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Discussion For the Switch 2, would you prefer a brand new OS or an evolution/unification of the current OS?

For the Switch 2, would you prefer a brand new OS or an evolution/unification of the current OS?

  • Brand new OS

    Votes: 66 33.5%
  • Current OS

    Votes: 131 66.5%

  • Total voters
Many things.

First off i dont like how i cannot organize anything in there, they got that right with the 3ds!
Second, why is the eshop so damn slow and ugly. I mean the eshop was always ugly but at least let me change it to black.
No way of properly tracking how much i played a game. How much is " a little" and how much is "under two hours"
Why isnt there a video chat app.
Colours. Anything.
literally none of these things call for a new OS
Many things.

First off i dont like how i cannot organize anything in there, they got that right with the 3ds!
Second, why is the eshop so damn slow and ugly. I mean the eshop was always ugly but at least let me change it to black.
No way of properly tracking how much i played a game. How much is " a little" and how much is "under two hours"
Why isnt there a video chat app.
Colours. Anything.
you are talking about ui changes and added features, not a new os. They could do that on the switch if they wanted.
The current base is solid, they just need to add some features. if memory is the problem, expand it slightly on the next iteration.
Switch OS in 2023 is objectively better than it was in 2017. They've already made many changes, and there's no reason to expect in 2024 and beyond it'd be the same as now, especially with new hardware.

There is no reason for them to scrap the work they've done on Horizon. They're not moving to an exotic new architecture, so I expect a fork of the same OS with new features. Making it 'look' fresh is just a matter of swapping out assets.

A big feature that I would like is instant resume between two or more games.
The entire design ethos of the Horizon microkernel OS is to be unobtrusively lightweight, so as many available resources are given to the games as possible while it operates in the background. That feels pretty damn Nintendo to me, just not in the fun/cute way. And I sincerely appreciate that design ethos above stuff like WaraWara Plaza. Every time.
Agreed, and I loved WaraWara Plaza and Streetpass, but unless you can load that quickly with minimal impact to the games themselves, then leave it out like they do now.
I just want it to be fast and render at the full output resolution of the console, taking 1080p screenshots and only being able to view them at 720p is terrible.

I also want miiverse back with the "nice water" guy.
Hey there! I'm new to this forum, but I couldn't resist replying to this old thread. Personally, I would prefer an evolution/unification of the current OS for the Switch 2. As you mentioned, people are used to digital ecosystems, and it's much more convenient to have the same OS after each upgrade. It's great that Microsoft used the same OS for the Series X/S, and I think Nintendo should follow suit. Plus, maintaining only one OS would be much easier for Nintendo. By the way, have you checked out the windows 10 key cheap? It's a great deal and might be useful for upgrading your PC. Anyway, thanks for letting me in, guys.
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Same OS but:
  • fix bluetooth audio for the love of hylia, it has interference a bit of lag and all that is unholy
  • improve the wifi drivers. speeds should be considerably better than what it's capable
  • rename "change grip order" to "pair controller/change order" I mean, what the fuck nintendo???
  • ACHIEVEMENTS FFS NINTENDO ITS 2023 just tell developers to copy paste from steam or whatever
  • discord-like tags instead of nintendo IDs
  • discord support
  • quick resume. doesn't have to be multiple games but being able to suspend at least one and resume it later would be great
  • 1080P60 recording and maybe even streaming
I like the current OS. It’s functional and fast, I just want to see and launch games and have easy access to settings etc.

The eshop is so slow though that it actively makes buying games irritating, which feels like it defeats the purpose.
Did they improve the fluidity Of the eShop since 2017? If not, i Wonder if the problem really is the nature Of the current OS.
Honestly I don't need much more than what they offer with the current OS and I love how snappy it is. I absolutely don't need (or want) something more akin to what we have on Xbox or PlayStation. Keep it sleek and simple but bring back Miiverse you cowards!
An evolution not a revolution.

The shop needs the most work: it is easier to browse DekuDeals. Speed it up. Automatically remove purchased games from my wishlist. Make the wishlist more accessible. Incorporate a checkout system so I don't have to be kicked back to the shop front when I "continue shopping".

Bluetooth audio needs a big upgrade. The lag when using a Bluetooth controller AND wireless headphones is just too much, even in games like Advance Wars (let me tell you it's very frustrating when you hit the wrong option and end your turn early!). Also don't make me trawl through the settings page just to connect if my headphones don't autoconect.

How about a notifications section accesible on the homepage which tells me when a game I've wishlisted is in on sale? When there is an update available for a game I have in my library? This could be incorporated into the news feed.

A proper activity log? I have parental controls set on my Switch to get more data. That's pretty roundabout.

Make the cartridge I had inserted remain on the homepage please; that way I always know what I've got slotted inside my Switch.

All these things are evolutionary and not revolutionary. I like the simplicity of the Switch UI compared to Xbox and PS4. More choice for solid colour themes would be nice, but no themes that bog down the experience or shorten battery life. But keep it simple please. I hate navigating the PS4 dashboard. Everything seems buried under so many menus.
I want an eshop that works in the new switch. No idea if it's the OS or the app but I want it to be slick, easy to use, and not have it slow to a crawl if I'm using another programme.
If Nintendo paid for a better Bluetooth codec licensing than the standard SBC and had a stronger WiFi antenna to improve connection, about 90% of the remaining issues people have with the OS could be solved with more RAM reserved (speedier eShop, quick resume, multiple apps running like Discord/Spotify/etc. in addition to your game, higher quality screenshot/video capture)
Brand new. The current OS is soulless compared to the Wii, 3DS, and Wii U. The eShop is particularly horrendous and probably hurts sales; I thought it was a placeholder that'd be updated after launch.
Something super-chill like the GameCube menu music would be nice (which is just the Famicom Disk System boot music slowed down 16x)

The entire design ethos of the Horizon microkernel OS is to be unobtrusively lightweight, so as many available resources are given to the games as possible while it operates in the background. That feels pretty damn Nintendo to me, just not in the fun/cute way. And I sincerely appreciate that design ethos above stuff like WaraWara Plaza. Every time.
The Wii U/WaraWara Plaza, sure. But the 3DS OS was completely fine. In terms of loading and suspending games (the most important parts) there's no practical speed difference between it and the Switch OS, and it had 10x more features/SOUL.
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Should be kept as lightweight and snappy as possible IMO. Just let me get to my games as quickly as possible. And give me a better way to organize them (current way takes too many steps).
I'd be fine if they kept the general gist of the current OS, but if it stays the exact same then that is going to be incredibly disappointing.

Though frankly I don't have high hopes seeing as Nintendo never even implemented different colours into the current OS; not even a "true black," theme to go alongside the OLED. We literally just have "Basic Black," and "Basic White," and nothing else. Just doesn't feel like they have any incentive to go beyond the barebones OS they currently have.
99 percent of the justifications for a new os here are ui related or applet related

horizons snappiness and efficiency are exactly why we should keep it as the core of whatever Switch 2 uses. It should be pretty easy to build on in terms of features and if you want to replace the ui on top to add 'Nintendoness', give a new feel, or add themes, thats a different matter entirely.

as long as we aren't switching architectures and drakes core concept is still a switch, I see no reason to abandon the os entirely

Now that I think about it, nintendo and other companies haven't even changed oses in a while. Horizon is based on the 3ds os iirc, and the same goes for the ps4-5. Xbox did that and even kept the old UI. Honestly I feel like this discussion should be shifted to just focus on UIs specifically.
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An evolution and the ability to spruce it up a bit would be great. Sure it's snappy which is great but it's also super sterile. I miss the fun menus from the Wii and 3DS
There should at least be... well themes, but a theme that feels more "Nintendo", I understand the Wii U one may have been confusing and made things slower but at the very least you could do things like music and rounded icons
I think I don't really miss anything from the OS. Themes are nice but not a must have for me. I just hope they improve the eShop performance and finally add the eShop theme music that already exists. Oh and hopefully they never add system wide achievements if they are just the same garbage like on PS, Xbox and Steam. I don't want that noise
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Current os? Nah, thanks. Slow eshop and other apps that need internet connection, no themes, no voice chat, no text chat, barebones profile system.
The Wii U/WaraWara Plaza, sure. But the 3DS OS was completely fine. In terms of loading and suspending games (the most important parts) there's no practical speed difference between it and the Switch OS, and it had 10x more features/SOUL.
Oh, arguments that Switch OS is is lacking in "soul", goody.

First, 10 times more features is over-stating things on your part, it's OK to admit to that.

And if I want "soul", that's... what the games are for? Y'know, the reason to buy the device? I want utility with an OS, particularly in its ability to get to a game as swiftly as possible, Switch's OS has that in spades. And since (by Nintendo's own data) Switch has the highest user engagement with one of their devices since the DS? I don't think they mind what's missing all that much, nor do the bulk of their customers.

Lastly... do you actually believe there wasn't a price to pay in terms of what could be done with games on 3DS because of OS overhead? Make no mistake that adding "soul" takes something away from a game developer in exchange. If you're fine with that trade-off, so be it, but be aware that the trade-off exists and you cannot circumvent it much more than Nintendo already has. After all, Switch's OS is derived from the 3DS OS.
You should always just evolve your OS, going with something brand new is a massive waste or resources.
Oh, arguments that Switch OS is is lacking in "soul", goody.

First, 10 times more features is over-stating things on your part, it's OK to admit to that.

And if I want "soul", that's... what the games are for? Y'know, the reason to buy the device? I want utility with an OS, particularly in its ability to get to a game as swiftly as possible, Switch's OS has that in spades. And since (by Nintendo's own data) Switch has the highest user engagement with one of their devices since the DS? I don't think they mind what's missing all that much, nor do the bulk of their customers.

Lastly... do you actually believe there wasn't a price to pay in terms of what could be done with games on 3DS because of OS overhead? Make no mistake that adding "soul" takes something away from a game developer in exchange. If you're fine with that trade-off, so be it, but be aware that the trade-off exists and you cannot circumvent it much more than Nintendo already has. After all, Switch's OS is derived from the 3DS OS.
The 3DS OS inarguably had 10x more features:
  • A photography app
  • A sound player app
  • A activity log/step counter app
  • A Mii Maker app
  • Several built-in games: Streetpass, Face Raiders, AR Cards
  • A notepad
  • A web browser
  • Miiverse
  • Home Music
  • Folders
  • Themes
  • Badges
  • Fully customizable layouts (up to a 16x16 grid)
The Switch OS either has none of those (photo/sound apps, built-in games like Streetpass, web browser, Miiverse, themes, badges) or has renditions lacking minimalistic renditions (Mii Maker, Activity Log, folders). The only feature the Switch OS has over any past system is screenshots/video recording.

It's not reasonable to expect literally every function to come back (not going to chastise the Switch for not having a photo app, for example), but usually it's a give and take. The Switch OS literally does nothing new besides built-in screenshots/records. It's minimalistic trash.

The argument that "all that matters is the ability to get to games as swiftly as possible" doesn't hold water when the Switch OS isn't substantially faster than the 3DS OS. I don't care that it can slide through icons 0.2 seconds faster than the 3DS, big whoop. Given on 3DS I could zoom out and have 100+ icons loaded on screen, it probably takes longer to shift between games on the Switch's OS.

The 3DS was a handheld system released in 2011. Modern console, like the PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Series S/X, have substantially more fleshed out OSs and have no problems with overhead. That's a non-issue for relatively powerful devices (Switch included), and the Switch 2 should absolutely have no issue with having a fleshed out OS with zero overhead.

Also, sales arguments don't work, that's an obvious correlation. Mainstream consumers don't buy systems based off their home menu UI. This is a pedantic nerd topic.
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I want a new one.
I do like the simplicity of the Home Screen but…

Bring back the damn music!!! It feels so lonely lol. And the store has to be made to run better. It’s a slow steaming hot mess that I shudder to use.
With OS you mean User Interface / UX?

Because from a layout standpoint I feel like they could improve the functionality quite a bit by offering Folders or a standard option to scroll vertically without having to go all the way to the right.

Aside from that their next OS needs an ingame overlay option that is universally available to host social features (lets not kid ourselves, because Nintendo will once again do anything they can to offer a horrible Online Service and not give the option to open social features without having to go out of the game entirely)

Overall I don't know how modular they've planned the OS, so I'd rather they create something from scratch that actually makes use of the available hardware unlike the Switch OS that basically has to use the same resources as the games and leaves coree on thr hardware unused.

Personally I would wish for a quick resume like feature to make switching between games much more convenient.
Definitely a new one, but I think it should still be minimal like the Switch. A new OS makes it feel like a new generation, though.
I see we're still getting OS and UI mixed up.

None of the things people are asking for here call for a new OS. That's apps and features that can be added to the OS, but aren't part of it. Reminder the Switch OS is based off the 3DS one, and that one was loaded with features... as separate apps.

There's absolutely no reason to make a completely new OS, at all. I'd be all up for improving stuff like the slow loading web based apps or adding new features. None of those call for a new OS.
I expect some refreshes to the UI, but like, the underlying OS is obviously going to be an evolution of what they already have. There's a ton of evidence Nintendo internally has Switch 2 builds of the firmware at this point.
I don't care as long as it has more than the barebones functionality and features of the current OS.
Sorry for the bump.

So, now that we have an idea of how much RAM the Switch 2 is going to have (12GB of LPDDR5X), would you prefer to keep the OS as simple as possible (similar to the one on the current Switch), or do you want Nintendo to allocate more RAM for more features like the PS5/Xbox?

I still prefer a minimal OS that focus on games only, as barebones as possible for the system to properly work, and so they won't waste precious RAM on things like social features and stuff like that.

I have enough social media crap notifications and bloat on my phone and PC. I just want a device that focus on games only.
You don't really need a significant amount of RAM for extra features, just look at what the 360 did with a total of 512 MB. What I think the extra RAM on the PS5/XSX is used for - just based on my short time with them - is being able to run multiple applications like full YouTube and Spotify while running games, which is cool but not really necessary. I would like a little bit more RAM allocation to run little applets on Switch for streaming and some kind of chat, but I don't expect it to increase by a dramatic amount.
I really like the current OS. The only thing I want added is faster store/applets, longer higher quality captures, and a friend messaging system.
Evolution of the current OS. It’s clean, simple and snappy. Would like the additions of customizable themes, both visual and audio. Would also like better layout and organization for eShop and NSO apps.

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