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News Metroid Prime 4: Beyond new trailer, coming to Nintendo Switch in 2025

I’m actually surprised how many people are thinking Prime 4 is running on Switch 2 and not Switch.

it’s actually insane the takes people are making ,,Ain’t no way this is running on base Switch’’.

Like I’m quite excited seeing people’s reactions to the Switch 2.
I’m actually surprised how many people are thinking Prime 4 is running on Switch 2 and not Switch.

it’s actually insane the takes people are making ,,Ain’t no way this is running on base Switch’’.

Like I’m quite excited seeing people’s reactions to the Switch 2.
The Retro Effect
I’m actually surprised how many people are thinking Prime 4 is running on Switch 2 and not Switch.

it’s actually insane the takes people are making ,,Ain’t no way this is running on base Switch’’.

Like I’m quite excited seeing people’s reactions to the Switch 2.

I think it's rather similar to prime HD
I’m actually surprised how many people are thinking Prime 4 is running on Switch 2 and not Switch.

it’s actually insane the takes people are making ,,Ain’t no way this is running on base Switch’’.

Like I’m quite excited seeing people’s reactions to the Switch 2.
Maybe people that don't own a current PC or current gen console lol Has to be.

Like have they seen Sony's last gen outings on PS4 (Like God of War and Horizon)? This doesn't look that good even.

This is very much a game that is pulling all the stops to look as good as possible on a Xbox 360/PS3 era console. Like Final Fantasy XIII.

And we still somehow think Monster Hunter Wilds, FF7 Rebirth etc will be on Switch 2 lol. Maybe if they run at 480p.
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Random bathroom thought (likely bullshit):

What if "Beyond" was not only chosen as the subtitle due to the plot / gameplay mechanics of the game?

What if it was also chosen to "tease" that the game is cross-gen ... that it goes "Beyond Switch"?

What I thought was an odd decision, was to make such a large segment of the middle of the trailer about Prime’s weakest aspect: combat. I do really agree with the prior poster that having the combat be (and look) just like Prime 1 comes off as pretty dated. Strafe and tap, enemies that are just bullet sponges and mostly don’t react to be hit, just looks not great in 2024. And I think that put a damper on things halfway through, before picking back up with the post title card shot.

I agree about this part, could be better showing other areas like the tree area or some new power up. But don't forget combat in Prime games is not only about shoot and straf, sometimes involve shoot with a certain type of beam/missiles, use morph ball abilities, use of some visor or use some powerups like grapple beam/screw attack, which most of these things are got later in the game. The rest of trailer I liked too.
to me. In the end, it’s the final product that counts so I don’t care how the trailer is really lol.

I’ve seen amazing trailers and the games end up being rather mediocre or don’t enjoy in the end.

Regardless, after being revealed like 7 years ago. Gone through a reboot and an Apology video. I think the goal of showing “it exist and will release” was achieved. At least that’s what it felt like, just trying to show that it finally came together.
I’m glad they fixed Samus’s mask/visor from what they looked like in Samus Returns and Dread. It really feels like Metroid is finally back after over a decade!
I’m actually surprised how many people are thinking Prime 4 is running on Switch 2 and not Switch.

it’s actually insane the takes people are making ,,Ain’t no way this is running on base Switch’’.

Like I’m quite excited seeing people’s reactions to the Switch 2.
this has been a thing since... 2019? it's so ridiculous. any time any switch game looks slightly above average people will say it's running on switch pro or switch 2.
While I personally am tentatively excited for the game, I can definitely sympathize with people who wanted something totally new after all this time. What I don't quite get is the people who seem to want 2D Metroid to be like Mega Man or Contra and 3D Metroid to be like Doom or Quake. Metroid isn't an action hero series where you are constantly schmooving and blowing shit up, it tends to take a slower pace. There are plenty of games like those out there for you to enjoy

I would have been very pleased with a trailer that showed deep and original platforming, exploration, or puzzle solving mechanics, but the trailer is an action setpiece that only focuses on shooting.

And the shooting looks really bad.
this has been a thing since... 2019? it's so ridiculous. any time any switch game looks slightly above average people will say it's running on switch pro or switch 2.
Gamers, when a first party exclusives made specifically for the hardware looks pretty damn good.


But after that online discussion, I’m extremely intrigued seeing people’s reactions to the Switch 2.

Makes me excited seeing the unveiling of the next 3D Mario and it’s probably going to be a technical marvel, especially with DLSS and RT.
this has been a thing since... 2019? it's so ridiculous. any time any switch game looks slightly above average people will say it's running on switch pro or switch 2.
"Mario & Rabbids footage wasn't running on the OG Switch".

Yeah, sure. Still waiting for that OG Switch footage then.
It's not just people downplaying the Switch: it's been so long since the last wholly original Retro title that people have forgotten about their particular brand of black magic.
Remember what Tanabe said back in 2015 about the potential next Prime game:

Instead of broadening it to more planets I would have one and would focus on the timeline, and being able to change that. That's one interesting idea I have in mind... but I understand many people thought that [Echoes] was too difficult.

As the whole Sylux premise is also still intact since then, the fundamental timetravel design concept probably is as well. The last scene in the trailer could be Samus' first time going back in time through the portal behind her, revealing how the planet looked like before the war we see in the rest of the trailer broke out and ravaged the surface of the planet.
I’m actually surprised how many people are thinking Prime 4 is running on Switch 2 and not Switch.

classic "internet" reactions lol:

"It SURELY is the Switch 2 build, no way the Switch can run THAT!"


"his is hot garbage!"
Some people will absolutely not be ready for next gen games lol, they'll react like "this is bullshit, even a next gen Switch can't do this, looks like PS5", I fully expect those kind of reactions to be honest.
The difference is that they'd be quite legitimate compared to Prime 4, where it doesn't really make sense after we've seen/played Prime Remastered.
I mentioned this in another thread, but what if that area at the end of the trailer is Tallon IV of the distant past? (Not saying the whole game takes place on Tallon IV again, though. There could be multiple temporal locations.) Tallon Overworld has similar jungle and waterfall features, and Tallon IV was described as an "ecological paradise" prior to the Leviathan impact.
Here's the Tanabe interview where he talks about time travel mechanics.

Apparently he wanted to focus on a single planet, so my theory about Tallon IV is probably debunked already, lol. (Unless things have changed since then.)
Here's the Tanabe interview where he talks about time travel mechanics.

Apparently he wanted to focus on a single planet, so my theory about Tallon IV is probably debunked already, lol. (Unless things have changed since then.)
Ok this is very Doom so I only really want it out of novelty, but travelling to Aether's past during the war and riding Quadraxis into battle would be both awesome and hilarious
Ok this is very Doom so I only really want it out of novelty, but travelling to Aether's past during the war and riding Quadraxis into battle would be both awesome and hilarious

So it was an Ing in the trailer after all!!!!

Ok this is very Doom so I only really want it out of novelty, but travelling to Aether's past during the war and riding Quadraxis into battle would be both awesome and hilarious
Nintendo, if you're watching, just know that I would pay any amount of money for a Prime game where that's possible, lol.
I mean, Retro probably COULD make the game look even better on the base Switch but it would require making it 30 fps. I wonder if that's an acceptable tradeoff to some
Everything about this looks pretty incredible to me, except for the combat, which I will echo others' worries on. Presentation, music, the general tone and story teases, all great, but the combat really did just seem like the OG trilogy combat again which was always the series' weakest point. This is the very beginning of the game, so I hope next time we see the game we get a sense of how things evolve later on and that shows if there are any major changes.

Also, there's still time Retro, something as simple as making the arm cannon's basic shot sound less piddly would go a long way here imo. Part of the reason combat wasn't so hot in the Prime trilogy was because it felt like the shots lacked impact.
I don't really see the animation issues people keep talking about tbh. Looks fine to me

1. The animations are pretty clearly taken directly from Prime 1, making the game feel extremely old.
2. There is very little complexity in the animations.
3. Every Space Pirate's animation looks extremely similar to one another.
4. There is no enemy feedback to them getting shot until their death animation plays.
5. The interactable environment doesn't seem to react at all to anything outside of very few canned moments.
My guess is that it will happen, one day. It wouldn't surprise me if someone like Liam Robertson is already on the case.

That said, it also wouldn't surprise if parties involved would prefer to wait (see: NDAs) until Retro's Metroid Prime 4 gets to enjoy its time in the sun, before we start seeing an exposé on what befell Bamco Singapore's version.

You are surprisingly on point here.
I wonder if there's two "dimensions" like prime 2 but with beyond one dimension has level design like prime 1-3 whereas the other one is a bigger/more open
The Mario+Rabbids 2 thing was the weirdest as Mario+Rabbids 2 has much worse graphics than the original due to a controllable camera and larger areas.
This is one of the few games I've dropped less than halfway through, and I think the graphical ugliness played a big part in it. On top of the gameplay being different in a way I don't prefer, it's just consistently so ugly to look at, especially in the first "world".
Thing is, with Retro, Nintendo could simply "order" them to do a cross-gen release, but Game Freak does whatever Game Freak wants.

I'm totally with you in the thought that Legends Z-A should be a cross-gen game too, but i'm less confident due to the above thing.
true but also i'm not expecting game freak to do what retro does. retro will probably make the new version look and run significantly better, while game freak will release a switch 2 SKU that's slightly higher resolution and runs solid 30fps instead of hitting 30fps 50% of the time. it shouldn't take too much effort from game freak to do this.
Ok this is very Doom so I only really want it out of novelty, but travelling to Aether's past during the war and riding Quadraxis into battle would be both awesome and hilarious
This would be just straight awesome. I always thought the Aether storyline was the best of the trilogy.
I'll admit my experience with the trailer was a bit mixed. I absolutely adored the gunship swooping in, Samus jumping out, and the accompanying music; I'm especially impressed by Samus's character model, which looks gorgeous.

And yeah, the combat looks a little old fashioned, but like others this is very clearly the very beginning of the game and so likely not reflective of much of the experience. But I will be interested to see what changes they've made to combat. Personally, I don't overly care about the standard enemy encounters; I'm hoping for some ambitious boss fights, though.

What seals it though is that final glimpse of Samus emerging into an alien world ripe for exploration, and that absolutely gorgeous classic Prime-style music. Very excited to learn more.
These Prime 4 are such a joy,

After sinking it in, this is a great final Switch Direct, it's going to be weird, seeing Switch and Switch 2 headlines on directs.

It's kind of wild how good the Bayonetta 3 re-reveal trailer was compared to Prime 4's re-reveal trailer.

1. Does the "do you remember Bayonetta" thing within like 10 seconds.
2. Immediately shows what the series is now for once gameplay starts.
3. Shows off a major new mechanic of controllable Kaijus.

This trailer felt like a vertical slice of the most basic elements of Metroid Prime's worst parts (its horrible action setpieces which have somehow not improved). The scale is just kind of shockingly small in this trailer with so few Space Pirates involved in what seems to be a major terror attack lore-wise.
You know, is really bizarre to see some people saying this game looks too good to be running on a regular Switch, and then other people, mostly on Resetera, saying that it looks bad and super underwhelming.
Dunno if it's a hot take or a cold take but ... they need to get rid of the "4" in the title.

That irks me to no end.
counterpoint: I respect the hell out of a series that refuses to drop the numbers, especially after a huge gap between installments (And especially especially when it's the rare Mario Kart scenario of "bringing the numbers back out of nowhere when you're 6 or 7 entries deep")

I always kinda roll my eyes when we get to the third or fourth game/movie/whatever and they drop the number from the title like they're ashamed of how many of those things they've made or how long it's been since the last one. Plant your flag and say "yeah the last game was 18 years ago but so what, this is still Metroid Prime 4, darn it"
Scale, art or interactivity for what, we have barely seen the game.

The total lack of pirates on screen for what lore wise seems like a major event is a pretty big red flag.

Basically nothing in the environment responds to anything either outside of a very few canned objects.

And the purple soaked environment with very generic looking designs and a terrible gunship design make the art seem pretty bad.

This is what Metroid should sound like. Period. There's a stark contrast between the fandom's unanimous embrace of this not even 25 second isolated music sample, and the collective unenthused shrug that practically the entirety of Dread's soundtrack was met with. Hopefully the message is received loud and clear.
The total lack of pirates on screen for what lore wise seems like a major event is a pretty big red flag.

Basically nothing in the environment responds to anything either outside of a very few canned objects.

And the purple soaked environment with very generic looking designs and a terrible gunship design make the art seem pretty bad.
yes because that's clearly where the entire game will take place in, clearly. That ending shot means nothing at all

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