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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

The passionate resistance to AI on the internet really reminds me of the Luddite movement—makes the same errors, too. Of course there are those consumers who morally decry the loss of jobs and use of theft as a veil for their fear of their video games no longer being "hand-made" and desirable, but that's a separate issue entirely. The tool itself isn't the issue, it's the system that owns and wields it, just as it was with the machinery of the 19th century.
I mean the world economy is already hard for average people, why would we celebrate something that is set to replace human workers on a massive scale if implemented? There is no way that every job that would become redundant due to AI will be replaced by equally as many and as well paying new jobs.
For me, personally, it doesn't need "true" PS4 games. Just put the PS1-3 library (and the PSP and vita, you cowards) on the Portal. If the portal could play PSN games, like the Classics Collection, locally, and PS4/PS5 games via remote play, it kinda completes the value proposition for me. There is a reason PS3 games get ported to the Switch - it's not just because of the power, it's because playing games that big in your hand is still incredible. The synergy of "yes, you can play your PS4 games from the bedroom, but you can also play all these PSN games you're paying for that you never actually touch - but you can do it on a plane" makes both PSN and the Portal shoot up in value.

I include native PS4 because there are small handheld PCs out there that can handle PS1-3 emulation decently while having access to my Steam library and Chiaki for remote play, if they can squeeze a handheld PS4 into something Vita sized then I'd be interested since those small PCs can't quite hit those levels of fidelity when running the respective PC ports. This is not an easy or likely even possible ask but it would get me off the fence.
Going back to the OFA talk, we've mentioned about DLSS FG, as well as AMD FSR's version. What I haven’t seen talked about though is the use of Asynchronous Reprojection, which apparently has been in use for VR games for years now for obvious reasons. LTT even had a video about this a year and a half ago:

The thing is, how does DLSS FG, AMD FSR FG, and Asynchronous Reprojection differ from each other, or are they more or less the same? LTT even made a quip how this AR tech could be useful in handheld devices like a future Steam Deck, or even the next Switch.
I mean the world economy is already hard for average people, why would we celebrate something that is set to replace human workers on a massive scale if implemented? There is no way that every job that would become redundant due to AI will be replaced by equally as many and as well paying new jobs.
The ire should be aimed not at the tool, but at the system which makes freeing human labor undesirable.
The problem is generalize as if every AI application were the same. They are not.

One thing is use AI as a tool to improve productivity and make things that are slow and boring to do, easy and fast. The same goes to AI applications like DLSS or the ones used to predict crazy stuff like black holes and such, these are things that simply aren't possible by humans to do.

Other thing is replace creative work done by humans, using generative AI to replace workers. GenAI uses a set of artwork done by humans, and as you must know, don't have the ability to create something new, just use it as a reference to generated art.

We never would have artstyles (that are being copied by AI) like Pixar's, Ghibli's and other art styles that are deemed as really incredible, if the GenAI have superseded the work of this artists before these artstytles were invented.

I'm not saying that you are supporting this kind of use of AI, but I thing is very important to differentiate the applications of AI, and don't generalize as everything being "AI is inevitable because you already uses AI, so just accept it".
Sure, I get it. I'm just saying I don't see how he got that from Nintendo Forecast video. It's almost like as soon as he heard AI, he became dismissive of the whole video right out of the gate. I thought the Nintendo Forecast video on possible futures involving AI was fairly represented as in it did present some negatives (ie: being damaging to workforce).
It's a big mystery why they would keep the Orin OFA, if its indeed is larger than the regular Ampere one. Since the use cases for it are at best limited.
What are the crazy chance that Nvidia has developed some new special ML tech for Nintendo that requires the OFA but it’s all under wraps until they announce the console…?

I hope there’s an interesting and exciting reason Nvidia and Nintendo would leave it in there…
Sure, I get it. I'm just saying I don't see how he got that from Nintendo Forecast video. It's almost like as soon as he heard AI, he became dismissive of the whole video right out of the gate. I thought the Nintendo Forecast video on possible futures involving AI was fairly represented as in it did present some negatives (ie: being damaging to workforce).
Yeah, I totally agree with you.
Disagreeing to every manifestation of AI, even the good ones, defeats the purpose because this can lead to an opposite effect of being ignored on the line of "but I'm using AI that don't takes works, so he must be wrong".

I just wrote the post for other people who might read and don't understand the nuances of the discussion. To me that's the next level of the discussion that must be done when talking about AI nowadays.
What are the crazy chance that Nvidia has developed some new special ML tech for Nintendo that requires the OFA but it’s all under wraps until they announce the console…?

I hope there’s an interesting and exciting reason Nvidia and Nintendo would leave it in there…
Sometimes path of least resistance wins. Doesn't need a special reason.
Specially given the Media Engine on T239 is the same as Orin.
I just wrote the post for other people who might read and don't understand the nuances of the discussion. To me that's the next level of the discussion that must be done when talking about AI nowadays.
❤️ Thanks, you put it in better words than I could :)

(with that I'll move on to happier subjects, ie: node process discussion LOL!)
Are you going to play games that utilizes DLSS which is AI-assisted upscaling suite with various implementations (ie: Ray Reconstruction, Super Resolution, DLAA)?
Already do, because I know upscaling algorithms aren't impacting workers directly (maybe we could stretch it to impacting restoration artists if they're used to remake an old art previously only available as a low definition asset but I digress).

Like it or not, AI is already here and it'll increasingly be part of our daily lives. We cannot just cover our ears and go "lalalala" - instead, we should be preparing for the inevitable.

Yes, but while we prepare for the "inevitable" we vote not only for gov. representatives who are pro-limiting a.i usage and in some edge cases, banning it.
And we vote with our wallets, by not buying games that extensively use generative A.I to replace real labour.
Personally, I use AI pretty frequently, as do my colleagues, in our daily workflow (ie: Github Copilot licenses/seats). Like how internet led society into the information age, I think AI will eventually lead society into the new age of greatly increased productivity. I would LOVE to have AI agent that keeps track of my daily life and organizes my stuff on my behalf - I think such AI agent exist in some forms, but not truly mature yet.
That's assistive A.I though. And that's completely fine because it's not replacing your job. That's the main point of artists, writers and composers.
I mean the world economy is already hard for average people, why would we celebrate something that is set to replace human workers on a massive scale if implemented? There is no way that every job that would become redundant due to AI will be replaced by equally as many and as well paying new jobs.

The only thing I’ll say on this is over a century ago (almost two centuries now), society dealt with this very thing in the Agricultural Industry when motorized machines would be able to do a lot of the farming work that previously, was done by dozens, if not hundreds of people depending on the plot of land. People fought, and died trying to keep tractors and other machines out of agriculture, but it was always going to be the way forward. There were wage issues too, plus harsh conditions that helped fuel all this, but the loss of jobs was certainly a big factor.

The kinds of jobs AI will take away from, rather ironically, will be a lot of the data management, accounting, logistics, and even many upper management positions that are already overstaffed as it is. At least for now, it'll target primarily white collar jobs, but some blue collar ones such as food service, and retail will follow as well. But even as AI takes more of a stronghold, you'll still require humans to service, and maintain those systems, and/or upgrade the hardware as needed.
i agree and get your point (capitalism sucks) but im still gonna say good luck with getting rid of it (specially in imperialist countries)
I kind of lied about my last comment being the last comment about AI for now, but we are sort of at a critical crosspath right now.

Either the society (which would mostly rest on relying on corporations which historically hasn't always worked out)):

Do the right thing and create UBI so we collectively are getting dividends for the decades of technological progress that wouldn't be possible without having human labor in the first place. The UBI should be impactful (not be so small because someone at top is pocketing some %)

OR the rich/powerful pocket all this for themselves. I think that will turn ugly/backfire on those people in a hurry. Like a widespread revolution. Would be dumb on their part.
The ire should be aimed not at the tool, but at the system which makes freeing human labor undesirable.

I wish more people not only understood this, but also fought against capitalism more directly. Ideally, human labor should be optional, not necessary for survival. We're not getting that without AI/generative AI. I have zero interest in protecting the status quo and am fully on board with dismantling this economic system. Though we also need to fight to protect the livelihood of all humans (without requiring their labor) in the process.

At least politicians like Bernie Sanders are pushing more and more for an AI tax, where the more the deployment of AI displaces human labor, some of the savings get funneled into a better budget to support humans. We need more actionable ideas like this.

What we need not do is myopically fight against the long term survival of our species. Generative AI is currently in the process of discovering drugs and genetic treatments that will eventually cure all manner of disease and likely even aging itself. This is a net good for humanity, in my opinion.
That would have been two separate validation processes at nvidia India which I would just rule out. It's not really economically feasible either (time-wise, cost-wise) to have SEC8N chips fabbed only for very limited number (devkits) then do the rest on 4N.
Some chips successfully complete tape-out but will never be brought to market because by the time they are manufactured, they are already outdated for the market/do not meet design requirements/plans have changed/Just to verify performance.
They can also tape out the T239 at the same time as the Orin tape-out.
It's be come a sunk cost.
to be clear this is just a random thought that popped into my head to explain why Kopite is so confident that T239 is SEC8N, lol
to be clear this is just a random thought that popped into my head to explain why Kopite is so confident that T239 is SEC8N, lol
Truthfully I think the only reason why Kopite thinks SEC8N is because he might just be subscribing to a simple notion thinking just because other Orins are SEC8N, or because other Ampere GPUs are SEC8N, it therefore means T239 is SEC8N.

Which is kind if stupid because T239 is a SoC, and a custom one at that too. I'm sure the node process decision came up in a boardroom between Nintendo and Nvidia employees. Nintendo had a power budget in mind, some back n forth discussion, those series of decisions which ended up becoming T239. T239 was never going to be a copy-and-paste job from some other chip.

If that was the logic Kopite used (saying SEC8N because other Orins are), then based on his logic, Tegra X1 which has Maxwell based GPU would have been 28nm, not 20nm, because other Maxwell GPUs were 28nm. He would have been wrong (and he has already been wrong about T239 on multiple occasions)
About that PS4-level "PSP" rumor, what you can read around the web is just funny. Saw some post who basically hopes/expects this thing to also run PS5 games native, be basically a "PS5 Series S" in portable form.

Wow ... ahahahaha.
Funny thing is, if the PS5 had used [email protected], the CPU would have been 20~30% weaker but a "same CPU, over 1/4 of the GPU" portable could actually be feasible on 5nm or lower, looking at PC handhelds TDP, with 12~16GB to boot.

Not every game would get a patch or have PS4 version as fallback, they wouldn't necessarily force a portable version going forwards either, but if the message is clear and if they get all the big publishers onboard, missing some games wouldn't hurt it too much.

That's why I mentioned earlier they could be evaluating a architecture change for the PS6 instead of having a portable planned for this decade. A x86 PS6 undermines any potential portable in 203X.
I agree with you that I can't make 8nm work out. But I am also not an electrical engineer. ;) What I ask myself is, can i get close enough that I think it's possible that Nvidia figured out how to close the gap using other power saving tech.

My personal thinking - and maybe you have a better route - is that I can't figure out Orin's true overhead by only comparing one Orin variant to another The Snapdragon 480+ is manufactured on 8nm. It's got two A76 P-cores, plus 4 E-cores, an Adrendo 619 GPU, and a LPDDR4 memory clock.

When you run a high end benchmark on a device with a mix of P and E cores, the benchmark tends to run exclusively on the P cores, because that's designed for peak performance. I've seen benchmarks of the 480+ showing the p cores, in a passively cooled device, holding 1.5-2.0Ghz on 15 minute long benchmarks, without thermal throttling.

The 480+ has a 3W TDP. The Orin Nano, with only two cores enabled, with the EMC running at the LPDDR4 speed, with 1.5GHz CPU clock, running under "medium" load, the GPU disabled, is running 6.7W.

The 480+ can't disable its E-cores. It can't disable its GPU. The P-Cores are a generation older than Orin's. This is a test designed to make the 480+ look power inefficient and it still draws 3.7W less power than Orin. So I suspect there is at least 4W, if not 5W, of savings to be had.

That's still not enough to make 8nm viable to me. But for my brain - and this is just me - it also tells me I don't have enough data about 8nm performance to be confident in my assessment. That's why I put the odds so low.

Actually the Snapdragon 480 Plus on 8nm is even more damning evidence against T239 being on 8nm. It has the Adreno 619 GPU that specs out at 540 Gflops. It's a tiny GPU by comparison. The Tegra X1 actually edges out the Adreno 619 in 3DMark benchmark. The 480 Plus hs a low TDP of only 3w, but we are also assuming T239 will be limited to a 6-8w TDP for portable play. 8nm basically makes Tegra X1 performance possible from a SOC passively cooled drawing only 3 watts. This is consistent in expectations for performance per watt going from 16nm to 8nm.

We also have the Nvidia MX570, with a TDP of 15w that clocks between 832 and 1155 Mhz, split the difference and assume 1Ghz under load. Reduce power draw by 25% to take into account the fewer GPU cores on T239 and we are around 11 watts.

8nm would be really harsh on CPU clock speeds. 8 A78 cores on 8nm with a 4w power budget would have to be around 1Ghz?

My brain hurts. 😆 There is obviously enough missing info that leaves the door open for 8nm being "possible." Such as a very large capacity battery. Possible doesn't mean practical. 4N basically solves all the problems 8nm introduces, but possible is still possible at the end of the day.
re: OFA

The OFA driver used by Orin is the same driver that was used for T239's OFA, in the brief period that Linux drivers for T239 were available. It is possible that the OFA's are merely "driver compatible" rather than literally the same on-chip hardware block. 🤷‍♀️

As for why is the OFA in Drake at all - well, it's in all RTX 30 GPUs already. Drake has a RTX 30 GPU. Pretty simple. Could it have been cut? Probably, but it seems like Nvidia and Nintendo have gone out of their way to ensure that Drake has all the modern Nvidia bells and whistles. As long as Nvidia supports the RTX 30 series for new features in DLSS (Ray reconstruction, for example) Nintendo will have the hardware to support it. And as long as Nintendo supports Drake, Nvidia will be able to reuse all the software they develop for Drake in their RTX 30 and above cards.

it's a win-win for the cost of a relatively small hardware block.
I know there's not much way around it, but that would be a hell of a bummer. There are a lot of Switch 1 games that look excellent in handheld mode, it'd be too bad for them to lose some of that sharpness.
It seems like the majority of big games can run fine in their docked config, but on handheld - ie, they don't do something like turn off touch controls in docked. So maybe they go that route.

The question is would Nintendo risk breaking some games to have most games look better on their new handheld, or would they go for maximum compatibility, especially when (In this case) max compatibility is less work.

If I were Nintendo (and I'm not, and you can't prove otherwise), I'd say "we work really hard to make sure games play like the developer intended, as much as possible. If the developer wants something else on our new hardware, like increased resolution, the developer can offer a patch. We'll make it really easy."

Nintendo didn't have a Pro console. Sony and Microsoft reached out to devs last gen, while games were in development, to talk to them about what "enhanced" titles were like. They've got Pro versions of games they can download and run in the background, and an encyclopedic knowledge of exactly what developers would want.

Not only does Nintendo not have that, they've got a device with two distinct control schemes, that are weirdly tied to resolution. It just feels like an enhanced mode that doesn't require patching is too much trouble.
About that PS4-level "PSP" rumor, what you can read around the web is just funny. Saw some post who basically hopes/expects this thing to also run PS5 games native, be basically a "PS5 Series S" in portable form.

Wow ... ahahahaha.

It might be a prelude to that. I have no doubt that the goal for Microsoft and Sony is to create a handheld device that can run all current games around Series S level power.

Not possible right now. But in 2-3 years....it very well might. Given the likelihood of another very long and drawn out cross-gen period, a handheld PS or Xbox in 2027 would be able to play all games released dating back to 2013, plus new games for the next 3-4 years.
First of these slice of life games that incorporates an AI chat model will sell like beer and lotto on a Saturday night.
Coming back to this comment in the midst of the AI discussion; I'm genuinely terrified of the guilt trip I'll endure if/when AC implements AI personalities for each of their villagers 😅

It's one thing to be shamed for "You haven't visited your town in 28 months!", but when an AI is inside my game, counting down those days, slowly going insane...I'm not sure I'm ready for that responsibility lmao
Coming back to this comment in the midst of the AI discussion; I'm genuinely terrified of the guilt trip I'll endure if/when AC implements AI personalities for each of their villagers 😅

It's one thing to be shamed for "You haven't visited your town in 28 months!", but when an AI is inside my game, counting down those days, slowly going insane...I'm not sure I'm ready for that responsibility lmao
To the contrary, I will take great pride in psychologically torturing some robots for the good of humanity.
It might be a prelude to that. I have no doubt that the goal for Microsoft and Sony is to create a handheld device that can run all current games around Series S level power.

Not possible right now. But in 2-3 years....it very well might. Given the likelihood of another very long and drawn out cross-gen period, a handheld PS or Xbox in 2027 would be able to play all games released dating back to 2013, plus new games for the next 3-4 years.
will Xbox even be around in that capacity by then?
Coming back to this comment in the midst of the AI discussion; I'm genuinely terrified of the guilt trip I'll endure if/when AC implements AI personalities for each of their villagers 😅

It's one thing to be shamed for "You haven't visited your town in 28 months!", but when an AI is inside my game, counting down those days, slowly going insane...I'm not sure I'm ready for that responsibility lmao
I don't know if AI is safe to use for something like a Nintendo games text. It has to be tested the hell out of at least. You never know what an AI might say.
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To the contrary, I will take great pride in psychologically torturing some robots for the good of humanity.
I wish I could, but there's a not-insignificant part of me that's just waiting for the uprising of Skynet. It's why I always tell my Google voice assistant please and thank you when making requests while driving. I don't want it to suddenly kill my car in the middle of the highway 😂
I don't know if AI is safe to use for something like a Nintendo games text. It has to be tested the hell out of at least. You never know what an AI might say.
Don't get me wrong, I agree. Brainchild succinctly wrote in an earlier post,

If Nintendo uses AI dialogue in AC, they will need to do it right by hiring their writers to give all the characters rich backstories and hand-crafted lines, and simply let the AI take over once the human-authored dialogue has been exhausted. I think that is the way forward for NPCs in video games in general. One thing is for sure, no one wants NPCs to mindlessly repeat the same lines over and over. It's immersion breaking.

The AI absolutely would need to be heavily curated, and ensure that the dialogue brought in undergoes heavy scrutiny (about as much work I imagine even if every single dialogue line were handcrafted as they were in the existing games). There's potential in the AI doing what it can to strengthen the immersion or even provide meta commentary to help with improving your gameplay. Say for instance you're playing a game with bots such as Super Smash Bros or TimeSplitters (RIP 🥲). You play your round, you see how well you do, and the bots in either scenario (or 'spectator') can do an auto voice or simply write a message on screen suggesting different tactics you can try to improve your game, where you fumbled an easy win, or strategies where the computer was unable to predict your inputs.

Perhaps like a slightly more intelligent Amiibo fighter in Smash that learns from battles with you to become a more difficult and complex challenger to fight.
will Xbox even be around in that capacity by then?

Probably not, maybe it'll be the final death rattle of the Xbox? 🤷‍♀️

All we know is the pattern is that Nintendo usually innovate, and their rivals copy and go bigger and better. Although only DuelShock, Analogue triggers, PSP and to some extent the Move were successful.

Somehow I can't imagine Xbox will do a handheld unless they do one last hail Mary.
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I wish I could, but there's a not-insignificant part of me that's just waiting for the uprising of Skynet. It's why I always tell my Google voice assistant please and thank you when making requests while driving. I don't want it to suddenly kill my car in the middle of the highway 😂
Roko's Basilisk lmao

Anyway, can we drop the AI talk? I think most people (at least here) are in agreement that a bad use of AI can be damaging and it needs to be properly regulated but it can also be good when used correctly and not damaging others, and that our system be improved to make our individual and social lives better.

It's a topic people get very passionate about and it will easily derail the conversation even more.
The AI absolutely would need to be heavily curated, and ensure that the dialogue brought in undergoes heavy scrutiny (about as much work I imagine even if every single dialogue line were handcrafted as they were in the existing games).

Yes. They would need an alignment team to make sure the AI adheres to the parameters given and not go off the rails.

There's potential in the AI doing what it can to strengthen the immersion or even provide meta commentary to help with improving your gameplay. Say for instance you're playing a game with bots such as Super Smash Bros or TimeSplitters (RIP 🥲). You play your round, you see how well you do, and the bots in either scenario (or 'spectator') can do an auto voice or simply write a message on screen suggesting different tactics you can try to improve your game, where you fumbled an easy win, or strategies where the computer was unable to predict your inputs.

Perhaps like a slightly more intelligent Amiibo fighter in Smash that learns from battles with you to become a more difficult and complex challenger to fight.

This is something that the new ChatGPT model that's currently rolling out (GPT-4o) is already capable of doing. Nintendo would just need a fine-tuned version trained on their dev docs to give it more proprietary knowledge so that its advice is in alignment with their ethos and does not cause harm to their brand.
I don't know if AI is safe to use for something like a Nintendo games text. It has to be tested the hell out of at least. You never know what an AI might say.
But AI really isn't exceptional or unique in that way.

Any new tool has to be tested thoroughly. And as always, any tool, new or old, has a potential to be misused by humans in unintentional ways. Like using hammer to hurt others instead of using it to drive nails into a board.

We had the same concerns in the dawn of television age. Same concerns in the dawn of internet age, etc, etc. Again AI isn't really special in that way.
I kind of lied about my last comment being the last comment about AI for now, but we are sort of at a critical crosspath right now.

Either the society (which would mostly rest on relying on corporations which historically hasn't always worked out)):

Do the right thing and create UBI so we collectively are getting dividends for the decades of technological progress that wouldn't be possible without having human labor in the first place. The UBI should be impactful (not be so small because someone at top is pocketing some %)

OR the rich/powerful pocket all this for themselves. I think that will turn ugly/backfire on those people in a hurry. Like a widespread revolution. Would be dumb on their part.
this will be my last comment on this topic because we are derailing the thread:
ubi isn't a system to be used as a wage-replacement. it's supposed to be used as an aid that allows low-income people to reach acceptable living conditions.

other than company profit growth induced inflation and other types of inflation that aren't speculative (as in, "we expect minimum wage to grow, so we are going to increase our products cost by x"), another problem with ubi is that in the context of a future where 70~80%+ of labour is replaced by automation, more often than not libertarians (the ones advocating for this shit to begin with) will say "people should have access to ubi as long as they sign an agreement to not have children".
they're eugenicists but they don't want to admit it.

i wonder when people will realize that capitalism falls apart in a completely/near-completely automated society. it's quite simple to understand really:
the bourgeoisie need capital for investment in acquiring more land, securing raw materials and workforce, initially they obtain it through inheritance and/or loans. the secondary way is through profits which are made through selling services and products to different classes, but the majority of their clients are the middle class and poor. taking the jobs away from both essentially cuts your margins - enter ubi: in theory, it would guarantee the bourgeoisie a way to not lose their customers, in practice it only allows a portion of them to keep their clients while some other not-so-critical services and products struggle to meet demand
"wouldn't that in turn cause deflation so they can drive demand back up again?"
somewhat, but many of these business would probably fall apart due to the main issue here: keeping UBI high enough so people would have access to multiple of these non-essential services (that is, assuming the aid would be high enough for them to even have access to basic needs in the first place) yeah, good luck with that.

tl;dr: we should have ubi as an aid without automation
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I wish I could, but there's a not-insignificant part of me that's just waiting for the uprising of Skynet. It's why I always tell my Google voice assistant please and thank you when making requests while driving. I don't want it to suddenly kill my car in the middle of the highway 😂

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ubi isn't a system to be used as a wage-replacement. it's supposed to be used as an aid that allows low-income people to reach acceptable living conditions.
Not necessarily. Nothing says UBI have to strictly be about setting up aid for low-income people. Moving on...
How would you guys feel about Switch 2 having a retro future vibe?

Let's say it's called Super Switch and they could pull ads and marketing like this

And the console has a funky look like a COMPs from SMT or something or some kind of retrofuturistic OS look?

Probably a shitty idea but whatever. There's a reason I'm not a marketing guy.
You know I’m open to AI being the next “life form”. That could be it. It’s a life form that proceed humans and biological life itself. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

Humans didn’t always exist. Evolution made us. Evolution then made us make AI. I genuinely feels like it’s just the next step.

Life is strange. In a sense that we evolved from inanimate things. We are made of exactly the same ”stuff” in the universe.

Particles> Rocks > Biological life forms (single cell + multicellular) > Digital life forms (AI + digital consciousness)
re: OFA

The OFA driver used by Orin is the same driver that was used for T239's OFA, in the brief period that Linux drivers for T239 were available. It is possible that the OFA's are merely "driver compatible" rather than literally the same on-chip hardware block. 🤷‍♀️

As for why is the OFA in Drake at all - well, it's in all RTX 30 GPUs already. Drake has a RTX 30 GPU. Pretty simple. Could it have been cut? Probably, but it seems like Nvidia and Nintendo have gone out of their way to ensure that Drake has all the modern Nvidia bells and whistles. As long as Nvidia supports the RTX 30 series for new features in DLSS (Ray reconstruction, for example) Nintendo will have the hardware to support it. And as long as Nintendo supports Drake, Nvidia will be able to reuse all the software they develop for Drake in their RTX 30 and above cards.

it's a win-win for the cost of a relatively small hardware block.

And it's not like Frame Generation won't get better overtime. If FG isn't viable for the moment for whatever reason, it's not to say that Nvidia doesn't plan to keep improving it. In which case, we all stand to benefit through firmware updates.

It's absolute wish fulfillment but I'm suddenly excited about the prospect of the Switch 2 getting some variant of FG that enables better usage at lower FPS. I've been under the assumption that any increase in FPS was strictly via the DLSS and upscaling and thought FG was off the table. But even if that's the case for the moment, it doesn't mean it will always be that way. If the Switch 2 has the OFA, it's always a possibility :).
The problem I see with games that will use AI for dialogues is that they will require constant internet connection as the AI uses a lot of data, and we have already seen what has happened with Assassin's Creed Shadows...

I do see a future where there will be a GTA using AI for almost everything (models, dialogues, music...).
How would you guys feel about Switch 2 having a retro future vibe?

Let's say it's called Super Switch and they could pull ads and marketing like this

And the console has a funky look like a COMPs from SMT or something or some kind of retrofuturistic OS look?

Probably a shitty idea but whatever. There's a reason I'm not a marketing guy.
No I'm with you for the most part. The Nintendo Switch's brand is saccharine sweet and simple. While I think the next CONSOLE should keep its general styling simple (with some personality in the kickstand shape, vents, iconography, etc), the box being intentional more detailed, the marketing having more bombast, I think that would resonate with the current market better than "Plain Red Square Two".

"Now you're playing with Super power." and variations absolutely clears. It's nostalgic AND accurate, and it would drive home the point of a system that's "the same idea" but "super".
You know I’m open to AI being the next “life form”. That could be it. It’s a life form that proceed humans and biological life itself. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

Humans didn’t always exist. Evolution made us. Evolution then made us make AI. I genuinely feels like it’s just the next step.

Life is strange. In a sense that we evolved from inanimate things. We are made of exactly the same ”stuff” in the universe.

Particles> Rocks > Biological life forms (single cell + multicellular) > Digital life forms (AI + digital consciousness)

That's literally what Ray Kurzweil and Singularity proponents advocate. AI will keep improving, nanotech is around the corner, and life will radically change as they become smart enough to be indistinguishable from human beings, we upload ourselves to the cloud, and onward with the next stage of our human-machine civilization...
The problem I see with games that will use AI for dialogues is that they will require constant internet connection as the AI uses a lot of data, and we have already seen what has happened with Assassin's Creed Shadows...

I do see a future where there will be a GTA using AI for almost everything (models, dialogues, music...).
I think the idea behind games with AI driven dialogue is that the LLMs would be local. This is especially notable for Nintendo when they're sending a console into the market with considerable Tensor performance where such local LLMs and other local AI would be highly accelerated.
How would you guys feel about Switch 2 having a retro future vibe?

Let's say it's called Super Switch and they could pull ads and marketing like this

And the console has a funky look like a COMPs from SMT or something or some kind of retrofuturistic OS look?

Probably a shitty idea but whatever. There's a reason I'm not a marketing guy.
If they end up calling it the Super Nintendo Switch and make constant references to the SNES then it might draw attention primarily from the older audience. I'm sure there will be lots of online news and YouTube videos that make a big deal out of it too. Only problem is that there is a vast number of new generation gamers who never knew the SNES, so from their perspective it's a potential marketing failure.

Besides that, in my opinion, the "Super" in Super Switch gives off a "Pro" vibe to it. Remember, Nintendo has never named a "Pro" console before, so people might assume their Super is the same as Sony's Pro. That is absolutely not acceptable. The best way to communicate a true next-gen console is to simply put a number next to the name. Look at PlayStation and Xbox, for example. You just have to assume the average person doesn't know what is what, so a bigger number just automatically "clicks."

That said, even if it doesn't end up as the Super Nintendo Switch, having it as a pet name within the community is still not so bad. I'm down for it.
You know I’m open to AI being the next “life form”. That could be it. It’s a life form that proceed humans and biological life itself. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

Humans didn’t always exist. Evolution made us. Evolution then made us make AI. I genuinely feels like it’s just the next step.

Life is strange. In a sense that we evolved from inanimate things. We are made of exactly the same ”stuff” in the universe.

Particles> Rocks > Biological life forms (single cell + multicellular) > Digital life forms (AI + digital consciousness)
Chill. The Tensor cores of the successor to Nintendo Switch are not going to come alive, and talk of singularity is hot air. "Cyborgs" already exist and are just normal people doing normal stuff with computerised limbs, AI backed insulin pumps, etc.

The computerisation of assistive technologies is a good thing. But it isn't a singularity.
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