.
More than anything I'm curious to see how we can traverse the world. We've seen a boat already from the first trailer, but will we see flight?

It'd be wild if the Ouroboros form can be held late game for some X-inspired movement.
Nobody's "sad" about this lol. Quit it with this type of stuff

No? It makes me kinda sad. People aren't generally thrilled with how XC2 and XCDE look on Switch, especially in handheld. They're consistently criticized for their poor image quality and low resolution, and I don't expect anything different with XC3 based on what we've seen.

It's not the end of the world, but I do think that the image quality issues hurt these games quite a bit.

EDIT: Oh, I wasn't referencing you specifically in my post, by the way. Reading your reply, I think it may have been taken that way. I meant "you're" satisfied like anyone in general since we've collectively gotten used to low resolutions in many Switch games.
How about the rare reverse delay! Monolith are simply wizards. Given what we've seen already and the pedigree behind the game, it's hard to see how it's going to be anything but great. Only watched the first 30 seconds of the trailer though - once you know you're going to play a game might as well go in as blind as possible. In fact, I wish I didn't know what I already do...

Only negative is that, man, I really thought we'd have a new Switch (whether Pro or otherwise) by the time XC3 came out, and it's one of the few games that really needs the extra horsepower. I remember even back in 2017 wishing that XC2 ran on better hardware and being really disgruntled with the IQ, to the point that that feeling didn't really go away while playing it, as it often does with other games once you get into them.

Five years later, and with me now being used to XSX / PS5 standard IQ and frame rates, this could be tough.

I almost wonder whether it'd be worth waiting to 2023 to see if a new Switch is announced... but I'd rather play it now. July is a real sweet spot for me - there's nothing else there I'd want to be playing.
Of course it isn’t the intent, but intent isn’t impact.
I'm sorry for a small OT, but I respectfully disagree. I don't see any glimpse of homophobia on this trailer. In fact, as a gay person that has gone through bullying and actual homophobia in school, family and other instances I find a bit dismissive calling "homophobia" the fact that the supposedly couples in a game are all "heterosexual". If we start calling homophobia anything that we don’t like or make us feel bad, the word will lose its true meaning, I don't think it's fine to trivialise real acts of homophobia with assertions like those, it hurts the real victims of this kind of hatred and it should not be mixed with our personal feelings.

About the "heteronormativity"... This is not a game like FE or Animal Crossing where you can change the world, create personal avatars, getting "married" or modify the story. In those cases I'm 100% with you that we should get as many options as possible so everyone can feel being represented on the screen. On a closed story/fantastic mythology there should be anything that the author seems fit, and I don't need to be "represented" to get immersed in, on the opposite, I want to travel to other worlds, evade myself and be anyone else. If there are gay characters, cool (and it'd be fantastic if done right in a no-clichéd way or just to fill a quota, but if it makes sense in the story they want to tell), but if there are none and there's no reason to be, it's fine too. I don't need Link to be gay in BOTW2 because we're in the XXI century and we are so advanced society and I'd love to be represented in the game.

(Not my intention, again, to offence anyone with my opinion. Just let's not get ahead of ourselves with the "couples" on XC3, most probably is just some Animus/Anima thing or other pseudo-biologic-scientific-religious subplot like the need to get some complete genome from the two complementary sexes/core crystals).
Back on Topic!! Some people heard some musical influences from XC1 and XC2 on the trailer... Do you think there will be many "mix" or inspired or evolved themes from the old games or it'll be mostly new compositions with just some nice touches/motifs here and there? I'm hoping for the latter, I want the composers to outdid themselves and be creative.
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so i have only played and finished 2. which one do i play first, torna or 1? also why is torna on its own 40 bucks on the eshop but the expansion is 30 bucks?
Play Torna to expand your love for 2, and play DE(+FC) to be prepared for 3.
I’m aware they’re not romantic pairings but that doesn’t mean the decision isn’t rooted in heteronormativity or homophobia. I agree, wait and see, but disappointing at this point.
The theme of animus and anima was one of gear's major plot elements, I don't think this is the case here. We don't even know if these are all the fusion possibilities
No? It makes me kinda sad. People aren't generally thrilled with how XC2 and XCDE look on Switch, especially in handheld. They're consistently criticized for their poor image quality and low resolution, and I don't expect anything different with XC3 based on what we've seen.

It's not the end of the world, but I do think that the image quality issues hurt these games quite a bit.

EDIT: Oh, I wasn't referencing you specifically in my post, by the way. Reading your reply, I think it may have been taken that way. I meant "you're" satisfied like anyone in general since we've collectively gotten used to low resolutions in many Switch games.
The only people sad about this are those so deep in the chamber that their echoes have echoes. For most people they generally won’t be sadden by it unless it runs like & looks like No More Heroes 3.
No? It makes me kinda sad. People aren't generally thrilled with how XC2 and XCDE look on Switch, especially in handheld. They're consistently criticized for their poor image quality and low resolution, and I don't expect anything different with XC3 based on what we've seen.

It's not the end of the world, but I do think that the image quality issues hurt these games quite a bit.

EDIT: Oh, I wasn't referencing you specifically in my post, by the way. Reading your reply, I think it may have been taken that way. I meant "you're" satisfied like anyone in general since we've collectively gotten used to low resolutions in many Switch games.
Thanks for clarifying, but I knew what you meant

It sounds like you're now saying you're concerned with the games being criticized for its graphics, and that it's sad when it does get criticized.

But you said "It's a sad state of affairs when you're satisfied with 540p on a modern system."
Implying the problem is that we are satisfied with the graphics, and that it's sad that we are.

It's a lot simpler to just say "I'm not satisfied with the graphics and I'm sad about that".
He wasn't hot enough in 2 apparently

That is soley the fault of the costume designer.

They made him half man half utility pouch.

Here we go mind experiment time.

Clean shirt, new shoes
Silk suit, black tie
Gold watch, diamond ring
Cufflinks, stick pin
Black shades, white gloves

How Now?
Wonderful news to wake up to!

Monolith Soft have fantastic productivity, putting out this, XB2, Torna, and XB1DE all in the span of around 4.5 years, including during a major pandemic. I wish other Nintendo teams could match their output.

So far it looks like this retains all the strengths of the last game while improving in many areas as well; if it includes an easy mode from day 1 like Torna and avoids the progress gating and occasional cringey moments of 2 it could be a contender for the best game in the series to date! :)
Wonderful news to wake up to!

Monolith Soft have fantastic productivity, putting out this, XB2, Torna, and XB1DE all in the span of around 4.5 years, including during a major pandemic. I wish other Nintendo teams could match their output.

So far it looks like this retains all the strengths of the last game while improving in many areas as well; if it includes an easy mode from day 1 like Torna and avoids the progress gating and occasional cringey moments of 2 it could be a contender for the best game in the series to date! :)
I like the IDEA of field actions from 2, and usually they worked just fine for me, but they did often just turn into a massive menu tax. I'd like to see the system reworked to be smoother and less of hassle, but I did still like it.
So Nintendo just released a new Article explaining with more detail the trailer and new characters.

Doing some DL translating it seems you’ll have a great number of allies/playable characters and up to SEVEN! at the same time on combat!

Also, about the beginning of the game:

the main characters will encounter with the big enemy in the trailer, and Noah trying to save Mio from a nasty attack they’ll accidentally merge and discover about interlink/Ouroboros… it seems Agnes and Keves will try to kill them after that fact…

Guernica Van Dame (curious name, a Spanish town heavily bombarded in the Civil War (1936-39) that inspired a famous painting of the same name by Picasso) will encounter them (concerned third party?) and they’ll go to the land of the big Sword to find the real enem

Some things I realised (correct me if I’m wrong or missing something) is that it seems the “red” eye on the Keves woman is the right one, and the left on the Agnes militar… Not sure if that’s true for all people on those nations and if it has something to do with the Ouroboros interlink… (not sure if the “clocks” in the weapons / giant iron / enemies also have the left/right half full depending on the country they belong…)

Other detail is when the Keves woman sees the main group as black figures with red eyes… there’s a black/purplish mist around them that remembers me to the fog beasts on FC… could the queens of both nations wanting them death because of this… like they’re becoming fog beasts… gnosis???

It’s too late in the night here, lol, not sure if I’m making any sense…

Lastly the game it seems it’s roughly 15GB size!! MSI you b***** wizards!
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Finally can listen with sound!!!!!!


There is no way that dialog is accidental.
Switch is my only console so I don't have a choice. I unfortunately don't trust Monolith Soft when it comes to handheld mode. SMTV was dynamic 720p but mostly around 540p+ and it actually looked decent in handheld thanks to the small screen. If it's similar to that, I wouldn't mind but I obviously would rather have native resolution but that's 100% not happening.
Play this game in docked. You owe yourself that much with resolution and framerate (if it's like xb2 and xb1de)

That depends if it's using DLSS/FSR or other upscaling techniques.

As long as it doesn't look like the mess that is XC2 with TAA smeared all over it.
What? I can't be in the minority who liked the TAA on xb2.. XBDE in contrast was light on that and that game was fugly with aliasing areas of the bionis.. It was a blurry mess.

That depends if it's using DLSS/FSR or other upscaling techniques.

As long as it doesn't look like the mess that is XC2 with TAA smeared all over it.
What? I can't be in the minority who liked the TAA on xb2.. XBDE in contrast was light on that and that game was fugly with aliasing areas of the bionis.. It was a blurry mess.
So Nintendo just released a new Article explaining with more detail the trailer and new characters.

Doing some DL translating it seems you’ll have a great number of allies/playable characters and up to SEVEN! at the same time on combat!

Also, about the beginning of the game:

the main characters will encounter with the big enemy in the trailer, and Noah trying to save Mio from a nasty attack they’ll accidentally merge and discover about interlink/Ouroboros… it seems Agnes and Keves will try to kill them after that fact…

Guernica Van Dame (curious name, a Spanish town heavily bombarded in the Civil War (1936-39) that inspired a famous painting of the same name by Picasso) will encounter them (concerned third party?) and they’ll go to the land of the big Sword to find the real enem

Some things I realised (correct me if I’m wrong or missing something) is that it seems the “red” eye on the Keves woman is the right one, and the left on the Agnes militar… Not sure if that’s true for all people on those nations and if it has something to do with the Ouroboros interlink… (not sure if the “clocks” in the weapons / giant iron / enemies also have the left/right half full depending on the country they belong…)

Other detail is when the Keves woman sees the main group as black figures with red eyes… there’s a black/purplish mist around them that remembers me to the fog beasts on FC… could the queens of both nations wanting them death because of this… like they’re becoming fog beasts… gnosis???

It’s too late in the night here, lol, not sure if I’m making any sense…

Lastly the game it seems it’s roughly 15GB size!! MSI you b***** wizards!
how big is 1 and 2 in comparison?
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