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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

My heart was beating so fast 💀

Was thinking maybe nintendo wanted to publish this trailer so they took the last one down for SEO but it isn't even called Switch Trailer on their YT channel. IGN are just some trolls :/

The kid looks unimpressed in that 'get the coin' segment. Like "is this shit really fun?" lmao. Anyway, looks like Nintendo won't be announcing the console anytime soon, not with the shadow drop of this advertisement. Team 2023 reveal is officially dead.
The kid looks unimpressed in that 'get the coin' segment. Like "is this shit really fun?" lmao. Anyway, looks like Nintendo won't be announcing the console anytime soon, not with the shadow drop of this advertisement. Team 2023 reveal is officially dead.

I don't think an ad for Switch really effects anything.
Kirby Triple Double Double.
This isn't really meant to be a software thread, but I think the name "Kirby Double Triple Deluxe" would work. Rather than going Deluxe Deluxe, you say it's "double" the original "triple deluxe", implying a "Deluxe Deluxe" in a tongue-in cheek manner.

With that said, I really do hope we see more remasters over the coming years coming to OG Switch and NG Switch. With the increased capabilities, it's likely that porting and refining will be easier, while also allowing developers to say, use a remaster or remake to experiment with new features. Personally, given how BDSP was more akin to a remaster with some 3D models layered on top, and the rumour that BW will once again target an "authentic" feel rather than reinvent the games, I expect the forthcoming X and Y and Sun and Moon "remakes" on NG Switch to flatly BE remasters. Brush up the models and experiment with some advanced lighting due to the low performance requirements 3DS remasters would pose on NG Switch.

For me a big part of appeal of new hardware is exactly what developers can do to create interesting software, which is why I think discussions about things like Kirby Double Triple Deluxe are worthwhile even here.
The kid looks unimpressed in that 'get the coin' segment. Like "is this shit really fun?" lmao. Anyway, looks like Nintendo won't be announcing the console anytime soon, not with the shadow drop of this advertisement. Team 2023 reveal is officially dead.

I don't think it means anything.

Doesn't mean announcement will happen this year, but this ad showing up doesn't mean announcement won't happen this year either.
Upcoming Switch version of The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak shows Super Famicom style colored buttons. We are so back.
This looks like regular Switch buttons to me with the letters colored and not the buttons themselves
Could be style choice, IDK. Fact remains there are more than a couple of games in a relatively short timeframe with screenshots containing colored buttons (or letters).

All of them following SNES colors (ABXY = RYBG)
This looks like regular Switch buttons to me with the letters colored and not the buttons themselves
True but the colors chosen (red for A and blue for X) do line up with SFC colors, which fuels the hope a bit since it's consistent with the SFC colored buttons that popped up in the Switch trailers for SMRPG and TTYD

edit: dang the rest of yall are fast 😅
I'm a big fan of button theory. The games so far:
  • Super Mario RPG
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
  • Fashion Dreamer
  • Ys X: Nordics
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak
However, I don't think it should be taken too seriously.
I'm a big fan of button theory. The games so far:
  • Super Mario RPG
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
  • Fashion Dreamer
  • Ys X: Nordics
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak
However, I don't think it should be taken too seriously.
Someone with background should do a probability math check on this.

What are the odds that in a relatively short time frame, there are 5 games where devs/designer randomly decided to do colored buttons? I own 110+ games and I cannot remember the last game that makes use of colored buttons for displaying purposes.

And on top of this, what are the odds that all 5 of them just so happens to choose the same color scheme?

I choose to believe. :)

Edit: Also, here's a The Legend of Heroes screenshot on a non-Switch version (not sure which version, but clearly not Switch, you can see "LT" button label). They could just have stuck with the same color setup, but they didn't. The A button is green on non-Switch version.
Someone with background should do a probability math check on this.

What are the odds that in a relatively short time frame, there are 5 games where devs/designer randomly decided to do colored buttons? I own 110+ games and I cannot remember the last game that makes use of colored buttons for displaying purposes.

And on top of this, what are the odds that all 5 of them happens to choose the same color scheme?

I choose to believe. :)
SMRPG doesn't even really count since it's a remake of a SNES/SFC game that used the same colored button prompts. Fashion Dreamer already has a red/blue/yellow/green highlight color scheme as seen in the key art and logo (and purple, but never mind that). The Trails game is probably just trying to be consistent with the colored buttons in the original PlayStation UI.

If there really was an unused SFC button color scheme in Super Mario Wonder, that would have probably made me believe, but unfortunately that was fake.

As for previous games using this button color scheme, the examples I know of are LGPE in 2018, and Snack World: The Dungeon Crawl - Gold in 2020 (although that's a port of a 3DS game that originally used those colors because of the New 3DS).
Edit: Also, here's a The Legend of Heroes screenshot on a non-Switch version (not sure which version, but clearly not Switch, you can see "LT" button label). They could just have stuck with the same color setup, but they didn't. The A button is green on non-Switch version.
Ah, this is from the PC version? I wondered what it looked like with an Xbox controller.

Presumably they're using the Xbox button colors here. Changing them to SFC colors is probably just because they didn't want to reuse another console's colors for the Switch.
SMRPG doesn't even really count since it's a remake of a SNES/SFC game that used the same colored button prompts. Fashion Dreamer already has a red/blue/yellow/green highlight color scheme as seen in the key art and logo (and purple, but never mind that). The Trails game is probably just trying to be consistent with the colored buttons in the original PlayStation UI.

If there really was an unused SFC button color scheme in Super Mario Wonder, that would have probably made me believe, but unfortunately that was fake.

As for previous games using this button color scheme, the examples I know of are LGPE in 2018, and Snack World: The Dungeon Crawl - Gold in 2020 (although that's a port of a 3DS game that originally used those colors because of the New 3DS).
If they were being consistent with Playstation UI, they would have used green, not blue color for 'X' button. Yes, the circle button matches up (red), same as A but the blue/green doesn't match up.


Switch's A button correctly maps to Playstation's Circle button.

Switch's X button does not correctly map to Playstation's Triangle button that's in the same location as Switch's X button (would have been green, if game designer wanted to be consistent with Playstation UI)

Edit 2:

As for previous games using this button color scheme, the examples I know of are LGPE in 2018, and Snack World: The Dungeon Crawl - Gold in 2020 (although that's a port of a 3DS game that originally used those colors because of the New 3DS).

That sounds right. Folks in this thread were trying to dig up past examples of color buttons being displayed. 2018 and 2020 were pretty much the only examples anyone could come up with. I think there might have been a 3rd example too, don't recall which. And now, boom, we have 5 games with screenshots within a relatively short timeframe of each other.

Last edited:
If they were being consistent with Playstation UI, they would have used green, not blue color for 'X' button. Yes, the circle button matches up (red), same as A but the blue/green doesn't match up.

Consistent meaning they wanted to keep using colored button since the previous UI used them, even though Switch controllers don't have them. And to that end they picked the only 4-color scheme for face buttons Nintendo has used in the past.
SMRPG doesn't even really count since it's a remake of a SNES/SFC game that used the same colored button prompts. Fashion Dreamer already has a red/blue/yellow/green highlight color scheme as seen in the key art and logo (and purple, but never mind that). The Trails game is probably just trying to be consistent with the colored buttons in the original PlayStation UI.

If there really was an unused SFC button color scheme in Super Mario Wonder, that would have probably made me believe, but unfortunately that was fake.

As for previous games using this button color scheme, the examples I know of are LGPE in 2018, and Snack World: The Dungeon Crawl - Gold in 2020 (although that's a port of a 3DS game that originally used those colors because of the New 3DS).
But then the button graphics in TTYD have been changed to follow the SFC color scheme instead of the original GC button colors, which was the one that got me really wondering.
But then the button graphics in TTYD have been changed to follow the SFC color scheme instead of the original GC button colors, which was the one that got me really wondering.
I think it's a consequence of the GameCube having gray for two buttons. In that case, the shape of the X and Y buttons was different, so it still made for recognizable prompts (though maybe not great ones). On Switch, though, they can't have circular gray X and Y prompts; they'd look too similar. So they chose 4 unique colors, and again, went with the one such scheme that has history with Nintendo.
I think it's a consequence of the GameCube having gray for two buttons. In that case, the shape of the X and Y buttons was different, so it still made for recognizable prompts (though maybe not great ones). On Switch, though, they can't have circular gray X and Y prompts; they'd look too similar. So they chose 4 unique colors, and again, went with the one such scheme that has history with Nintendo.
that's seems like a strech
I think it's a consequence of the GameCube having gray for two buttons. In that case, the shape of the X and Y buttons was different, so it still made for recognizable prompts (though maybe not great ones). On Switch, though, they can't have circular gray X and Y prompts; they'd look too similar. So they chose 4 unique colors, and again, went with the one such scheme that has history with Nintendo.

Or.. maybe Occam's razor is in play here? :)
The fact that a) so many games in such a short timespan are using it all of a sudden b) necrolipe heard something a while back about this being in new developer guidelines makes me think that the coloured buttons thing is definitely something at least initiated by Nintendo. Whether or not it's directly related to Switch 2 is another question.
Or.. maybe Occam's razor is in play here? :)
The Occam's Razor explanation is that it's a coincidence. Certainly that's a simpler explanation than Nintendo telling studios, including Nihon Falcom way back before they announced Ys X in February, to use a button scheme in games for a system that doesn't have colored buttons, because they plan to launch a different system a year or two later that does.

The fact that a) so many games in such a short timespan are using it all of a sudden b) necrolipe heard something a while back about this being in new developer guidelines makes me think that the coloured buttons thing is definitely something at least initiated by Nintendo. Whether or not it's directly related to Switch 2 is another question.
But there aren't any such guidelines.

that's seems like a strech
So in your opinion, if it weren't for upcoming SFC-colored hardware, the developers would have been okay with the TTYD button colors being "red, green, gray, and gray?" Because I think they obviously thought they needed to add color to X and Y, and at that point you aren't using GameCube colors anyway, so you might as well choose something meaningful (that also isn't Xbox colors).
The Occam's Razor explanation is that it's a coincidence. Certainly that's a simpler explanation than Nintendo telling studios, including Nihon Falcom way back before they announced Ys X in February, to use a button scheme in games for a system that doesn't have colored buttons, because they plan to launch a different system over a year later that does.

But there aren't any such guidelines.

All 5 of those games could have chosen to go with what has been historical norm over the entire Switch library except for a couple - using gray buttons/letters.

Coincidence across 5 games, all choosing the same color scheme (I know you want to say they're using past Nintendo color scheme, but why not just stick with gray buttons instead which is the norm?) seems like too much of a stretch for me to accept.

I am cool with being wrong on this. It's fun thing to see who's right/wrong, it will be inconsequential too other than cosmetic reasons.
Gentle reminder to please avoid off topic posts in the Hardware ST. Please refer to the staff post. - meatbag, BLG, Dardan Sandiego, xghost777
“Since I left You” was an OUTSTANDING album. So dreamy, but also quirky, hilarious in places, and other tracks not out of place in a club set. Title track is great, “A Different Feeling”, “Live At Dominoes”, and “2 Hearts In 3/4 Time” are among my personal favourites. The latter also inspired the title of the first poetry piece I wrote.

I love “2 Hearts in 3/4 Time”!!! It’s such a great track, especially the intro which is such an ear worm (tho my favorite is still “Close to You”)

The entire album is great through and through nonetheless 🤩✨

EDIT: Also love how like 10 pages worth of discussion doesn’t mean big news anymore lmfao and as expected coming from page 2001 there’s legit nothing new
All 5 of those games could have chosen to go with what has been historical norm over the entire Switch library except for a couple - using gray buttons/letters.

Coincidence across 5 games, all choosing the same color scheme (I know you want to say they're using past Nintendo color scheme, but why not just stick with gray buttons instead which is the norm?) seems like too much of a stretch for me to accept.
At first I was in the "coincidence" team, but now it's more likely that there are some new guidelines out there. And that would be great if the Switch 2 has colored buttons. Not only a throwback to the SNES era is fun, but also (and more importantly), it's great for accessibility and younger players.
Please refrain from cheering on drama. — big lantern ghost, meatbag, Party Sklar, MissingNo., xghost777
you're changing your argument again. you asked for examples of a 3050 doing RTGI and you got 4 of them. and never mind the fact that you set your own vague parameters so you can immediately discredit any argument put forth to you. that is, if you bother to acknowledged them at all, since you've ignored the good bit of them. for example, the posts where I asked you to show evidence of the numbers you're pulling out of your ass. where are you getting 5ms from. show you're work, lest you get (another) failing grade.

it's honestly impressive how consistent your intellectual dishonesty has been. for what reason I can't comprehend. but if there's one saving grace to all of this, it allows me time to look into other people's research on ray tracing techniques, which is something I enjoy doing quite a bit

wow, look at this, a game with RTGI designed to run on low end gpus that don't have RT support

wow, a demo that show bleeding edge technology running on a gpu that doesn't support RT hardware at 60fps and 720p

until you can post any sort of measure that shows denoising scaling, RT core scaling, or otherwise, you're just making up stuff out of basic readings

and remember, one gpu isn't data, as you said

Drag him
DLSS will always be better because it is hardware-based. But if they improve the FSR it will always be good news.
FSR always looks far too blurry for me. Not awful, but it's pretty damn clear that it isn't as good as DLSS.

For what it's worth though, it did manage to get me to run Hi-Fi Rush at medium settings 60fps on a 1050ti Laptop, so it's good for some things at least.
I do want to point out that Ys memoire Oath in Felghana when released on switch in japan has regular switch colored buttons, and not the SFC colored ones we have in Ys X & Trails Daybreak, so make an opinion on this lol
I do want to point out that Ys memoire Oath in Felghana when released on switch in japan has regular switch colored buttons, and not the SFC colored ones we have in Ys X & Trails Daybreak, so make an opinion on this lol
If it's a coincidence, then it's a coincidence that falls upon nigh-impossible odds. I'm Team Colored Buttons at this point.

It's also worth pointing out that, yeah, this would be a great bit of accessibility for younger audiences. Considering Nintendo is moving into a generation that had strides towards accessibility of all kinds (notably with The Last of Us Part 2's large innovations), I think this is for the best. The accessibility options that are available on the Switch are neat, but they could go a smidge further. This is a good first step.
If it's a coincidence, then it's a coincidence that falls upon nigh-impossible odds. I'm Team Colored Buttons at this point.

It's also worth pointing out that, yeah, this would be a great bit of accessibility for younger audiences. Considering Nintendo is moving into a generation that had strides towards accessibility of all kinds (notably with The Last of Us Part 2's large innovations), I think this is for the best. The accessibility options that are available on the Switch are neat, but they could go a smidge further. This is a good first step.
alright so update: Tokyo Xanadu (another falcom game) also has regulared colored buttons as opposed to SFC ones & i'd like to say something real quick

Ys Memoire & Tokyo Xanadu are both falcom games released on switch in first half of this year (April & June respectively) and they have regular colored buttons, however Ys X & Trails into Daybreak (September this year & Feb next year respectively) have SFC-colored buttons so for me it's too sus to be a "mere coincidence" lol
The kid looks unimpressed in that 'get the coin' segment. Like "is this shit really fun?" lmao. Anyway, looks like Nintendo won't be announcing the console anytime soon, not with the shadow drop of this advertisement. Team 2023 reveal is officially dead.
Well, at this time 2023 reveal is no longer realistic, because it would damage the Switch's Christmas sales.

I believe we can expect rumors, leaks, maybe something official in the investor meeting, within this calendar year... But no reveals.
It will arrive in the new year, with a launch scheduled for the next fiscal year (so no earlier than April 1st 2024).
MW3 (2023) is...

checks notes

235GB? What in the flying MS now owns ActiBllizz fuck? With a huge part of the FTC hearings being about NG getting a comparable CoD port. How is that going to go down? Is there some magical compression tech they can use for NG? Do we have any updates or new rumors about the card format being used for NG? I do not see why these games take up so much space.

Thank goodness I don't care about CoD but I want to see NG prosper with as many games possible.
MW3 (2023) is...

checks notes

235GB? What in the flying MS now owns ActiBllizz fuck? With a huge part of the FTC hearings being about NG getting a comparable CoD port. How is that going to go down? Is there some magical compression tech they can use for NG? Do we have any updates or new rumors about the card format being used for NG? I do not see why these games take up so much space.

Thank goodness I don't care about CoD but I want to see NG prosper with as many games possible.

Well since MS and Nintendo made a deal to bring COD to Nintendo platforms for at least the next 10 years, they will find a way.
MW3 (2023) is...

checks notes

235GB? What in the flying MS now owns ActiBllizz fuck? With a huge part of the FTC hearings being about NG getting a comparable CoD port. How is that going to go down? Is there some magical compression tech they can use for NG? Do we have any updates or new rumors about the card format being used for NG? I do not see why these games take up so much space.

Thank goodness I don't care about CoD but I want to see NG prosper with as many games possible.

Is that the single player part? Or the whole package with the online stuff? A good idea would be to split up SP and MP, and make MP stuff an additional DL.

Though, i doubt ReDraketed games will get smaller or stay the size of Switch games, even from Nintendo itself.
Them seemingly having a fast built-in storage is one step in the right direction, though i don't see that one being big enough at all.

Here's hoping they're not opting for some Vita-like exotic solution for additional storage ... that would just end up unnecessarily expensive.
MW3 (2023) is...

checks notes

235GB? What in the flying MS now owns ActiBllizz fuck? With a huge part of the FTC hearings being about NG getting a comparable CoD port. How is that going to go down? Is there some magical compression tech they can use for NG? Do we have any updates or new rumors about the card format being used for NG? I do not see why these games take up so much space.

Thank goodness I don't care about CoD but I want to see NG prosper with as many games possible.

It has been happening since forever haha

I guess without the 4K textures and working "a bit" on compression will be enough
MW3 (2023) is...

checks notes

235GB? What in the flying MS now owns ActiBllizz fuck? With a huge part of the FTC hearings being about NG getting a comparable CoD port. How is that going to go down? Is there some magical compression tech they can use for NG? Do we have any updates or new rumors about the card format being used for NG? I do not see why these games take up so much space.

Thank goodness I don't care about CoD but I want to see NG prosper with as many games possible.
The reason why games like MW3 take up so much space is because Activision does not give a shit.

Granted, MW3 has multiple texture variants for different settings, the SP has upgraded visuals compared to MP because MP has to run on lower-end machines for esports, and SP and MP aren't the same games... but Activision is just known to pull this kind of annoying schtick. Bad company.
alright so update: Tokyo Xanadu (another falcom game) also has regulared colored buttons as opposed to SFC ones & i'd like to say something real quick

Ys Memoire & Tokyo Xanadu are both falcom games released on switch in first half of this year (April & June respectively) and they have regular colored buttons, however Ys X & Trails into Daybreak (September this year & Feb next year respectively) have SFC-colored buttons so for me it's too sus to be a "mere coincidence" lol
As I said, it's odds that blatantly don't make sense, especially since they fall in line with what Nintendo is doing with their games. Too fishy to be coincidence.
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
Cannot really analyse any japanese stock market without taking Yen devaluation into account. Yen is at historical low, so Nintendo stock when price put in USD is also low, When you put Nintendo stock in yen, it's at historical highest, only 2007 period top it off.

Actually, Nintendo investors doesn't tell much and just trust the company; that alone explains how can Nintendo afford to keep all its secrets in the dark. THey don't need to tell anyone anything, as Bank of Japan, Savvy group, Nintendo Co, Nomura Asset Management, .... Are institutionnal, and never look for the short term gains.

Also, this fiscal year Nintendo will probably get hsitorical high margin. Revenue will be down, profit most likely will also be, but profit / revenue will be really high, and that metric is the one stock market look at the most -- mostly compared to the current financial / tech turmoil, where this metric is rather low -- and most of editors / studios are currently laying of people to make it go higher.

Nintendo investors call won't be revealing much, they don't need to tell anything at the moment.
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
Investors and stock traders are free to speculate that Nintendo is going to announce new hardware, but if they get it wrong it's not Nintendo's fault. Nintendo has no obligation to satisfy investors, traders, and fans by bringing forward the announcement just because these people expect it at risk of jeopardizing their sales target. Smart long term investors and hedge funds with a deep understanding of the industry will also not expect an announcement in November, because of the holiday season being the driver of sales in this industry. The only way we would see an announcement by the end of this year is if the Switch was failing like the Wii U in 2016, and there are no signs of this.

There is also no guarantee that a new hardware announcement will prop up the stock, in fact in Nintendo's stock history and the stock movements of many other companies involved with hardware, it's natural for the stock to drop after an announcement due to lack of confidence, profit taking, etc.

The biggest concern for investors and traders watching next Tuesday's IR release is whether Nintendo is still on track to meet their 15M hardware goal, whether hardware/software sales are holding steady this fiscal Q2, are there any changes to their sales, revenue, and income forecast, and whether they will continue to make a profit. So far, Nintendo has been profitable all year round since the start of this generation, making it a reliable stock.
The only mobile platform that will support DLSS will be the Redacted. But I can see why AMD is teaming up.

Well, there are rumblings that MS and Sony might look into switching SoC providers for their next (or next next) gen. Dunno how legit.

But i could believe it, tools like DLSS are pretty much gamechangers and AMD is definitely under pressure to come up with an actual contender to it, 'cause the current FSR and other stuff they offer isn't.

That's likely a reason that nVidia is, seemingly, so "all in" with ReDraketed. It's their Trojan Horse.
Well, there are rumblings that MS and Sony might look into switching SoC providers for their next (or next next) gen. Dunno how legit.

But i could believe it, tools like DLSS are pretty much gamechangers and AMD is definitely under pressure to come up with an actual contender to it, 'cause the current FSR and other stuff they offer isn't.

That's likely a reason that nVidia is, seemingly, so "all in" with ReDraketed. It's their Trojan Horse.
Iirc, from the FTC x Microsoft leak, slides for Microsoft's 2028 "next-gen" system would be using it's own upscaling tech developed in-house. I believe the same will happen with PS. FSR is... functional, it's fine, but it's not the most quality upscaler in the world. Having a better-made upscaler developed with the console in-mind would probably be more beneficial for the console makers.
Well, there are rumblings that MS and Sony might look into switching SoC providers for their next (or next next) gen. Dunno how legit.

But i could believe it, tools like DLSS are pretty much gamechangers and AMD is definitely under pressure to come up with an actual contender to it, 'cause the current FSR and other stuff they offer isn't.

That's likely a reason that nVidia is, seemingly, so "all in" with ReDraketed. It's their Trojan Horse.
That MS Leak did show that MS is flirting with ARM. Windows 12 will probably be optimize with ARM. AMD does have a shelved ARM CPU that Jim Keller worked on. Anything is possible
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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