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So getting this straight, Muji as a codename is in doubt, despite it being thought to be the codename for months?

We're less than 10 months from supposed Switch 2 release, shouldn't there be a codename by now?

NX was a codename already at this point of time in relative to NX (Switch) release
The thing with Mario games is that the team just knows how to make the artstyle really pop. I don't know how many people remember Super Mario Galaxy. People were talking about how that game looked on par with HD games for that time. And the Wii was a 480p system. And with Odyssey, it's so beautiful. They're gonna kill it.
nintendo epd are gods at using the best of graphics of the hardware they have 🤩
@Thraktor @LiC If it's really on 4N and the node is 'good enough' to get the power consumption and heat in portable mode under control, then why would they need a fan in docked mode unless they're going to clock this thing all the way up?

what would be the total docked power consumption (CPU+GPU+minimum estimation for other components) under Thraktor's 1.1GHz assumed max clock?
the original 2017 switch could get to around 15-16W while docked but it managed just fine with just a small fan in the tablet itself
or around 10W according to more conservative numbers
So getting this straight, Muji as a codename is in doubt, despite it being thought to be the codename for months?

We're less than 10 months from supposed Switch 2 release, shouldn't there be a codename by now?

NX was a codename already at this point of time in relative to NX (Switch) release
Isn’t that because Iwata announced NX back in 2015 as the code name for the successor for the Wii U?
if muji is actually the codename with the unmarked/placeholder meaning maybe it's a cute reference to no one knowing what the fuck nx means
I think it just means "plain," not placeholder. And that's assuming they didn't just name it after the store, like they named the 3DS after an airport.
if muji is actually the codename with the unmarked/placeholder meaning maybe it's a cute reference to no one knowing what the fuck nx means

I thought it could be read as Nintendo crossing their home and handheld dev teams. Ultimately Nintendo EPD's birth.

Seemed kind of obvious to me....
@oldpuck Why We Don’t have any tets of A78C? it seems really werid beacuse that we must speculate about ipc
There’s some Qualcomm chips using A78 but not sure if that’s comparable?

I think the reason is that Nvidia hasn’t had a consumer CPU chip in years while on the graphics side we can compare the specs and design to their existing consumer GPUs.
There’s some Qualcomm chips using A78 but not sure if that’s comparable?

I think the reason is that Nvidia hasn’t had a consumer CPU chip in years while on the graphics side we can compare the specs and design to their existing consumer GPUs.
Qualcomm use only 3-4 cores, so I wouldn’t said is comparable
Yes - the point is, if Muji isn't the codename, what is it then? We're less than 10 months away from tentative Switch 2 release.

NX has been a codename for like 2 years.

Nintendo codenames are strange so it means nothing to me that it doesn't have a particularly flattering meaning. Perhaps it's just referring to how the system is a more traditional successor to the Switch - hence "plain". Perhaps it doesn't mean anything at all and they just liked the sound of it.
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Now, for the first time, I looked into MUJI's corporate philosophy.
It's kind of Nintendo-like, so maybe it was inspired by MUJI.
This translation is killing me 😂:

It is not a product creation that invites strong taste such as "this is good" and "this must be the one".What MUJI aims for is not "this is good" but to give customers a rational sense of satisfaction of "this is good". " "This is good" includes subtle egoism and dissonance, but "This is good" has reason that includes restraint and concessions. However, "de" may include giving up and small dissatisfaction.MUJI will dispel the small dissatisfaction in "de" and aim for a clear and confident "this is fine" dimension.
@Thraktor @LiC If it's really on 4N and the node is 'good enough' to get the power consumption and heat in portable mode under control, then why would they need a fan in docked mode unless they're going to clock this thing all the way up?

what would be the total docked power consumption (CPU+GPU+minimum estimation for other components) under Thraktor's 1.1GHz assumed max clock?
the original 2017 switch could get to around 15-16W while docked but it managed just fine with just a small fan in the tablet itself
or around 10W according to more conservative numbers
Not everyone lives in a temperate climate. From where I live, heat goes to 55C in heat index. Playing dock in this heat means you'll get your screen destroyed. I've seen folks locally got there V2 screen busted due to heat.

So getting this straight, Muji as a codename is in doubt, despite it being thought to be the codename for months?

We're less than 10 months from supposed Switch 2 release, shouldn't there be a codename by now?

NX was a codename already at this point of time in relative to NX (Switch) release
IIRC the only reason we knew NX was the codename was because Nintendo said so when they announced the system existed. Us knowing the NX codename ahead of time isn't comparable when that's the reason we knew it.


I mean the Muji name is right there in the code, even if the actual codename changes later, that's the one Nintendo is using right now in the SDK.
That'd be like the period of time where we were just calling it [REDACTED] so we'd have something to call it
Not everyone lives in a temperate climate. From where I live, heat goes to 55C in heat index. Playing dock in this heat means you'll get your screen destroyed. I've seen folks locally got there V2 screen busted due to heat.

(me reading this while living in a country where its 30C by night and after over 3 years of gaming mostly docked nothing ever happened to me)
I don't think you have to worry about that now. The way oldpuck described how he found it out and confirmed it; it seems unlikely to me that all of those sources got the codename from a random throwaway placeholder variable in an SDK file. I would suspect that Nintendo is using the name in official communication if a developer(?) was simply using it as a name for the system in casual conversation.

Nintendo codenames are strange so it means nothing to me that it doesn't have a particularly flattering meaning. Perhaps it's just referring to how the system is a more traditional successor to the Switch - hence "plain". Perhaps it doesn't mean anything at all and they just liked the sound of it.
That term is not being used in communications with partners.
I mean, if the dock's fan is as big as 10 inches, I have to read that as Nintendo trying to pull the power consumption to a height that the thread thinks is unlikely.

Even if its not that size, just them having a fan in the dock definitely seems like it could be clocked higher than we originally thought...

Is the problem with Microsoft not that most AAA third-party developers target the PS5 as the most popular console, and then Xbox is a second thought for them, leading to the RDNA2 features being left out? We see most multiplatform titles looking identical on PS5 and XSX despite XSX having more potential in certain areas.

Since there is no Nvidia console to compete with, I don’t see what difference it makes if Nintendo goes with Ampere or Lovelace in terms of development difficulty. Either way, it’s a completely different paradigm from AMD land.

In this scenario take 3rd parties out of the equation, even Microsoft's own internal teams seem like they barely received the final development tools by the time Series X/ S launched.

When it comes to Nintendo with Nvidia, we can see they took what they felt would benefit Switch 2 the most from Lovelace.
We just have to play the waiting game and see if the first few years of Switch 2 will have a steady release of games to justify if their strategy actually worked.
I don't think you have to worry about that now. The way oldpuck described how he found it out and confirmed it; it seems unlikely to me that all of those sources got the codename from a random throwaway placeholder variable in an SDK file. I would suspect that Nintendo is using the name in official communication if a developer(?) was simply using it as a name for the system in casual conversation.
What do you mean by random throwaway placeholder variable? It's spelled out as name of the NintendoSDK Addon. One is NX, the other is Muji. It's not a variable, in that screenshot of code "mario" account shared earlier.

But you got me wondering how, how did oldpuck "confirm" the codename exactly?
Granted, I expect reddit and youtube to be insisting that's the codename by this weekend but oh well 😅
I think it took literally 8 minutes to end up on the gaming leaks reddit

I'm assuming people are staking out this thread and smashing F5 hoping to be the "first" to find something worth sharing and that's why the site has been acting wonky these last few days
This translation is killing me 😂:
This version of the site might make more sense to english speakers. It's where I got my impression on the last page that the "muji" that the store is referencing means unbranded or plain, which really makes me think they're literally using the word as a placeholder.

Are the reddit guests what's been crashing and causing general instability to Fami these past few days?
Fami recently upgraded their servers and there seem to have been some hiccups with transition. They're looking into why it's still being goofy.
I understand you can't share specifics, but have you heard of Nintendo using a specific name to refer to the system to partners?
They are using generic terminology in communication -- both in meetings and in documentation.

Not saying that is the code name or not (the code name really has no significance). Just saying they are not referring to it by that name in any communication or documentation.
I thought it could be read as Nintendo crossing their home and handheld dev teams. Ultimately Nintendo EPD's birth.

Seemed kind of obvious to me....
no I mean at Nintendo

it's a little sad actually, Iwata never actually told anyone what exactly he meant by it

there are plenty of obvious options but if he had anything specific in mind no one will ever know
@Thraktor @LiC If it's really on 4N and the node is 'good enough' to get the power consumption and heat in portable mode under control, then why would they need a fan in docked mode unless they're going to clock this thing all the way up?

what would be the total docked power consumption (CPU+GPU+minimum estimation for other components) under Thraktor's 1.1GHz assumed max clock?
the original 2017 switch could get to around 15-16W while docked but it managed just fine with just a small fan in the tablet itself
or around 10W according to more conservative numbers

That's the question especially since the early dimensions of the new Switch puts it slightly larger than the Switch OLED.
What do you mean by random throwaway placeholder variable? It's spelled out as name of the NintendoSDK Addon. One is NX, the other is Muji. It's not a variable, in that screenshot of code "mario" account shared earlier.

But you got me wondering how, how did oldpuck "confirm" the codename exactly?
Sorry, I got my wires a bit crossed. I think this is what was being referred to in this old LiC post: https://famiboards.com/threads/futu...ts-before-commenting.55/page-1845#post-855681

Oldpuck post I was referring to: https://famiboards.com/threads/futu...s-before-commenting.55/page-2790#post-1085598

Apologies for potentially spreading misinformation and I have redacted the post. I feel that things have been getting a bit tense with the sudden rush of information, so I don't wish to fuel the flames, especially over something as insignificant as a codename when there's much more meaningful topics to discuss.
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I don't think most people (excluding all of my friends here on Fami, of course) are engaging in any intellectual honest way, no matter what "side" they're on. The 8nm Jets with "because Nintendo, lulz" nonsense up against the 4nm Sharks with their "My high school bully plays Call of Duty but this will finally show them" console warring.

There is an argument to be made that sometimes Nintendo delivers overpriced, under specced products because they think they can leverage their fans to pony up anyway. But the one thing we know is that Nintendo absolutely could have gone with a smaller chip. Drake is unusually big, so whatever they're doing, it's not that.

Gaming is at an all time high, but studios are closing, people are losing their jobs. Their families are at risk, and the Art - and I believe games are Art - that they could have made is being flushed down the toilet. That might seem like a tangential rant in a discussion of process node, but the reason these things are happening is because of a corporate console war that has treated it as a scorched Earth zero sum game.

When you buy a console that doesn't make money, Sony and Microsoft are betting all those studios - all those employees, the very existence of their games - on "winning" the console war, getting you to buy a console that they couldn't afford to make, and then soaking you later when they have a monopoly on the market. They were willing to dangle treats in front of gamers, because they were betting they could fuck them over later, and the risk was to their employees, not to themselves. It's not morally superior to overpricing a luxury item, it's worse.

We should be wanting Nintendo to prioritize a sustainable product, both in the environmental sense, but also in the sense of "making the market sustainable long term" because it's what's ethical and it's what's best for gaming. 8nm would be an incredible choice if Nintendo could make it work, it would be something akin to "lateral thinking with withered technology" if Nintendo/Nvidia could find a way to squeeze an extra generation of handheld dominance out of an 8nm die.

And the reason to believe they didn't isn't because they prioritize bleeding edge performance, but because they don't, because 4nm is a path to offering what we all assume Nintendo wants to deliver, a compact device with great battery life, the very thing that all their PC handheld competitors have not been able to truly do.

I get invested in my analysis sometimes, and get... over involved in defending my ideas. I admit that, and I try to be sympathetic to others who do the same. But if you've got some emotional investment in winning the console war, you're not just fiddling while Rome burns, you're pissing in the eye of the folks with the buckets. Grow up.

Fake edit: just to be clear, this rant (which sorta poured out of me, sorry about that) isn't directed at you or (for the most part) anyone else on Fami. I came to gaming as a grown man, and I shouldn't be surprised that some people, when engaging in a hobby they've had since childhood, still think in the terms they did when they were younger. But it's a perspective I've never been able to wrap my head around, or be especially sympathetic to.
gamers(TM) love saying shit like "nintendo consoles are weak, rosalina's an emo and fire emblem engage is mid" as if this was the "SNES vs sega genesis" console wars than chat maturely about technical details or campaign to save industry jobs like a real adult
IIRC the only reason we knew NX was the codename was because Nintendo said so when they announced the system existed. Us knowing the NX codename ahead of time isn't comparable when that's the reason we knew it.
You got me there.

It's just that I'm skeptical the codename would somehow manage to remain a secret this close to tentative March 2025 launch. Haven't the real codenames always been known for every console before they launched, historically? Maybe not, but sure seems that way to me.
I don't think muji is the codename, as "muji" just mean "raw/beginning/plain" in japanese. For example, if NG is named "switch 2", then switch 1 maybe called as "switch muji", as it is the beginning of switch.
You got me there.

It's just that I'm skeptical the codename would somehow manage to remain a secret this close to tentative March 2025 launch. Haven't the real codenames always been known for every console before they launched, historically? Maybe not, but sure seems that way to me.
Not for the 3DS at least, but that was a special case as the unabbreviated codename was solely used internally and was never revealed to developers.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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