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Pre-Release Metroid Prime 4: Pre-Release Discussion Thread

I keep forgetting that it's September today. Occasionally losing track of time is another part of the process. Our conviction may very well pay off this month!
The process works in mysterious ways!
But we say that every month
taps the sign


The announcement has hit 4 mil. It's Prime Time.
I really hope so. At the same time, I acknowledge the possibility that this new hardware stuff means they'll keep it under wraps for even longer. I trust The Process, but the journey has genuinely been a rollercoaster of emotions.
I really hope so. At the same time, I acknowledge the possibility that this new hardware stuff means they'll keep it under wraps for even longer. I trust The Process, but the journey has genuinely been a rollercoaster of emotions.
Yeah true I'm guessing they are going to advertise prime 4 a ton for Switch 2 launch. And they ate the ready to reveal switch 2 yet. Imagine prime 4 with dlss tho on switch 2 its going to be wild when we see it. I'm guessing it will be front and center at the switch 2 reveal
Do you think nintendo would show prime 4 running on switch 2 hardware (or simulated switch 2 hardware) for its reveal even before an actual switch 2 reveal? Seems like the floodgates are open after gamescon.
Do you think nintendo would show prime 4 running on switch 2 hardware (or simulated switch 2 hardware) for its reveal even before an actual switch 2 reveal? Seems like the floodgates are open after gamescon.

Nope. Either they'll reveal it for Switch showing Switch footage, or they'll just wait until the Switch 2 reveal.
Do you think nintendo would show prime 4 running on switch 2 hardware (or simulated switch 2 hardware) for its reveal even before an actual switch 2 reveal? Seems like the floodgates are open after gamescon.
Nah, they'll show it running on Switch. People will lose their minds for a bit thinking that it's Switch 2 because it somehow looks better than MPR. Nintendo will say it isn't Switch 2, but we'll wink and say "Sure, whatever you say." Then come the Switch 2 blowout, Nintendo will go "Nah fam, this is MP4 running on Switch 2", and the internet explodes.
Yeah true I'm guessing they are going to advertise prime 4 a ton for Switch 2 launch. And they ate the ready to reveal switch 2 yet. Imagine prime 4 with dlss tho on switch 2 its going to be wild when we see it. I'm guessing it will be front and center at the switch 2 reveal
I've only but skimmed the recent Switch 2 stuff, but wasn't there something in there about "PS5 level visuals"? If Metroid Prime Remastered looks this good, how good would Prime 4 look on the new hardware? Are my eyes simply going to melt out of my skull?
Nah, they'll show it running on Switch. People will lose their minds for a bit thinking that it's Switch 2 because it somehow looks better than MPR. Nintendo will say it isn't Switch 2, but we'll wink and say "Sure, whatever you say." Then come the Switch 2 blowout, Nintendo will go "Nah fam, this is MP4 running on Switch 2", and the internet explodes.

I don't think the Switch 2 version is going to be a significant leap over the OG mostly because Prime 4 has been in development so long with the original hardware in mind.
What are y'alls top 3 wants for MP4?

For me, I'd have to go with:
  1. Atmosphere above all else. I hope this game immerses me in its world.
  2. New inventive abilities / gameplay. Give me something new other than the typical wave, ice, and plasma beams.
  3. Multiple paths to take. While the lock and key format is essential for Metroid, I think it would be nice to have some options on where to go next, as opposed to there only ever being one right way to go.
What are y'alls top 3 wants for MP4?

For me, I'd have to go with:
  1. Atmosphere above all else. I hope this game immerses me in its world.
  2. New inventive abilities / gameplay. Give me something new other than the typical wave, ice, and plasma beams.
  3. Multiple paths to take. While the lock and key format is essential for Metroid, I think it would be nice to have some options on where to go next, as opposed to there only ever being one right way to go.
1) Atmosphere, including music. This wouldn’t be as prominent if I didn’t feel the series has been struggling with it recently. But it has, and it’s such a crucial element of the series. I NEED a return to form here. Specifically, I want Yamamoto composing the OST

2) Gorgeous and unique environments. Keep building where we left off with greats like Sanctuary Fortress and Skytown.

3) Give abilities even more uses. Part of Metroid’s fun is that you can feel the growth through Samus’ abilities and that they aren’t just “keys” despite design-wise, them being keys. They can switch up the gameplay. Add in even more environmental interactivity for elemental beams and stuff.
1) Atmosphere, including music. This wouldn’t be as prominent if I didn’t feel the series has been struggling with it recently. But it has, and it’s such a crucial element of the series. I NEED a return to form here. Specifically, I want Yamamoto composing the OST

2) Gorgeous and unique environments. Keep building where we left off with greats like Sanctuary Fortress and Skytown.

3) Give abilities even more uses. Part of Metroid’s fun is that you can feel the growth through Samus’ abilities and that they aren’t just “keys” despite design-wise, them being keys. They can switch up the gameplay. Add in even more environmental interactivity for elemental beams and stuff.
100% to the music. Dread just didn't have that spark to its soundtrack that the others had. Really hoping it gets better in MP4.
What are y'alls top 3 wants for MP4?

For me, I'd have to go with:
  1. Atmosphere above all else. I hope this game immerses me in its world.
  2. New inventive abilities / gameplay. Give me something new other than the typical wave, ice, and plasma beams.
  3. Multiple paths to take. While the lock and key format is essential for Metroid, I think it would be nice to have some options on where to go next, as opposed to there only ever being one right way to go.
1. Samus wearing the tallest heels ever
2. Tons of voice acting, with constant cutscenes to stall my progress
3. Each boss to be a variation of Ridley

Edit: Oh, yeah, uh... /s
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What are y'alls top 3 wants for MP4?

For me, I'd have to go with:
  1. Atmosphere above all else. I hope this game immerses me in its world.
  2. New inventive abilities / gameplay. Give me something new other than the typical wave, ice, and plasma beams.
  3. Multiple paths to take. While the lock and key format is essential for Metroid, I think it would be nice to have some options on where to go next, as opposed to there only ever being one right way to go.
  1. Ditto on atmosphere, both in terms of the environment and the music. It would be amazing if Kenji Yamamoto returned, but I think that based off the work she did in Splatoon 3 that Sayako Doi would do a good job as well.
  2. Nonlinear design would be great. In stark contrast to the 2D games, the Prime series hasn't been that fond of that sequence breaking lifestyle. I'd like that to change: give us multiple ways for a clever player to get from A to B, allowing them to fight bosses and get items out of order.
  3. Animals. I wish to save them in 3D.
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What are y'alls top 3 wants for MP4?

For me, I'd have to go with:
  1. Atmosphere above all else. I hope this game immerses me in its world.
  2. New inventive abilities / gameplay. Give me something new other than the typical wave, ice, and plasma beams.
  3. Multiple paths to take. While the lock and key format is essential for Metroid, I think it would be nice to have some options on where to go next, as opposed to there only ever being one right way to go.
1. Heavy core focus on exploration, minimal railroading. Doesn't even need sequence breaks if the main game is "free" enough.

2. New, cool upgrades. Dread having the same suits from 25 years ago was disappointing and I don't just want varia/gravity again.

3. Top tier atmosphere, this includes music.
What are y'alls top 3 wants for MP4?
If ya don't mind, I'll put forth three relatively lower key mentions, rather than my "top" three. I think at least a few people might find these on the more controversial side.

  • Samus has actual voiced dialogue in the game, largely consisting of insightful internal monologues and such (similar to Fusion's depiction), and with these monologues incorporated sparingly and tastefully. Samus is (again) voiced by Jennifer Hale. Please.

  • There are actual characters in the game, much like in Prime 3. They aren't overbearing, but instead fascinating from a lore perspective, shedding new light on the Metroid universe. Alien characters would of course be far more desirable here than human ones, unless Admiral Dane has a cameo where they let him say a bad word again.

  • Light is finally shed on the unexplained lore of Metroid Prime's (the creature) bizarre existence. Did it come from Phaaze? Did the Chozo somehow have Metroids with them on Tallon IV? Who knows...
1. Metric fucktons of scanning

2. A jawdroppingly unique large scale area like Sanctuary Fortress and Skytown

3. For it to be just a Metroid Prime ass Metroid Prime game. Bring it up to modern standards, but don't chase any industry trends like open world.
What are y'alls top 3 wants for MP4?

For me, I'd have to go with:
  1. Atmosphere above all else. I hope this game immerses me in its world.
  2. New inventive abilities / gameplay. Give me something new other than the typical wave, ice, and plasma beams.
  3. Multiple paths to take. While the lock and key format is essential for Metroid, I think it would be nice to have some options on where to go next, as opposed to there only ever being one right way to go.
1. Completely with you on the new abilities. I don't want to just get the same power-ups that have been in pretty much every Metroid game again

2. More dynamic combat. I don't want it to go full Doom or anything, but I definitely think there's room to make enemy encounters more exciting than they've been in previous games

3. For the end game to not turn into another macguffin scavenger hunt. My least favorite part of every Prime game has been when I finally reach the point where I'm all geared up to go kick the final boss's ass and instead the momentum comes to a screeching halt because I have to collect a dozen or so plot coupons first
If ya don't mind, I'll put forth three relatively lower key mentions, rather than my "top" three. I think at least a few people might find these on the more controversial side.

  • Samus has actual voiced dialogue in the game, largely consisting of insightful internal monologues and such (similar to Fusion's depiction), and with these monologues incorporated sparingly and tastefully. Samus is (again) voiced by Jennifer Hale. Please.

  • There are actual characters in the game, much like in Prime 3. They aren't overbearing, but instead fascinating from a lore perspective, shedding new light on the Metroid universe. Alien characters would of course be far more desirable here than human ones, unless Admiral Dane has a cameo where they let him say a bad word again.

  • Light is finally shed on the unexplained lore of Metroid Prime's (the creature) bizarre existence. Did it come from Phaaze? Did the Chozo somehow have Metroids with them on Tallon IV? Who knows...
Yeah, I'd be down for all of that.

I'd also love to see some really wild, unique areas--especially for a Metroid game. Like, what if we got to explore some massive-looking abandoned city with skyscrapers? Or a dense alien jungle? Or an island chain scattered across a vast ocean? (I'm not demanding open world here, btw!)
What are y'alls top 3 wants for MP4?

For me, I'd have to go with:
  1. Atmosphere above all else. I hope this game immerses me in its world.
  2. New inventive abilities / gameplay. Give me something new other than the typical wave, ice, and plasma beams.
  3. Multiple paths to take. While the lock and key format is essential for Metroid, I think it would be nice to have some options on where to go next, as opposed to there only ever being one right way to go.
1) Mostly reiterating what I've said in other topics: I largely want the "sandbox/open" elements of the game to largely be defined by how you are limited only by your own mechanical skill/execution and Samus' moveset. If that also means Retro changing their general disposition to sequence breaks and skips, so much the better!

2) Sylux truly gets to showcase how he is a worthy elevation from being a faceless mook originating from a spinoff to a bona-fide rival to Samus. It'll be a tough act to follow after the likes of Dark Samus and Raven Beak, but somebody's got to be able to keep Samus on her toes! Give Samus her own "Vergil" (to borrow a Devil May Cry-ism)! And through this, we tie into my last point...

3) Retro and Tanabe: Be bold with the story you want to tell, and the lore you want to introduce to support it. Continue to expand the universe, in your own way. Hell, for as much as Prime does a lot of things to the beat of its own drum, instead of whatever Sakamoto and his team is doing? You might as well go all the way and set up a permanent means to have your Samus' journey go down a different path from Sakamoto's. If that means introducing a means for a timeline split, or what-have-you, then GO FOR IT~!
What are y'alls top 3 wants for MP4?

For me, I'd have to go with:
  1. Atmosphere above all else. I hope this game immerses me in its world.
  2. New inventive abilities / gameplay. Give me something new other than the typical wave, ice, and plasma beams.
  3. Multiple paths to take. While the lock and key format is essential for Metroid, I think it would be nice to have some options on where to go next, as opposed to there only ever being one right way to go.
I'm just going to write as many uses that can come to mind that aren't too overtly obvious (i.e. atmospheric, exploration, being good lol)

1. Multiple ways to achieve goals
There's been a lot of trends in Nintendo's games that have been iffy to me this gen and very much good only on a case-by-case basis, but this is one that's hit pretty much every time they've tried it. It worked in Breath of the Wild, it worked in Super Mario Odyssey, and it even worked in the recent Pikmin 4, which is even a game based around different tools with specific uses (if you can get behind men being tools with specific uses). I think it's time for there to be multiple ways to tackle problems in the Prime games. Crucially, I don't think this should take away ability gating completely, just expand the usefulness of abilities. I also don't want this to just be for speedrunning, Metroid Dread's exploration only being multi-faceted due to sequence breaking was disappoionting.

2. Larger environments / More mobility
So this one kind of just goes back to 1 to me in a lot of ways - I don't particularly see a point in larger environments if we don't also get things like more mobility or multiple ways to achieve goals. But uh, I'll just put this here just in case. I don't want this to be open world, but I do think each area being a hub in itself - sort of like an evolution of what Prime 1 and 2 were already starting - would be cool!

3. Better story
It feels weird saying this, but I really want a better story, and one that actually matters this time. As someone who got into Metroid later than most, I think it's kind of lame that the Prime story retrospectively matters so little, and honestly after playing the 2D games the storyline almost feels like borderline fanfiction when you realize how ambitious the mainline games can get. It sucks, because I think my preferred writing style is actually with the Prime games - which generally show a more nuanced Metroid world, just one that has holes in it compared to the mainlines. Come on Retro work your magic!

4. Better combat
After replaying Metroid Prime with the remaster ... yeah ... the combat is ... Prime 2 is a little better but not much, and I've never played Prime 3. I almost want to put this below the top 3 because it's hard to make many suggestions on this front, since the first person is holding back a bit here I think. But there's definitely some things they can do to improve it. I think it would be really cool to have a deflector that you can charge from your arm that bounces back projectiles at enemies if you time its release correctly. There's probably more you can do, but that's not my job.

5. Scan log overhaul / Radio Character
As much as I like whipping it out and scanning everything in my immediate vicinity, I can't help but think that there's something more natural than pulling out the scan visor every 2 seconds and interrupting gameplay. It doesn't bother me much, personally, but it would be a weird conceit to continue on forward in such a gameplay heavy series like Metroid. Apparently AM2R has a scan log system where things in your immediate vicinity get logged? Not sure how that works, but that would be cool!

Also this is going to be a really unpopular suggestion - but I'd kind of like some sort of companion radio character for Samus over the course of the game. Maybe even one that reads your scan logs for you (optionally). I think having a radio companion could strike a nice balance between isolation and storytelling, even if that might seem too similar to another space marine.

Lastly, I don't want there to be fast travel in the game that constitutes actual teleportation. I'd prefer something atmospheric, even if it's silly, like a giant cannon shooting the morph ball from one region all the way to the other side of the map. I think the use of teleporters has gotten really lazy, to be honest.

And please. If you're going to include colored doors, only have them require the specific beam one time! (Actually, there should probably just be a beam overhaul in general, but I'm too lazy to go into that too...)
Yeah this game has been cooking for too long to not be some complete overhaul of the franchise like how breath of the wild was for Zelda. They're going to want this game to appeal to a wider audience/shooter/rpg(poor terminology for progression systems) fans I think. If they are going to make it more open world-like then it still needs to have legacy 'mazes/dungeons" whatever you want to call them.
What are y'alls top 3 wants for MP4?

For me, I'd have to go with:
  1. Atmosphere above all else. I hope this game immerses me in its world.
  2. New inventive abilities / gameplay. Give me something new other than the typical wave, ice, and plasma beams.
  3. Multiple paths to take. While the lock and key format is essential for Metroid, I think it would be nice to have some options on where to go next, as opposed to there only ever being one right way to go.

1. Interesting biomes. Something I very much appreciated about Echoes and Corruption was their locales being a step above lava or ice biome. I especially enjoyed their setups like the Echoes areas being formerly beautiful scenes made desolate or Corruptions including planets with their own contained small histories. Prime strikes out on its own as well but I thought the sequels did great in this regard after Prime proved itself.

2. Music! Trilogy has to have one of the most stacked soundtracks in games, just great stuff. I thought if there was ever a time for Kenji Yamamoto to crack knuckles and get to work it would be Metroid Dread but that didn’t come to pass and it shows (still not bad at least). It seems he has stepped back completely into the director/supervisor role for a while now so I’m just hoping Retro finds someone who can emulate or even iterate on the original Trilogy properly.

3. Scans, scans, and more scans! As a fan of both 2D and Prime I notice a lot just how differently I play the games. In 2D I always play as fast as possible and try to get that time down. In Prime I scan literally everything and immerse myself in that world. Impressively both feel in character for Samus. If there was only one thing I wish for Prime 4 to keep it’d be the attention to detail and numerous non-essential scans. I actually think Retro understood this nicely back then since Corruption has many of the best scans including great cut ones. I just hope they keep it around to that same extent, even for really simple flavor text objects.
And please. If you're going to include colored doors, only have them require the specific beam one time! (Actually, there should probably just be a beam overhaul in general, but I'm too lazy to go into that too...)

Can't say I agree with everything you wrote, but I vehemently agree with this. Once the door is "unlocked" leave it that way. It's especially annoying in Prime 1 having to switch to the crappy wave beam when you have the far superior ice or plasma beams just to open a door for the millionth time.
What are y'alls top 3 wants for MP4?
  1. A new artstyle to set it apart from the first Prime trilogy. The Prime remaster in higher resolution looks about as good as I expect that artstyle too look so we definitely need something new to keep the series fresh. Maybe cel-shaded or something based on a specific material like felt or cardboard would be cool. Also make Samus chibi. This would tie strongly into the "baby" theme that is prevalent throughout the series.
  2. The series already has excellent music but I think they can take it even further by adding lyrics. Samus is usually very quiet so an extradiegetic means to convey her thoughts and feelings would help to humanize her. Get someone who is familiar with making music for games like Imagine Dragons.
  3. Online features are a must for any modern game and it makes sense to do something that fixes multiple design issues that have plagued Metroid since day one. We've seen people complain about how missile upgrades are annoying to find and mostly useless. The best solution would be to give players a random upgrade a day. If you're lucky you get a new suit but even if it's "just" a missile upgrade, at least you didn't have to go look for it. This also encourages people to play the game for a longer time.
  1. New villains
  2. New items
  3. Faster combat
Genuinely curious as to how sales would be affected if Metroid Prime 4 is cross-gen. Would it help or hurt the sales?
There's no way a cross-gen release would somehow result in fewer sales. It can only help, especially for the niche / enthusiast franchise Metroid is. There are millions upon millions of people who already own a Switch, but no guarantee that these same people would be rushing to adopt the new hardware.
Genuinely curious as to how sales would be affected if Metroid Prime 4 is cross-gen. Would it help or hurt the sales?

It may sell better if it was designed for the Switch 2 exclusively (thus allowing it to be more of a system showcase), but it wasn't designed around the Switch 2 so cross-gen will provide better sales.
What if the game's been in development exclusively for Switch 2, but Nintendo decides that they really, really don't wanna leave potential money on the table, forcing Retro to downscale the game to 60p (the p stands for Prime 4) resolution for Switch:

What if the game's been in development exclusively for Switch 2, but Nintendo decides that they really, really don't wanna leave potential money on the table, forcing Retro to downscale the game to 60p (the p stands for Prime 4) resolution for Switch:

I can hear this image
Genuinely curious as to how sales would be affected if Metroid Prime 4 is cross-gen. Would it help or hurt the sales?
As others have said it definitely wouldn't hurt, but I doubt it would help much if at all. The number of people who would actually refuse to buy the game unless more powerful hardware is available is minuscule compared to the entire install base.
The point for Metroid Prime 4 is it will be revealed with Switch 2. It’ll get all that initial hype with new hardware. There will be lots of people eager to spend their money on new hardware and new software. Also, it’s more of a “darker”shooting game for those on the outside. It stands out from Nintendo’s titles.

Xenoblade 2 is the best selling Xenoblade game. It got all the hype from the reveal of Switch. Xenoblade 3 is on a much larger install base when it released and still can’t outsell Xenoblade 2.
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