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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Finally finish.







So, what do you think?

I love this

but the smallest things excite me haha

Good work!!!
April after current FY ends.

We will probably get a factory/supply chain leak from Nikkei/Bloomberg 1 month early.
Going by history, Nintendo tends to make their first announcement at the same time at either their Q3 or Q4 shareholders briefings (depending on their marketing schedule).

So, if they stick to the same tactic, that's either first week of February or first week of May.
Not the biiiiggest fan of them but at least they keep the ball rolling till we get some more juicy info.
I actually really appreciate mockups as long as they aren't being positioned as "leaks." I love the passion and creativity that people can put into them, but when there's the added layer of tryina trick the internet or whatever, that bugs.
though I guess it is fun to watch this thread sleuth them apart when they do try to pass them off as real 😅
I actually really appreciate mockups as long as they aren't being positioned as "leaks." I love the passion and creativity that people can put into them, but when there's the added layer of tryina trick the internet or whatever, that bugs.
though I guess it is fun to watch this thread sleuth them apart when they do try to pass them off as real 😅
The good thing about studying how leak culture works is that it becomes increasingly easy to say "Lmao that's bullshit but i appreciate the effort".
I like convincingly good leaks because it essentially starts a game to disprove it (see the Grinch leak for a good instance of this).
So, I've been told various things from various people and the running trend is basically "Xenoblade 4 will 100% be a thing at some point but is not their current focus". One rumour I was told was very blunt about what they're doing but I'm not allowed to share it. It's reliable though so that's something.

Ignoring that rumour I heard, I see two possible outcomes. One is the very obvious Xenoblade X port while the other is a new IP. Personally I kinda want it to be a new IP, if only because I don't think Monolith Soft should be forced to do only one property regardless of how much they want to do it. Let some of the younger folk make their dreams. Xenoblade 4 will happen, but give them time to cook and make something great...

Also port Xenosaga for gods sake.
I would ask about what it is and confidently say that I'd keep my mouth shut if you shared the rumor with me since I'm a huge Xeno nut and respect the hell out of Monolith Soft, but on the other hand I'm too big of a fan of Monolith Soft to want to be spoiled about that and would kinda want to keep it a surprise lol

My gut says Xenoblade X port within the release of Switch 2 or the Action RPG that has been rumored a lot. Then going by how Future Redeemed ended and everything in it, there's going to be an X2 with spaceship travel. Customizable avatars will return in some capacity but now be used more for online play rather than the main story. Concept art from the X artbook shows a skell with an underwater transformation so I think, much like how Xenogears has some underwater exploration, Xenoblade X2 will have underwater places be explorable too with skells.

Excuse me for the long Xeno post here. I hate to burst the bubble of excitement for many xeno fans a bit, but I don't think xenosaga is ever gonna return in the way we have come to know xenosaga. I find it a bit telling that the team has no interest revisiting the Xenosaga story in its current form that it was shaped into told by countless of interviews and comments. After so much disappointment and development shifts, going all the way from a planned 6 part epic to having the first game get cut up into 2, and then an abrupt ending to it all in 3. A lot of fans kinda ignore this fact, that the majority of people behind xeno aren't happy at all with xenosaga, and I definitely think they're gonna use this opportunity of the growing strength of the Xenoblade IP and revive the plans Takahashi has to craft his saga the way he wanted to. So whenever I see fans asking about Xenosaga i can imagine it being a bit awkward for the team to hear that something that they'd rather move on from and take as a major learning experience, is continuously asked to be brought back exactly as it is. Xenoblade basically is a perfect Episode 0 for the story, so I don't think Xenosaga will ever be brought back in the heavily changed form we know it by. Only way I see it as possible is if Bandi Namco finds interest in it and tells Monolith Soft "you either join us, or we find someone else to do it", but given how Harada has stated that there were discussions with some staff about a remastered collection at one point but Bandi exces basically thought it wouldn't be profitable (with a petition happening, where the goal was 1000 signatures, but it only got 200) tells me this isn't going to happen unless Xenoblade explodes in popularity and they wanna jump on the bandwagon.

So technically it's going to be a "Xenosaga remake", but more in the way that they're getting a second chance to tell the story they planned to from the beginning. Xenosaga was always supposed to be Xenogears 2 and is the reason Monolith Soft was formed. All the recurring characters, names, and concept in the 2 series isn't just reusing concepts or a pretty reimagining, it's the same story being continued. But basically after Xenosaga 1 and Bandi being unsatisfied with the sales, all the plans and ambition crumbled bit by bit, with Takahashi already moving on from Xenosaga before XS3 even released, and getting the first ideas for Xenoblade 1's world. Now that we have explicit stuff from Xenosaga in Xenoblade like Yuriev and Vector, i feel like we're going to see all the things play out like envisioned.
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Nintendo Moebius, a console by Tetsuya Takahashi 🤔 Brilliant, you are hired!
The Switch 5 will be a console powered entirely by a perpetual motion machine. Discovered in the year 2061 near Lake Turkana in an archaeological expedition, the Zohar Modifier is a Phenomenon Alteration Engine that is able to generate infinite amounts of energy, and will power the Switch 5 (and every other device and tech on the planet). Every single switch will be powered by a Zohar shaped generator inside them that links itself with the original master generator, which pulls requests from them and supplies them with the requested amount of energy needed. Some special edition ones can even link with you cognitively and execute commands on the fly through your own thoughts and mental link. This allows them to make any game possible, infinite open worlds and full raytraced lighting for everything, a physics engine that can simulate everything from cloth, to water, to air resistance, trajectories and travel of distant asteroids, the first light particles originating from the big bang, the collapse of the universe, and fish A.I. (with a remake of Seman being a launch title of course).

Just dont forget to bring in the unit for repairs at licensed Aoidos Repair Centers if a faulty unit is suspected (you'll recognize this by the sudden visions of people who are supposed to be dead, and sudden appearances of apporitions of these people around you), this is for your own safety as trying to repair these units yourself without proper protocol can cause your body to disappear into another plane of existence, and if left running unsafely for long periods, a phenomena phase shift might occur unprompted and your unit (alongside with you) will be torn from the fabric of the universe and transported to a different one.

Development of games are easier than ever now, simply have the right developers come into contact with the Zohar, and they can materialize any game they want to on the spot. It is still up to them whether they want to sell it as a complete package or in a million small pieces, like cosmetics and bite sized expansions even though the game is already complete from the moment they conceived it. Biological matter can also be generated from Zohar's central piece, Kadomony, so making polyethylene figma prototypes has never been easier than before.
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Seriously though now I'm picturing a limited edition Switch with a Zohar-shaped jewel in the dock and I want it so bad
That is better in... Exactly zero ways.
We all know that the actual solution will be Nintendo continuing to sell Switch games alongside Drake. So why not spice it up a litte

If NG is capable of ray tracing, do we expect a new game (or IP) focused only on solving puzzles with shadow/lighting? Or it could be an ability for the next Zelda game.
It's going to be mainly used for lighting. Someone, probably an indie dev, will use it for some other kind of simulation for gameplay maybe
I'm still hopeful that Monolith Soft's original IP action RPG exists, and have been awaiting it ever since I first saw the hiring page for it. But after TOTK came out and seeing some of the evidence people had for proving that the project still existed before, like recent hires of veteran 3D action RPG developers who've worked on Fable and Dragon Age, and hiring freelancers for UI in action RPGs as recently as this year, and other freelance work for action RPGs, it became a bit worrying when some of those names also popped up on the credits of TOTK. I think an action RPG from Monolith could be very big and easily help break into the wider gaming landscape's knowledge and trust in Monolith delivering games that they'll be interested in checking out with the company's name alone, like how Dark Souls made Fromsoftware the staple name it is today, making anything they make an immediate sensation and smash it, and now Armored Core is gonna ride that train and explode in popularity. But with TOTK releasing I'm definitely a bit more unsure of if it exists or not, even though I was one of the biggest believers that they were making an Action RPG before. I'm still gonna have my hopes up for it, I need more Monolith Soft IPs in my hands.
October. Based on me expecting (and hoping) it'll be released Early 2024.
If there's no direct in September, I'll expect a reveal in October. I agree with you, I think odds are decent that it'll launch around March, like the Switch did.
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Unofficially in February, acknowledgement in April, with a direct or something between April and June (inclusive).

Based on me thinking it’s a mid-November 2024 release.
I could see it come out earlier. November seems like prime time for scalpers ngl
I personally wouldn't expect any hardware (Switch 2) news in the "almost certain typically" September Direct
Softwares surprises otherwise...
I think this should be a threadmark on every page:

-> A Direct will very likely never feature hardware news regarding a new console or version of one. <-

These things have their own videos/PR.
I think Nintendo will show the hardware before they do a games blowout.

I could see the games blowout in June and the hardware at any point before then in 2024 tbh.
the earliest I could see a Switch 2 announcement or official tease would be in late december/early 2024.

Otherwise marketing might start in April/May followed by a June/July showcase with software and more details on the hardware. Since this is the next big hardware from Nintendo they'll need plenty of prep time to properly convey it is their next gen hardware to avoid as much confusion as possible with a proper big exclusive as your flagship title (supposedly the next 3D Mario for now).
The PS4 sort of set the modern standard for a holiday console launch - reveal in Feb, blowout in summer, launch in Oct/Nov.

PS5 followed the same path, but it was Cerny going through the specs of the machine in early April that kick-started the hype machine. Then the blowout in summer, release at holidays. Both launches worked great (save for hardware shortages) and I don't see why Nintendo wouldn't do the same.

If this is holiday 2024 there's no way we see it or hear about it until Feb 2024 at the earliest.
I have this exact mouse, and I NEVER engage that smooth scroll option. I saw this gif and was like "Oh ya!" so I turned it on and whipped it fast like that.... and had a heart attack when the forum scrolled down to the bottom in a millisecond.


Another satisfied believer of Scrollwheel-Shoulderbuttons, people!
I would ask about what it is and confidently say that I'd keep my mouth shut if you shared the rumor with me since I'm a huge Xeno nut and respect the hell out of Monolith Soft, but on the other hand I'm too big of a fan of Monolith Soft to want to be spoiled about that and would kinda want to keep it a surprise lol

My gut says Xenoblade X port within the release of Switch 2 or the Action RPG that has been rumored a lot. Then going by how Future Redeemed ended and everything in it, there's going to be an X2 with spaceship travel. Customizable avatars will return in some capacity but now be used more for online play rather than the main story. Concept art from the X artbook shows a skell with an underwater transformation so I think, much like how Xenogears has some underwater exploration, Xenoblade X2 will have underwater places be explorable too with skells.

Excuse me for the long Xeno post here. I hate to burst the bubble of excitement for many xeno fans a bit, but I don't think xenosaga is ever gonna return in the way we have come to know xenosaga. I find it a bit telling that the team has no interest revisiting the Xenosaga story in its current form that it was shaped into told by countless of interviews and comments. After so much disappointment and development shifts, going all the way from a planned 6 part epic to having the first game get cut up into 2, and then an abrupt ending to it all in 3. A lot of fans kinda ignore this fact, that the majority of people behind xeno aren't happy at all with xenosaga, and I definitely think they're gonna use this opportunity of the growing strength of the Xenoblade IP and revive the plans Takahashi has to craft his saga the way he wanted to. So whenever I see fans asking about Xenosaga i can imagine it being a bit awkward for the team to hear that something that they'd rather move on from and take as a major learning experience, is continuously asked to be brought back exactly as it is. Xenoblade basically is a perfect Episode 0 for the story, so I don't think Xenosaga will ever be brought back in the heavily changed form we know it by. Only way I see it as possible is if Bandi Namco finds interest in it and tells Monolith Soft "you either join us, or we find someone else to do it", but given how Harada has stated that there were discussions with some staff about a remastered collection at one point but Bandi exces basically thought it wouldn't be profitable (with a petition happening, where the goal was 1000 signatures, but it only got 200) tells me this isn't going to happen unless Xenoblade explodes in popularity and they wanna jump on the bandwagon.

So technically it's going to be a "Xenosaga remake", but more in the way that they're getting a second chance to tell the story they planned to from the beginning. Xenosaga was always supposed to be Xenogears 2 and is the reason Monolith Soft was formed. All the recurring characters, names, and concept in the 2 series isn't just reusing concepts or a pretty reimagining, it's the same story being continued. But basically after Xenosaga 1 and Bandi being unsatisfied with the sales, all the plans and ambition crumbled bit by bit, with Takahashi already moving on from Xenosaga before XS3 even released, and getting the first ideas for Xenoblade 1's world. Now that we have explicit stuff from Xenosaga in Xenoblade like Yuriev and Vector, i feel like we're going to see all the things play out like envisioned.
Out of respect to the person who told me it (in addition to the fact that it is a rumour), I'm not posting it here. It'd just spark unneeded hype. While it is something i am excited for, i'm not going to get hopes up over something that could potentially be nothing.

Tbh it's still really cool to see people so hyped over Monolith Soft and the future of Xenoblade. Future Redeemed left things fairly open-ended for what they could do next while still concluding the Klaus saga in a satisfying way. Whatever happens next, I'm all for it.

I will say that Bamco is in a good position to release a Xenosaga remake or remaster. What Takahashi seemingly wants to do is tie up all three threads of the Xeno meta-series in a satisfying way and they already did that fairly well without being too overt about it with the radio. Thankfully good relations with Nintendo mean that this is very likely. I don't know if Monolith Soft would personally remake the games, frankly with Xenosaga's story they could outright just keep it the same because XC3:FR made it possible to make the transition seamless. Regardless, my main takeaway from all of this is "Let them cook".
Sorry to quote you twice, but I had a thought.

If it's indeed is just the memory controller, then why wouldn't they fix it for Mariko? Mariko got a new memory controller anyway, to support lpddr5 x. If there was money to save by going with fewer 64 bit modes, and no significant drawback Mariko would have been an opportunity to correct that.

Maybe, as you said it was for thermal reasons.

It may have simply been too much work to do so for what was almost entirely a die shrink. Changing from an LPDDR4 controller which works purely in 32-bit channel mode to one which works in 64-bit channel mode may have required a significant amount of re-engineering. While technically Mariko was upgraded to support LPDDR4X, I don't know if there were any actual silicon changes to the memory controller to support this. LPDDR4X is simply an extension of the LPDDR4 spec with support for higher clocks and lower voltages, and the die shrink alone may have been enough to provide support without changing the silicon.

Being a die-shrink, I would imagine there was also a desire from both Nvidia and Nintendo to have Mariko be a drop-in replacement for TX1 as far as possible. The Mariko standard Switch models used a very similar motherboard to the original units, and Nvidia were also able to re-use almost identical motherboards for their Mariko Shield and Jetson products compared to their TX1 predecessors. Had Mariko switched from supporting a pair of 32-bit memory modules to a single 64-bit module, it would have required substantial changes to the motherboards (and other related components like cooling), which they probably wanted to avoid.

Actually, Jetson Orin Nano's using two 32-bit LPDDR5 modules (here and here).

So I assume Drake theoretically can also use 32-bit LPDDR5/LPDDR5X modules if Nintendo so chooses.
But I imagine space's a premium, especially if Nintendo wants the motherboard for Nintendo's new hardware to be similar in size to the OLED model's motherboard (here and here). (This is assuming that Drake can hypothetically support 32-bit LPDDR5/LPDDR5X modules.)

Edit: Actually, I think Serve the Home's picture is the 8 GB variant of Jetson Orin Nano, not the 4 GB variant. Never mind.

Jetson Orin Nano is an interesting one, as it the 8GB board claims to have a 128-bit LPDDR5 bus (with clearly two modules on there), but the speed is listed at 68GB/s, which is what you'd expect from LPDDR4X. The 4GB model has a 64-bit bus, again claiming to be LPDDR5, but with a speed of 34GB/s, which again is LPDDR4X performance. It only has one memory module on the board. So, the specs indicate they are both using 4GB 64-bit LPDDR5 modules, but the speeds suggest it's actually LPDDR4X.

Looking at the memory modules on Serve the Home's photo, they're made by Micron, and have the marking 2UB47 D8BFW. I haven't been able to find a part matching the full code, but this module is a 64-bit 4GB LPDDR5 part which lists the FBGA code as D8BFW. It's only listed as sampling, though, and supports speeds up to the full 6400MT/s, which should allow it to run a lot faster than on Orin Nano. The website could be out of date, and Nvidia could be limiting speeds for other reasons, like power consumption or product segmentation, or this could be a different module which shares the second part of the product code (I have no idea what 2UB47 refers to).
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