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The sentence is so vague, but my translation is:
While I'm ordering a certain product, I happened to think "there will be BC, [I feel that it's] confirmed"
Thanks, good info. I wonder what Uncle saw to cause this thought process, but I understand they can't just post that. Maybe they went to order some games or peripherals and the description changed to point towards a next console?
Oh I forgot to mention something funny that I found about the potential name of the next thing, for entertainment purposes only:

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They call it the Nintendo SP (Super Play). SP sounds good to me though but the Gameboy SP exists so maybe not.
Again, I am not celebrating BC news unless it comes directly from Nintendo's lips.
I'm not super concerned about it not being there but I'm also still taking a "show me the body" approach for it. You never know.

I did not know about this P4bl0 lore. @P4bl0 did you actually go to Japan? Kinda cool tbh.
The sentence is so vague, but my translation is:
While I'm ordering a certain product, I happened to think "there will be BC, [I feel that it's] confirmed"
Oh, perhaps just "compatibility" is better word-by-word translation than "backwards compatibility"
But most Japanese don't care about the difference of them anyway.
Reddit is such a bubble, you can‘t take anything seriously there without checking the sources at least at one other place elsewhere.

Anyway in 1999 I got 4 years old and I think it was when my older cousin gave me his old Gameboy. It stopped working two weeks after my birthday. It was my personal Y2K Problem.
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@LiC @Kysen
You can help Japanese people who are not good at English.😅

I'm Japanese and Yes, the buyer uncle said that he's confident that it'll have the BC.
But for obvious reasons he is not able to order the product as of now. Nobody is.
I guess that he ordered some product related both of switch 1 and switch 2, and that made him to believe that switch 2 has the BC.
Thank you Japanese people. I appreciate you being here and providing accurate translations 😊
r/gameleaksandrumours even a year ago used to vet stuff a bit and the top comment was always someone with the history of the leaker and whether they were reliable. What happened?
More people but not more leaks, so they bridge the gap with a bunch of speculation.
Biggest problem with reddit aside from echo chambers is that a lot of people post low quality garbage, but that happens to anything popular like Twitter or YouTube comments.
I believe the only reason was that we're due for an investor meeting, the privated OLED trailer, the factory parts and the announcement of the final Mario Kart DLC.

Basically we're willing it into existence.
In 1999 I was 7 years old and my favorite Star Wars movie got released. I remember that there was even a laser show in the cinema before the movie started

Edit: In that year there was also a solar eclipse. Was really cool
Man i wished Emily Rogers hadn't retired, i wished she wouldve stuck around until the Switch 2 was reveal because we need her knowledge lol, she was spot on NX(Switch 1) and some game releases

Yeah, she and Laura Kate Dale were our savours leading up to the Switch reveal; whatever happened to LKD?

Edit: I looked them up, and they are still very active on Twitter (X), I wonder if they have heard anything?
Some people do, most people think it's just smoke and no real fire yet. People are looking towards the investor call day next week.
I mean, the original Switch reveal was on a thursday (20th of october 2016) (and for me, it's thursday right now), and I guess with a week before the investor's meeting it would make sense, just like they had a Direct a week before Tokyo Game Show. I mean, it can happen, but I'm not 100% sure.
Very impressive sleuthing a few pages back. Not riding the hype train just yet with y'all but having fun seeing the chaos ;) .

I can see something happening with the investor meeting next week. But they can also just start marketing the Mario RPG remake really hard that week.
1999? Only this.
2023 too :p. Taught it to the kid, he didn't play anything else for weeks on end, and thus rediscovered it myself as well. Might be the best game I played this year after being meh on Zelda and thinking Wonder was just OK.

F-Zero 99 comes close though...
I know something we haven't discussed yet: what trailer music do you think Nintendo will use for the Switch 2 announcement? We all loved White Denim but what do you think they will use this time?
I have been skimming since probably around March/April, I just wanted to say hello especially since it’s almost in page 2000 and 2000 is a cool number etc.

Excited for the new console though but like idk what to believe anymore… hope this round of hype is real :oops:


Also now that people bring it up, s/o to the best album of 2000 (and the new millennium maybe…)


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Okay i'm not here for one day (holiday in parts of germany):

1. What the heck's going on?
2. I need someone who gives me a "Where we stand" summary, but objectively and not subjectively.
3. Why am i seeing those purple nightmare things profile pics again? I thought i was free of them by now?

1999? Only this.

4. Ah, a person of good taste.
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