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The problem I see with games that will use AI for dialogues is that they will require constant internet connection as the AI uses a lot of data, and we have already seen what has happened with Assassin's Creed Shadows...

I do see a future where there will be a GTA using AI for almost everything (models, dialogues, music...).
Our iPhones today are much more powerful than the entire mainframe room worth of computers back in 1960's in the NASA rooms. Those AI models/agents will take smaller and smaller footprints over time.

Heck, you could even ask AI in the near future how they could improve upon exactly the issue you brought up, "AI uses a lot of data". How can things be optimized? Maybe AI would find novel ways to compress data that we humans never thought would have been theoretically possible..

All this hypothesizing aside.. something they could do in the interim is not to have AI do dialogue on the fly, but to generate tons and tons of dialogue, in many languages, for small amount of setup time. Write those into the hard storage of the gamecard/disc/whatever (so no AI is running). That's something pretty plausible in the short term.

Also imagine sharing rough conceptual drawings of a landscape, showing it to AI. AI builds out 3D models, saving tons of time.

Doesn't mean there won't be some human cleanup/editing required. Humans would want to check everything to ensure what goes out there is all good (basically humans doing QA on AI generated stuff)
And it's not like Frame Generation won't get better overtime. If FG isn't viable for the moment for whatever reason, it's not to say that Nvidia doesn't plan to keep improving it. In which case, we all stand to benefit through firmware updates.

It's absolute wish fulfillment but I'm suddenly excited about the prospect of the Switch 2 getting some variant of FG that enables better usage at lower FPS. I've been under the assumption that any increase in FPS was strictly via the DLSS and upscaling and thought FG was off the table. But even if that's the case for the moment, it doesn't mean it will always be that way. If the Switch 2 has the OFA, it's always a possibility :).
I mean, it's a possibility without the OFA. FSR's frame generation doesn't require it at all. I'm just saying there are lots of possible uses for Optical Flow, which is why it was in RTX 30 GPUs before Nvidia started working on frame generation. Nintendo will want whatever Nvidia makes, and that requires having a GPU that looks like all other Nvidia cards.

But DLSS/FSR style frame generation will be always bad as long as we're talking about trying to reach 60fps. There is, at best, ways to make it "less bad" but at a cost that I think makes it "worthless." ExtraSS style frame generation, the experimental Intel tech, might be functional for reaching 60fps, but I think it solves problems that the next Nintendo hardware won't have.

A console generation is a long time, who knows what will happen. But none of the frame gen technologies on the table right now are good for Switch 2. It's just a fundamental design problem, not an optimization problem. Someone will need to invent a new kind of frame gen tech.
If they end up calling it the Super Nintendo Switch and make constant references to the SNES then it might draw attention primarily from the older audience. I'm sure there will be lots of online news and YouTube videos that make a big deal out of it too. Only problem is that there is a vast number of new generation gamers who never knew the SNES, so from their perspective it's a potential marketing failure.

Besides that, in my opinion, the "Super" in Super Switch gives off a "Pro" vibe to it. Remember, Nintendo never made a Pro console before so people might assume their Super is the same as Sony's Pro. That is absolutely not acceptable. The best way to communicate a true next-gen console is to simply put a number next to the name. Look at PlayStation and Xbox, for example. You just have to assume the average person doesn't know what is what, so a bigger number just automatically "clicks."

That said, even if it doesn't end up as the Super Nintendo Switch, having it as a pet name within the community is still not so bad. I'm down for it.
I heartily disagree; there has not as of yet been a "Pro" system to use the word "Super" in the name, the sole example is a successor console that was successful.

Super, I believe, serves both audiences. To those familiar with SNES, it's nostalgic, it's firmly attached to Ninrendo's brand. To those without, it's a "Super" Switch - the Switch that is "above", that is "super" powerful, the Switch that comes next. It's also present in both Nvidia and Nintendo's repertoires of names and would be a cute nod to one another.

The last console to use SNES stylings in marketing was the New Nintendo 3DS system. Ten years ago this year, Nintendo brought about a console with exclusive games, an upgraded CPU, and SNES/SFC button colours.

The NN3DS line was relatively successful, and made sure to temper expectations by calling the actual brand "New" rather than Super. I believe there is room for them to pull that again, put the full on Super in the name, and subtly hint that, like New 3DS, this system also plays and sometimes enhances existing software.
You know I’m open to AI being the next “life form”. That could be it. It’s a life form that proceed humans and biological life itself. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

Humans didn’t always exist. Evolution made us. Evolution then made us make AI. I genuinely feels like it’s just the next step.

Life is strange. In a sense that we evolved from inanimate things. We are made of exactly the same ”stuff” in the universe.

Particles> Rocks > Biological life forms (single cell + multicellular) > Digital life forms (AI + digital consciousness)
Sir, this is a Wendys
I think the idea behind games with AI driven dialogue is that the LLMs would be local. This is especially notable for Nintendo when they're sending a console into the market with considerable Tensor performance where such local LLMs and other local AI would be highly accelerated.
One idea is that the AI would already be built into the console and developers could turn it on or off. Then the censorship would already be applied and Nintendo or another company could rest easy.
One idea is that the AI would already be built into the console and developers could turn it on or off. Then the censorship would already be applied and Nintendo or another company could rest easy.
AI isn't built in the way hardware is, it's software. Unless Nintendo carves out Tensor cores specifically for a system wide AI (which I doubt), the AI on the successor will be from the games themselves.

With the potential
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Coming back to this comment in the midst of the AI discussion; I'm genuinely terrified of the guilt trip I'll endure if/when AC implements AI personalities for each of their villagers 😅

It's one thing to be shamed for "You haven't visited your town in 28 months!", but when an AI is inside my game, counting down those days, slowly going insane...I'm not sure I'm ready for that responsibility lmao
To the contrary, I will take great pride in psychologically torturing some robots for the good of humanity.

Ah, The duality of humans. I think both are fine choices.

I don't know if AI is safe to use for something like a Nintendo games text. It has to be tested the hell out of at least. You never know what an AI might say.

You can train a chat AI model to produce PG content. I wouldn’t worry about “accidents” but I do agree it will need to be tested thoroughly and even custom built for the context. I’d legit pay extra money for AI specific features such as giving NPc’s a chat model or even having “dynamic reactive” bots for multiplayer.

I’d love to have AI replace people for my multiplayer fix. At some point, it’s the same thing anyway minus the racism, Yelling, crying, and edgy comments. It’s a total win.
Probably not, maybe it'll be the final death rattle of the Xbox? 🤷‍♀️

All we know is the pattern is that Nintendo usually innovate, and their rivals copy and go bigger and better. Although only DuelShock, Analogue triggers, PSP and to some extent the Move were successful.

Somehow I can't imagine Xbox will do a handheld unless they do one last hail Mary.

IMO an Xbox handheld now feels like what happened with Sega, throwing everything at the wall until something sticks.
IMO an Xbox handheld now feels like what happened with Sega, throwing everything at the wall until something sticks.
Likely it’ll be a Windows version of the Steam Deck right from Microsoft, that’ll be a bit more Switch-like in how consumer friendly it is.
Likely it’ll be a Windows version of the Steam Deck right from Microsoft, that’ll be a bit more Switch-like in how consumer friendly it is.

Windows, Switch like, and consumer friendly.

That's a hell of a task.
No I'm with you for the most part. The Nintendo Switch's brand is saccharine sweet and simple. While I think the next CONSOLE should keep its general styling simple (with some personality in the kickstand shape, vents, iconography, etc), the box being intentional more detailed, the marketing having more bombast, I think that would resonate with the current market better than "Plain Red Square Two".

"Now you're playing with Super power." and variations absolutely clears. It's nostalgic AND accurate, and it would drive home the point of a system that's "the same idea" but "super".
More or less my train of thought as well. If they don't want to name it a boring "2" then they could name it super, electric boogaloo or whatever and let the marketing, image, presentation, OS, hardware appearance, etc. do the rest of the work to differentiate it.

Love your signature btw. SFC color layout is already a given in my headcanon.

If they end up calling it the Super Nintendo Switch and make constant references to the SNES then it might draw attention primarily from the older audience. I'm sure there will be lots of online news and YouTube videos that make a big deal out of it too. Only problem is that there is a vast number of new generation gamers who never knew the SNES, so from their perspective it's a potential marketing failure.

Besides that, in my opinion, the "Super" in Super Switch gives off a "Pro" vibe to it. Remember, Nintendo has never named a "Pro" console before, so people might assume their Super is the same as Sony's Pro. That is absolutely not acceptable. The best way to communicate a true next-gen console is to simply put a number next to the name. Look at PlayStation and Xbox, for example. You just have to assume the average person doesn't know what is what, so a bigger number just automatically "clicks."

That said, even if it doesn't end up as the Super Nintendo Switch, having it as a pet name within the community is still not so bad. I'm down for it.

I agree but I also think that if they managed to communicate that properly in a pre-internet era, it's not impossible today. Not saying IT WILL BE called the Super Switch, just saying it's not a impossibility.
The casual market may be able to remember the SNES and buy it for their kids, in which case the casual market would be somewhat successfully captured.
Again, I'm no expert, I'm basically just imagining a best case scenario.
I just watched this video from LTT and, my God, it is legitimately painful to listen to these people.
I can't believe how people with such a massive platform, dedicated to this medium, know so little about what they're talking about.

Gamecube being weak hardware for the time?
DS lite being a specs upgrade?

What are these people talking about?
I just watched this video from LTT and, my God, it is legitimately painful to listen to these people.
I can't believe how people with such a massive platform, dedicated to this medium, know so little about what they're talking about.

Gamecube being weak hardware for the time?
DS lite being a specs upgrade?

What are these people talking about?

They know far more about Nintendo piracy then the actual products or hardware. 🙄
I just watched this video from LTT and, my God, it is legitimately painful to listen to these people.
I can't believe how people with such a massive platform, dedicated to this medium, know so little about what they're talking about.

Gamecube being weak hardware for the time?
DS lite being a specs upgrade?
The GameCube was in my opinion the most impressive console of its time and has aged gracefully.

Like a good comparison of power difference would be RE4 and the difference of the ps2 and GameCube.

I think the DS lite only upgraded was Wi-Fi functionality?

Also Nintendo reasonings of not going after power, with the Wii makes sense if we take into context that Nintendo badly lost against Sony and competiting against them was a fools game, despite them having the stronger device.

like I wouldn’t be surprised that Nintendo want to make a powerful successor to future proof it and also to have a chokehold in the handheld market.

With all the evidence this thread have gathered it seems that Nintendo wants a powerful console for first party and third party partners, like heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if Nintendo had meetings with a lot of Japanese third party’s and asked them if the specs they decided was ok and needed any improvement.
Our iPhones today are much more powerful than the entire mainframe room worth of computers back in 1960's in the NASA rooms. Those AI models/agents will take smaller and smaller footprints over time.

Heck, you could even ask AI in the near future how they could improve upon exactly the issue you brought up, "AI uses a lot of data". How can things be optimized? Maybe AI would find novel ways to compress data that we humans never thought would have been theoretically possible..

All this hypothesizing aside.. something they could do in the interim is not to have AI do dialogue on the fly, but to generate tons and tons of dialogue, in many languages, for small amount of setup time. Write those into the hard storage of the gamecard/disc/whatever (so no AI is running). That's something pretty plausible in the short term.

Also imagine sharing rough conceptual drawings of a landscape, showing it to AI. AI builds out 3D models, saving tons of time.

Doesn't mean there won't be some human cleanup/editing required. Humans would want to check everything to ensure what goes out there is all good (basically humans doing QA on AI generated stuff)
just ya'll wait till AI has the ability to improve on its own hardware

edit: also heres a recent, very cool vid on chip design
With all the evidence this thread have gathered it seems that Nintendo wants a powerful console for first party and third party partners, like heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if Nintendo had meetings with a lot of Japanese third party’s and asked them if the specs they decided was ok and needed any improvement.
And westerns too. I wouldn't be surprised if it was epic who requested the FDE, similarly to what they did with Sony and MS.
And westerns too. I wouldn't be surprised if it was epic who requested the FDE, similarly to what they did with Sony and MS.
I mean showcasing matrix awakening is quite telling that Nintendo personally want more western third party.

Also all the recent hiring for third party partnership deals and ports, make it seem that Nintendo want better relationships.

What if they made the Switch 2 like the Gameboy SP?


Idk, this just came in thought because of a convo with a friend, and made this in Paint.🙈

Renowned Pokémon leaker Khu has suggested that we will have to wait a while to see the first Generation 10 games which, they hint, may align with the series' 30th anniversary.

In a recent tweet, the Pokémon leaker asked if we are "prepared for G10?" and accompanied the question with "30thA". The series' 30th anniversary will fall in 2026, one year after the release of Pokémon Legends: Z-A.

And the rumours don't end there. Replying in the same thread, Khu stated that Z-A will not be launching "too early" next year, making the question of whether it will be a cross-gen title between the Switch and its recently acknowledged successor all the more prescient.

This aligns with my expectations for the most part, though Z-A being a "later" 2025 game is interesting. Maybe that just means March rather than PLA's January?

I trust PLZA will be cross gen if it launches any time with or after the successor, which seems more and more likely.

I think this is probably a good sign for the successor's sales, likely a Pokémon game in its first year, likely an exclusive new generation the second. Someone must have trust in the hardware that wasn't there for the Switch.
I just watched this video from LTT and, my God, it is legitimately painful to listen to these people.
I can't believe how people with such a massive platform, dedicated to this medium, know so little about what they're talking about.

Gamecube being weak hardware for the time?
DS lite being a specs upgrade?

What are these people talking about?
Thanks for the summary. I was thinking of watching it, but you've just saved me from wasting 14 minutes of my life.

This aligns with my expectations for the most part, though Z-A being a "later" 2025 game is interesting. Maybe that just means March rather than PLA's January?

I trust PLZA will be cross gen if it launches any time with or after the successor, which seems more and more likely.

I think this is probably a good sign for the successor's sales, likely a Pokémon game in its first year, likely an exclusive new generation the second. Someone must have trust in the hardware that wasn't there for the Switch.
I think the release timing is more intriguing.

Like having it be the Switch 2 holiday game would be massive.

Also having Pokémon game at the first year of the Switch 2 is extremely interesting and hopefully game freak will learn PS3 level fidelity for the Switch 2.

What if they made the Switch 2 like the Gameboy SP?


Idk, this just came in thought because of a convo with a friend, and made this in Paint.🙈
I'd always imagined a clamshell Switch more like a Pro Controller base. But yeah, a late update to the Lite as a clamshell and maybe OLED would get my money!
Going back to the OFA talk, we've mentioned about DLSS FG, as well as AMD FSR's version. What I haven’t seen talked about though is the use of Asynchronous Reprojection, which apparently has been in use for VR games for years now for obvious reasons. LTT even had a video about this a year and a half ago:

The thing is, how does DLSS FG, AMD FSR FG, and Asynchronous Reprojection differ from each other, or are they more or less the same? LTT even made a quip how this AR tech could be useful in handheld devices like a future Steam Deck, or even the next Switch.

What DLSS and FSR frame generation are currently doing are very much the same. Take frame 1, take frame 2, take into account data about motion of objects in those frames, and from that produce an in-between frame.

What the video you shared is about (only skimmed it but have seen another covering the same demo) is something quite different, and basically involves slightly modifying frame 1 in extremely cheap ways to simulate the movement of the game camera though the objects within the frame aren't moving. I feel like this would fall apart the more active a game is, though. When we look at demos that are basically an environment and some models sitting there, yeah, just making fake camera movements can be OK. But what if you're shifting the image to the left (simulating movement to the right), while an object on screen is also supposed to be moving right? For each "real" frame it would be correctly moved to a new position further to the right, while in all the in-between frames it would be sliding left along with the environment. Probably there are more tricks one could use to work around this... like save the environment and moving objects separately, and change the way they layer together based on individual movement properties. But that seems like a more involved thing a game engine would need to really be built for, whereas DLSS/FSR frame gen are "just do things as you've always been, make sure you provide the information you've probably already been providing for upscaling, and we'll take care of the rest". Relatively easy for PC games to support.

This aligns with my expectations for the most part, though Z-A being a "later" 2025 game is interesting. Maybe that just means March rather than PLA's January?

I trust PLZA will be cross gen if it launches any time with or after the successor, which seems more and more likely.

I think this is probably a good sign for the successor's sales, likely a Pokémon game in its first year, likely an exclusive new generation the second. Someone must have trust in the hardware that wasn't there for the Switch.
Z-A being a launch title would be quite good actually. Alongside a 3D Mario? Whew
I just watched this video from LTT and, my God, it is legitimately painful to listen to these people.
Average Linus Tech Tips video

This aligns with my expectations for the most part, though Z-A being a "later" 2025 game is interesting. Maybe that just means March rather than PLA's January?

I trust PLZA will be cross gen if it launches any time with or after the successor, which seems more and more likely.

I think this is probably a good sign for the successor's sales, likely a Pokémon game in its first year, likely an exclusive new generation the second. Someone must have trust in the hardware that wasn't there for the Switch.
Khu is not the most reliable source, he whiffed the last pokemon presents pretty badly
I heartily disagree; there has not as of yet been a "Pro" system to use the word "Super" in the name, the sole example is a successor console that was successful.

Super, I believe, serves both audiences. To those familiar with SNES, it's nostalgic, it's firmly attached to Ninrendo's brand. To those without, it's a "Super" Switch - the Switch that is "above", that is "super" powerful, the Switch that comes next. It's also present in both Nvidia and Nintendo's repertoires of names and would be a cute nod to one another.

The last console to use SNES stylings in marketing was the New Nintendo 3DS system. Ten years ago this year, Nintendo brought about a console with exclusive games, an upgraded CPU, and SNES/SFC button colours.

The NN3DS line was relatively successful, and made sure to temper expectations by calling the actual brand "New" rather than Super. I believe there is room for them to pull that again, put the full on Super in the name, and subtly hint that, like New 3DS, this system also plays and sometimes enhances existing software.
Fair points. Though I still think it goes both ways; just like how we had the NES followed by the SNES, Gameboy/GBC followed by the Advance and DS followed by the 3DS, they also had the Wii and the Wii U, which also happens to be the latest console in that list, so it is most relevant.

They had successful generations with non-numerical naming schemes in the past, but they also have that one blemish which also happened to be riding on the success of it's predecessor. There's a risk involved with it. Thinking about it from someone who doesn't research on the latest tech or write essays on online forums standpoint, I might have a hard time understanding why I need a "Super" Switch if I already have a Switch. In this case a "Switch 2" immediately tells me it's the new thing, and that I cannot play any of the newer games on my existing hardware. No risk involved.

This can be combated with hugely anticipated games like a new Mario or Zelda game that is only on the Switch 2, so there's that. But I currently don't see the level of hype that Zelda "NX" had back in the day, and that worries me. That game alone carried the Switch's launch and jump-started it on it's path to success and popularity.
I agree but I also think that if they managed to communicate that properly in a pre-internet era, it's not impossible today. Not saying IT WILL BE called the Super Switch, just saying it's not a impossibility.
The casual market may be able to remember the SNES and buy it for their kids, in which case the casual market would be somewhat successfully captured.
Again, I'm no expert, I'm basically just imagining a best case scenario.
Pre-internet era is honestly half the reason why they worked, imo. Advertisements had a more lasting effect on people. In the current day and age there's too much "noise," and the attention span of the average person has shrunk considerably. Most people just don't think about anything in particular for too long, if something feels boring or overbearing we just move on. I'm sure everyone can relate to this to some degree.

I should mention I'm no expert on marketing or human psychology, so nothing I say should be taken as fact. That said, I have noticed a trend where people tend to not pay much mind to something because they feel like they've seen similar things several times before, so they start to assume things. That's where the "Super" in Nintendo is the same as "Pro" in PlayStation concern comes from. Some people may immediately make the association, and that's bad. Getting them to buy yet another console which won't be doing too much more than what they already have is a challenge - Xbox is my best argument. The Series S has most likely sold way more than the Series X, and I've seen people online express how they couldn't feel any generational uplift. Definitely one of the reasons why it's struggling.

A few thousand of us isn't enough, even a few hundred thousand isn't enough. Think about this from the tens of millions of people's perspective, and I think you'll understand why I'm being so stubborn about this. Most people are oblivious. You need to communicate that this is a next generation device effectively so it sticks in their mind. Video game sequels usually have numbers for a very good reason. There are exceptions, and they tend be on the established pattern side of things, such as the Zelda series. The Switch is the only one of it's kind and not a part of a pattern.
Yes they have, New 3DS.

You missed the point. The "Pro" suffix has never been used on a Nintendo console before. Read my response to Concernt and VagrantValmar for more context.
You know I’m open to AI being the next “life form”. That could be it. It’s a life form that proceed humans and biological life itself. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

Humans didn’t always exist. Evolution made us. Evolution then made us make AI. I genuinely feels like it’s just the next step.

Life is strange. In a sense that we evolved from inanimate things. We are made of exactly the same ”stuff” in the universe.

Particles> Rocks > Biological life forms (single cell + multicellular) > Digital life forms (AI + digital consciousness)

How would you guys feel about Switch 2 having a retro future vibe?


I want to print these two posts and mail them together to Tetsuya Takahashi as inspiration for Xenoblade Chronicles Next.
I wonder if Pokemon Gen 10 releasing in Fall 2026 would be a dedicated Switch 2 game, or if it would be cross-gen.

Switch 2 would presumably be at around 40-50 million units sold by then.

This aligns with my expectations for the most part, though Z-A being a "later" 2025 game is interesting. Maybe that just means March rather than PLA's January?

I trust PLZA will be cross gen if it launches any time with or after the successor, which seems more and more likely.

I think this is probably a good sign for the successor's sales, likely a Pokémon game in its first year, likely an exclusive new generation the second. Someone must have trust in the hardware that wasn't there for the Switch.
the source is Khu, who has lost pretty much all their credibility. besides, they're just saying obvious shit
It seems like the majority of big games can run fine in their docked config, but on handheld - ie, they don't do something like turn off touch controls in docked. So maybe they go that route.

The question is would Nintendo risk breaking some games to have most games look better on their new handheld, or would they go for maximum compatibility, especially when (In this case) max compatibility is less work.

If I were Nintendo (and I'm not, and you can't prove otherwise), I'd say "we work really hard to make sure games play like the developer intended, as much as possible. If the developer wants something else on our new hardware, like increased resolution, the developer can offer a patch. We'll make it really easy."

Nintendo didn't have a Pro console. Sony and Microsoft reached out to devs last gen, while games were in development, to talk to them about what "enhanced" titles were like. They've got Pro versions of games they can download and run in the background, and an encyclopedic knowledge of exactly what developers would want.

Not only does Nintendo not have that, they've got a device with two distinct control schemes, that are weirdly tied to resolution. It just feels like an enhanced mode that doesn't require patching is too much trouble.
I agree. I presume one option (maybe at the user's discretion) could be to only display on those 1280x720 pixels of the screen and just deliver a smaller image. Like how you could launch DS games at their original resolution on the 3DS.
just ya'll wait till AI has the ability to improve on its own hardware

edit: also heres a recent, very cool vid on chip design

That last link was a fun/fascinating watch.

Microchip manufacturing is not completely new thing to me to see, but every time I see videos/clips like one you shared, it's like we're living in a sci-fi future, almost otherworldly.

Transistors are now literally less than 100 atoms wide.

We can fit more than a million of those transistors on a single grain of rice.

And we have produced more transistors than there are grains of rice in the world, pretty crazy.
You missed the point. The "Pro" suffix has never been used on a Nintendo console before. Read my response to Concernt and VagrantValmar for more context.
what the. you mean literally use the "Pro" as part of the name? Of course Nintendo's not gonna steal how Sony names their Pro consoles lol.

Individualised didn't miss the point. Nintendo has put out a Pro version of their system before and it was called New Nintendo 3DS with "New" being the Pro. Microsoft did the same with the Xbox One; they named the better version of it being the Xbox One X with "X" being the Pro
That last link was a fun/fascinating watch.

Microchip manufacturing is not completely new thing to me to see, but every time I see videos/clips like one you shared, it's like we're living in a sci-fi future, almost otherworldly.

Transistors are now literally less than 100 atoms wide.

We can fit more than a million of those transistors on a single grain of rice.

And we have produced more transistors than there are grains of rice in the world, pretty crazy.
fuckin magical glass, man. how does it work. oh thats how it works. yeah still magical
I agree. I presume one option (maybe at the user's discretion) could be to only display on those 1280x720 pixels of the screen and just deliver a smaller image. Like how you could launch DS games at their original resolution on the 3DS.
Yeah, I had thought about that too. Plugging in the rumored screen dimensions gets you something pretty close the Switch Lite in terms of display size. Not the way I think I'd play, but I don't tend to return to games I've played before, so I think i'd mostly just forgo Switch era games entirely
The GameCube was in my opinion the most impressive console of its time and has aged gracefully.

Like a good comparison of power difference would be RE4 and the difference of the ps2 and GameCube.

I think the DS lite only upgraded was Wi-Fi functionality?

Also Nintendo reasonings of not going after power, with the Wii makes sense if we take into context that Nintendo badly lost against Sony and competiting against them was a fools game, despite them having the stronger device.

like I wouldn’t be surprised that Nintendo want to make a powerful successor to future proof it and also to have a chokehold in the handheld market.

With all the evidence this thread have gathered it seems that Nintendo wants a powerful console for first party and third party partners, like heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if Nintendo had meetings with a lot of Japanese third party’s and asked them if the specs they decided was ok and needed any improvement.

I think the biggest reason why Nintendo lost was their distribution media. Unlike these days people did not have the impression of Nintendo as the "weak console" company. Those tiny discs couldn't store more than 1.46GB, whereas the PS2 could read full, fat 4.7GB and 8.5GB discs - the same ones used in movie and music distribution. The console being a cheap home media player also helped many kids successfully convince their parents. Games from that era were just as limited in their file size as their respective consoles' fidelity, unlike today where only performance matters and we don't really think much about the file size of the game besides "oh I might have to delete X to install Y."

Coming out of the N64 vs PlayStation era, studios were obsessed with higher quality audio and full motion video cutscenes, and those fat discs allowed much more freedom than anything else. Splitting up the game across multiple discs was not always possible, so the appeal for the Gamecube from developers' perspective dried up. And if there are no games, then there's little reason to get the console from the public perspective. The Nintendo vs Sony debacle with the 64DD, which later birthed PlayStation, is all to blame.

Nintendo, in their infinite wisdom, saw the market shift away from them, so they decided to differentiate themselves by shifting focus from simply making boxes that ran games to making more fun interactive experiences. Losing the performance crown was more of a side effect.
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One would really have to like Sony's 1st party PS4 output, otherwise there's two thoughts coming up about a PS4 level handheld:

- If it's a handheld PC like Steam Deck ... why would i opt for this instead of Steam Deck 1 or (in the future) 2? Games won't ever stop releasing on Steam.

- If it's a native handheld console like Switch 1/2 ... why would i opt for this instead of a Switch 1/2 where i have a "guarantee" that they won't just drop support if it's not doing the numbers they would like on top of not putting their 1st party studios on games development for it?

For me, it boils down to the alternatives simply being better, as i don't really care for Sony's 1st party games at all.
Imagine you have a massive digital PS library, and you like playing portable, taking the games with you everywhere.

There you go.
I wonder if Pokemon Gen 10 releasing in Fall 2026 would be a dedicated Switch 2 game, or if it would be cross-gen.

Switch 2 would presumably be at around 40-50 million units sold by then.
That is a pretty tall order for maybe 21 months on the market.


But putting unit numbers aside, the timing would be pretty similar to when GBA, DS, Switch got their first major Pokémon releases. Black 2 and White 2 arrived for DS well after 3DS's release, but even that was only 16 months (Japanese dates).
I know there's not much way around it, but that would be a hell of a bummer. There are a lot of Switch 1 games that look excellent in handheld mode, it'd be too bad for them to lose some of that sharpness.
A rerun, but I think with proper scaling it'll usually be hard to tell the difference.
I wonder if Pokemon Gen 10 releasing in Fall 2026 would be a dedicated Switch 2 game, or if it would be cross-gen.

Switch 2 would presumably be at around 40-50 million units sold by then.
As long as Switch 2 isn't a massive sales failure, I'm expecting no big 1st party games being released on Switch 1 by 2026. Maybe I'll be wrong but I just don't think it's likely. All in on the new generation (as soon as it's clear it's not a flop.)

There's a chance they go all in on day 1.
You know I’m open to AI being the next “life form”. That could be it. It’s a life form that proceed humans and biological life itself. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

Humans didn’t always exist. Evolution made us. Evolution then made us make AI. I genuinely feels like it’s just the next step.
Wow. This is how (probably) thousands of distopian visions of our future begin in popular media. I hope that reincarnation isn't a thing 🤦‍♂️. Not coming back for that.
As long as Switch 2 isn't a massive sales failure, I'm expecting no big 1st party games being released on Switch 1 by 2026. Maybe I'll be wrong but I just don't think it's likely. All in on the new generation (as soon as it's clear it's not a flop.)

There's a chance they go all in on day 1.
Given how badly 3DS went after Switch's launch, I expect 2025 to have their last major titles for Switch unless there's a special exception for a game that started on Switch and got delayed.

Smaller titles, however, can continue for as long as they like, honestly. I wouldn't expect Nintendo to stop publishing titles on Nintendo Switch until 2028 at the earliest. If it can run on Switch, why not put it out on Switch? Unlike last time, they have compatibility on hand, Switch releases will be releases on Switch 2, too. I would be surprised if they didn't also position them like that, with a single SKU across generations (how many times have I said that), akin to Xbox or GameBoy Color. Super Nintendo Switch (also plays on Nintendo Switch) or vice versa.
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