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Discussion Cooking & Baking — The Chaat Chat

Famifriends, I present to you all the sorriest attempt at salvaging a botched cake: Cake Balls!

Welp, here they are, all 50 of em.
I decided to try again with the cake. I was far less anxious this time around while doing it and I also took a few liberties while baking. I realized that I needed to actually melt the chocolate before putting it in the mix, but melting chocolate chips takes a little long. I put in a bit of milk to make the chocolate melt faster and become smoother. I also added a little more chocolate so it could be more, well, chocolatey. It's currently in the oven, so I'll wait about an hour before it's done.
Out of curiosity, what leads you to believe you have to melt the chocolate first?
Quoted by: D36
Chips don't generally melt in bakes, but that's a feature more than a bug.
Yeah...... I realized that after the first attempt 😅
On my second attempt, I melted the chocolate last after mixing the dry ingredients and the pumpkin mix.
Yeah...... I realized that after the first attempt 😅
On my second attempt, I melted the chocolate last after mixing the dry ingredients and the pumpkin mix.
Nay, kvetcha meant that you're not supposed to melt them. Think like chocolate chip cookie
I found this other recipe on Pinterest and, while this one doesn't include pumpkin, it's evident that it's a better recipe, lol.

okay so I made absolutely delicious Orange Tofu last week and have to tell y’all what I did


the photo keeps getting compressed to shit, so… pretend this is a better image, lmao

it’s tricky time-management wise, but holy shit does it taste so good. have a plan of attack first — then go go go!

Tofu Ingredients
  • Extra Firm Tofu
  • Soy Sauce
  • Cornstarch
  • Vegetable Oil
Sauce Ingredients
  • 7 Oranges or Orangelikes
  • 1/2 cup Brown Sugar
  • 2 tbsp Vinegar (White or Rice Wine)
  • 2 tbsp Soy Sauce
  • 1/2 tsp Minced Garlic
  • 1/2 tsp Chili Flakes
  • 1 tbsp Cornstarch
Rice Ingredients
  • Rice
  • Salt
  • Sesame Oil
Bonus Ingredients
  • Vegetable of Choice
  • (Broccoli + Cauliflower work great!)
Make the Tofu

Press the tofu to dry it out! This makes it extra crispy.

My quick-and-sloppy method: Place paper towel on a large plate. Cut the tofu in depthwise thirds, as if you broke a book into three parts. Place these on the paper towel, open-faced gaze to heaven. Place a matching plate on top. Gently press, then put a heavy bowl or something else on top. Give it a solid half-hour to an hour — replace the paper towel a time or two in between if you want to be picky. Or… don’t be a broke-ass bit like me and buy a tofu press!

2. When you’re almost ready for full prep, preheat the oven to 425°.

3. Cut your now-drier tofu into roughly equal chunks. Aim for roughly finger-third, maybe an inch by half-inch? Consistency helps, but who has the time?

4. Lightly douse with soy sauce. You could also marinate, but I was mostly focused on the sauce!

5. Coat lightly with cornstarch. I’m a little freak so I was meticulous and rubbed down each face of each chunk. You want a thin layer, no bunched-up starch spots. You could hardly tell it was there on mine, for better or worse.

6. Evenly disperse across a piece of parchment paper on a sheetpan, then liberally drizzle the vegetable oil. Make sure you can flip them without too much trouble!

7. Cook in the oven at 425° — roughly ten minutes each side. Make sure they’re fairly crispy on the bottom pre-flip.

8. If your timing is right, you will have just wrapped up the tasty tasty sauce. We’ll need it for the last step!

9. Dump the crispy tofu into a frying pan and coat with orange sauce. Fry for maybe another ten minutes at medium-to-low-medium heat, taking extra care not to burn them!

Make the Rice

I have a rice cooker so I’m kind of a cheat in this department. These steps are based on having a rice cooker. If you don’t have one, be normal about rice.

1. Scoop up three “cups” of rice — as in the cup that came with the rice cooker — and rinse that shit off thoroughly with a fine-mesh strainer. (Botulism is real!)

2. Add the designated amount of water according to your rice cooker. This is about 2+ real cups for me.

3. Lightly salt the water and pour in a good bloop of sesame oil. It makes it taste even better!

4. Start cooking once you have about :30 to :45 left in your campaign — for me, this was the same time I got the tofu in the oven.

Make the Sauce

This is where it gets delicious and wild.

1. Rinse off your oranges, because we’re about to get fucking silly.

Note: You don’t have to use just oranges! Technically, I think four of my seven oranges were either tangerines or mandarins. Maybe that helped make it so good… either way, experiment with citrus!

Another Note: Okay, yeah, you can technically make this with orange juice. But that fucking blows. Eviscerate the citrus yourself for maximum flavor — and to remind yourself that you’re just a fucking animal, that you would rend whatever kept you fed in the wild, that gore is life and no suburb or rental can sterilize that hunger from your soul.

2. Return of the fine-mesh strainer! Slice each orange in half and squeeze like your life depends on it. Make sure you go through the strainer to catch all seeds and detritus, and have a measuring cup below to catch the all-drenching fruit of your labor.

3. Once you have 1 cup total of your hard-won gold, mix the following into a small saucepan: the orange juice, the brown sugar, the vinegar, the soy sauce, the garlic, and the chili flakes. NOT the cornstarch — not yet!

4. Cook this mixture on medium heat for roughly 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Boil some water with a kettle or electric kettle. Or a pot! I’m not the fucking boss of you. You’re an animal, remember? You can hunt and kill the boiling water for all I care.

6. Stir your cornstarch with a roughly equal amount of freshly-butchered boiling water. Mix into a fine wet paste, then add to the saucepan.

7. Cook it all together for another fivish minutes. Stir plenty, don’t let it burn! Be mindful of your heat — err lower and longer if needed.

Voila! You should now have an intoxicatingly flavorful little pot-o’-somethin’. Savory, sweet, tart, spicy… perfectly and deliciously balanced.

Now… let’s put it on everything.

Make the Vegetables

The steps here depend on what vegetables you picked! I recommend pan-frying to make nice and toasty first.

Then, once the sauce is ready, add sauce to your veggies to get a nice glaze / integration.

Pan-fry the mixture on low-medium heat, taking care not to burn. Give this maybe 10 minutes or so — it tastes better if the sauce is meaningfully cooked with the components.

If you’re a freak like me, you can totally use the same pan for the veggie-to-sauce and tofu-to-sauce integrations.

Get Your Shit Together

Now serve that shit up! I like to use fairly deep bowls and layer.

Rice first, a hearty serving. Drizzle a little sauce directly into the rice.

Then add tofu and veggies on top. Food enjoyers can stir upon receipt for tasty tasty turbulence.

You Did It

Did you do it? I hope so! It’s fucking tasty!

Let me know if you give this a try and how it turns out for you!

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Alright so beef prices have really skyrocketed, to the point where I don't really buy it anymore, but I found some on 50% discount and was determined to stretch it as far as I possibly could lol. Some of the photos are pretty bad, but I'm a cook not a photographer dammit! It all tasted really good at least

Beef and broccoli

Some janky ass barbecue. Sauce is chunky because I didn't realize I was out, so I MacGyver'd some of my own. Sides are cornbread muffins and baked beans

Italian beef and knockoff Cubano. Bread turned out kinda scuffed, probably didn't let it rise enough, but oh well. Homemade giardiniera like a true Chicagoan!

This one's a curry, probably should've taken a photo before mixing it because it looks kinda nasty here lol. But again I promise it tasted good!

And some birria tacos, once again not the prettiest but you're probably tired of hearing me say that at this point lol
Alright so beef prices have really skyrocketed, to the point where I don't really buy it anymore, but I found some on 50% discount and was determined to stretch it as far as I possibly could lol. Some of the photos are pretty bad, but I'm a cook not a photographer dammit! It all tasted really good at least

Beef and broccoli

Some janky ass barbecue. Sauce is chunky because I didn't realize I was out, so I MacGyver'd some of my own. Sides are cornbread muffins and baked beans

Italian beef and knockoff Cubano. Bread turned out kinda scuffed, probably didn't let it rise enough, but oh well. Homemade giardiniera like a true Chicagoan!

This one's a curry, probably should've taken a photo before mixing it because it looks kinda nasty here lol. But again I promise it tasted good!

And some birria tacos, once again not the prettiest but you're probably tired of hearing me say that at this point lol
that all looks scrumptious.
While I was going through some old photos for a post in the pizza toppings thread (shameless plug), I scrolled past some of the slightly prettier things I've made that I figured I'd share!

Savory cannolis (yes, inspired by The Bear lol)


Nashville hot chicken on cornbread waffles

Chocolate biscottis

I made some vegetarian fajitas today.

Base filling: Vegan mince + beans + onions + pepper + seasoning mix (yeah I'm that doofus)
Toppings: Corn, tomato salsa, romaine lettuce, jalapenos, avocado, grated cheddar

Some stuff is left over, will turn this into a pasta dish on Monday.

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