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Discussion Nintendo hate still bums me out sometimes...


I should be used to it. I've seen the same thing for decades, where people who don't personally like Nintendo games will just call all of it kiddy trash, or claim they never do anything different. But every once in a while, it does get me down a bit. Nintendo surely has tons of flaws, but to act like there's nothing of value in their gaming libraries just feels wrong to me.

Also, I'm distinctly not talking about criticism from fans of Nintendo games (they're coming more from a perspective of wishing the company would do things better to succeed), but I'm talking about people who don't play the games, don't have any interest in trying the games, and just call them all shit.

I'm usually good about filtering out the noise, but once in a while a negative comment gets me in an annoying head funk. It's definitely not a big deal (there are much, much bigger problems in the world than people being negative about Nintendo) and it will pass soon, but I thought I'd talk about it here. Does anyone else ever feel like this? Do you have any advice for not getting frustrated by dumb shit people say on the internet? Lol

(btw the comment in particular that got me frustrated was someone saying "Nintendo just sucks lately, all they do is make games where you collect things like Breath of the Wild" and then a bunch of other people agreed with that person... I can only think of a few first party switch era games where collection is a core focus, and breath of the wild isn't really one of them)
It’s immaturity that just needs to be ignored / overcome. There’s really nothing else to it. It’s okay that some people don’t like Nintendo, just like it’s okay for some people to be tired of Sony’s 1st party games, Microsoft’s former lack of first party games, and mega hits like Fortnite / Minecraft.

It’s just the way the world is and you can’t let it get to you.
One thing I did was to just stop reading general media reviews and focus on those outlets that cover Nintendo only. They understand Nintendo and their philosophy and with that in mind they can analyze their games better. And be very critic aboit them, whem they are not good enough.
Anytime I hear someone bashing a videogame (not just Nintendo) for being "kiddy" I usually immediately disengage. From back to the "Celda" controversy and onwards most of that criticism comes from a place of console wars and insecurity. Just not worth entertaining.

I get that some people want Nintendo IPs to push the medium from a narrative and cinematic standpoint, and it is a fair want (hell, it's why I enjoyed Pokemon B/W so much), but those can be achieved within a larger scope of aesthetics.
I firmly believe that people who calls games "kiddy" are either underaged and try to be cool and mature or are just console warriors.
It gets embarrassing when critics demand that a game like mario Odyssey is stuck in the past and behind the time, ceuase it doesn't
feature some big story.

I just laugh at them
There are swaths of the gaming audience that seem to think video games as a media should be one set thing and to some of those people Nintendo aren't meeting their expectations. A lot of the ideas as to what criteria a video game needs to meet are toxic gatekeeping that is reflected across many devs/pubs and games media sites. I think the perception is mostly due to the industry being young, and that it is changing slowly. One of the main reasons I'm a fan of Nintendo products is that they make games for all sorts of different audiences, and just like any other media that's what the industry should aspire to. Whether what you want from a video game is to play the latest blockbuster, get creative with something like Animal Crossing or relax with a puzzle there should be something for everyone, and that's not something to look down on.

Anyway, I think that this forum being made for a Nintendo centric community makes those kinds of opinions much easier to avoid, and it's great to find a place online where we can share our enjoyment with like minded people.
Anytime I hear someone bashing a videogame (not just Nintendo) for being "kiddy" I usually immediately disengage. From back to the "Celda" controversy and onwards most of that criticism comes from a place of console wars and insecurity. Just not worth entertaining.

I get that some people want Nintendo IPs to push the medium from a narrative and cinematic standpoint, and it is a fair want (hell, it's why I enjoyed Pokemon B/W so much), but those can be achieved within a larger scope of aesthetics.
Yeah, it's interesting how different the modern discourse is on Wind Waker compared to early 2000s. That's the first time I remember running into this idea that Nintendo was just making bad kiddy games, and that came from a ton of people who didn't even care to give the game a try themselves.

But nowadays most people agree that older games with unique art styles aged really well compared to games that were trying to attain realism before the tech was really there for it.

I would also definitely appreciate it if more Nintendo games sought to push more complex narratives like Black and White... Oftentimes certain franchises have a rich tapestry of lore and world building, but you have to go looking for it (like Zelda or even Kirby)
It's mostly pretentious nonsense. Insinuating that Nintendo doesn't make "real" games because they don't heavily lean on (uninteresting) narratives and over the top presentation is stupid. These types of people just have an insecure need to justify their own past times by treating AAA blockbusters like god's gift to mankind, often under the guise of "I just want games to be viewed as art!"

We've all seen exactly this type of shit before. I just ignore it at this point.
Somehow in my old age (aka 30s) I've become a lot better at ignoring that kind of nonsense.
The one that frustrates me is "oh I didn't grow up with Nintendo so I can't get into them.", assuming nostalgia is the only reason people like Nintendo games.
I can say that it's hard to talk about nintendo games with my job friends or general chat.

The price is very proibitive for some people I agree, but the conversaation always go to "they never do right" or "I hope no Devs use these gimmicks in my games."
Just ignore, honestly. A lot of those people don't even play or even own a Switch. And some that do, end up playing the stuff and just "complain" to look cool.
Yesterday, while deserved, people would've stillcomplained if the Expansion Pack was priced in the $30-45 range.

If it was $35, the comments would've been, " it should've been $30!". If it was $30, the comments would've been, it should've been $25!".

In the end, $50 and $80 is too much.
Yesterday, while deserved, people would've stillcomplained if the Expansion Pack was priced in the $30-45 range.

If it was $35, the comments would've been, " it should've been $30!". If it was $30, the comments would've been, it should've been $25!".

In the end, $50 and $80 is too much.
I don't mind these complaints so much because, in my perception, they come from fans who care about these games and wished it was priced better so they/others could enjoy it.

Though I guess some people don't care either way and still bash it.

Somehow in my old age (aka 30s) I've become a lot better at ignoring that kind of nonsense.

Yeah I'm in my late 20s and it's definitely better than it used to be for me. In WiiU era and prior I felt this frustration much more often.
In Brazil pretty much everyone says Nintendo games have to be pirated because of the company, and that bums me out a little bit. A loud majority online really hates Nintendo, specially on social media (Facebook/Twitter). I’ve seen people rank Nintendo as worse than EA, Ubisoft, TakeTwo, etc.
Just ignore it.

It shouldn’t have that much of an impact on you or what you like. It’s just someone’s opinion.

Often times with gaming discussion on the internet, people exaggerate the negative aspects of every company. Off the top of my head, just think about the complaints people make about all three platform companies. Most of those talking points are either false or overly exaggerated — “Nintendo only makes Mario/Zelda/Metroid” or “Sony only makes over the shoulder action games that are all the same” or “Microsoft has no first party games”

Also, more often than not people on the internet will complain about things they don’t like more than they will talk about the things they love.

One thing I did was to just stop reading general media reviews and focus on those outlets that cover Nintendo only. They understand Nintendo and their philosophy and with that in mind they can analyze their games better. And be very critic aboit them, whem they are not good enough.
I’d extend this even further and say for the most part, I’ve ignored most gaming “news” sites as I find it’s most negative and takes away from my enjoyment of video games.
My favorite comment is, Nintendo fans buy everything/Nintendo gets away with everything. To which I reply, explain the Wii U, and you get no response.

It's kinda funny.
While I'll admit I'm not the biggest Nintendo gamer and have been critical of Nintendo policies in the past the people calling Nintendo games "kiddy" is just childish console warriors nonsense.
It used to annoy me big time. Especially since guys wouldn't really accept me as being a gamer and they'd give me that little quiz that all girls would get when they say they play video games (the one where you have your taste and skill level judged) and Nintendo would always be written off as a girly thing so my gamer card, that I never asked for, was revoked. It was pretty prevalent in grade school during the Gamecube and Wii days.

My favorite comment is, Nintendo fans buy everything/Nintendo gets away with everything. To which I reply, explain the Wii U, and you get no response.

It's kinda funny.
lol these people honestly have the shortest memories. They go from "Nintendo is doomed and going third party" during the Gamecube and Wii U days, to "Nintendo fans allow them to get away with ripping them off" during the Wii and Switch era.
It’s a very patriarcal thing to dismiss something for being “kiddy”. The people who say those things are macho edgelords whose values have nothing in common with mine.
It used to annoy me big time. Especially since guys wouldn't really accept me as being a gamer and they'd give me that little quiz that all girls would get when they say they play video games (the one where you have your taste and skill level judged) and Nintendo would always be written off as a girly thing so my gamer card, that I never asked for, was revoked. It was pretty prevalent in grade school during the Gamecube and Wii days.

lol these people honestly have the shortest memories. They go from "Nintendo is doomed and going third party" during the Gamecube and Wii U days, to "Nintendo fans allow them to get away with ripping them off" during the Wii and Switch era.
Lol yeah, hate really blinds people. I really don't get it. Especially those people that make it part of their personality.
A lot of Nintendo hate mainly comes from one source, a certain segment that actually believed Nintendo would go third part after the WiiU and they'd get Nintendo games on their system of choice. When that didn't happen they doubled down on all their past arguments. You have to learn to filter out disingenuous behavior.

I'm glad Nintendo exists. Are they perfect? No. But imagine how awful the gaming industry would be without them.
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Live and let live, my friend. Choose who to engage with. There are plenty of people out there capable of civilized, constructive discourse.
If someone thinks that they have to play an "adult videogame" to feel like an adult, maybe they're not really prepared for adulthood...
There's a lot of silliness said on places like Era. I start to respond but then I tell myself, why bother? I just close the tab and come here or elsewhere or just find something better to do.
It's a corporation, they only want our money, doesn't respect faithfulness or love for them.

The same can be said for the other two.

I'm a fan of Nintendo games in general, not Nintendo as a company, if someone hates it, whether with good or bar arguments, that's fine.
Meh, it's whatever. It only really gets me when the community is expected to be better but says the same sort of nonsense anyways, like Era, where a lot of very obvious fanboys try to pretend to be neutral, which causes conversations to become absolutely toxic. I play games to have a good time and try to just ignore the larger overall gaming community so I can enjoy them in peace 😋
It's a corporation, they only want our money, doesn't respect faithfulness or love for them.

The same can be said for the other two.

I'm a fan of Nintendo games in general, not Nintendo as a company, if someone hates it, whether with good or bar arguments, that's fine.

Yep, this.

I like the Nintendo games, but the company running the business decisions deserve the backlash they get. The greed is through the roof. Re-releasing Mario Party as a 60$ game while we were all waiting for a DLC... and that's just one thing out of many. I think hiding content behind piece of plastic (Amiibo) might be one of the worse offender.

They have good creative, no doubt. Too bad it's paired with the worst kind of greedy corporate executives.
People hate, and I mean HATE, when companies like Nintendo or Apple think outside the box and do things differently. That's why they have more haters than conventional companies.
All companies and media get hate, it’s not exclusive to just Nintendo. It’s just human nature. We see every company’s fans convinced that the company they like gets undue negative focus after all lol.

With that said. Negativity of any kind for stuff you like can be disheartening, but in the end it’s best to just like what you like and ignore the uninformed takes that are bumming you out.
It's a corporation, they only want our money, doesn't respect faithfulness or love for them.

The same can be said for the other two.

I'm a fan of Nintendo games in general, not Nintendo as a company, if someone hates it, whether with good or bar arguments, that's fine.

My thoughts exactly. I play on all the major platforms but I don't really consider myself a fan of the companies. Sometimes they do good stuff, sometimes they do awful shit. At the end of the day money is what matters the most to them.
Its a mix of many things
1) Jealousy: People just cant accept a non power console is a success.
2) Personal feelings grudge (specially from industry people): example Nagoshi.
3) Entitlement from players: People think that graphic is the one true factor to judge a console and its price so they force the idea that Nintendo is not worthy unless they do gritty unsaturated graphic adventures
4) Developers Entitlement: 3rd party has a different “view” of Nintendo than they do from Sony and Microsoft cause Nintendo doest dine and pampered the same way PS and MS do due to being a more self sustained micro universe (PS and XB consoles on the other hand will die without constant 3rd Party input), so out of that we have devs like the one from Just Cause, after being given an early WiiU dev Kit, for free, not making anything and Sending it back cause “Nintendo never asked us directly that they wanted us to make a game for them”
Why though? It’s just video games. Every game company has their “haters”. Just ignore it and enjoy what you like. I see people talking shit about PC gaming, Xbox, PlayStation and mobile constantly and it just reaches a point where you have to just laugh at the energy they put into hating on luxury entertainment and toys, and move on lol

And ultimately it’s just people’s opinions on something that’s inconsequential, even if they’re misguided or nonsensical.
I should be used to it. I've seen the same thing for decades, where people who don't personally like Nintendo games will just call all of it kiddy trash, or claim they never do anything different. But every once in a while, it does get me down a bit. Nintendo surely has tons of flaws, but to act like there's nothing of value in their gaming libraries just feels wrong to me.

Also, I'm distinctly not talking about criticism from fans of Nintendo games (they're coming more from a perspective of wishing the company would do things better to succeed), but I'm talking about people who don't play the games, don't have any interest in trying the games, and just call them all shit.

I'm usually good about filtering out the noise, but once in a while a negative comment gets me in an annoying head funk. It's definitely not a big deal (there are much, much bigger problems in the world than people being negative about Nintendo) and it will pass soon, but I thought I'd talk about it here. Does anyone else ever feel like this? Do you have any advice for not getting frustrated by dumb shit people say on the internet? Lol

(btw the comment in particular that got me frustrated was someone saying "Nintendo just sucks lately, all they do is make games where you collect things like Breath of the Wild" and then a bunch of other people agreed with that person... I can only think of a few first party switch era games where collection is a core focus, and breath of the wild isn't really one of them)
At the end of the day, people that say that Nintendo systems are kiddie are just insecure when it comes to what games they play. I have irl friends in my circle that think the Switch is for kids even though it has a wide range of games (many of which are played frequently by big streamers). That insecurity ultimately limits a person to enjoy many other games which is sad.
My thoughts exactly. I play on all the major platforms but I don't really consider myself a fan of the companies. Sometimes they do good stuff, sometimes they do awful shit. At the end of the day money is what matters the most to them.
All of them really. These corporations are not your friend.
Yep, this.

I like the Nintendo games, but the company running the business decisions deserve the backlash they get. The greed is through the roof. Re-releasing Mario Party as a 60$ game while we were all waiting for a DLC... and that's just one thing out of many. I think hiding content behind piece of plastic (Amiibo) might be one of the worse offender.

They have good creative, no doubt. Too bad it's paired with the worst kind of greedy corporate executives.
They're just releasing a new game in the franchise? Surely that can't be seen as a bad practice these days.
Based on some of the responses, I'd like to clarify I'm talking more about the games and the people who work on them than I am the company and its investors.

A general theme is "just ignore it" and this usually works and is good advice, but sometimes it just hits the wrong way. Brains can be dumb and hyperfixate on random bs, you know?
I feel like we all been there, but it is important to remember that the most important thing in the end is that you enjoy them, instead on focusing on what other people don't like you should be grateful that you are able to play such good games.

In the end it is their loss.
I like nintendo, but I refuse to defend the honor of a corporation.

I mean yeah, there’s Nintendo the company, which is of course a business. But they’re not just publishers, but thousands of creatives and developers. Artists.

Now plenty of us here raise an eyebrow with some of the company’s business decisions. That’s fine.

But let’s be honest. You know the OP is talking about Nintendo as in all the creatives. Their games and output which they do have passion about.

So no, most of us aren’t talking about the President or the board, but the teams that make the games.

So whenever someone brings up the corporation angle, I do roll my eyes about that. Because most often that’s not what we are talking about.

Will I criticize not offering a second cheaper tier for NSO so I can buy the DLC separately? Of course I will. That’s fair and that’s a business decision from one aspect of the company.

But most people are about the games here and the teams within Nintendo or their partners they work with.
Boy does this get under my skin. It's one thing to not be a Nintendo fan, it's another to be butts about it as I've countless times on Twitter.


1. People pirating their games because they don't like their supposed practices or overcharge for their games. And anyone against this stance is a checks notes a bootlicker.
2. Nintendo being meanies regarding fan projects when 99% of the time they shut down something, it's due to copyright infringement. Sega only allow Sonic fan games because of how low Sonic is nowadays and frankly Sega are desperate for any goodwill they can get, IMO.
3. Nintendo being unsupportive of the competitive scene. After the shit that happened last year, who can blame them? I wouldn't touch the Smash scene with a 1000-foot pole at minimum.
4. Nintendo sucks at preservation. Sure, the company that gave Square-Enix the source code/roms for the Mana games are shit at preservation...

Folks will find any way to throw shit at Nintendo when most of the time the people throwing the shit are the problem. Critique Nintendo where it's fair and warranted, these aren't.
Boy does this get under my skin. It's one thing to not be a Nintendo fan, it's another to be butts about it as I've countless times on Twitter.


1. People pirating their games because they don't like their supposed practices or overcharge for their games. And anyone against this stance is a checks notes a bootlicker.
2. Nintendo being meanies regarding fan projects when 99% of the time they shut down something, it's due to copyright infringement. Sega only allow Sonic fan games because of how low Sonic is nowadays and frankly Sega are desperate for any goodwill they can get, IMO.
3. Nintendo being unsupportive of the competitive scene. After the shit that happened last year, who can blame them? I wouldn't touch the Smash scene with a 1000-foot pole at minimum.
4. Nintendo sucks at preservation. Sure, the company that gave Square-Enix the source code/roms for the Mana games are shit at preservation...

Folks will find any way to throw shit at Nintendo when most of the time the people throwing the shit are the problem. Critique Nintendo where it's fair and warranted, these aren't.

Nintendo is excellent with preservation. Not just games, but betas, design docs, demos, etc.

What those people are complaining about is they want every single thing they ever made be released at once.

Now as a Nintendo fan, I would love that, but I’m not going to throw a tantrum about it. It’s ridiculous.

Worst are those that call pirating their games - new games - and call it a moral right to do so. Which to me just means, I don’t want to pay for it and I’m entitled to it.
Nintendo is a multi billion corporation so I feel nothing when people criticize it, valid reasons or not, or when people pirate their games. I like the games they make and have no problem paying “premium” prices for their software but recognize it’s not worth it for everyone. It’s not the GameCube era anymore either where they’re the underdog either, the Switch is the most popular Nintendo’s been in over a decade. There’s no actual social stigma to playing Nintendo games.

Spending years on /v/ is a good way to learn to not take criticism of your favorite video games personally, heh.

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