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News Nintendo officially announces live-action Zelda film, produced by Shigeru Miyamoto and Avi Arad, directed by Wes Ball

If this movie is indeed supposed to be more grounded (whatever that will mean in the end), there is a real chance, right?

Of Link saying fuck, I mean.
Nah Zelda's the one who'll say fuck, and Link will be startled by her lack of decorum and go "excuse me, princess?"
They should make Link a sad dad with a dead wife and give him a child companion that he is emotionally distant and kind of a dick to.
Seems like Wes Ball's new Apes movie is getting good reviews, which is good as 1) a fan of the Apes reboot films, and 2) a Zelda fan.
Nah Zelda's the one who'll say fuck, and Link will be startled by her lack of decorum and go "excuse me, princess?"
Zelda will say "Fuck the Empire!" at the end and Nintendo will have to cut that from the official premiere.

We'll never hear a "fuck" in the end because Nintendo's, you know, for kids, as George Lucas said.
They should make Link a sad dad with a dead wife and give him a child companion that he is emotionally distant and kind of a dick to.
no, we gotta save that for a legacy sequel 30 years after the original
King Daph walks in all somber. The candles flicker as the sun begins to set against the forest backdrop seen through the massive window of Hyrule Castle. He picks up a goblet and takes a drink
"Link. We are stronger together as Hylians."
"Yeah Link! We're totally cool and strong! I'm a fairy."
Leonardo DiCaprio Link stares into the camera and says the following:
"The only respectable thing about you, old sport, is your rupees. Your green rupees, that's it. Now I've just as much as you. That means we're equal."
Then they play polo with bows and arrows as the camera pans up revealing a potential sequel hook as calamity descends slowly onto the landscape
Call Me Maybe plays as the credits roll

Something tells me this is gonna lean harder into Maze Runner than anything though.
Just came out of Breath of the Wild of the Tears of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Literally the first shot in the movie had me immediately go "oh wow that looks like Faron" and I'm not kidding 😅

Really enjoyed it. Solid movie, solid direction. I know most of the thanks for the gorgeousness of it go to the VFX team and cinematographer but at the very least Wes Ball can direct for VFX and make it look very natural. It was weird to watch it in analytic mode looking for the seams and then have to admit it's damned hard to process that the whole movie wasn't captured in-lens. It's gotten that good, I guess.

One thing I appreciated was it's actually a lot more mellow than previous Apes films, which all had some sort of big action setpieces in the third acts. There's definitely a ton of tension throughout and a tense escape scene in the end but it never really descended into an "action" movie. It was all about story and character and honestly the main threats in the end were not big armies or scary macguffins but ideas and intentions, which is all commendable imo in a film that's so much CGI. All of that is to say I have faith now that Wes Ball can make a good movie out of Zelda without feeling the need to inject a lot of the usual AAA movie trappings that we see so often in other adaptations. I seriously came out of the theater thinking "Okay so the Zelda movie's gonna be good, then."

I just hope they follow (some of) the Mario movie's example and bring in music from the game. Not in like a kitschy jukeboxy way, but Zelda does have some iconic themes and I'd personally be pretty disappointed if they didn't include them. So fingers crossed.
really good movie, so I'm very much confident the Zelda movie will have incredible visuals, environments, and world-building.

but I do worry it'll have to much world building as at least 20 minutes of kingdom was backstory, well done back story but still took up a decent amount of run time messing with the pacing a bit.

now all they need to do is fire Derek Connolly with a good writer and were golden
Sounds like the director knows the series well

The look on that face...

INTERVIEWER: "What's your favorite Zelda game?"

"Do I say it's Twilight Princess? Will I get killed? Will I be destroyed and hated all over the internet... Will I receive death threats...?"

WES BALL: "I better not say."
The look on that face...

INTERVIEWER: "What's your favorite Zelda game?"

"Do I say it's Twilight Princess? Will I get killed? Will I be destroyed and hated all over the internet... Will I receive death threats...?"

WES BALL: "I better not say."

I think he genuinely had no idea.
I'd say he was right on the money in saying people would misinterpret his answer, considering people are scrutinizing his "I better not say" answer.
I'd say he was right on the money in saying people would misinterpret his answer, considering people are scrutinizing his "I better not say" answer.
I've seen people think it means he has never played the games, but he mentioned loving Ocarina of Time and TOTK in a Reddit AMA
This poor guy is gonna have a hard time for the next 3 years lol (possibly more even). Are you ready for Nintendo to drop the Zelda cast reveal in a Direct? Are you ready for Nintendo to drop a trailer for this? The constant doom-and-gloom attitude that's gonna loom over the 6 months marketing window XD.
These posts following one another is very funny.

They tell them to say this stuff so they don’t look lost. Once they say a favourite, they’ll then get asked what they like about it etc. The last thing they want is a headline saying ‘Zelda movie director can’t name one dungeon from their favourite Zelda game’. It’s more PR than anything.

There’s really nothing tangible about the line ‘when it comes to Zelda’ - it’s just one of thousands and thousands of other gaming IP and there’s no real history of any sort misinterpretation directly to this series.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing. Most Marvel directors won’t have been mega Marvel comic book fans growing up either. As long as they do their research and their work is of good quality then that’s all that matters.
They tell them to say this stuff so they don’t look lost. Once they say a favourite, they’ll then get asked when they like about it etc. It’s more PR than anything.

There’s really nothing tangible about the line ‘when it comes to Zelda’ - it’s just one of thousands and thousands of other gaming IP and there’s no real history of any sort misinterpretation directly to this series.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing. Most Marvel directors won’t have been mega Marvel comic book fans growing up either. As long as they do their research and their work is of good quality then that’s all that matters.
We have decades old tweets from Wes Ball talking about Zelda, I’ve got no reason to think he’s been playing the long game this long. And I’d honestly have probably said the same thing in his shoes, because he’s right, Zelda talk can be super contentious sad he’s best off not alienating anyone or giving Hints about the movie.
We have decades old tweets from Wes Ball talking about Zelda, I’ve got no reason to think he’s been playing the long game this long. And I’d honestly have probably said the same thing in his shoes, because he’s right, Zelda talk can be super contentious sad he’s best off not alienating anyone or giving Hints about the movie.
Plus I get the feeling if he were to say what his favorite Zelda was the online discourse would immediately be about whether he's adapting that one and whether it's the one that should be adapted or not and so on and so forth.

Or who knows, Nintendo may have asked him to not talk about his personal feelings about specific games and to only talk about the series as a whole so as to not feed speculation.
Plus I get the feeling if he were to say what his favorite Zelda was the online discourse would immediately be about whether he's adapting that one and whether it's the one that should be adapted or not and so on and so forth.

Or who knows, Nintendo may have asked him to not talk about his personal feelings about specific games and to only talk about the series as a whole so as to not feed speculation.
i think yeah Nintendo basically warned him off saying anything about Zelda in specific to make people speculate about the film based on his comments/lead to people harassing him or Nintendo (especially since they most likely are still very much in the writing/development process and its probably years away still)
Wes bell favourite Zelda game is probably the underrated classis, four sword adventure. I can understand, since you need a high IQ to understand it's complexity.

See if Nintendo had tapped me to make a Zelda movie and someone asked me in an interview what my favorite Zelda is I would say Link's Awakening and then the internet would spend years speculating that the Zelda movie would be heavily influenced by Link's Awakening and the internet speculation would be absolutely right and Nintendo can't allow internet speculation to be right
I assume the one where he said he lost respect for Aonuma for saying 3D Zelda would not be returning to a more linear style for the time being.

Found it

Yeah I more or less figured that out by now XD. I don't think the arguments (such as the emphasis the linear approach has merits beyond nostalgia) presented in it are totally wrong, but it would help to not portray the big figures at Nintendo as some sorts of traitors when they go against the grain heh XD. I understand some wishes of fans being important to people but Nintendo nonetheless has a tendancy to figure out by themselves what people see as flaws rather frequently anyway
I assume the one where he said he lost respect for Aonuma for saying 3D Zelda would not be returning to a more linear style for the time being.

Found it

Oh that makes sense.

I watched the video and that's not quite his point, as I understood it. He takes issue with Anouma considering the linear formula to be objective worse than the open air formula -"Why do you want to go back to a type of game where you're more limited and restricted?"-, and that people only want linearity because of nostalgia. He's not upset they aren't going back to linear 3D Zelda, in fact he says BOTW is one of his favorite games.
Enjoyed Kingdom Of Apes quite a bit so I’m cautiously optimistic about Wes’s take on Zelda. I think it’s gonna come down to the script and how much Nintendo/Sony micromanage the project, though.
Zelda will say "Fuck the Empire!" at the end and Nintendo will have to cut that from the official premiere.

We'll never hear a "fuck" in the end because Nintendo's, you know, for kids, as George Lucas said.
Link didn't find the One Way Out of the water dungeon just to hear Zelda's pottymouth
Nerds fretting over Wes's favorite Zelda game is funny considering he likely is not gonna have a ton of input on what plot points/lore the movie draws from.

Rather interesting tidbit, given Owen Teague is like, 25 years old XD, and was probably 23-24 when this was filmed. I think this means they're likely gonna go with a young unknown actor, which would be very nice heh. You can probably get out of your head the Tom Holland as Link nightmare now, considering he's older than Owen XD.
If they do like… actual teen boy Link and not 35 year old playing a high school aged Link, then that could actually be pretty fitting with how Zelda games typically are rather than how I’d stereotypically think of how Hollywood would portray it.
What I'm trying to say is that I'm more worried about whether Avi Arad will be able to pull off the Boy meets girl feel that is unique to the original's rich Japanese creation of Western fantasy, and if you guys don't know what I'm talking about what I'm saying is that you can refer to Record of Lodoss War, where the uniquely Japanese 物の哀れ and Shintoist sensibilities can't be simply translated into any Western context (Ocarina of Time and Link's Awakening's storylines fit that criteria perfectly)
What I'm trying to say is that I'm more worried about whether Avi Arad will be able to pull off the Boy meets girl feel that is unique to the original's rich Japanese creation of Western fantasy, and if you guys don't know what I'm talking about what I'm saying is that you can refer to Record of Lodoss War, where the uniquely Japanese 物の哀れ and Shintoist sensibilities can't be simply translated into any Western context (Ocarina of Time and Link's Awakening's storylines fit that criteria perfectly)
simple, don't. Zelda doesn't even do that trope all the time anyway

Rather interesting tidbit, given Owen Teague is like, 25 years old XD, and was probably 23-24 when this was filmed. I think this means they're likely gonna go with a young unknown actor, which would be very nice heh. You can probably get out of your head the Tom Holland as Link nightmare now, considering he's older than Owen XD.

Final cast decision is probably made by Miyamoto/Zelda team at NoJ.

So don’t discard anything.

But if they are aiming Link to be a 18 year old boy like in games and have various sequels, its fine they want a very young actor (<20)

Rather interesting tidbit, given Owen Teague is like, 25 years old XD, and was probably 23-24 when this was filmed. I think this means they're likely gonna go with a young unknown actor, which would be very nice heh. You can probably get out of your head the Tom Holland as Link nightmare now, considering he's older than Owen XD.

If we’re going with a super young star, we’re probably looking at a newcomer. If we’re looking at a newcomer, we’re looking at a much greater chance of a silent Link. And I really want the movie to have a silent Link.
I definitely don't expect a silent Link. the thing is, Link isn't a mute, so unless they want to make that a thing, I just don't expect that to happen. maybe just having a fewer lines, but not relying so much on pantomiming
I definitely don't expect a silent Link. the thing is, Link isn't a mute, so unless they want to make that a thing, I just don't expect that to happen. maybe just having a fewer lines, but not relying so much on pantomiming
One thing they could go for is Prince Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke. A wanderer going from land to land, meeting and helping multiple people, who doesn't talk much, but when he does, it has weight behind it.

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