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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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no no no

this is just me speculating. I have no inside info, I just happened to have 2 times* and that was it.

One of those times I got it right and the other time I got it wrong because the date apparently changed, but it could also be that the person who gave me the information was wrong all along.
Ah! I’ll edit out my original post to not draw attention to you then.

I think your speculation then has a good shot at ending up right regardless!
the mere thought of the possibility of us having 3 new Fire Emblems on the Switch and no new Metroid Prime is enough to put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.
New Metroid Prime is an axe user going up against a console full of Sword Lords, it never had a chance.
It's the week after the next one.

That's fine for me, next week I have a work event and it will probably be the busiest week of the year for me.
If it's after next week, that's okay. A little extra time to polish and fine-tune that Metroid Prime 4 trailer won't hurt anything.
That's right, Furukawa killed my HYPE on Direct. Usually at this time, people should debate whether there will be Direct in June.

People only did this in the post-pandemic era, for many years having some kind of an E3 show was a forgone conclusion.
Last week of June would be a bummer, especially since we’ve been waiting since September, but I wouldn’t be surprised at this point given the lack of smoke.
He‘s good with financial info, but he hasn’t a long leak history with software.
Pshh. Yet another new “leaker” comes out with some crap, and it’s immediately taken as gospel. You suckers will believe anything.

“Furukawa” claims there’ll be a June Direct? I’ll believe it when I see it, bucko.
I'll create new terminology for time gaps but I've seen enough "Direct NEXT WEEK?" or "DIRECT ON THIS DAY?!?" rumors this week to leave me unmotivated to share the window of expectation.
Nate! Blink twice if it’s tomorrow!
I'll create new terminology for time gaps but I've seen enough "Direct NEXT WEEK?" or "DIRECT ON THIS DAY?!?" rumors this week to leave me unmotivated to share the window of expectation.
TBH I'd rather be surprised with the Direct week. I'm expecting it to be the last week, that would kinda explain why Furukawa felt the need to tell people in May there was a June Direct, cause we would take a veeeeery long time to know it, besides the fact it was to let the investors know, of course. I don't know if my logic really makes sense, but I'm ready to wait
I have no interest in saying it at this point in time. Don't need videos and articles written about it.
Why do you even care so much about this?

You’ve literally been whining about it for years. You have privileged information about one of the most secretive companies in all of entertainment. If you talk about said information or give hints about it in this ad revenue driven age people are going to write articles or make videos about your info or hints. If that offends you so much why even do it?

Would it help if the publications or YouTube channels gave you a percentage of their ad revenue?
I'm hoping the 3DS port is either "Pushpullcrashmo: The Complete 'mo Saga" or "BoxBoy! Trilogy RePackaged"
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