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News Bamco in reorganizing creates new studio focused on Nintendo games



Bandai Namco Studios has announced Studio 2/Studio S, a development studio that exists specifically to work on Nintendo games. They've already added Mario Kart 8 DX, Tour and Smash Ultimate to it retroactively. (credit to
for the heads up)

here is their webstie, it's in all Japanese though

Really cool that it’s formally the “Nintendo” studio at Bamco. Nintendo needs all the manpower it can get while it expands offices and I like Bamcos output
Nintendo got their DNA in Bandai. This is effectively more studios for Nintendo (though Bandai has been making games for Nintendo. This is more of a formality now).
yoyoyo, didn't Bamco help work on Chibi Robo?

What if this leads to a remake of the Gamecube game or a potential reboot of the franchise!?! It's very unlikely but it would be nice to see this studio potentially help with getting unused Nintendo IP to be used again alongside working on series like mario kart and smash.
Quick question:
Is this studio work exclusively on Nintendo games or it was supposed to work on contracts for other studios too, just that Nintendo has been the only one that contracted them so far?
yoyoyo, didn't Bamco help work on Chibi Robo?
Kinda? They were originally going to publish the first game before Nintendo took it. They never developed any of the games (that was Skip), but based on the credits, they still retain partial ownership of the character with Nintendo and Skip... is Skip even still around? They haven't put out anything since Zip Lash in 2015.
Kinda? They were originally going to publish the first game before Nintendo took it. They never developed any of the games (that was Skip), but based on the credits, they still retain partial ownership of the character with Nintendo and Skip... is Skip even still around? They haven't put out anything since Zip Lash in 2015.
I don't think Skip is around anymore unfortunately, I think people found that they were trying to make another game that wasn't Chibi Robo but it was far too late. I could imagine them doing a remaster of sorts to help newer people get a feel for how chibi robo works, but that's a very small chance, especially with Skip gone.
Is this studio work exclusively on Nintendo games or it was supposed to work on contracts for other studios too, just that Nintendo has been the only one that contracted them so far?
We know Bamco has staff that does contract work, but it seems that because Nintendo is a frequent contractor, they went ahead and formally established a studio for that. Probably putting together all their personnel that's worked on MK and Smash and stuff.

I know this doesn't make Tekken on Switch any closer to reality, but dammit I want Tekken, Bamco.
Quick question:
Is this studio work exclusively on Nintendo games or it was supposed to work on contracts for other studios too, just that Nintendo has been the only one that contracted them so far?
the both, they was originally contract work division. the Studio S is probably Nintendo focus since hiring notice even refer to work for Nintendo game. Studio 2 in the other hand are probably everyone except Nintendo.
Good on them, they're doing what every Japanese publisher should be doing, there should be studios dedicated to making games for Nintendo and only for Nintendo from Square Enix and Capcom too.

Unless Nintendo are ponying up the cash directly to the companies, to fund those studios, no they really shouldn't.

Despite them selling best there, there's really no need for things like Octopath to be switch exclusive. Exclusivity sucks in all directions.
Once upon a time...Nintendo and namco had a strong relationship that went very sour (something something renewing contracts). It's fun seeing how things have changed radically over the decades.
Unless Nintendo are ponying up the cash directly to the companies, to fund those studios, no they really shouldn't.

Despite them selling best there, there's really no need for things like Octopath to be switch exclusive. Exclusivity sucks in all directions.
I think after Octopath 2 did worse in comparison to 1, and at least Square will rethink putting games like it on other systems. Games like that seem to do a lot better when marketed and published by Nintendo and at that point I think Nintendo would want them to be exclusive.
Nintendo have quite a big share on Banco share, so I think this is not a surprise
Yet, the biggest games like elden ring and tekken 7 and 8 were, will be skipped.

There are currently heavier games been ported to the switch. So specs is no excuus. Same for gta 5 which isnt from this publisher.

Anyway, its not for me as i already own a steamdeck. But i would prefer them on switch instead.

Just dropping this here. Same team most likely, I doubt Nintendo would have different bamco teams working on two remasters.

Also just saying smash ultimate has a z axis and is technically a 3d action game. Also has 3D backgrounds… lol

Guessing their first project will be an upgraded ultimate to get better visuals for switch 2 or at least something smash related.
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the both, they was originally contract work division. the Studio S is probably Nintendo focus since hiring notice even refer to work for Nintendo game. Studio 2 in the other hand are probably everyone except Nintendo.
Not necessarily. We have at least one person from Studio 2 who worked on Mario Kart and ARMS:
The listed staff:
  • Yukihiro Taniguchi
    • Background Lead for Studio 2 Production 1 and Studio S Production W.
    • Listed prior works: Ridge Racer Series, Go Vacation, Smash 4, Smash Ultimate.
  • Megumi Kagisaki
    • Lead Artist for Studio S Production W.
    • Listed prior works: Go Vacation, Soulcailbur VI, Touch My Katamari, Smash 4, Smash Ultimate, Mario Kart Tour.
  • Tomoyasu Kamiyama (previously Chiho Kamiyama)
    • Background Model Artist for Studio S Production W.
    • Listed prior works: Tekken series, Soulcalibur series, Go Vacation, Smash 4, Smash Ultimate.
  • Toshikatsu Terashima
    • Background Model Artist / Supervisor for Studio 2 Production 6
    • Listed prior works: Ridge Racer series, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, ARMS, Mario Kart Tour.
The main trend I see is that everyone listed as Studio S has previously worked on Smash, while the one person solely credited as Studio 2 did not.

Just dropping this here. Same team most likely, I doubt Nintendo would have different bamco teams working on two remasters.

Also just saying smash ultimate has a z axis and is technically a 3d action game. Also has 3D backgrounds… lol
Yeah, that project is now under Studio S.
Edit: are we sure this is JUST Nintendo?
No. Officially, they are a studio for contracted development, and all the job listings mention Nintendo... bar one, which is more vague.

But all the games they list on their website are for Nintendo.

It's also worth noting that Studio 2/S only really developed the Smash games and Mario Sports SuperStar. For ARMS and the Mario Kart games, they only produced assets.
So what's the difference between Studio 2 and Studio S?

Are they two studios doing different things? Or is this one studio with a goofy name?
You know what, looking at what Studio S have worked on, I think I would prefer them to be working on a new sports superstars. Rather then the guff we got from Camelot this gen, just give us one sports title with multiple sports included (Golf, Tennis, Soccer, American Football, Baseball) and let Camelot have a go at something else.
The S is for Smash
The S is for

Hell yeah
One of the teams is definitely smash brothers. Why are they remastering a title though? Strange choice to outsource a remaster/remake to such a big company. Unless... it's that one.. you know the one. And it'd have to be an absolute reimagining.

See, this is how you do aquisitions, you court the company you want to buy so much, that they create dedicated teams just for you on their own terms!

yoyoyo, didn't Bamco help work on Chibi Robo?
Bamco's collab story with Nintendo goes further than people thinks. I don't know how, but Iwata managed to turn around those decades of bad blood the old Namcot had with Yamauchi's Nintendo since the Famicom. That, i would say, it's one of the greatest victories.

And going by how Smash came out, it paid in spades. That Bamco is now formally stablishing a dev studio for Nintendo projects is excellent news.
This feels bizarre. I guess working on Nintendo games is lucrative enough for them but I don't see anything confirming that they're going to focus on Nintendo games exclusively.

Good on them, they're doing what every Japanese publisher should be doing, there should be studios dedicated to making games for Nintendo and only for Nintendo from Square Enix and Capcom too.
Look, you can't offload all the bad GaaS attempts by SE and Capcom to Nintendo like this. It doesn't work like that.
Good on them, they're doing what every Japanese publisher should be doing, there should be studios dedicated to making games for Nintendo and only for Nintendo from Square Enix and Capcom too.
No, I prefere games being multiplatform. But Sega should include Switch 2 with Like a Dragon series.
Good on them, they're doing what every Japanese publisher should be doing, there should be studios dedicated to making games for Nintendo and only for Nintendo from Square Enix and Capcom too.
It if leads to games developed exclusively with the hardware in mind, yes, but i don't think this is a healthy way of tackling Nintendo hardware. Like, at all.

Any game targetting Nintendo hardware among its target platforms should take it as the minimum spec, instead of developing for the higher hardware and then downporting, wich has given us absolute shitshows unless the port has been made by a highly trained porting house.

Start low and then up-port. I'll take a hundred Monster Hunter Rises over one Wolfenstein II if it means getting better running games by default.
I think after Octopath 2 did worse in comparison to 1, and at least Square will rethink putting games like it on other systems. Games like that seem to do a lot better when marketed and published by Nintendo and at that point I think Nintendo would want them to be exclusive.

Octopath 2 was going to do worse no matter what. HD2D was new and exciting in 2018 when OT1 launched. When OT2 launched, it was the third HD2D game within twelve months.

Octopath 2 also featured in the directs as it always would have, including outright being announced in one. The difference between marketing Nintendo would have otherwise given it really wasn't that major a reason for the sales drop off. It certainly wouldn't have made up the difference.

If you want a game that might arguably have done better with more support that square didn't provide, there's neo the world ends with you, but that's because Square literally didn't advertise it, including at the e3 right before it launched.
It is ultimately just the formalization of something that already exists.
Guessing Studio 2 are the ones working on the remake of a Nintendo action game?
We haven't had a Starfox game on Switch yet AND this type of studio is literally the best chance possible for an HD port of Kid Icarus Uprising. I can't wait to know!

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