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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST14 Nov 2022| Comfy And Easy To Wear

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instead of spending 40 dollars on the crappy new sonic I'm playing adventure for the first time

this is the greatest shit

I'd be curious to hear your overall impressions you finish the game. I think a good chunk of users here grew up playing the 2D games as kids and then playing the Adventure games in middle or high school while others many others experienced Sonic for the first time when he arrived on Gamecube. It'd be interesting to here the perspective of someone who did have those contexts.
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 for me is like I remember enjoying them as a kid but I know there are giant parts of both of those that are not good. I would like to replay them (Switch ports when Sega) but part of me thinks that some memories should be left in the past. It's complicated.
instead of spending 40 dollars on the crappy new sonic I'm playing adventure for the first time

this is the greatest shit
I somehow missed this earlier

I cannot tell you how excited I am to hear your thoughts

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 for me is like I remember enjoying them as a kid but I know there are giant parts of both of those that are not good. I would like to replay them (Switch ports when Sega) but part of me thinks that some memories should be left in the past. It's complicated.
I've played SA1 relatively recently thanks to it being on XB360 and if you approach it with the understanding that it was Sonic Team's first real attempt at a 3D Sonic game on unfamiliar hardware, it kinda holds up. The jank is there but it's charming in a this-is-our-first-try sort of way (the goofy facial animations are particularly funny but they were so obviously trying hard), with the only real complaint I have being a lack of a movable camera (since the Dreamcast didn't have a second stick). I genuinely love the concept, the mini open areas, the level design for the action stages, and it's still one of my favorite Sonic OSTs ever, Jun Senoue's crowning achievement. It's one of those games where you can tell the team had ambition, even if the execution fell short in ways.

And I'd say the proof is in how SA2 improved in so many ways once they were used to the hardware, with my only complaints there being the game moving away from an open adventure style and instead going level-by-level. Which is why I'm thrilled that Frontiers is returning to it (we don't talk about Sonic 06).

I've said it a bunch before but no joke, SA1 is my favorite 3D Sonic. To me, they nailed it with the first try and have been playing catch-up ever since.

Have fun!

...until you get to Big, Big is not fun
Big is part of the charming jank I was talking about. If you approach it with an open mind, it's almost fun how weird it is. Like, old-school-Sega weird. Space Channel 5 weird. Seaman weird.
Big is part of the charming jank I was talking about. If you approach it with an open mind, it's almost fun how weird it is. Like, old-school-Sega weird. Space Channel 5 weird. Seaman weird.
Big the character? Charming, goofy. Like a big teddy bear.

Big as a playable character in Sonic Adventure? Boring. Janky in an unfun way. Required to finish the game.

I really like Sonic Adventure, and I respect it trying to be this ambitious, showstopper title for the Dreamcast, but in trying so hard it can stumble, and Big is one of those examples.
Big the character? Charming, goofy. Like a big teddy bear.

Big as a playable character in Sonic Adventure? Boring. Janky in an unfun way. Required to finish the game.

I really like Sonic Adventure, and I respect it trying to be this ambitious, showstopper title for the Dreamcast, but in trying so hard it can stumble, and Big is one of those examples.
Fair enough, I guess I was charmed by how completely out of place it was and how hard they committed to it. And I weirdly actually kinda enjoyed the fishing parts for some reason? Even though it was not great, I got a weird kick out of a 3D fishing game where the camera is under the water with the fish instead of from the perspective of the player. 😅
Hear me out…… Metroid Prime Direct this week on the anniversary, first footage of MP4, retrospective on Metroid and Metroid Prime Redux announced.
Hear me out…… Metroid Prime Direct this week on the anniversary, first footage of MP4, retrospective on Metroid and Metroid Prime Redux announced.
I would be pretty surprised if we get literally anything this week other than Pokemon reviews and then the launch of the game itself. But I like your optimism!
Ok so like I said a few days ago, the Nintendo song is completely done. I am super happy to report - things are starting to be arranged for its music video!!

It’s nowhere close to being filmed yet, lol… but it has a LOT of pieces that need to be filmed over a series of days, and the planning for ONE of those days has begun 😂 My project partner and I have some pretty good ideas for what the final product will look like, but there’s still a long road ahead. I have a feeling making the music video will be just as hard as making the song haha
Fair enough, I guess I was charmed by how completely out of place it was and how hard they committed to it. And I weirdly actually kinda enjoyed the fishing parts for some reason? Even though it was not great, I got a weird kick out of a 3D fishing game where the camera is under the water with the fish instead of from the perspective of the player. 😅
In that regard, I think I like Gamma for similar reasons. It goes in the opposite direction - a dramatic, contemplative story instead of a silly one - but it's distinct from the standard stories and they committed to it, and it works. Probably helps that "shooting stuff and platforming" is a touch more connected to the standard game play loop, even if I wouldn't call it all that amazing in hindsight.
Ok so like I said a few days ago, the Nintendo song is completely done. I am super happy to report - things are starting to be arranged for its music video!!

It’s nowhere close to being filmed yet, lol… but it has a LOT of pieces that need to be filmed over a series of days, and the planning for ONE of those days has begun 😂 My project partner and I have some pretty good ideas for what the final product will look like, but there’s still a long road ahead. I have a feeling making the music video will be just as hard as making the song haha
Remember when I posted shitposts here on a daily basis? Now I am committed to one massive project instead

I promise it will be worth the wait.
Reading about some mathematical probability stuff in here by @hologram and @Skittzo and my brain's already done for the day. God, did you guys have to remind me of why I didn't bother with math anymore after finishing school??? @.@
Feels like some part of my brain's fried now, haha. Mental arithmetic's the only thing I've ever been pretty good with, even to this day. Beyond that I start feeling all dizzy.
Remember when I posted shitposts here on a daily basis? Now I am committed to one massive project instead

I promise it will be worth the wait.
Quality over quantity, I say.
Unless I'm talking about myself, in which case I am very much quantity.
Oh good morning Fami. It's Pokemon week.

Also, finally free of Xenoblade 3 and being able to play more Bayo 3 ... i'm not into substances, but i wanna try what P*'s creatives are having one day in my life.
Bayo 3 is crazy.
Slept like shit last night. Could not fall asleep at first, then I woke up way too early due to what has to be the weirdest dream I remember having in a long time. Fucking tired, and I must have slept in a weird position too, because my back hurts.

Fucking Mondays, smh.
Got provoked by a chat-bot on a government page that had the most ridiculous answers on my questions.

With well placed words I tore it to pieces and let go 10 years of built up anger on the poor chat bot and after I was done it said sorry it couldnt help and asked me to call in.

I had it coming and deserved that.

But c'mon why are chat bots so worthless.
One year later, my Analogue Pocket finally arrived!

Ah I am super jealous! Because I moved around a lot and had periods were paying the bills was tough, I sold my (pristine, boxed!) GB/GBA games a few years back before this was announced. Really wish I'd been able to hang on to my physical collection so that it made sense to get an Analogue Pocket. I really need Nintendo to get their shit together and get the GameBoy family on NSO.
I wonder what the next nintendo/platnium game will be? Will it be Astral Chian 2, a new ip or a nintendo ip?
I'm really hoping it will be Astral Chain 2. There's a couple of very obvious references to it in Bayonetta 3, but I think/hope Nintendo buying out ownership of the franchise means a sequel is in the works.

Also my morning coffee time just turned super Canadian because I've now heard Carly Rae Jepsen and Rufus Wainwright's song, which wasn't a thing I knew about.
Also my morning coffee time just turned super Canadian because I've now heard Carly Rae Jepsen and Rufus Wainwright's song, which wasn't a thing I knew about.
aaahhh, one of my favorite songs I've heard all year ❤️
I had a random thought this morning and now I can't stop thinking about it.

What if the new Donkey Kong game was planned for 2022 but got delayed because it featured Kremlings? (Due to the war in Ukraine)

I know it's ridiculous, but they did delay AW. Could they change the name? It's not that important.
I had a random thought this morning and now I can't stop thinking about it.

What if the new Donkey Kong game was planned for 2022 but got delayed because it featured Kremlings? (Due to the war in Ukraine)

I know it's ridiculous, but they did delay AW. Could they change the name? It's not that important.
They would just change the name. However, I doubt it would have been ready for this year to begin with.
Nope. Like I said, they've been more or less on point, with the exception with of a slight underconfidence in the extremes (so that means the very low probability events have been happening less, not more, than predicted).

You can't post-test individual races, of course, but that's why you have a consistent model and check your performance over time. Probabilistic models are used very widely in many industries - in finance, in weather, etc - and that wouldn't happen if there was no way to test model performance.
Interesting, I really feel like it's been prevalent in the news much more often about how these things tend to be wrong in their general probability assessment. Maybe it's just higher profile races (like in 2016) being more often on the lower probability outcome.
I feel everyone needs to watch episode 7 of Pop Team Epic Season 2. First twelve minutes are fine, every episode repeats halfway through.

monday again fami baby

enjoy this sneak peek screenshot from the very short, not-particularly-involved, and not-especially-informative opening cutscene of Grögol Bonanza
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 for me is like I remember enjoying them as a kid but I know there are giant parts of both of those that are not good. I would like to replay them (Switch ports when Sega) but part of me thinks that some memories should be left in the past. It's complicated.
Sonic Adventure 25th anniversary 2023

Believe in the dual pack remake

Switch exclusive connectivity to Sonic Advance on GBA NSO

We gotta manifest this one, y'all

hello kevin, always happy to see you

also always hoping you finally get metroid prime
I thought for sure this was the year. Like 5 years ago, the 20th anniversary seemed so far away, but it always felt like, "Well, I guess they're keeping it aside for the 20th anniversary." They sure showed me that Nintendo could Nintendo it even harder.
Interesting, I really feel like it's been prevalent in the news much more often about how these things tend to be wrong in their general probability assessment. Maybe it's just higher profile races (like in 2016) being more often on the lower probability outcome.
Right, and that's the problem - the media uses probabilities they don't understand to predict races, then turns on the models when their predictions don't pan out.

Take 2016. The polls had Clinton, on average, about 4 points ahead. But if you only listened to the news, you'd probably assume it was double digits - no one was really giving Trump a chance. Now there were some cases of modeling issues in that race (I believe it was NYTimes which gave Clinton something like a 99% chance of winning lol), but  most models were giving Trump around a 30% chance of winning, which is close to 1 in 3. While somewhat reductive - polls, models and elections are done on the state level, not the federal - you could have basically said there were three major possibilities to that race:
  • Clinton wins the popular vote by 6 points (+2 polling error), wins electoral college by a landslide
  • Clinton wins the popular vote by 4 points (0 polling error), wins electoral college but it's close
  • Clinton wins the popular vote by 2 points (-2 polling error), loses electoral college

Obviously we know what really happened.

It was a similar story in 2020, only with a slightly larger polling error but a more comfortable polling lead for Biden. A big part of the reason why people were so ready to dismiss polls entirely after 2020 was because that was two elections in a row with a polling error that went in the same direction. But that's a media interpretation, not a probabilistic one. Consider the following:
- "Twice in a row" in the same direction is not evidence of systemic issues. If you toss a coin repeatedly, you should expect some strings of repeated heads; it's not going to alternate every single toss.
- I use quotes above because it wasn't really "twice in a row". The 2018 midterm polling was overall very accurate. It's too early to assess the 2022 polling but I would guess it also proved relatively accurate, if not slightly underestimating Democrats

Additionally, polling firms also adjust their methodology between election cycles to account for polling errors. If a firm polls 1000 people and 600 say they're voting candidate A, it's very unlikely the firm reports a 60% vote for A. While polling they also record demographic data and adjust the numbers they report to reflect the actual demographics. If they perceive that their numbers have consistently been wrong in the same direction, they will also adjust to account for that shift. They may overcorrect, or they may worry too much about overcorrecting and undercorrect. There's no easy way to determine this until after the fact.

Anyway, TL;DR: polling is hard, modeling is hard, and the media loves to use both as a scapegoat when their own overconfidence makes them look stupid
I'm predicting this week will have either Mario Kart 8 DLC drop or the golf update for Switch Sports.
I wouldn't expect that until next week at the earliest. They want the decks cleared for Pokemon this week.

It'd be funny if we got a "Nintendo Update Direct" the week after next that delves into MK8 DLC, Golf Update, and Splatoon 3 Season 2 and whatever else is due at this point.

EDIT: And just like that NoE completely invalidated my hopes 😂


monday again fami baby

enjoy this sneak peek screenshot from the very short, not-particularly-involved, and not-especially-informative opening cutscene of Grögol Bonanza
Oooo I kinda want that as my desktop or phone wallpaper
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I would kill for a port of Sonic Adventure 2 to Switch.
A "Sonic Adventure collection" and a port of Generations would sell so much on the Switch. Do SEGA even like money ?
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