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StarTopic Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack |ST| New Summer 2024 Poll!

Starting June 19th, which library will add the most games to the service by the end of 2024?

  • NES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SNES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • N64

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • GB/GBC

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • GBA

    Votes: 15 38.5%
  • Sega Genesis

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
yoshi story is a game i originally got on release day for n64 but dont own my original cart anymore and havent played it since. gonna actually be nice to revisit in that manner and see how i feel about it.
I rented it until i got all 4 stages for each world

Then bought it on the Wii VC

And rebought it on Wii U

I just can't get enough of the general cuteness, and the early pre-rendered graphics are well done enough to not be uncanny.
I feel about this the same way I feel about $70 games...

I really want to play these, but I hope it bombs because the pricing is ridiculous.

And I should really preface this with the absolute love and nostalgia I have for N64 titles. I just can't support such blatant gouging from Nintendo on this, especially when NSO has been lacking in features already. I know they probably won't course correct, but damn this one hurts a lot. I have been wishing for this since day 1.
Personally, as someone who doesn't and never did have a Nintendo 64, but did have a Mega Drive, I'm excited for playing N64 games. I know there's a million other ways to play it and them, and I'd be interested in them but playing on the Switch is so easy.

That also being said - I am paying the monthly plan, so upgrading to a yearly plan actually saves me money, assuming I want to pay it, and I do.

So yeah, that's what I am thinking.
Personally, as someone who doesn't and never did have a Nintendo 64, but did have a Mega Drive, I'm excited for playing N64 games. I know there's a million other ways to play it and them, and I'd be interested in them but playing on the Switch is so easy.

That also being said - I am paying the monthly plan, so upgrading to a yearly plan actually saves me money, assuming I want to pay it, and I do.

So yeah, that's what I am thinking.
If you join someone's family plan, you will be paying close to what you play for the monthly plan, for the entire year. Joining someone's family plan, it is only $10 for the year, which is honestly the only way I can even begin to justify the cost. With the family plan though, eh, it's honestly a pretty good deal.
If you join someone's family plan, you will be paying close to what you play for the monthly plan, for the entire year. Joining someone's family plan, it is only $10 for the year, which is honestly the only way I can even begin to justify the cost. With the family plan though, eh, it's honestly a pretty good deal.

I've read about this but not really taken it forward.

I'd need to find someone/people to Family Plan up with. I've got a few pals I could maybe swing to join it, but they're multi-console GamePass owning lads, so it might be a challenge. Will pitch it.
I've read about this but not really taken it forward.

I'd need to find someone/people to Family Plan up with. I've got a few pals I could maybe swing to join it, but they're multi-console GamePass owning lads, so it might be a challenge. Will pitch it.
Theres a thread here of people joining together. https://famiboards.com/threads/nso-family-plan-st-when-youre-here-youre-fami.417/

obviously a internet rando is a bit less trusting than your friends, but its $10 when shared and worst thing that could happen is you're out $10; but its pretty easy to get added to plan, send a $10 GC and be good for a year. but i dont think theres a lot of scammers here or anything since its a brand new forum. i have one US slot open currently.
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I've read about this but not really taken it forward.

I'd need to find someone/people to Family Plan up with. I've got a few pals I could maybe swing to join it, but they're multi-console GamePass owning lads, so it might be a challenge. Will pitch it.
Theres a thread here of people joining together. https://famiboards.com/threads/nso-family-plan-st-when-youre-here-youre-fami.417/

obviously a internet rando is a bit less trusting than your friends, but its $10 when shared and worst thing that could happen is you're out $10; but its pretty easy to get added to plan, send a $10 GC and be good for a year. but i dont think theres a lot of scammers here or anything since its a brand new forum. i have one US slot open currently.
Like @phyl0x said, the group here is great, and honestly because of how easy it is to add people to the group plan, it's not likely you will be scammed. Just ask to be set in the family plan first before you pay and you should be fine.

In fact I have about 2 US slots open too. And since my enrollment is in March, I am operating my NSO plan for free until then. Send me a DM if you're interested
God I wish we didn’t have to wait till much later in the evening for these. The day is going slow for me waiting on thins
To those that I have added to my plan so far. I may be asleep by the time this rolls out if it happens late at night. Just FYI.
I didn't know that Majora's Mask and F-Zero X were already confirmed. I have glorious memories of borrowing F-Zero X from a friend when I was a kid, would love to play it again. And Majora's Mask is another game I never got around to play but always wanted to try. WIll probably pony up the additional €20 then.
Yay my UK order has been dispatched via DPD, which means it actually will come. Had already told my partner to expect it mid week next week so this is a nice turn of events!
Was it from the German site?
I had to go through the German one from my pre-order and no sign yet. Seeing a few from the UK get sent out.
Yes, I still remember when I got the New 3DS preorder and it also took really long for the German nintendo store to ship it.
Lets hope they do it tomorrow...
I’m not normally an “I hope this tanks” person but I feel like it would benefit the consumer in this case if it does and we’ll get GBA or a price drop, so yeah lol
Yes, I still remember when I got the New 3DS preorder and it also took really long for the German nintendo store to ship it.
Lets hope they do it tomorrow...
Would be nice to get it for the weekend but not holding my breath either. Fingers crossed!
They didn’t mention it in the overview trailer. Just Sega Genesis games so i guess not
I'm actually glad it doesn't. I was using it way too often for NES and SNES games. I used it one time on Super Mario Bros 3 because of a badly timed jump and it quickly became a habit to just rewind and try again until I finished the game. Now I can't un use it. Save states are convenient but not something I do very often.
Oh. What the hell. Not even an official announcement from Nintendo that they were going to be up that date :/

They went up right after the announcement of the release date. I'm sure they'll be back in stock though.
I really want to hold off on playing the N64 stuff until my controller arrives...but that could be as late as Friday...

But maybe I'll play something like Winback? Not as excited for that one, but moreso out of ignorance than anything concerning its quality (I remember wanting it way back when, felt like it was the N64's answer to Metal Gear Solid, which seems silly now but the tone and genre was so rare on the 64, it was natural to draw comparisons as a 64-only kid).
They went up right after the announcement of the release date. I'm sure they'll be back in stock though.
Not in Europe, I checked right away. There was no link to their respective pages products up yet, just a 'check back later' on the new NSO announcement. While US could right away.
Quoted by: GJ
Not in Europe, I checked right away. There was no link to their respective pages products up yet, just a 'check back later' on the new NSO announcement. While US could right away.

I just checked in our Discord server when the link to the controller was first shared by one of my friends and it was right after the AC Direct ended. I can't see the exact time on mobile, but looking at the content of the messages it was within 30 minutes after the Direct for sure. Netherlands here btw.
I just checked in our Discord server when the link to the controller was first shared by one of my friends and it was right after the AC Direct ended. I can't see the exact time on mobile, but looking at the content of the messages it was within 30 minutes for sure.
Weird, then maybe some countries fucked up? It's so stupid to be dependent on your own country's version of the 'webstore' when the distribution is all the same.
hate when stuff isnt midnight the day of announced ... like come on man.
This was apparent the day it was announced; 25th in NA and 26th in Europe means a very particular time slot.
Mine just says Picked. Would like to get it by the weekend for Mario Party at the least.
It's unclear to me whether there are any GameCube minigames that require two sticks or not. I haven't found a clear answer as to whether the game supports single Joy-Cons.
This was apparent the day it was announced; 25th in NA and 26th in Europe means a very particular time slot.

It's unclear to me whether there are any GameCube minigames that require two sticks or not. I haven't found a clear answer as to whether the game supports single Joy-Cons.
I think it does? Anyone else can confirm?

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