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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Yes, I can't imagine them dropping a random YouTube trailer out of the blue.

I can. Sure, this is a brand new system we're talking about here, but a shadow drop with little fanfare except, "Have a look at what we've been cooking up at Nintendo!" And then drop the reveal trailer. It sounds Nintendo enough to actually be possible to occur.
Anticipating a plastic band around Drake for wireless antennas
Honestly that could look GOOD.

Here's the two options I think they could go for:

One, a wraparound style kickstand gives the back an outline on three sides. Then, a plastic strip from hinge to hinge, completing the outline.

Two, the rear and kickstand are metal, but the top part with the Game Card Reader, vent, etc. are plastic and meet the metal at a curve, giving a pleasing two tone black and grey look.
The end result of letting it rip here is probably the difference between using DLSS to do 1080->4K, or being able to use DLSS to do 1280->4K. A relatively small difference that's still going to leave it in the same general spot relative to Switch and PS5 on either side.
I think it’s all about perception. If they only get 20% performance lift that’s still a thing. It’s a thing you market what you did to get there. You don’t mention that number of course, probably no numbers, but you market the tech… buzz words for the metal case, cooling system, dock with a fan, it’s HIGH TECH BABY, now look at this trailer… that looks as good as a PS5 right? Right? But wait, there’s more! It’s still a switch! OMG right? Ya. You want this hot 🥵 piece of tech. Mmmm look at this rendering of the inside of our machine… oooh that big ol heat sink. Ya you like that don’t you.

You wanna play with power, don’t you? Ya you do. Super Power. BUY NOW.
It's not the cheapest material, so I'm not sure. It's something on the order of 1/3 lighter than aluminum, though.
If we want to consider weight and heat distribution, there is already a console to think about.

OLED Model.

The entire console is metal and glass with the exception of the back panel. But it also has an aluminium midplate. So it's more or less reached the budget for how much metal you can fit into a confined space. Making the body OUTWARDLY metal would require a redesign, but it wouldn't drastically change the weight or material properties of the device. I could see them either:

Redesigning the back panel so a single sheet of metal acts as midplate, air channels and backplane, not unlike many phones and tablets already do.

Or, using two sheets of metal, one very thin internal piece offering shielding, air channels and midplate sturdiness, a layer of plastic for insulation and to run the antennae through, then a metal backplate. This would use a little more metal, but is simpler to manufacture, and with the metal able to be very thin without sacrificing strength, could be "light enough", too.
Saw a reddit comment on gamingleaksandrumours about the trailer being taken down. It turns out the band, White Denim, who made the song actually has been having a lot of trouble when it comes to the rights and licensing their own music. Multiple videos of theirs apparently have been removed from YouTube because of this and some albums were pulled from Spotify temporarily. This is all due to the band not actually owning the masters of their own music, and their publisher got bought out a few months back. The law just doesn't know who owns the rights to the music anymore. So, assuming this is true, I think that settles it. It's not that Nintendo wanted to take down the trailer, it's that the rights issue is so messy that Nintendo couldn't navigate it in time to extend the licensing.

Important edit: @Paraspikey did some more digging around and couldn't find anything to back up this claim. For now, don't take this is confirmed, but it doesn't mean it's not a licensing problem, either. Licensing is weird, this comment from Reddit just seems to be speculation as well. I'll come back and update this if I can find anymore information.
Reddit man replied. He said he got the response from the band themselves after asking via Instagram when he asked why their album Stiff got taken down from Spotify. He says he got his answers about 2 weeks ago.
The Nintendo Slab
Reddit man replied. He said he got the response from the band themselves after asking via Instagram when he asked why their album Stiff got taken down from Spotify. He says he got his answers about 2 weeks ago.
Even if what the band said is true, it still doesn't reconcile with the fact that Twitter and FB vids hasn't been taken down. Enough time has passed, the "they are slow to react on Twitter and FB" argument no longer seem plausible.

I'm now leaning more toward wanting to hide Switch trailer from YT search for whatever reason. The "search and find Switch trailer" concern is lesser of an issue on FB and Twitter.
The Switch doesn’t need to be heavier than it is. A metal body makes no sense.

A metal body isn't inherently heavier than a plastic one, and depending on the design could be lighter. Metals typically have a much higher strength to weight ratio than plastics, meaning they could design a body that's just as strong as a plastic one while using less weight. As an example, the specific strength (a measure of the strength to weight ratio) of a typical plastic used in consumer products like ABS is around 40 Nm/kg, whereas the specific strength of magnesium alloy is 158 Nm/kg, almost 4x as much. Hence why high end cameras typically use magnesium alloy bodies, as it allows for a very strong body while keeping weight down.
wow, the hype train derailed while i was gone.

i must say, from my experience, even if removing the Switch reveal trailer was for SEO, it doesn't mean the Switch 2 trailer is "imminent." (as in, 24 hours after the removal.) at the company i work at, we do things around SEO in preparation for something that could be coming up a month, or more, from now. all depends upon how far out we plan something. in this case, i'd imagine the Switch 2's launch/reveal is planned well ahead of time considering the gravity of it.

personally, i'm still team #Q1/2024Reveal but, for the reason that i think it'll release in september of 2024, not for the "nintendo cares too much about Switch's 7th holiday" reason.

also, note: does social media (twitter, FB, etc.) affect SEO as much as the youtube video would? hence why nintendo wouldn't have bothered removing posts regarding the Switch 1's first look? not sure about this since i don't work with social media at all.
The Switch doesn’t need to be heavier than it is. A metal body makes no sense.
A metal body increases heat dissipation. It's not just metal for the sake of being metal, it's part of the cooling system of the device.

I doubt it makes the device lighter, but it reduces the side of the heatpipe, it may not make the device heavier.
Reddit man replied. He said he got the response from the band themselves after asking via Instagram when he asked why their album Stiff got taken down from Spotify. He says he got his answers about 2 weeks ago.
He said he got the answer two months ago via an Instagram DM. He also said it a month ago on a thread he created. 2 weeks ago, Stiff was put back up, he had no reason to ask at that point for the supposed third time.

His claim about it being related to the "producer being bought out" was first made 2 months ago and is not true. Universal does not own the publishing rights to Stiff and any of the songs in it. Publishing is owned by Downtown Records. Again, you can see the copyright on the Stiff Spotify playlist. Downtown Records is fully independent and has not been bought out by anyone. Universal has 0 input in any of its decisions.
(Stiff Spotify)

What most likely happened is that he didn't have direct contact with the publisher to ask why it was removed. The publisher clearly realized their mistake, and now it's back up. Once again, it was only removed on Spotify, and the fact it's back up with none of the copyright changed should prove that it was mostly likely an accident somebody didn't realize they made before the person the Redditor DM'd got in contact with somebody at Downtown Records to put it back up. If there were any complications with rights, the publisher would remove it from all platforms, and the same goes for Nintendo and taking down the Switch video. It's still up on Twitter and Facebook, yet it's only gone from YouTube. If licensing ran out, then they would want to make sure it's gone from all platforms to 100% avoid any legal conflict. It seems very unlikely that they would forget to do such a thing, considering they do dig deep for stuff they want to remove. They took down, like, 6,000 fan-games on Gamejolt one time, lol.

I have no idea why anybody would say Universal owned the rights to publishing and sold it to somebody else, and I'm not entirely sure why this person is convinced that is true. That is not the case. Downtown has owned publishing rights since 2016, when Stiff was released. Once again, look at the copyright on Spotify.
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The Switch doesn’t need to be heavier than it is. A metal body makes no sense.

Yeah. What are Nintendo trying to be? Apple? /s

But seriously, I'm mostly indifferent towards whether something has a type of metal, or hard plastic as long as it's durable enough to take some abuse. But as Thraktor mentioned, you have for example professional camera bodies that are magnesium alloy, which are both strong, and light. I still have a Canon 7D, and original Canon 5D, and those things are built like tanks. Could see something like that for Nintendo, but I doubt it'll happen.

The issue ultimately I think comes down to price.
He said he got the answer two months ago via an Instagram DM. He also said it a month ago on a thread he created. 2 weeks ago, Stiff was put back up, he had no reason to ask at that point for the supposed third time.

His claim about it being related to the "producer being bought out" was first made 2 months ago and is not true. Universal does not own the publishing rights to Stiff and any of the songs in it. Publishing is owned by Downtown Records. Again, you can see the copyright on the Stiff Spotify playlist. Downtown Records is fully independent and has not been bought out by anyone. Universal has 0 input in any of its decisions.
(Stiff Spotify)

What most likely happened is that he didn't have direct contact with the publisher to ask why it was removed. The publisher clearly realized their mistake, and now it's back up. Once again, it was only removed on Spotify, and the fact it's back up with none of the copyright changed should prove that it was mostly likely an accident somebody didn't realize they made before the person the Redditor DM'd got in contact with somebody at Downtown Records to put it back up. If there were any complications with rights, the publisher would remove it from all platforms, and the same goes for Nintendo and taking down the Switch video. It's still up on Twitter and Facebook, yet it's only gone from YouTube. If licensing ran out, then they would want to make sure it's gone from all platforms to 100% avoid any legal conflict. It seems very unlikely that they would forget to do such a thing, considering they do dig deep for stuff they want to remove. They took down, like, 6,000 fan-games on Gamejolt one time, lol.

I have no idea why anybody would say Universal owned the rights to publishing and sold it to somebody else, and I'm not entirely sure why this person is convinced that is true. That is not the case. Downtown has owned publishing rights since 2016, when Stiff was released. Once again, look at the copyright on Spotify.
Oh well the guy told me 2 weeks ago when I asked.

The rest of your stuff makes sense though.
I gotta ask ... does it makes podcasters feel a bit down if something about the topic happens close after having finished recording an episode? (Assuming the next episode does indeed feature ReDraketed stuff here.)

Like ... "Ah shit ... we've JUST finished and then this happens..."?

It's a slight annoyance, yeah -- if it provides a new talking point.

nate, I have been hearing your podcSt for sometime now and I find it pretty relaxing. I just wish two changes: 1) use some soft music on the background and 2) be more clear about how can I participate and donate some cash. Do you have a site? Can you create a official thread in famibords or installbase about your podcast where I can put some questions?

Thanks! Ow, I love MVG. I always think of him as a character of Metal Gear Solid and I don’t know why.
We use Streamlabs, which is linked in the YT description.

Another means we have considered is doing a Discord via Patreon -- so those who elect to be Patrons could submit questions in a Discord group called something along the lines of 'Podcast Questions' but we are unsure if we want to go down the Patreon path at present.
I don't think that's true. If it's purely a rights issue, then the difference would have to be something along the lines of past-dated posts on social media being okay while a "live" video on a video streaming site isn't okay. And I could certainly believe that it would be something that convoluted where none of us could guess the specifics. But it's definitely not an oversight or a delayed reaction.
This is why I noped out. It gets complicated and full of the old legal chestnut of "it depends".

The reason you would take something down once your rights expire is you want to mitigate risk of a negative outcome, such as a lawsuit, or issue with your 3rd party supplier (in this case Youtube or Twitter). Youtube makes it REALLY easy for rights holders to issue copyright strikes or take monetization away if you use copyrighted material in your videos, and provides automated tools to do so. Conversely, Twitter doesn't make it easy for rights holders to pursue claims and they don't have deals with music companies at all, leaving only DMCA notices.

Even with statutory damages theoretically at risk, Im not aware of a case where someone has successfully sued for failing to remove an old social media post or even unsuccessfully sued. Conversely, Youtube is full of folks trying to manage their channels avoid demonetization. So it wouldn't surprise me that Nintendo legal/social media team is on top of things on Youtube, but not say Twitter. Additionally, you can restore a video on Youtube, but not a post on Twitter, so that would be a factor in the proverbial legal calculus.

Additionally, the deal for the music could have had different terms for streaming video sites and social media sites.

Hence @oldpuck's very wise statement that you cannot logic your way into if this is or is not a rights thing, an SEO thing, or a marketing thing. It's hard and weird.
But why? Other than for the YouTube app.
Not Dakhil, but... in BC mode, the Tensor Cores will be idle and the GPU will have A LOT of raw power to spare which could be used for doing the best upscale they can get without requiring games to be updated.

While VSR was trained for videos, I would expect an upscaler made for BC to behave closer to it (which uses only the frames as inputs) than DLSS (which is integrated into the game and uses other inputs from it). Maybe they will even share the same neural network and just have it trained for gaming instead.
Youtube makes it REALLY easy for rights holders to issue copyright strikes or take monetization away if you use copyrighted material in your videos, and provides automated tools to do so.
I suggested that too earlier (I recall YT having autodetecting for copyrighted material too). However, I was told by @lemonfresh when a copyright strike occurs, YT removes the video, rather than making the video go privated.
Yeah. What are Nintendo trying to be? Apple? /s
Actually, ya I think they wouldn't mind their devices having that type of perception. Not at all. I'd personally love to see Nintendo go more that route too, at least with hardware. I've been very bummed they waited 7 years to put out a more powerful machine. I'd like to see them iterate on the scale of every 2 to 3 years. /shrug
I suggested that too earlier (I recall YT having autodetecting for copyrighted material too). However, I was told by @lemonfresh when a copyright strike occurs, YT removes the video, rather than making the video go privated.
Yes, and to avoid the outcome of YT removing the video Nintendo could opt to make the video private before the strike occurs. Doing so would keep Nintendo in control and not have to deal with the YT restoral process once a rights issue is cleared.
Yes, and to avoid the outcome of YT removing the video Nintendo could opt to make the video private before the strike occurs. Doing so would keep Nintendo in control and not have to deal with the YT restoral process once a rights issue is cleared.

Does the content owners on YT get warning/notification when a copyright strike claim is submitted? If so, I guess that makes sense for Nintendo to take proactive action for.
Even with the thread split, we're still edging close to 2000 pages. We're definitely hitting that before the reveal. (Even though I might have to have Beanos as my avatar for God knows how long 😭)
Actually, ya I think they wouldn't mind their devices having that type of perception. Not at all. I'd personally love to see Nintendo go more that route too, at least with hardware. I've been very bummed they waited 7 years to put out a more powerful machine. I'd like to see them iterate on the scale of every 2 to 3 years. /shrug

Before Iwata died, that was Nintendo's intention going forward with NX, and beyond. And with that also comes in the form of providing continued support for years after the system is launched, plus backwards compatibility, and/or patches for newer hardware to keep the software up to snuff. So you're not far from what Nintendo already had in the works.

The current idea is Switch 2 may have been projected to launch in 2021-2022, but Covid put the brakes on that, and Nintendo very likely double downed their efforts on Switch, and here we are now.

So it's unclear if Nintendo still has long term plans like what was laid out back then, or if they've revised it. It's possible Switch 1 is the edge case here, and Switch 2 is the beginning of periodic hardware updates going forward. At the same time though, perhaps Nintendo's plan for an "Apple approach" to hardware may have been completely on maintaining consistency, and continued software support rather than launching revised hardware every 2-3 years.

It's weird because 2017 was only 6 years ago, and yet it feels like over a decade ago.
Even with the thread split, we're still edging close to 2000 pages. We're definitely hitting that before the reveal. (Even though I might have to have Beanos as my avatar for God knows how long 😭)
We'll be past 2000 pages by next March for sure.
a cast iron Switch 2 with scrollwheel shoulderbuttons that need to be worked like


tiny hands would be raised in fury but this guy would love it

Does the content owners on YT get warning/notification when a copyright strike claim is submitted? If so, I guess that makes sense for Nintendo to take proactive action for.
Youtube is pretty awful at this things, i have seen cases of giving like 2 copyright strikes right away and being of the verge of a third one that could make the channel to be close, is why people are usually pretty careful with copyright in youtube when they care about the channels the own , is pretty easy for third person to copyright stuff without no one reviewing the claim is valid put the owner of the channel in problems
By November, you mean 😉
By the end of the month at the latest seems realistic. 😜

I realise this is getting off the topic of hardware speculation, so to bring that back a bit, now would make a lot of sense to reveal the device T239 is for. If the reveal really is next year, I think March or April is probably the time with the most solid chance, and that would mean a chip goes two entire calendar years from tape out to even being able to PREORDER the device that uses it. Unless there's been some expensive, unusual situation where Nintendo is stockpiling countless T239 SOCs thanks to the long lead-up. Storing things is expensive, after all. Late next year might "feel" right to people, but since we know with good confidence what the timeline of the SOC has been, it makes late next year extremely unusual. This isn't like Tegra X1 where there was a different mass market device for it to go into and be sold as a part of.
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I think anyone expecting this new Switch to consume the exact wattage as the og Switch isn't looking at the bigger picture.
Just look at Thraktor's last post and the clocks from that DLSS leak, we are probably expecting the gpu alone to consume at least 10W docked. That's pretty much the entire budget of what the og Switch ran with its more demanding games and actually I wouldn't be surprised if this thing cranks out 20W total while under load in docked mode.

20W docked inject that into my veins.
The Nintendo Switch OLED has a magnesium alloy body, doesn't it?
A quick search turned up a Business Insider article that says it does, but I'm having a hard time finding any other sources that say anything beyond "metal" being in the structure.

Will people still care about that after the reveal? I mean, I would, but I dunno about most people.
Hell yeah, I love a peek behind the curtain whether it matters anymore or not 😅
A quick search turned up a Business Insider article that says it does, but I'm having a hard time finding any other sources that say anything beyond "metal" being in the structure.

Yeah, decided to check the Ask the Developer interview about the console, and they mention the stand being metal, but that's about it.

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