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Discussion Pyoro claimed his source is a "Nintendo of Japan employee" that might had access to Nintendo's backend - EDIT : Pyoro's account his now private

Is this Adawong poster on Era the next big leaker? They said they’re apprehensive with how much attention they got.

Not surprising. I would be too. I'm sure there are lots of people who know things but choose not to say anything because it's not worth the attention. People are going to demand that you spill more info, will start looking into your background to identify who you are, and that's just weirdos on the internet. You also can get the attention of the companies you are leaking info from.
Not surprising. I would be too. I'm sure there are lots of people who know things but choose not to say anything because it's not worth the attention. People are going to demand that you spill more info, will start looking into your background to identify who you are, and that's just weirdos on the internet. You also can get the attention of the companies you are leaking info from.
Right. The problem is too many people starting digging into you.
i read Schreirer's article. Pyoro couldn't leak anything because he had nothing to leak outside of a Japan onyl game not in the global direct. can you clarify what you mean?
It was just a joke, instead of a bridge to sell you it was an article from him to feature you.

Because Pyoro was naive to be featured there, and the person who gets a bridge sold to him/her is also naive. That´s it :/
I still do not see what their intentions are. After such a long time of 'success' it is now all of a sudden the time to be 'naive' and careless and talk about their sources? Why not simply call it a day and disappear?
Either their identity is known to Nintendo and they got mad or this is some distraction for whatever reason.

Did I watch too much Death Note overthinking peoples' actions? The answer is yes 😺.
This is probably coincidental, but there is a recent Nintendo job listing, and ofc there are some online people taking this as a cause and effect to the Schreier interview fallout:

I find this so much more reasonable than them becoming careless and naive all of a sudden.
Yeah, his immediate response is just too comical and then he ofc does the classic tweet and delete knowing it'd spread like wildfire after a few minutes.

The purging of his account does raise an eye to all of this being legit and he actually did fuck up by exposing his sources. I guess we'll find out eventually if he ever attempts a comeback but yeah
This Twitter leak shit is for the birds. Return to 4chan leaks
Its extremely rare there's something legit there. Last time I truly remember seeing an actual legit 4chan leak was the Affleck Leak leading up to Pokemon Sword and Shield. People have been sharing more of those on PokeLeaks lately, but god is it better than more of Riddler Khu.
Wealth, fame, power. Pyoro, the king of the leakers obtained this and everything else the internet had to offer. And his dying words drove countless souls to search for his info.
“You want my leaks? You can have them! I left everything I found together in one place. Now you just have to find it!”
These words lured men to the message boards, pursuing clout greater than they ever dared to imagine. This is the time known as the great leak era
Reading this post makes my brain hurt. The mental gymnastics and bending over backwards needed you do to try and make Pyoro right is absurd. No reasonable person, in good faith, would look at that lineup and say the the Direct was light. Pyoro was wrong. They got to take the L.

Also despite how disingenuous the heavy hitter or not heavy hitter argument has been pointed out online, it is truly baffling that some people still think that it is a good argument. What qualifies as a heavy hitter? Do you even no? I'll save you the trouble of answering and just reveal that you don't. The next mainline Zelda game is not a heavy hitter? Is being a heavy hitter based on some arbitrary sales number? Well every Mario Party game on Switch has sold more than 10 million copies, a resounding success by any sales metric. But apparently that's not a heavy hitter.

I get that the Direct may not have been for anyone. If not, then just say no. Instead, you are using the defense of Pyoro, who you know got the Direct info wrong, to make a thinly-veiled lazy game developer argument.
I was more so just trying to play devil’s advocate in the event Pyoro somehow knew about the line-up. I don’t think he actually had the details either. And like I said, the views stated there aren’t entirely my own, just how somebody could easily interpret the direct. I just didn’t think “light on first party” was necessarily the smoking gun statement people were making it out to be. The fact he didn’t tell us what the “light” third party content was, however, does show that he most likely didn’t have the goods this time.
Since Pyoro heavily relied on the Nintendo website's backend, what were all those likes and retweets about Switch 2 being shown at VGC about? Oh well. What a shame he's gone before the Switch 2 announcement because him teasing it would've really caused a good type of havoc.

Very dumb to spill all the beans to a journalist and not telling them to not share the information lol.
99% of leaks on 4chan is fake. The 1% that are real you don't know are real until the actual announcement. In other words, it's pointless.
4chan leaks are basically broken clock is right twice a day. Real leaks have been posted there, but also mountains of fake ones as well. Vast majority of leaks from there are probably fake.
I like it that way. Keep people guessing and maintain surprise.
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I like it that way. Keep people guessing and maintai surprise.

Nobody wanted to give the Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee stuff that dropped on 4ch the time of day, but that's what made it all the more hilarious when it came true.
He realized after the Direct that the jig is up and then started to scramble in an effort to maintain his story that he wasn’t scraping the leaks from the backend. (Super dumb to say it was an NCL employee when anyone with a half a brain can tell that he was only in the dark because Nintendo delayed when they uploaded the new game pages. And NCL also knows it wasn’t one of their employees, because they figured out how they thought he was getting his info, changed their process, and it thwarted his leaks.)

Yeah. I recall reading Raccon’s deduction.

But Pyoro really fell into the trap this time by saying Light on first party. Played himself there
It was so obvious based on the timing of when he would leak. Yet there are still people who take him at his word that he has a source. And from NCL no less. 😝

Not to defend Pyoro, but I have a similar issue where unless it's explicitly made clear, I can misunderstand something. It's gotten me in trouble at times because of that. Pyoro likely assumed he'd be interviewed but his name/information would be obscured to some degree.
Jason was pretty clear in the DMs he posted. He told him he was writing an article that will include him and asked him if he had any more context to provide. How much more clear could he be? But it doesn’t matter, because what Pyoro told Jason is a lie. He was trying to save face knowing that Nintendo figured out how he was getting his information (privated game page listings) and put a stop to it.

If an NCL employee was leaking things to him, they would know about Zelda just like they knew about Mario Wonder and Endless Ocean. He claimed the Direct was light, not because his human source was caught or they were left in the dark this time, but because there was never a human source to begin with.

I don't see this as 'explicitly' saying it would be public. He said he was writing an article about him. That doesn't mean he is going to turn around and publicize the source. Pyoro still should not have outed his own source like that, that was dumb.
Truly a press sneak fuck move. Ultimately Pyoro befell the same fate as all people who make too much noise in the Nintendo sphere without express authorization, the ninjas silenced them.
He literally told him what the article was about and that it would include him. He then allowed him the opportunity to provide more context. How much more explicit does a journalist from Bloomberg need to be?

And it’s not a “sneak fuck move.” It’s a journalist doing their job by contacting potential article sources and collecting information. This is literally how journalism is done all across the free world. Had he not wanted his name and lies to be publicized, a great time to speak would have been when Jason provided him the opportunity to do so.

Pyoro is an idiot, but the anti-leak brigade digging into him, and then Schreier deciding to ensure someone gets fired so he can dunk on said leaker, is all equally dumb.
No one is getting fired because the Japanese employee doesn’t exist.

Don't assume the people who stanned him and the people who are glad to see him leaving are the same people. We literally started splitting the past several Direct Speculation threads in two because so many of us didn't like what Pyoro was doing and wanted threads where we could keep talking about the Directs without his tweets dominating them. It's not like we all stanned him and then all suddenly flipped on him when it became cool to or whatever. The split opinion about him has been here for a good while.
Thank you! Do they think the spoiler-free Direct speculation threads were full of Pyoro fans who just got lost? There are plenty of people on these boards who disliked the practice of using privated game pages to spoil surprises mere hours before they get revealed.
And it’s not a “sneak fuck move.” It’s a journalist doing their job by contacting potential article sources and collecting information. This is literally how journalism is done all across the free world. Had he not wanted his name and lies to be publicized, a great time to speak would have been when Jason provided him the opportunity to do so.
I was making a joke referencing their old account title from many years ago, we agree 100% on what the job of a journalist is.
Thinking about opening up a consulting company that offers media training for leakers but I feel like that might be more difficult than teaching a fish how to ride a bike.
off-topic but could this service also be provided for modders who don't think they're gonna get hit with a C&D when they show off their latest Pokemon fangame? Even if it amounts to nothing more than "shut the fuck up until it's released"

For every AM2R that released successfully, we missed out on Ocarina of Time 2D, No Mario's Sky, the 3D isometric recreation of Legend of Zelda (NES), Pokemon Uranium, and just about the entirety of Game Jolt after the DMCA purge
off-topic but could this service also be provided for modders who don't think they're gonna get hit with a C&D when they show off their latest Pokemon fangame? Even if it amounts to nothing more than "shut the fuck up until it's released"

For every AM2R that released successfully, we missed out on Ocarina of Time 2D, No Mario's Sky, the 3D isometric recreation of Legend of Zelda (NES), Pokemon Uranium, and just about the entirety of Game Jolt after the DMCA purge
Yeah, for a small retainer fee of $100'000 I will change everyone's social media passwords and block access to video sharing platforms.
Jason was pretty clear in the DMs he posted. He told him he was writing an article that will include him and asked him if he had any more context to provide. How much more clear could he be? But it doesn’t matter, because what Pyoro told Jason is a lie. He was trying to save face knowing that Nintendo figured out how he was getting his information (privated game page listings) and put a stop to it.

If an NCL employee was leaking things to him, they would know about Zelda just like they knew about Mario Wonder and Endless Ocean. He claimed the Direct was light, not because his human source was caught or they were left in the dark this time, but because there was never a human source to begin with.

Look, I'm explaining from my view point and how I don't always have the best understanding of things at times. I often need things spelled out to me, which is not clearly mentioned in this post that was made public that he'd include a direct quote and/or their name. To me, that's how I process and see the information said in the DM that was made public by Jason.

And I need to clarify this further: This isn't a defense of Pyoro, like I said, it's more of an explanation of how he wouldn't know that. This is based off my own experiences and mine alone. You have to bare in mind our brains all work differently and how we process information is different. Again, this is NOT a Pyoro defense, I'm not defending anything, I'm explaining from MY own experiences of things and how I process information. I have some neurological problems and in general how I process and remember information, so this is why I made this post.
Look, I'm explaining from my view point and how I don't always have the best understanding of things at times. I often need things spelled out to me, which is not clearly mentioned in this post that was made public that he'd include a direct quote and/or their name. To me, that's how I process and see the information said in the DM that was made public by Jason.

And I need to clarify this further: This isn't a defense of Pyoro, like I said, it's more of an explanation of how he wouldn't know that. This is based off my own experiences and mine alone. You have to bare in mind our brains all work differently and how we process information is different. Again, this is NOT a Pyoro defense, I'm not defending anything, I'm explaining from MY own experiences of things and how I process information. I have some neurological problems and in general how I process and remember information, so this is why I made this post.
🌃 yeah, I'm pretty autistic and unless things are directly stated I'm not going to pick up on them. Still not saying Pyoro was smart but it's an easy thing to do

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