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Rumour New Switch model for Q4 2023

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A lot ot unknowns but it's usually these.kinds of leaks that (if true) retroactively makes it look like we had all the info all along when looking back

Will wait for more reliable sources to verify
I'm guessing it's BS until proven otherwise
if the person really did get everything regarding the DLC content down to exactly before the video was shared. It's possible.
But it feels more likely to be just another 'Snitch' situation where they got to watch the video before it was released.
It's too odd that they only detail what is in the video pretty much without much notes otherwise besides the Switch news.
Check this out

"We are working on a graphics enhancement patch that will be released alongside DLC2."

Read that

Now read this, which is the same thing, with some additional clarification

"We are working on a graphics enhancement patch (for the new Nintendo Switch models) that will be released alongside DLC2."

That's what we're looking at here

Just imagine if we have to wait until 2024 to have a game that somewhat looks "finished"
yeah i don't see how a programmer would be able to know marketing specifics like "buy the dlc now and get new school uniforms"

this is someone who saw the presents and salted it up themselves.
this is someone who saw the presents and salted it up themselves.
Winter Season does extend into 2024. Which is the ETA the eshop has for the DLC. So its likely end of fiscal year or start of next
Check this out

"We are working on a graphics enhancement patch that will be released alongside DLC2."

Read that

Now read this, which is the same thing, with some additional clarification

"We are working on a graphics enhancement patch (for the new Nintendo Switch models) that will be released alongside DLC2."

That's what we're looking at here
this means the new switch models could be even earlier than the DLC

july's still on the table
Imagine you got to see Presents earlier and you don't even mention that there was that horryifying Pikachu plush.
You don't think like a leaker who's trying to cover their ass. Assuming the speculation of this leaker seeing the presents early and then making shit up to stir the pot on Switch 2 rumors, they have to have a believable story for why they only know the elements they know. Why would someone who allegedly works at an outsourcing firm who's working on the dlc and a switch 2 patch know about the Pikachu plush, or the mobile game updates, or the tcg classic set? They wouldn't, you'd make a terrible real info mixed with fake info leaker LukasManak22
The best time to buy an OLED was in 2021. Each day that passes is another day inching closer to the release of the Switch successor, unless you think Nintendo will stop making hardware for some reason.
I did as well, but 1) I still think it’s pretty unlikely based on all the reports and 2) you can just sell your OLED on ebay or something
and then there's me, who bought an OLED on launch day and said he'd only do so if he sold his day 1 Switch immediately after buying it

my day 1 switch is still in my closet
The only way I see new hardware releasing this year is if it's at the very end of the year, so November. That said I doubt it to be honest, not with the Zelda OLED right around the corner.
F*CK, if this is true I'm going to be kicking myself since I bought an OLED model because I listened people "in the know" saying that the more powerful Switch was a 2024 thing.
This literally does not confirm a switch 2 or whatever this year nor does it really suggest as much.
F*CK, if this is true I'm going to be kicking myself since I bought an OLED model because I listened people "in the know" saying that the more powerful Switch was a 2024 thing.
If this is true, it's likely just another normal Switch. The more powerful model/Switch 2 is 2025 imo
Reminds me when a leaker revealed concrete DMC5 info then said Dante in Smash

They always love to throw in some random thing they don’t actually know at the end
I drink alcohol, I smoke more than anyone but the switch pro rumours are what shorten my life the most
To be fair, if this is legitimate it doesn’t mean the new switch will release before or around the DLC release, especially if Scarlet and Violet are going to be the mainline games through late 2024. They would just be futureproofing the game so that when hardware does come out they can point to S/V and say you should play it again because it runs better.

But also new hardware in 2024 isn’t exactly a shocking prediction to make, I would be surprised if we don’t see any new hardware next year.
right, a programmer at an outsourcing studio is shown the detailed contents of marketing videos ahead of time... come on lol
Check this out

"We are working on a graphics enhancement patch that will be released alongside DLC2."

Read that

Now read this, which is the same thing, with some additional clarification

"We are working on a graphics enhancement patch (for the new Nintendo Switch models) that will be released alongside DLC2."

That's what we're looking at here

Yeah, while it would be logical to release the patch WITH the new model, this industry is not logical =P

That being said, this does seem like march 2024 a good candidate or switch 2 release
My favorite part of this is that two years ago this shit would have probably been taken as a lockdown for a new Switch model, but the community is so beaten down by false leads and false hope that "It's a fake addition to a real leak made to troll everyone" actually a commonly held belief. Which, I mean, it might not even be wrong, in fact I think the current reactions are more in line with reality than what would have happened before, but that's my spicy read on these reactions lol.
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Game boy micro and DSi also weren't 6 and a half years after the console launched.

At this point the only way that a switch with meaningfully different internals launches is when they're ready with the successor machine.
It's pretty standard for Nintendo to squeak out a hardware revision a year or two before the successor comes out. Of them the one I would point to is Game Boy Pocket since that released over 6 years after the original game boy, within 2 years of the color.
What gives this in is that GF would never bother to release a performance patch exclusively for a new model lol
So when they say a new version is coming, does that mean a new hardware? Not just a special edition like the Zelda, Mario, and Smash Editions?
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