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not exactly relevant to this thread but I just wanted to say, imagine if the redactions on the CMA docs were like this lol

This whole thing has been giving details that are just so…. Amazing to have archived for future reference.

Also this:

They’re def more onboard for this next system, or were anyway before this acquisition 🤭😹
This is incredible. How can they be so amateurish?
Never worked in a law office, huh?

I've never found a larger group of idiots than lawyers, a profession which predominantly prizes memory over intellect and bullheaded insistence over correctness. In every firm I have been even tangentially aware of, even relatively young lawyers have totally eschewed basic document management practices, organizing the entire office around whatever analog process they happen to prefer, and let the paralegals consolidate it all, with no comprehension that there might be work beyond what they do in order to meet deadlines.

Here you almost definitely have a lawyer, over 70, who should be retired, who performs manual redactions, and then expects paralegals to fix it digitally before filing, who went right up to the deadline, and raw scans were submitted. I've seen it happen dozens of times.
Kottick just said they would consider making CoD on the next Nintendo hardware if they knew what the specs were, but they don't know at this time.
Bobby Kotik on Microsoft/FTC trial just implied they don't have Switch 2 devkits

^Ah, yep we heard the same

Tom Warren reporting from The Verge (Bobby quote at the end): https://www.theverge.com/23768244/ftc-microsoft-activision-blizzard-case-news-announcements

"The FTC then reveals Kotick only found out about the Nintendo Switch version of Call of Duty from news reports, and that the agreement also purports to bring a future Call of Duty game to a future Nintendo console."

We would consider it once we had the specs, but we don’t have them at present. We missed out on the opportunity for this past generation of Switch, but we’d have to wait until the specifications. We don’t have any present plans to do so.

Big testimony from Kotick over Call of Duty on the Nintendo Switch.
The FTC is now pushing Bobby Kotick on mobile and Switch games, like Call of Duty mobile. Activision partnered with Tencent because Kotick admits “we couldn’t make that game on our own at the time.”

The FTC is arguing here that Activision doesn’t have the experience to make Call of Duty on mobile, so why would Microsoft be able to create a version for Switch?

Kotick responds:
Literally from a high level they could evaluate what would be required or they could envision a game that they might make on Switch.

The FTC then reveals Kotick only found out about the Nintendo Switch version of Call of Duty from news reports, and that the agreement also purports to bring a future Call of Duty game to a future Nintendo console.

We would consider it once we had the specs, but we don’t have them at present. We missed out on the opportunity for this past generation of Switch, but we’d have to wait until the specifications. We don’t have any present plans to do so.

But in Kotick’s previously testimony he says:
I actually think we will likely make a Call of Duty game for a new Nintendo console. I can’t tell you there are specific plans, but I can tell you it’s something we’d consider.

Judge Corley intervenes. “If the merger doesn’t go through, you said you made a mistake with the Switch, you’re not going to make that mistake again. What would be a reason not to?
If we didn’t have the resources and there was something wrong with the specifications

Judge Corley: So you’d like to be able to put Call of Duty on the Nintendo Switch?
I think we would consider it and if it was something where we could make a great game we’d likely consider it.

edit: more context
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Switch NG is the new Drake name.
They're straight up talking about Switch 2 and calling it "closer aligned to 8th gen consoles"
It sounded like it was in a correspondence between Kotick and Furukawa? Unless I misheard that.
But it was also heavily redacted in the trial and we only heard snippets. Maybe just gives more of a general sense given that Kotick also admitted they don't know the specs
Kotick: "Boy, I really missed the boat on Switch since I didn't know it would be big! And then just... kept missing it for years even once it was obvious!"
not exactly relevant to this thread but I just wanted to say, imagine if the redactions on the CMA docs were like this lol

I think the thing is here, we expect coporations to be like advanced supercomputers incapable of screwing up ever, they are still run by humans in the very end
Sounds like this thread's general expectations have been on the money with regards to Drake's power (PS4 + DLSS).
If Nintendo was smart they should be among the first 3rd parties to have a kit. Call of Duty on Nintendo platform should be a pretty high priority.
you would think but should Nintendo expect that Activision would even do that right away? I think also the timing of release for the system matters too.
I think the thing is here, we expect coporations to be like advanced supercomputers incapable of screwing up ever, they are still run by humans in the very end
I mean, yes, people are stupid. We are a very stupid species but these humans shouldn't be THAT stupid lol.
That kotick klown learned his lesson. He’ll be on board with Switch 2 from the beginning like many other 3rd party developers. Nintendo’s reveal presentation will be a lot better than the January Switch presentation because of third party
It sounded like it was in a correspondence between Kotick and Furukawa? Unless I misheard that.
But it was also heavily redacted in the trial and we only heard snippets. Maybe just gives more of a general sense given that Kotick also admitted they don't know the specs
I also heard mention a of "Furukawa-san", but my audio kept breaking up.
you would think but should Nintendo expect that Activision would even do that right away? I think also the timing of release for the system matters too.
Yes it does depend on the timing, but if this thing is coming out anytime next year than I think that one of the biggest third parties in the world should have a dev kit. It takes time to make games. Nintendo should not wait till the thing launches to try and convince devs to make games only after its successful. Need to have the games cooking pre launch so that there is a good pipeline of new games and not just late ports.
Kotick on one hand claimed that he doesn’t know the specs of Switch NG, but on the other equating it to PS4/XB1. I think his denial was merely technicality. He probably doesn’t have the final or complete specs, but he knows the specs.
Yeah that's what I gathered. He doesn't know the exact final specs but has a good idea of what level they plan to be around.
Yes it does depend on the timing, but if this thing is coming out anytime next year than I think that one of the biggest third parties in the world should have a dev kit. It takes time to make games. Nintendo should not wait till the thing launches to try and convince devs to make games only after its successful. Need to have the games cooking pre launch so that there is a good pipeline of new games and not just late ports.
Activision/Kotick probably isn’t trustworthy enough to Nintendo to let into their inner sanctum. I believe that there’s a selected, possibly small, group of developers who already have the NG dev kit.
If Nintendo was smart they should be among the first 3rd parties to have a kit. Call of Duty on Nintendo platform should be a pretty high priority.
It's not a Nintendo decision. Nintendo can decide who it's offering kits to, but it's up to those partners to accept it. Partners might want money and financial support to deliver games, Nintendo wants a certain expectation of secrecy and trust in those initial discussions.

Activision and Nintendo simply don't have the kind of relationship that would make those initial talks likely to happen or go well unless one side desperately needed the other to push it through, and neither company is currently in that position. Kotick blew it on the Switch already, sounds like he's been briefed on the basic specs, but hasn't pushed to get a devkit, and is hedging till release. Which tracks with prior behavior.
Yes it does depend on the timing, but if this thing is coming out anytime next year than I think that one of the biggest third parties in the world should have a dev kit. It takes time to make games. Nintendo should not wait till the thing launches to try and convince devs to make games only after its successful. Need to have the games cooking pre launch so that there is a good pipeline of new games and not just late ports.
Assuming it comes out November of next year, nintendo is probably going to be giving out dev kits later this year. Third Party ports as launch titles will be fine for launch games so long as Nintendo makes sure to launch the thing with system seller first party games.
Kotick on one hand claimed that he doesn’t know the specs of Switch NG, but on the other equating it to PS4/XB1. I think his denial was merely technicality. He probably doesn’t have the final or complete specs, but he knows the specs.
Could mean that they were one of the third parties given access to initial switch 2 dev kits (the ones nintendo took back according to some journalists) and are currently awaiting to see what the revised dev kits look like.
Kotick thinks the NG Switch is technically closer to gen 8 consoles than gen 9 consoles. Wasn't the prediction after the Nvidia leak that the NG Switch/Drake was going to be between the PS4 Pro and the Xbox Series S?

What is the status of the Xbox Series S? I have the impression that that console is very close to the Xbox One X from a tech standpoint. Don't fans also consider the Xbox Series S technically closer to the Gen 8 consoles than the rest of the Gen 9 consoles?
Yes it does depend on the timing, but if this thing is coming out anytime next year than I think that one of the biggest third parties in the world should have a dev kit. It takes time to make games. Nintendo should not wait till the thing launches to try and convince devs to make games only after its successful. Need to have the games cooking pre launch so that there is a good pipeline of new games and not just late ports.
Sure. I should clear up my point when it comes to 3rd parties. I'm not saying that Nintendo should hold back dev kits til launch. Obviously some will get a dev kit early in the process like Capcom, Bandai Namco, Square, Sega, etc etc. I wouldn't put Activision in that block of 3rd party devs that Nintendo would view as a priority. These are devs that have and will support their console early and often throughout the console's life. I can see Nintendo waiting until the unveiling of the new console or a couple weeks before hand give or take.

Also, my opinion isn't on what I think nintendo should do. Yes, if they can get a guarantee of CoD on launch or in the first year, then yes do it. It's more if I think Nintendo will do it and Icould be completely stupid for thinking how I do lmao.
Kotick thinks the NG Switch is technically closer to gen 8 consoles than gen 9 consoles. Wasn't the prediction after the Nvidia leak that the NG Switch/Drake was going to be between the PS4 Pro and the Xbox Series S?

What is the status of the Xbox Series S? I have the impression that that console is very close to the Xbox One X from a tech standpoint. Don't fans also consider the Xbox Series S technically closer to the Gen 8 consoles than the rest of the Gen 9 consoles?
With DLSS it might effectively get to that level.

Without DLSS it was always in the PS4-PS4Pro range.
Kotick thinks the NG Switch is technically closer to gen 8 consoles than gen 9 consoles. Wasn't the prediction after the Nvidia leak that the NG Switch/Drake was going to be between the PS4 Pro and the Xbox Series S?

What is the status of the Xbox Series S? I have the impression that that console is very close to the Xbox One X from a tech standpoint. Don't fans also consider the Xbox Series S technically closer to the Gen 8 consoles than the rest of the Gen 9 consoles?
Anyone who ever told you that was being wildly optimistic. PS4 Pro performance equivalent with DLSS. But raw performance of the machine was always going to be broadly equivalent to PS4/XOne but with modern architecture, more RAM, faster storage, etc. The usual Nintendo playbook of being a generation behind in raw performance but doing so with modern components.
Anyone who ever told you that was being wildly optimistic. PS4 Pro performance equivalent with DLSS. But raw performance of the machine was always going to be broadly equivalent to PS4/XOne but with modern architecture, more RAM, faster storage, etc. The usual Nintendo playbook of being a generation behind in raw performance but doing so with modern components.
I mean, if we get a 3 tflops machine for the GPU in docked mode, it's gonna be PS4 pro territory without DLSS when you take into account the newer architecture--at least from a GPU perspective. I don't know from a RAM bandwidth perspective if 1440p games will be possible for PS4 quality ports without DLSS.

Something like a 5/4nm TSMC, node, I feel fairly confident they can pull that off, along with 1.5 GHz CPU (8 cores A78c) at least for 20 watts or less.

We'll see.
Activision/Kotick probably isn’t trustworthy enough to Nintendo to let into their inner sanctum. I believe that there’s a selected, possibly small, group of developers who already have the NG dev kit.

Devkits being out or not, it's very unlikely that Activision would get one or the beans would be spilled.
Kotick thinks the NG Switch is technically closer to gen 8 consoles than gen 9 consoles. Wasn't the prediction after the Nvidia leak that the NG Switch/Drake was going to be between the PS4 Pro and the Xbox Series S?

What is the status of the Xbox Series S? I have the impression that that console is very close to the Xbox One X from a tech standpoint. Don't fans also consider the Xbox Series S technically closer to the Gen 8 consoles than the rest of the Gen 9 consoles?
Its a bit more neuanced.

The Series S is on par with gen 9 in cpu, gpu architecture and storage speed, but more like gen 8 in raw gpu power and memory.

NG will be slightly ahead of gen 9 in gpu architecture, closer to gen 8 in raw gpu power, somewhere in between 8 and 9 in cpu, the weakest of the bunch in memory speed (quantity is unknown), storage speed is unknown.
Ok Bobby but is it portable or docked…. I assume portable because it’s the lowest common denominator that you have to account for.
To mirror the cautiousness of the separate thread about NG Switch, it's good that we don't put too much weight on the tweets. Maybe (strong emphasis here) there's a chance that they could upload the email but I wasn't following the hearing at the time to know if there's a chance for that to happen.

This device has so many nicknames that we going to be disappointed come the name reveal lol, so can somebody confirm that Bobby has heard from Furukawa himself that the next Switch will be around PS4 level or Bobby just making assumptions
Bobby can't speak to actual specs regardless of what he knows. Nintendo would certainly not allow it and the case does not have any need for such details. Like any developer who gets early info you get a target range.
They know the target specs or Kotick couldn't say what he said about greater alignment while not knowing the specs.
Bobby can't speak to actual specs regardless of what he knows. Nintendo would certainly not allow it and the case does not have any need for such details. Like any developer who gets early info you get a target range.
I'm not sure it's about Nintendo allowing it or not. He was testifying in court that he didn't know the specs. Not sure you can lie about that. But maybe he could get off on a technicality that he doesn't know the finalized specs, but may know a general power level. Oh I see you added that bit about target range. Yeah I agree Nintendo could do that and his testimony would still be true
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