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News Metroid Prime 4: Beyond new trailer, coming to Nintendo Switch in 2025

Lay off the people who aren't happy with this trailer.

It's been seven years since the game was announced - and it's a sequel to a legendary sub-series in a prestigious franchise. It stands to reason that for everyone who is ecstatic, there are going to be some who are disappointed. It's just how things are.
Pretty much. I thought the trailer was fine and I'm not that bothered by the things people seem bothered about, but people are gonna feel how they feel.
I'll be posting about this game a lot this week (and well Beyond that). My friends, The Process is only just beginning. Where previously we were starved, hopeful for but the mere morsel of a blurry Samus elbow screenshot, we now find ourselves vindicated and energized. This is the day we've waited years for, since well before Famiboards even existed. We emerge from the other side today, ready to face the remaining journey together. As a community.

Let the books show that it was today, June 18, 2024, when a divide took place. One that separated us from the world in which we had not the remotest notion of what Metroid Prime 4 looked like, and ushered us into a newly prosperous world in which "I'm excited to play Metroid Prime 4: Beyond next year!" is something a child (or 30 year old gaming forum boomer, close enough right?) can actually say. When this place launched, we celebrated Dread together. Last year, it was Prime Remastered. Now it's Metroid Prime 4: Beyond!

Okay, full sincerity here: I just wanna express that I'm truly, genuinely glad I got to experience this reveal alongside all you fine folks. You've made this an awesome community to hang in. We've been waiting years to see this thing, and now that the day has finally arrived, it all feels a bit surreal. Sometimes, people don't know how to react once they finally get what they've been asking for forever, and I'm definitely still #Processing things myself, but we now officially have more to discuss than a janky early development logo from a cancelled version of the game. That is tremendously joyous.

The Process is complete. Long live The Process!
After rewatching the trailer many times and reading the comments, I feel ready to share my thoughts.

Look, I partially understand the complaints. It looks graphically impressive for a 60fps Switch game, but it isn't that different from Prime Remastered. The section showed also wasn't the most exciting thing in the world, is something that almost could be extracted from a remastered Metroid Prime 3. Combat looks slightly improved but not fundamentally changed and all the gameplay mechanics shown are present in all the other Metroid Prime games. Nothing new there. It wasn't the most impressive way to show the game and I'm not fond on that section. But then, you have that beautiful landscape, you have that Prime 1 tier music, and suddendly that little dissappointment becomes a promise of what's to come.

Anyone can have their own likings and love this series for different reasons, but I don't understand some of the extreme pessimism I've seen. The main reason I wanted Metroid Prime to return so bad (and I'm sure this is the case for many people) is because...there hasn't been anything like it in the market since Metroid Prime 3 released, as simple as that. There are some games that may take some inspiration here and there, like Prey, but nothing comes close to the experience Metroid Prime is capable to offer. A 3D first-person metroidvania focused on exploration, where the biomes, the creatures and the ambience are the main protagonists?That's not common, and much less with the level ox excellence of MP. So, when I play an MP game, what I am looking for is:

1) God tier level design, enjoyable backtraging and scenaries filled with secrets.
2) Good progression, with constant and fun upgrades that open new paths to which I must find my own way.
3) Beautiful and inmersive environments filled with alien life and a coherent ecosystem which I can learn from.
4) Excellent and inmersive Metroid style music.

Among of all the things on that list, we've only seen a VERY little tease of 3) and 4), and they are promising. But we know absolutely nothing about 1) and 2), which are the core of the Metroid Prime experience. How can someone say so definitive things about the game ignoring those aspects?If MP4 ends up having the most clever level design in history, great powerups, open and impresive environments or the best OST in the series, how important is this teaser going to be?Absolutely zero. And I don't know how someone who in theory loves the core aspects of Metroid Prime can be so upset about a teaser that showed none of them. It's better to wait a little more (which won't be difficult after so much time) to judge and not reach weird conclusions about the game being outdated, because even the first Metroid Prime isn't outdated in many aspects that absolutely no one has been able to deliver again.

I think they planned and created this teaser to show as little as possible. It's clearly a snippet from the intro of the game to show off scanning, morph ball, stylux -- and that's it.

I have a feeling whatever new mechanics, weapons, or new hook the game has, they didn't want to show at all, so this little intro is all they could show.

Maybe that was a poor decision, maybe it was a weird decision rained down from headquarters, who knows. But I can wait for the big reveal later on.
I don't know why but I only want Samus to talk in Chozo. I'm guessing this comes before the events of Dread. In before they are two separate universes/timelines.
I didn't find this to be a particularly enjoyable trailer, but those few seconds at the end turned it around. I'm excited to see more and particularly interested to see if this will be shown running on Switch 2 at some point. I sadly expect a long wait until we see this again (The Game Awards? Switch 2 showcase? A 2025 Direct?), but I expect to enjoy the next trailer for this game a lot more. I'm glad it's alive, I'm glad it's still coming to Switch (even if I'll play on Switch 2 if it gets native support), and I'm glad we finally saw it. For everyone at Retro, I bet today was a big moment, so congrats to that team!
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The music sounds great already. I can tell it’ll be another top tier soundtrack. They showed a little bit of world at the end. That’s just a taste of what’s to come
She could simply own a handful of ships and be in the habit of cycling through them, which has always been my headcanon.
Was always my idea, too.

After so many successful missions, and probably amassing quite a bit of cash, she probably would have a couple different rides she could cycle through, like Batman.

New prediction contest— what will Ridley Beyond be called?
I might be one of few, but I actually am hoping he doesn't appear! Possible lore-wise reasons aside, I think the best thing you could do would be to let Sylux stand alone, let him build up his rivalry with Samus in his own right, and not have to worry about Samus' "old flame" butting in and making things awkward.
I hope Nintendo goes all in with voice acting in this game, and yes i also want Samus to actually talk and not be mute, we dont have to worry about another Other M situation

I really like how they did it in Dread. She had one line the entire game, in Chozo, and it was badass af.

That is how they should handle Samus imo. Metroid is not a game that needs cutscenes and lots of dialog. It's a game where you are Samus, and you must explore the world alone.
There is no reason whatsoever for Ridley to be in this series ever again. There were some great fights and now it’s done and over and we can have new characters.
You misspelled Donkey Kong.
If there is a time element involved here, could we be going back to save the Chozo from near extinction and even possibly prevent Samus’ parents from dying?!
Not sure if this was brought up or not, but I'm gonna post this here too just in case!

So near the end of the trailer, I noticed some sort of weird portal thing behind Samus.


For all we know it could be some beginning save point, but I figure they'd use Samus's ship for that. Not sure its a loading zone either, I figure there would be a door or something like what Metroid usually does!

Metroid Prime 2 and 3 each introduced some sort of major gameplay hook / shake up (Metroid Prime 2 with its ammo beams and the dual world aspects, Metroid Prime 3 with the motion controls and corruption mode). That plus the name "Metroid Prime 4: Beyond" makes me wonder if this game also has some sort of "hook" that just wasn't in what was basically a teaser trailer!

Maybe it's something like Samus going into portals that lead here to weird places / planets? I have no idea, but I just think the thing behind her in that picture is interesting!
its a time portal, like the dark world, you're walking in a ruined world, enter the portal and explore the ancient version of the room, considering what tanabe said is very probable
its a time portal, like the dark world, you're walking in a ruined world, enter the portal and explore the ancient version of the room, considering what tanabe said is very probable
I mentioned this in another thread, but what if that area at the end of the trailer is Tallon IV of the distant past? (Not saying the whole game takes place on Tallon IV again, though. There could be multiple temporal locations.) Tallon Overworld has similar jungle and waterfall features, and Tallon IV was described as an "ecological paradise" prior to the Leviathan impact.
the great thing about Nintendo’s first trailers is you know they’re hiding most things for later trailers. They didn’t show any new gameplay mechanics or anything. They just wanted to show us this is Metroid Prime for the first trailer.
If there is a time element involved here, could we be going back to save the Chozo from near extinction and even possibly prevent Samus’ parents from dying?!
That would have major ramifications! I think the only way that happens is if this game truly shifts the Prime series into its own continuity, totally separate from the 2D games.
I mentioned this in another thread, but what if that area at the end of the trailer is Tallon IV of the distant past? (Not saying the whole game takes place on Tallon IV again, though. There could be multiple temporal locations.) Tallon Overworld has similar jungle and waterfall features, and Tallon IV was described as an "ecological paradise" prior to the Leviathan impact.

I was actually thinking it could have been planet Aether. The big tree at the end is reminiscent of the Great Temple.
That would have major ramifications! I think the only way that happens is if this game truly shifts the Prime series into its own continuity, totally separate from the 2D games.
Which is something I would love to see happen, but realistically, probably won't.

That said, it wouldn't surprise me if Sylux is after the means of time travel in this way for a very poignant reason. Especially if my theory about him being another survivor from Samus' home colony pans out.
What does everything think “Beyond” means? Like beyond our world to other worlds?
Beyond "time and space".
I'm just confused why the reaction is "they didn't show anything new -> there is nothing new"

From the look of it, we literally got footage for probably the first 5 minutes of the game, and one shot beyond that.
I was actually thinking it could have been planet Aether. The big tree at the end is reminiscent of the Great Temple.
I didn't even consider that! It has been a while since I played Prime 2. (Been holding out for a Switch version, lol.) I just thought it would be a poetic callback to Prime 1 if it were to be some sort of Tallon IV time variant.
This may never happen, but someday I hope we get some insight on the original version of Metroid Prime 4 that was scrapped. It would be SUPER interesting to hear what went wrong there lol. This title would be an excellent candidate for an Ask the Developer interview; I’d love to hear the backstory here.
That was whelming, but its exciting to see a date on the horizon. A lot of this has almost placeholder vibes, especially the logo. I'll await the next trailer. Some of Nintendo's first trailers dont reveal the hook for whatever reason. The message of the trailer was clear though: "this is more Metroid prime 1" probably not a revolution, maybe not even medium size shake up (definately need to see more trailers and gameplay, surely they are sitting on at least one gimmick). Prime 1 is good, but I wont pretend I wasn't hoping to see a little more new in the next title.

It'd be odd for it to be 2025, if it doesn't have some switch 2 version. I don't think its unreasonable to expect it, but even if that exists I doubt it would be a revolution on the final switch visuals. It could rely only on backcompat I suppose, but getting something out to fill the 3d Metroid gulf and getting plastic on shelves seems smarter to me. People brought up the TLOUS 2 as comparison, but that did get a remaster? A basic one, but it still runs better.

I was never expecting it to be THE big Switch 2 title, or look like a PS5 game on switch 1, but I'm not sold on the atmosphere yet. Again, its very early days though.
This may never happen, but someday I hope we get some insight on the original version of Metroid Prime 4 that was scrapped. It would be SUPER interesting to hear what went wrong there lol. This title would be an excellent candidate for an Ask the Developer interview; I’d love to hear the backstory here.
My guess is that it will happen, one day. It wouldn't surprise me if someone like Liam Robertson is already on the case.

That said, it also wouldn't surprise if parties involved would prefer to wait (see: NDAs) until Retro's Metroid Prime 4 gets to enjoy its time in the sun, before we start seeing an exposé on what befell Bamco Singapore's version.
So now that i've had time to digest the trailer and rewatch parts of it I'm definitely way more positive on it than I was watching it live. I knew that what they were showing was the beginning of the game but I don't think it really clicked in my head how the entire thing will play out in the intro, the idea of the ship landing -> entering the base -> seeing the federation slaughtered -> Sylux entrance is such a cool opening to the game, and for some reason some of those moments didn't seem back to back to me watching it live. For some reason the fact that all those sequences are back to back didn't really register to me, the base looked like it'd happen way later in the intro.

With all that being said, I think I've figured out why this trailer got a mixed reaction out of me: it's not really good at being a normal trailer, but it's not really good at being a teaser trailer either. Like it's way too long to be a normal teaser trailer, and it doesn't really "tease" anything other than areas might be slightly more open, but at the same time it spends a lot of time showing pretty basic stuff. I think I've come to accept it's just a weird showing and that there will be way more here so it's fine - but I don't think people should rag on those who were disappointed either or call them trolls.

But the prospect of having wider more open areas along with a time travel / dimensional mechanic akin to Prime 2? That's just amazing, and I think that's exactly what Beyond signifies. The music at the end was great too, maybe playing off Phenandra Drifts a bit too much but in just the right way. I'm so incredibly hyped!
It’s been in development for five years. It was a little optimistic to expect it to be a Switch 2 title. Even so, it looks damn good—and like it’s pushing the hardware to have better environmental set pieces that most games have managed, period.

It’s nice to see Retro Studios as trailblazers again.
I like how the game looks and I'm sure it will be great but with how late in the Switch's life cycle it is releasing, I am hoping it does well so we can get another Prime game with Switch 2 hardware in mind.
I'll also add this:

I low key love the music in Metroid Dread. It's such a vibe. I never understood the hate for it.

I'm one that isn't a fan. But I don't hate it all. It's decent but it's sort of generic placeholdery music you find in most games these days. Nintendo typically has grade A top tier soundtracks with memorable melodies, excellent instrumentation, amazing composition, interesting time/meter ideas - as a musician they're always impressing. Dread OST is passable but disappointing if compared to other Nintendo stuff or other Metroid games, I think

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