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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

The whole Nintendo EPD with all its separate divisions have about 700-800 developers. So Nintendo as it is currently sized aren't sized to make that kind of super big AAA games like other major game companies do. They are scaled to work on multiple smaller/medium size titles at the same time. I mean the big fidelity AAA games take about 300 dev teams working on that game pretty much for years, that is half the whole Nintendo EPD.
there problaby be a very few big AAA games coming for Nintendo Switch sucessor (like the next 3D Mario/Legend of zelda, Mario Kart), mostly of Switch sucessor line up wiil be composed of small/medium scales games, with a few sprinkles of a big AAA game, people should set it expections, Nintendo as you stated dont have the manpower/resources to make big AAA games after AAA games, they are not Xbox/Playstation that have enough personel/resources to do this such games contantly
Probably not the best place to vent but I was listening to a giant bomb morning news video hosted by Jeff Grubb where they discussed Nate most recent podcast talking about ray reconstruction and they're essentially saying that raytracing in general won't actually be used as a feature in games and it's just there purely for marketing and Nvidia essentially pushed it onto Nintendo for the custom chip without any plans of making it useable.

It's paraphrasing but just a load of nonsense I needed to share because I find it baffling when people supposedly reporting gaming even at a casual level would think Nintendo would pay Nvidia to make hardware with tensor and raytracing just for the sake of it and not make it actual viable for development.
if this is true, wouldn't that mean nintendo technically "lied" to the devs in gamescom? when they showcased Matrix Awakens with ray tracing on
Nintendo will make a non-BC device in the future. Maybe it's the Switch 4, losing compat with Switch 1. Maybe it's a new pokemon handheld. Maybe it's a VR headset. And when that device comes, your Nintendo account will be there.

Probably so, Nintendo's history supported one generation of BC for their portables and that is basically what I expect going forward. Beyond that, I suspect Nintendo will start pushing its legacy software onto NSO. For example, when the successor to SNG comes out, Nintendo's first party Switch games will be part of their online subscription service. This is the long term plan for game preservation for Nintendo. When you think about it, NSO is positioned to grow into a very meaty service relying mostly on their own legacy software. Nintendo is likely to move GameCube onto the service within a couple years and perhaps even Switch titles. At some point these Switch evergreen titles will stop selling, but this could add exceptional value for NSO, allowing Nintendo to push their top tier subscription pricing more inline with what Sony and Microsoft are charging.
I know this is a hardware discussion, but very interesting that he namedropped Bowser's Inside Story when the interviewer mentioned Nintendo franchises that should see a comeback. Given the remakes of Mario RPG and TTYD, having a new Mario & Luigi (or a remake of Superstar Saga) after AlphaDream went tits-up would be cool to see.
hm that was not in the original version I read a few hours ago.
yeah I was being a bit facetious but with BC T239 could be positioned as some sort of pro

if there's no new feature I'd feel more confident if it's presented that way
I mean it could be seen as a switch pro by many people when it comes out, i wouldn't be surprised if casuals who don't follow news to much "oh Nintendo released a pro version of the switch" Instead of people looking it as a new console unless there is something drastically different with it
I think the only thing we can take from Doug B. quote is that we will not have to create a new Nintendo account with new hardware. We just have to wait till the thing actually gets announced.
Probably not the best place to vent but I was listening to a giant bomb morning news video hosted by Jeff Grubb where they discussed Nate most recent podcast talking about ray reconstruction and they're essentially saying that raytracing in general won't actually be used as a feature in games and it's just there purely for marketing and Nvidia essentially pushed it onto Nintendo for the custom chip without any plans of making it useable.

It's paraphrasing but just a load of nonsense I needed to share because I find it baffling when people supposedly reporting gaming even at a casual level would think Nintendo would pay Nvidia to make hardware with tensor and raytracing just for the sake of it and not make it actual viable for development.
At least according to Nate, of it’s on the chip, it’s for utilization.

Unless it’s disabled for the Switch 2 and itll be enabled for the Pro

But I’m not gonna humor that possibility
And what better way to strengthen the relationship with your customer by giving them a big fuck you, your library of games is stuck on your old hardware.

Man, I’m not talking about BC. I’m talking about what Bowser said. It’s like, what Bowser is saying is “we will use the Nintendo account to directly contact customers when new hardware comes out.”

This has dick all to do with backwards compatibility. I’m not saying one way or the other, and neither is Doug Bowser. I’m just here saying that hearing people try to connect Bowser’s statements which are explicitly about using the account as a marketing tool to the BC discussion sound legitimately deranged.

It’s like Bowser saying that the console will be available in the same colors as the Switch and people yelling about how that confirms Joy-cons will be compatible.

The importance of your Nintendo Account is directly tied to the user library. I know this, you know this and Nintendo knows this.
Its value to Nintendo is the data. It’s why every website on earth wants you to create an account before buying anything. It’s why Facebook and Google rake in billions on “free” services.

Bowser is saying that they want to avoid the dip in software sales that is associated with a new hardware launch - BC has nothing to do with getting you to buy new software. A “smooth transition” isn’t for you, it’s for the company.

Every time you turn your Switch on it’s going to give you an alert showing you what sequels to games you already own are exclusive to the next hardware. It’s going to tell you how all the free expansion pak DLC is on those exclusive games. Microsoft scared millions of gamers by threatening their achievements in the 360 transition.

There are dozens of ways to leverage that account to sell you new software that have nothing to do with BC. And even if BC is there, Nintendo is going to leverage them.

Nothing is a lock until it is announced, but man, this would be a huge self inflicted wound that creates a barrier to the new hardware rather than encourage it.

I agree! BC is critical to my ability to enjoy the new device, at least in year one! But let's do a little thought experiment.

Let's assume there is no out of the box BC. Let's say it's a technical issue - an emulation based solution just never gets to decent performance. Games have to be patched, and that requires dev intervention - similar to what Microsoft had to do. Nintendo is making Switch 2 ports of all their games, and are making it as easy as possible to do, and they're encouraging third parties to do the same. But at launch, only, say 10% of the eShop will be converted. Smaller games may never come. Bigger games are works in progress.

Would Doug Bowser - and Nintendo generally - still say the sentences they said? I mean... yeah? They sound right on. Concerned about the transition, plan to leverage the new account to communicate the transition to customers, doing everything they can to keep software sales up during the transition period - all of this sounds right on the money.

That's why it is totally unhinged to me when folks try to use these milquetoast statements to confirm or even hint at BC. Bowser is a marketing exec. He's talking about their marketing strategy. The vast majority of people worried about Switch BC in forums like this one are (generally) the same type of people who bought year one when owning a Switch meant "having a Breath of the Wild machine and pretty much nothing else."

These customers - and those software sales - are not Bowser's worry. It's the 50% of Switch owners who buy one to two games a year, max. Those people account for 100 million software units a year. Here we are, 7 years in, and those folks represent a huge portion of Nintendo's sales, Nintendo needs to preserve them - yet these are not people who consume video game media daily or even weekly. These folks will not know the transition is happening or what it means. Nintendo's ability to directly market to those customers is critical, and it's what Bowser's talking about - and incidentally, those people don't have big libraries. They've got 3 Pokemon games they don't play anymore (because they've beaten them and moved on to the next Pokemon) and a Mario game they play out of nostalgia, but it's "too hard."

They don't care about BC, they care about their Animal Crossing villagers. They care about Mario Kart - not Mario Kart 8 DX, but being able to play Mario Kart, and they will pay again for a new one. And again, I think BC is important. But when Bowser talks about engaging these customers through their accounts, I don't see how that translates to BC at all.
If Nintendo keeps using their smart techniques of how they achieve certain visual features, some First Party Games could certainly look similar to current gen PS5 games at some point.

Just look at Zelda TOTK for example: That game dosen‘t have Volumetric Clouds or high fidelity Screen Space reflections. Though to really smart and cheap solutions (like attaching what should be reflected how depending to the position of Link) they get to a result that is so good that it almost feels real during gameplay. Run that Game with better resolution and 60fps and the differences to other PS4 Gen Open World Games aren‘t that huge anymore.

Just think about when Mariokart 8 came out. If you ignore the bias towards cartoony graphics, it was one of the best looking games in 2014.
i could see Retro Studios next game, after Metroid Prime 4(that if the game launch next year, Retro Studios next game will release on year 4(2028) of Nintendo next hardware, maybe looking like a early PS5 game, i was so impressed with Metroid Prime Remastered, they managed to make this game look like a early PS4 game, imagine what they can do Switch sucessor.
hm that was not in the original version I read a few hours ago.
perhaps if Super Mario RPG/Paper Mario the Thousand Years Door remake sell well, Nintendo might consider reviving the Mario e Luigi franchise, but who could develop a new Mario e Luigi game? it cant be Alphadream.
They don't care about BC, they care about their Animal Crossing villagers. They care about Mario Kart - not Mario Kart 8 DX, but being able to play Mario Kart, and they will pay again for a new one. And again, I think BC is important. But when Bowser talks about engaging these customers through their accounts, I don't see how that translates to BC at all.
so basically, there could be a chance Nintendo could not include BC due to it being possibly a "minor" addition from their percpective?
I know this is a hardware discussion, but very interesting that he namedropped Bowser's Inside Story when the interviewer mentioned Nintendo franchises that should see a comeback. Given the remakes of Mario RPG and TTYD, having a new Mario & Luigi (or a remake of Superstar Saga) after AlphaDream went tits-up would be cool to see.

Sadly the M&L Superstar Saga bullet was used in the 3DS "remake" (RIP sprites 🥹)...

Sorry for the offtopic!
At least according to Nate, of it’s on the chip, it’s for utilization.

Unless it’s disabled for the Switch 2 and itll be enabled for the Pro

But I’m not gonna humor that possibility
That's stupid. It would make the console more expensive, and selling it on a Pro revision wouldn't make sense as it isn't as easy as a resolution/fps bump.
Not to knock on you, just using your post as a springboard - but this has nothing to do with BC, and I see it brought up all the time.

Bowser is an exec signalling to investors, not gamers when he says stuff like this. "A smooth transition" has diddly to do with people who already are buying a Switch 2. He's talking about using the accounts system as a way to directly market to customers and convince them to Switch. He tells you directly:

You're going to get an email when the new Switch comes out. You're going to get alerted when you boot up your Switch. You're going to get an alert on your phone. It's going to list exclusives on the new machine that you might like based on what you've purchased in the past. The email is going to link to the phone app which opens a transition checklist.

Yes, BC might make a transition more compelling, and smoother. But that's not why they're talking about the Nintendo account. They're talking about a changing relationship with customers based on not having your accounts be tied to your machine anymore.

Nintendo will make a non-BC device in the future. Maybe it's the Switch 4, losing compat with Switch 1. Maybe it's a new pokemon handheld. Maybe it's a VR headset. And when that device comes, your Nintendo account will be there.

If Bowser were signalling BC explicitly here in public, then they'd be saying it to their partners, but they aren't. At least one Studio You Have Heard Of still* doesn't know if their existing games will be available on the new device day one, or if it will require a port.

I think Nintendo are very foolish if they don't deliver BC, but I don't think this Nintendo Account stuff is about that. It's about Nintendo ceasing to reboot their whole account structure every time a new console comes out.

*I say still, the most recent thing I heard is ~a month old.
This post is true insofar as his use of the word "communicate." But that's not the only thing he said, and it's not the thing that's been brought up all the time. The thing that's been brought up all the time is this:


The "long-term relationship," "smooth transition," and lack of a "reset" are what get brought up all the time. I promise, no matter how cynically you want to look at things, they aren't using those phrases as just a euphemism for "we have the ability to send marketing e-mails."
Yeah. Nintendo's not going to allow itself to be bullied into unwanted features for the custom SoC.
I agree That's nonsense, but RT cores are integral to Ampere. Removing them might have been more hassle than it's worth.

And we already have reports about RT being used in the Matrix demo.
I'd argue Nintendo wouldn't need to inform third party devs a year in advance (if september release) if they do indeed have a solid backwards compatible solution so they don't have to bother with ports.

On the other hand if they were no plans to have backwards compatibility then it'd make sense to tell devs fairly early enough so they can prepare ports which can take a decent amount of time.

How was Nintendo informing devs prior to the original Switch ?
I think it's foolish to even mention third party info in this context unless it confirms something. The lack of info, or the way third parties are themselves guessing at or (mis)interpreting the situation, is not valuable for us to discuss. In fact it's probably harmful. We don't have anywhere close to the context to interpret it indirectly, or an answer to your question about how things worked in the past. And let's be honest, any information from third parties that makes it to the likes of us is not coming from Nintendo's close partners.
Man, I’m not talking about BC. I’m talking about what Bowser said. It’s like, what Bowser is saying is “we will use the Nintendo account to directly contact customers when new hardware comes out.”

I will leave it at this because I am honestly not trying to be argumentative, but the framing of the question directly related to backwards compatibility, so even if Doug Bowers gave us a big fat nothing burger for an answer as it relates to BC, its fair for readers to try and read between the lines with these answers because they often give vague answers to questions. Sometimes there is some meat on the bone and sometimes its just PR speak that holds zero weight.
I will leave it at this because I am honestly not trying to be argumentative, but the framing of the question directly related to backwards compatibility, so even if Doug Bowers gave us a big fat nothing burger for an answer as it relates to BC, its fair for readers to try and read between the lines with these answers because they often give vague answers to questions. Sometimes there is some meat on the bone and sometimes its just PR speak that holds zero weight.

nah it's always this


but have at it
so basically, there could be a chance Nintendo could not include BC due to it being possibly a "minor" addition from their percpective?
Not exactly - I just think that Nintendo's "smooth transition" depends on keeping 120 million users engaged, the majority of whom are low information consumers, with small libraries. That's different from being able to sell to what the industry calls "whales"* - folks with large libraries who buy lots of software.

I just don't connect these repeated marketing lines

*a term stolen from casinos...
This post is true insofar as his use of the word "communicate." But that's not the only thing he said, and it's not the thing that's been brought up all the time. The thing that's been brought up all the time is this:


The "long-term relationship," "smooth transition," and lack of a "reset" are what get brought up all the time. I promise, no matter how cynically you want to look at things, they aren't using those phrases as just a euphemism for "we have the ability to send marketing e-mails."
I think you're being a little dismissive of what I'm getting at. I mentioned things like maintaining a user's achievements across multiple platforms, or transitioning new NSO drops exclusively to the new platform, offering existing customers value to transition. All of which lines up with exactly what's here.

The two bullet points here are getting people to sign up for a Nintendo account "through various IP initiatives" like theme parks, or mobile games, or tie in movie deals. And the second bullet point is a list of things that add value through an account that "complement the gaming experience" that aren't the games themselves.

Again, I think my thought experiment stands up - would Nintendo be saying these same things if the console didn't have backwards compatibility? Well, without backwards compat, what else would they be hitting to transition customers other than their investment in an account and the direct marketing that enables?

This language keeps emphasizing the account, which has nothing to do with whether or not you can pop a Breath of the Wild cartridges into this thing. I don't think I'm being "cynical" - I fully expect backwards compatibility. It's just that I genuinely don't see any connection between the things Bowser and Furukawa are talking about here and BC. To hear people say otherwise makes me feel like I'm going insane.
Not to knock on you, just using your post as a springboard - but this has nothing to do with BC, and I see it brought up all the time.

Bowser is an exec signalling to investors, not gamers when he says stuff like this. "A smooth transition" has diddly to do with people who already are buying a Switch 2. He's talking about using the accounts system as a way to directly market to customers and convince them to Switch. He tells you directly:

You're going to get an email when the new Switch comes out. You're going to get alerted when you boot up your Switch. You're going to get an alert on your phone. It's going to list exclusives on the new machine that you might like based on what you've purchased in the past. The email is going to link to the phone app which opens a transition checklist.

Yes, BC might make a transition more compelling, and smoother. But that's not why they're talking about the Nintendo account. They're talking about a changing relationship with customers based on not having your accounts be tied to your machine anymore.

Nintendo will make a non-BC device in the future. Maybe it's the Switch 4, losing compat with Switch 1. Maybe it's a new pokemon handheld. Maybe it's a VR headset. And when that device comes, your Nintendo account will be there.

If Bowser were signalling BC explicitly here in public, then they'd be saying it to their partners, but they aren't. At least one Studio You Have Heard Of still* doesn't know if their existing games will be available on the new device day one, or if it will require a port.

I think Nintendo are very foolish if they don't deliver BC, but I don't think this Nintendo Account stuff is about that. It's about Nintendo ceasing to reboot their whole account structure every time a new console comes out.

*I say still, the most recent thing I heard is ~a month old.
I think you could go one step further and even say NSO is one of the elements they are referring to with the Account system. Your NSO subscription will transition over to any new platform.

I'm not taking away anything from the statement beyond the fact I won't have to make a new account. It's standard PR speak.
I will leave it at this because I am honestly not trying to be argumentative,

Sorry. I didn't mean to sound hostile back there - I'm totally with you on the desire for BC and how critical I think it is.

but the framing of the question directly related to backwards compatibility, so even if Doug Bowers gave us a big fat nothing burger for an answer as it relates to BC, its fair for readers to try and read between the lines with these answers because they often give vague answers to questions. Sometimes there is some meat on the bone and sometimes its just PR speak that holds zero weight.
That's fair. Bowser totally dodged the back compat question and brought it back around to "how do we handle the communication of the transition." Which I think Nintendo would view as important no matter what the transition itself entailed. If the hardware is fully backwards compatible, then Nintendo wants to be able to tell low information consumers that directly. "Hey, new hardware just dropped. It's available at the Best Buy around the corner from you, right this very second. Don't worry, all your games will come over!"

And if the transition were instead more complicated, that same sort of direct communication would still be critical. As would trying to keep players inside the ecosystem with subscription services, rewards, and value adds above and beyond the games. Exactly the things they have spent the last 7 years adding to the account system.

To me, this isn't Bowser being coy about BC, it's him totally stonewalling on it, and directing our attention to all the transition-related work they've been doing in public that he can talk about.
Obviously I don't know the difference between the current cards for Nintendo Switch and the alleged new ones from Macronix (?)... but lately I was wondering if the difference between the two rumored SKUs could be the presence of two slots as happened on Nintendo DS 🤔
the DS had two slots because they completely changed the format of the cartridge. they won't have to do that with Drake
I think you're being a little dismissive of what I'm getting at. I mentioned things like maintaining a user's achievements across multiple platforms, or transitioning new NSO drops exclusively to the new platform, offering existing customers value to transition. All of which lines up with exactly what's here.

The two bullet points here are getting people to sign up for a Nintendo account "through various IP initiatives" like theme parks, or mobile games, or tie in movie deals. And the second bullet point is a list of things that add value through an account that "complement the gaming experience" that aren't the games themselves.

Again, I think my thought experiment stands up - would Nintendo be saying these same things if the console didn't have backwards compatibility? Well, without backwards compat, what else would they be hitting to transition customers other than their investment in an account and the direct marketing that enables?

This language keeps emphasizing the account, which has nothing to do with whether or not you can pop a Breath of the Wild cartridges into this thing. I don't think I'm being "cynical" - I fully expect backwards compatibility. It's just that I genuinely don't see any connection between the things Bowser and Furukawa are talking about here and BC. To hear people say otherwise makes me feel like I'm going insane.
The language is emphasizing the account because the account is what enables them to do various things. The list of things is what's important, which explicitly includes "purchase history." They've shown the slide multiple times. When Doug draws upon the talking points from this slide, that's all the same PR speak from the same strategy. And I'm the quickest to tell people that PR speak can't be decoded to get meaning from it that's not stated outright; that's not what's happening here. I'm not reading between the lines of what Doug actually said, I'm noting the clear fact that his response to a question about BC is part and parcel to the obviously premeditated talking points about the Nintendo Account, which includes "building a long-term relationship (across hardware transitions) [big pictograph for purchase history]."

If you think the possibility exists that they put that slide together thoughtlessly, including things they didn't in fact plan on carrying forward in the long-term, or that "purchase history" actually just means you get a bonus skin in Splatoon 4 if your account bought Splatoon 3, I would consider that cynical.
actually i might be starting to think nintendo wouldn't put BC on their console, and instead opting to rerelease most of their best selling/well received games on Switch 2 with slightly higher prices but with better technical quality

conisdering no one knows about the state of BC so far, i think it's best to say it probably won't exist? (i'm not baiting or being sarcastic i'm talking seriously)
so i'm kinda confused on the state of bc, do we consider it "likely won't be happening than actually happening" or is it a 50% yes 50% no situation?

Respected data miners have heard from sources (this is unrelated to their data mining) that NVIDIA has figured out BC and it will be in.

This is a mild positive lean towards BC.

Logically, BC should be doable for NVIDIA since they designed both systems and neither chip is weird or unique at all (as compared to the PS3's nightmare design that stopped PS4 BC as an example)

Maybe Nintendo could drop it for greed purposes, but that would be pretty bad and I'm not sure how much money they would actually make vs. the amount of brand damage they would receive.
Respected data miners have heard from sources (this is unrelated to their data mining) that NVIDIA has figured out BC and it will be in.

This is a mild positive lean towards BC.

Logically, BC should be doable for NVIDIA since they designed both systems and neither chip is weird or unique at all (as compared to the PS3's nightmare design that stopped PS4 BC as an example)

Maybe Nintendo could drop it for greed purposes, but that would be pretty bad and I'm not sure how much money they would actually make vs. the amount of brand damage they would receive.
yeah but it's nintendo, they could actually pull it off, rerelease some of their switch games & get away with it
So seeing some people saying two SKUs doesn’t make sense because it won’t save money for Nintendo (or doesn’t save space much without the cartridge slot), but have anyone considered that maybe Nintendo will do 2 SKUs with the exact same price?

Standard (physical + digital) and digital only (but bigger storage).
Does anyone split SKUs like that? Rather than one being premium, making people waffle between two different benefits? Closest thing that comes to mind is different stores getting different physical preorder bonuses for games.
I have no idea what Ray Reconstruction is, but the name is kickass.
Ray Stantz -> Total Protonic Reversal -> Ray Reconstruction
yeah but it's nintendo, they could actually pull it off, rerelease some of their switch games & get away with it
The Wii U ports on Switch did so well because not many people had played the originals. If they were to do remastered ports again, they would sell fine, but no where near the lengths that they did on Switch.

There would also be MASSIVE uproar if they did this to the point the ports might do more harm than good for the company.
yeah but it's nintendo, they could actually pull it off, rerelease some of their switch games & get away with it
Frankly, even if we do get BC, there's a chance Nintendo will do the PS5 strategy of releasing remasters for games we can already play on our Switch.

Best outcome is if we can "upgrade" games from a Switch version to a Switch 2 version for either 10 bucks or nothing at all. That depends on if they'll do that system, but idk.
yeah but it's nintendo, they could actually pull it off, rerelease some of their switch games & get away with it

it would be a pretty lame thing to do... especially considering how trivial bc would be to implement...

nobody wonders if a 4090 will be bc with games they played on a 3090... losing BC would only happen if nintendo gets greedy

worst case, it's not like my switch1 is disappearing anyway... if they announce no BC, I'll just buy a backup switch1 and wait till there's something to play on the new machine /shrug

in the end, it's about software not hardware
No, I totally got what you were saying. My point is that to make a meaningful comparison in the first place, the games' graphical styles need to be at least somewhat similar. The art direction in your average Nintendo first party game is so different from that of high-end games aiming to push the PS5 and Xbox Series that they're hard to compare unless you get really technical.

And terms of lighting, which is one of the few areas you can compare fairly objectively regardless of art style, Nintendo may actually be ahead of everyone else thanks to Nvidia's tech.
I think I was talking more about how Nintendo smartly implements (or fakes) graphic features because of hardware limitations. I didn't say anything about Artstyle. Nintendo seems to think very outside of the box and I wonder how they will approach a piece of hardware that actually makes some of these things easier (Global Illumination Solution for example).

The Art Direction is one thing, but how Visual Elements like Lighting, Texture Filtiering, Effects, Fog, Shadows, Reflections or other things that affect how Shaders/Textures/"Art" in general is handled are defining factors of how a game looks. Those are technical features that make outside of the Artstyle the visuals easily comparable to any game.
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Backwards compatibility is the way of the future for the video game hardware industry. I won't be surprised if Nintendo pull an Xbox and it ends up being that Switch and beyond games will continue to be supported indefinitely on future platforms. We have full compatibility with Xbox One games on Xbox Series (except for Kinect stuff and maybe other games that make use of One-specific features that I'm not aware of), almost full compatibility with PS4 games on PS5, and you know if Microsoft could there would be full compatibility with Xbox and Xbox 360 games on Xbox Series, but during the commercial period of those consoles they weren't thinking that far ahead.
They can do BC and enhanced ports. Wii BC didn't stop the New Play Control series of enhanced GC ports. PS5 BC didn't stop Sony from doing Spider-Man Remastered.
Nintendo wants to carry forward your purchase history so that on the Switch 2 you can see how much of your Switch 1 library you can't play.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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