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StarTopic Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack |ST| New Summer 2024 Poll!

Starting June 19th, which library will add the most games to the service by the end of 2024?

  • NES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SNES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • N64

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • GB/GBC

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • GBA

    Votes: 15 38.5%
  • Sega Genesis

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
I was really disappointed to find out the price, especially since I was looking forward to trying some N64 games (Kirby 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Yoshi's Story, and Pokemon Snap namely). Eventually, was able to work something out with a family pass, so now I'm paying less than I used to. Oh well. ¯\(ツ)/¯. Also, I will get use out of the animal crossing DLC, so that's something at least.

And while I could emulate, gaming on my computer isn't comfortable at all.
I was looking for a more definitive answer to this in the FAQ and didn't find one. I did find some other information I hadn't seen shared in here though, some of which I recall being asked about:

For Nintendo 64 games that originally supported four players, will it be possible for four players to play locally or online?​

Yes, games that originally supported four players can be played that way both locally and online. When playing online, each Nintendo Switch system supports one player.
Ah, that's too bad.
Ah, that's too bad.
It is unfortunate, and that bit was why I included that section but I forgot to highlight it.

I think there will be some instances where this gets on my nerves, even if only a few. Smash is definitely one were my friend groups align in a way that this could get inconvenient (it already does with Ultimate's Battle Arenas).

Probably a net code limitation
Obviously it's a code limitation in the sense that they didn't code for it, but generally speaking this should be an easier thing to handle than one player per Switch. The fewer consoles to keep synced, the better.
Since Japan is getting one N64 game less than the rest of the world at launch, I was really expecting Nintendo to announce the inclusion of Animal Forest at the Animal Crossing direct. Obviously it didn't happen in the end, but I'm sure they will get the game eventually on the service. Maybe even in Europe and the US? What are the chances they would port our version back and is that technically even feasible?
Disappointing that Nintendo are also sticking to the irregular update schedule. The main attraction for me with N64 is F Zero X, but who knows how long it'll be before we get that one.
I have gone from complaining about the price and lack of middle tier to have the money loaded and ready in my account.

Fuck me and my love for the N64, really.

I'm still pissed off about the price, not gonna lie. We family plan users got a raw deal imo, the lack of a middle tier really hurts this.

Disappointing that Nintendo are also sticking to the irregular update schedule. The main attraction for me with N64 is F Zero X, but who knows how long it'll be before we get that one.

To be fair, Nintendo doesn't have as much in store for N64 as it had for NES and SNES, i can see them frantically negotiating third party games though, so the irregular update schleude gets a pasos from me. Kind of.
I have gone from complaining about the price and lack of middle tier to have the money loaded and ready in my account.

Fuck me and my love for the N64, really.

I'm still pissed off about the price, not gonna lie. We family plan users got a raw deal imo, the lack of a middle tier really hurts this.

To be fair, Nintendo doesn't have as much in store for N64 as it had for NES and SNES, i can see them frantically negotiating third party games though, so the irregular update schleude gets a pasos from me. Kind of.
Yeah, it is true the choice of games they can put on the service is limited. But I'd prefer more transparency about the update schedule, even if they can't offer a game per month, for example.
I'm still pissed off about the price, not gonna lie. We family plan users got a raw deal imo, the lack of a middle tier really hurts this.
I don't get this take, unless your family group is split on wanting it. Proportionally, the family plan went up less than the individual plan (129% increase vs. 150% increase). Even with just two people on a single plan, the per-person cost went up less ($22.5) than the individual ($30).

I need someone to explain the extra disdain for the family plan price to me; you're not the first person I've seen express it.
Nintendo is still doing irregular releases…
Irregular doesn't mean infrequent. I'm not surprised they're not committing, but I wouldn't be surprised if the first few updates are monthly.
I don't get this take, unless your family group is split on wanting it. Proportionally, the family plan went up less than the individual plan (129% increase vs. 150% increase). Even with just two people on a single plan, the per-person cost went up less ($22.5) than the individual ($30).

I need someone to explain the extra disdain for the family plan price to me; you're not the first person I've seen express it.

We europeans have seen the price double, going up from 35 to 70 whooping €

Even if i have a full group (wich i don't, since my niece and nephew don't pay) the price hike is just too much.

Please remember that Europe exists too, and we usually get shafted with the price
We europeans have seen the price double, going up from 35 to 70 whooping €

Even if i have a full group (wich i don't, since my niece and nephew don't pay) the price hike is just too much.

Please remember that Europe exists too, and we usually get shafted with the price
Again, the US price went from $35 to $80 - more than double. $80 is roughly equivalent to €70 right now - it's actually a little less, but when you factor in sales tax (not included in the US price), it'll end up being a little more in most US states.

I didn't forget Europe existed; the only thing I missed was the surprisingly decent (relatively speaking) individual plan at €40, which comes out to about $46 - making the family plan over there look a little worse by comparison. Europe did not get shafted here, especially given the base plans just swapped the dollar sign for a euro sign.
Ironically, despite my partner having loads of co-workers with a Switch and individual NSO subs none are jumping at the chance to join our family group because all of them are rabid Animal Crossing devotees and that's pretty much all they play. They don't care about old games. They'll just buy the DLC outright and stick with the basic membership. I don't blame them.

And so we're in the position of not caring about Animal Crossing but wanting the old games (well, I want them, she says she is interested in playing old Zelda, but she didn't last long with ALTTP).

As I've already got an N64 controller preordered I'll just suck it up. Expect that will ship tomorrow as release date is 26/10/21.
I need someone to explain the extra disdain for the family plan price to me; you're not the first person I've seen express it.
This is outside the Expansion Pack stuff even, but I think it's questionable that Nintendo monetizes sharing NSO privileges among users on your (local) console. That's free with PS Plus, for example. If the primary user has it, everyone gets it. I think the Family Plan makes more sense for sharing in the case of multiple consoles.
You all think this will be available tonight or sometime tomorrow morning?
If it’s like how games launch then midnight Eastern for US.
The UK materials say October 26th, so it should be fairly late into the night of the 25th US ET. It'll likely be either 9pm or 10pm ET (1am or 2am UTC, respectively). I'd put my money on 10 personally.
This is outside the Expansion Pack stuff even, but I think it's questionable that Nintendo monetizes sharing NSO privileges among users on your console. That's now how it works with PS Plus, for example. I think the Family Plan makes more sense for sharing purely for multiple consoles.
That is unfortunate. It's still kinda understandable with the base plan since it's so much cheaper, but an Expansion Pack family plan will run you more than a single PS Plus sub.
This is outside the Expansion Pack stuff even, but I think it's questionable that Nintendo monetizes sharing NSO privileges among users on your (local) console. That's free with PS Plus, for example. If the primary user has it, everyone gets it. I think the Family Plan makes more sense for sharing in the case of multiple consoles.
I agree with this, but on the flipside the family group allows to share the subscriptions with accounts outside your local console.
Nintendo is still doing irregular releases…
Yeah I found that info on the Japanese site a week ago and posted it in here already. Just means there’s no set size, and at the least they’ll probably do the standard 5 updates they’ve been doing the last 2 years(Feb, May, July, Sept[Oct this year], and Dec). Doesn’t rule out more frequent updates for the first few months like NSO started with but definitely doesn’t promise them either.

Personally I’m curious on the third party side since we know nothing post launch for genesis or n64 but obviously it’s coming
Hadn't intended to get the new family plan but I guess my folks really want it, so I guess that's happening. lol
The service drops tomorrow, and being from Europe, I'm gonna shell out the extra 20€.

If I had to spend and extra 30€ I'd be pissed about it. Which honestly makes me think about my conception of money, if 10 bucks is the sum that moves my opinion from "OK" to "this is highway robbery".

I did skip Mario 3D All Stars, so Mario 64 + OOT + Majora's Mask for 20€ is fine with me.
I'm excited for the release! I know the price is silly and way too much but with the family plan I'll only pay $6 more per year than I did before.

Does anyone have a best guess when this will release? Like, did NES and SNES apps come out at midnight? Or was it later on in the day?
For the price being asked, Nintendo really outta avoid the dripfeed frequency of releases and add shit monthly.
The service drops tomorrow, and being from Europe, I'm gonna shell out the extra 20€.

If I had to spend and extra 30€ I'd be pissed about it. Which honestly makes me think about my conception of money, if 10 bucks is the sum that moves my opinion from "OK" to "this is highway robbery".
Is that how it works?

I thought the discount would be calculated based on days left in the subscription.
Not a fan of the irregular schedule of games being added still going on or random matchmaking not being added, especially at this price. Bleh.
I do wonder, will Japan get one of the Custom Robos in the first update to balance things out
What time does this drop?
My main guess would tomorrow night around 8/9 pm EDT.

I'm saying that due to Europe/Japan's release date being listed as the 26th and North America being the 25th. That tends to be the time they release stuff when dates are like that.
We don’t know. It could be within the next few hours
I think it’s pretty likely that it won’t be until tomorrow night, as online services are down for maintenance from roughly 4pm-7pm PST tomorrow, according to the schedule on Nintendo’s website. It would be a safe assumption that the maintenance is for the launch of the NSO expansion pack.
I think it’s pretty likely that it won’t be until tomorrow night, as online services are down for maintenance from roughly 4pm-7pm PST tomorrow, according to the schedule on Nintendo’s website. It would be a safe assumption that the maintenance is for the launch of the NSO expansion pack.
That’s literally the worst outcome.
I repeatedly get a little surprised by remembering the price increase is only €20 from the original €20 in Europe. $50 converts to around €43, so the difference for the full package isn't that big, but it's interesting that the proportional increase is a lot smaller in Europe. I'd imagine they are doing this to balance the pricing globally, but changing the price of the usual subscription would have been too much of a hassle.
I repeatedly get a little surprised by remembering the price increase is only €20 from the original €20 in Europe. $50 converts to around €43, so the difference for the full package isn't that big, but it's interesting that the proportional increase is a lot smaller in Europe. I'd imagine they are doing this to balance the pricing globally, but changing the price of the usual subscription would have been too much of a hassle.
Keep in mind, that the European price already includes the sales tax, while the US does not. So, depending on the country the pass is sold in, Nintendo makes roughly 10€ less in Europe than in the US for every purchase (33,33 + 20% = 40€). I'm sure the reason is their market research shows the higher price wouldn't fly in Europe.
yoshi story is a game i originally got on release day for n64 but dont own my original cart anymore and havent played it since. gonna actually be nice to revisit in that manner and see how i feel about it.

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