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News Nintendo Direct announced for June 21 (40 minutes long, focused on games releasing this year, 7AM Pacific, 10AM Eastern, 4PM Central European)

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Most surprising announcement for me was WarioWare of all things. I didn’t expect another one so soon and Mario RPG was basically leaked beforehand.

There are three things that I‘m very surprised weren’t shown:

  • No LEVEL-5 presence whatsover - I wasn’t expecting Layton seeing as it’s likely a H2 2024 release, but no Fantasy Life or Decapolice is interesting. Either L5 is holding another event soon or we’re looking at delays again.
  • Splatoon 3 Side Order - Even it if wasn’t going to be out until August, I still would have thought it would be shown here. I’m guessing it’s not coming out until September at the earliest.
  • Zelda DLC - I‘m not sure an Expansion Pass is happening anymore (September is probably the last chance for it imo), but Master Mode not being in the game still leaves me curious.
So is it actually Kid Icarus then? No way in hell Zippo’s right about anything, I refuse to believe he would be. (Mario Bros. Wonder notwithstanding.)
Kid Icarus Uprising was one of the first games people speculated, along with Star Fox: Assault. I wouldn‘t think much about it even if it does turn out to be true.
When we thinking the September Direct will be? I'm looking at the Switch generation.

Tokyo Game Show- September 21-24
Nintendo Direct- September 13

Tokyo Game Show- September 20-23
Nintendo Direct- September 13 (this was supposed to be on September 6, but delayed)

Tokyo Game Show- September 14-15
Nintendo Direct- September 4

Tokyo Game Show- September 30-October 3
Nintendo Direct- September 23

Tokyo Game Show- September 15-18
Nintendo Direct- September 13 (I read some insiders said this was delayed because of the Queen's death; assuming that's real then this Direct would've been September 6)

Tokyo Game Show- September 21-24
Nintendo Direct-???

Going by this generation they always do it a minimum of a week earlier except for last year. Anyone think they know why they waited to do it the same week of TGS in 2022? If we assume the queen death then it's always one week out, except for 2018 which was going to be two weeks out. Other than that outlier the Direct will 90% likely be September 13. Towards the end of August speculation will ramp up again.
The 2019 Tokyo Game Show was brought forward to avoid clashing with the Rugby World Cup which was in Japan (And bloody huge, every game sold out in mostly 50k+ stadiums, and Japan's game against Scotland to win their group was the most-watched TV event in Japanese history). This year's World Cup is in France, so not a direct clash with another major event in Tokyo, but Japan are playing Samoa on the Thursday night before TGS so there's a chance they may look to avoid clashing with it.
Most surprising announcement for me was WarioWare of all things. I didn’t expect another one so soon and Mario RPG was basically leaked beforehand.

There are three things that I‘m very surprised weren’t shown:

  • No LEVEL-5 presence whatsover - I wasn’t expecting Layton seeing as it’s likely a H2 2024 release, but no Fantasy Life or Decapolice is interesting. Either L5 is holding another event soon or we’re looking at delays again.
  • Splatoon 3 Side Order - Even it if wasn’t going to be out until August, I still would have thought it would be shown here. I’m guessing it’s not coming out until September at the earliest.
  • Zelda DLC - I‘m not sure an Expansion Pass is happening anymore (September is probably the last chance for it imo), but Master Mode not being in the game still leaves me curious.
  • Level 5: I can't recall if any of those games had release dates, but a lot of times devs show games to recruit staff to work on them, and unfortunately I think that this is what those were.
  • Side Order: I'm right there with you. I would've thought this was going to be their August release but September seems more likely now.
  • Zelda DLC: This is being saved to launch with the new console in the Spring. By then, everyone would have moved on a little from TotK and this DLC would bring them back and hopefully bring them to a new console.
Level 5: I can't recall if any of those games had release dates, but a lot of times devs show games to recruit staff to work on them, and unfortunately I think that this is what those were.
Fantasy Life, Decapolice, Megaton Musashi and Inazuma Eleven are all dated for 2023, and Layton for 2024.
So is it actually Kid Icarus then? No way in hell Zippo’s right about anything, I refuse to believe he would be. (Mario Bros. Wonder notwithstanding.)
Just because Zippo said it doesn’t mean it won’t happen. After all, he pretty much just piggybacks off of existing rumors and claims them as his own, or makes obvious guesses, so naturally a lot of “his” stuff turns out to be true. It’s no surprise that he’d claim the Bandai Namco remake is Kid Icarus: Uprising, because it’s the most obvious guess, being probably the most desired game that fits with the description of the game Bandai Namco is remaking. It was my immediate thought about the game, too, after all, and Sakurai drawing attention to the idea of Uprising being ported only gives more reason to think that.
Kid Icarus was concluded by many people before he ever said anything. Then you got Sakurai who seemingly teased at it too. For me it’s definitely Kid Icarus
When does MK8 DLC finish, again? Maybe they're revving up for the release of a new Mario Kart for the next-gen system that could coincide with the launch (or close to it)
When does MK8 DLC finish, again? Maybe they're revving up for the release of a new Mario Kart for the next-gen system that could coincide with the launch (or close to it)
The dlc ends this year. It’s perfectly time imo. When they announce Switch 2 next year they’ll show off next gen Mario Kart since they’ll be done discussing Mario Kart 8.
Thanks for the clarification. Since I’m used to seeing a Nintendo President in a Direct, my mind automatically branded Takahashi as Furukawa, since I didn’t know who Takahashi was. 😭
I think some of the confusion may be because Takahashi WAS the interim president of Nintendo when Iwata passed, no?
The dlc ends this year. It’s perfectly time imo. When they announce Switch 2 next year they’ll show off next gen Mario Kart since they’ll be done discussing Mario Kart 8.
Something tells me they’ll cash on MK8 Deluxe one last time, with a MK8 Deluxe Ultra, with all DLC packaged before releasing MK9 a year or two after MK8 re-re-release.

No. Kimishima was basically the interim president. He was only doing it for a couple years then to retire.
Yes. He basically marketed himself as the transition president. He handled the transition to Switch and only retired once a new president was confirmed
Something tells me they’ll cash on MK8 Deluxe one last time, with a MK8 Deluxe Ultra, with all DLC packaged before releasing MK9 a year or two after MK8 re-re-release.

Yes. He basically marketed himself as the transition president. He handled the transition to Switch and only retired once a new president was confirmed
Please no. Just no lol. No more Mario Kart 8. I want to move on to 9 or MK10 when we see the next system lol.
The dlc ends this year. It’s perfectly time imo. When they announce Switch 2 next year they’ll show off next gen Mario Kart since they’ll be done discussing Mario Kart 8.
Idk Nintendo launching a 3D Zelda, 2D Mario and Mario Kart DLC this year tells me they are not planning on phasing out the Switch anytime soon. Those are all evergreen titles that will continue selling for a long period of time. Unless they plan on launching a new console with ports which I don’t see as enticing to purchase a new console to play games that are already available on one of the most popular platforms of all time. Not to mention the Peach game and Luigi’s Mansion 2 in 2024 as well as Metroid Prime 4. I also have a harder time seeing Nintendo having enough development studios/games ready for a good launch year.
Idk Nintendo launching a 3D Zelda, 2D Mario and Mario Kart DLC this year tells me they are not planning on phasing out the Switch anytime soon. Those are all evergreen titles that will continue selling for a long period of time. Unless they plan on launching a new console with ports which I don’t see as enticing to purchase a new console to play games that are already available on one of the most popular platforms of all time. Not to mention the Peach game and Luigi’s Mansion 2 in 2024 as well as Metroid Prime 4. I also have a harder time seeing Nintendo having enough development studios/games ready for a good launch year.
Nintendo can't just stop releasing games for the current system, and Zelda was originally going to come out last year. Other games could be ready in time (3D Mario, whatever the 2D game from EPD8 is, Fire Emblem Genealogy remake, Animal Crossing 6, the Bandai Namco Nintendo remake, Metroid 6, Mario Party, etc).
I've been playing Pikmin 1 for the first time and it sets my anxiety off the CHARTS but also I love it. It has a goofy early 2000s charm that is hard to describe.
I think there’s 2 things to look at when we discuss next gen hardware and current software.

1) Backwards compatibility- you can end a system strong because the next system will play what’s releasing on Switch. Even with Mario Wonder coming, the Peach game, Prime 4, as long as Switch 2 is backwards compatible you can have a smooth transition in software from Switch to Switch 2.

2) They’re only developing for one system- this is the big one. The first time in like ever Nintendo is only developing for one system. They don’t have a 3DS to develop for so in the past systems would end their life on a whimper because they’re also developing for another system. The Switch will end on a better not because all the focus is here and Switch 2.

Backwards compatibility + developing for one system makes the Switch look pretty good towards the end of its life cycle, but it also makes the transition to next gen easier. BC is enhanced by developing for one system because we’ve had BC many times (e.g. GBA to DS). We know 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Smash, Animal Crossing, etc are all in development for the next hardware.

Nintendo still has good momentum leading into next gen. You don’t want to run the horse into the ground. It’ll have decent momentum as you move into Switch 2.
I know there's still some discussion on whether or not the next console will have backwards compatibility, but I think the big thing pointing towards this being a yes is the infamous Nintendo Account presentation slide which indicates they plan on letting us take our purchases forward.
Nintendo is probably scared. They really don’t want to mess this up and they’ll be safe I believe. They don’t have a fallback 3DS to help them if a Wii U fails. That doesn’t exist anymore. Yeah, you can keep extending the Switch out, but it’s not ideal come 2025. 3D Mario has to be the launch title. Backwards compatibility will be there and as @SirShorse has said we’ve already seen their online is going to be forward’s compatible
I know there's still some discussion on whether or not the next console will have backwards compatibility, but I think the big thing pointing towards this being a yes is the infamous Nintendo Account presentation slide which indicates they plan on letting us take our purchases forward.
This. They want us investing in our libraries.

It’s only strengthened by them adding so much of their back catalogue to the system. The ports are starting to feel like preservation. The dream, the goal, is clearly a world where every major Nintendo release is available to purchase or access via a subscription on their next system at some stage. Make the eShop comprehensive.
So is it actually Kid Icarus then? No way in hell Zippo’s right about anything, I refuse to believe he would be. (Mario Bros. Wonder notwithstanding.)
If you repurpose enough existing claims, and make enough vague allegations, you're going to be right sometimes. I don't like Zippo, he's super unreliable, but it's not true that he's never right.

But being right doesn't mean you're reliable. If he's claimed something, and it ends up being accurate, chances are someone else claimed it first.

Something tells me they’ll cash on MK8 Deluxe one last time, with a MK8 Deluxe Ultra, with all DLC packaged before releasing MK9 a year or two after MK8 re-re-release.
A new MK would serve them better since now everyone's actually played MK8.

Plus the next one has been in development for years by now, and undoubtably could've been ready at some point in some incarnation during the Switch. The only reason we got the port was to get a MK on there quick. Then it ate the world and rendered the next release unnecessary, if not counterproductive.
The goal is absolutely to build up a back catalog of software from across all of Nintendo’s past hardware.
  • Most of the notable Wii U software has been brought over via ports or direct sequels, and i’m sure the remaining few big faces (Xenoblade X, Woolly World) will show up eventually, maybe on the next hardware.
  • NES-GBA will eventually be covered via slow burn NSO drops (and the occasional remake); the plan has always been to carry these onto the next hardware and beyond. I believe DS will eventually join the lineup, and that’ll be the last first-party platform to get a dedicated app.
  • The vast majority of the current Switch library will be playable on the next hardware (sans a few accessory games like Labo I imagine).
Now we’re moving on with GC, Wii and 3DS remasters; we’ve had a few of each already but now I imagine they will become quite a lot more plentiful. We have a ‘Porting Technology Development Team’ in the credits for Pikmin; they’re utilizing Hagi again after 3D All-Stars which will make turning out GC and Wii ports a lot simpler (but not effortless, Pikmin has a fair few changes). Not everything can be remastered at the tier of Metroid Prime, Xenoblade or Miitopia; I imagine Luigi’s Mansion 2 will give us a good idea of what their general approach for 3DS will be going forward, should be a fun one to follow.

Maybe they’ll eventually drop Virtual Boy and Pokémon Mini collections on the side to really make things complete, lol.
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It’s part why the system is the best Nintendo system. It’s getting ports/remasters/NSO of Nintendo’s history. It will continue with the next system. It’ll feel like a compilation system even more with the next system. It’s also third party games like Grandia, Metal Gear collection, Mega Man and so much more.
If you regard the Switch as part of the Nintendo's history, then porting and remaking games is nothing new. GBA had a ton of SNES ports from Mario, to Zelda, to even Final Fantasy. The DS and 3DS had ports of older console games. Something like the Super Mario RPG remake is equivalent to Ocarina of Time 3D on the 3DS. HD Remasters are equivalent to SNES ports to the GBA.

It's always been part of their release schedule but this time these ports and remakes are coming to console as well as handheld. That gave you loved but now portable is always a selling point that people like.
If you regard the Switch as part of the Nintendo's history, then porting and remaking games is nothing new. GBA had a ton of SNES ports from Mario, to Zelda, to even Final Fantasy. The DS and 3DS had ports of older console games. Something like the Super Mario RPG remake is equivalent to Ocarina of Time 3D on the 3DS. HD Remasters are equivalent to SNES ports to the GBA.

It's always been part of their release schedule but this time these ports and remakes are coming to console as well as handheld. That gave you loved but now portable is always a selling point that people like.
It’s not the same. This system is getting third party from PlayStation. We have every single Final Fantasy game on this system to XII. It’s preserving way more systems than just Nintendo games.
It’s not the same. This system is getting third party from PlayStation. We have every single Final Fantasy game on this system to XII. It’s preserving way more systems than just Nintendo games.

I mean Square did all those Final Fantasy ports to the GBA. They remade FF3 and 4 on the DS. They remade/ported a bunch of Dragon Quest games to the DS and 3DS. So for Square specifically, this is what they have been doing for 20 years now. It just so happened that the Switch is now capable of getting those remasters of PS2 games. That mostly couldn't be done on the 3DS.

And yeah if third parties want to keep dipping into their backlogs for ports, they eventually had to start bring over games that were originally released on Playstation. There's also no competing PSP handheld so handheld ports have to go to Nintendo.
Idk Nintendo launching a 3D Zelda, 2D Mario and Mario Kart DLC this year tells me they are not planning on phasing out the Switch anytime soon. Those are all evergreen titles that will continue selling for a long period of time. Unless they plan on launching a new console with ports which I don’t see as enticing to purchase a new console to play games that are already available on one of the most popular platforms of all time. Not to mention the Peach game and Luigi’s Mansion 2 in 2024 as well as Metroid Prime 4.
Well Zelda is because that thing was on tap publicly for Switch for years, and was initially intended to release earlier. Delaying it for over a year when it would've been more-or-less ready for the sake of cross-release would be questionable if they felt they had enough other software for launch.

For every BotW or TP there's also a SS or MM. Also there is the real chance they use TotK to push whatever upgrades the successor has for Switch games.

The Mario Kart DLC is because it reused assets from Tour. We wouldn't get DLC five years later if it wasn't. And if anything I think it helps corroborate the claims that the next MK will be more a crossover thing, which is why they feel comfortable throwing out all this stuff as DLC.

The 2D Mario definitely could've shown up on the next thing, but it's not like it's 3D Mario, which, despite them both selling really well, tends to have more cache as a launch game. Plus they still need a big holiday game, and 2D Mario is a lower budget one than typical alternatives.

All this really tells me is the next system won't have a big new Zelda for a while. The turnaround on 2D Mario can be pretty quick, and I imagine the Odyssey and MK teams have games at the tail end of development. Now, if one of those showed up next year for Switch, fair enough.

I also have a harder time seeing Nintendo having enough development studios/games ready for a good launch year.
Past MK and 3D Mario, DK and/or MP4 could show up on the next thing.
Astral Chain 2 seems entirely possible.
EPD4 will presumably have some casual something.
People seem to think Monolith will have something ready.
IS is pretty good about having something annually.
Grezzo, Camelot, NST and ND Cube haven't had anything for a bit, though at least one of them working on SMRPG or the Peach game seems likely.
Good-Feel has their Goemon-like, but presumably(?) is working on something else as well. It's been a while since Yoshi.
Someone from some company will have a Pokemon spin-off on there in the first year.
If the Splatoon/AC team doesn't have anything for next year, a reveal for the year after seems plausible.
Another KT collaboration doesn't seem implausible

And those are just the options that seem somewhat predictable. But you never know who else they've partnered with, or what teams within teams are cooking.

Plus the reveal will presumably cover first-party stuff up to a ~year away. So it's not just about what's ready in 2024.
One of the my stand-outs from this direct, unexpectedly, was MythForce!

I just gave the demo a run on Steam NextFest (which ends tonight) and had a great time! It didn't blow my mind, but it was as comfortable to play as it's Saturday Morning Cartoon art style is to see.

Onto the wishlist it goes; hope it reviews well because it's the perfect type of PC co-op game I'd use to keep in touch with folks.
The goal is absolutely to build up a back catalog of software from across all of Nintendo’s past hardware.
  • Most of the notable Wii U software has been brought over via ports or direct sequels, and i’m sure the remaining few big faces (Xenoblade X, Woolly World) will show up eventually, maybe on the next hardware.
  • NES-GBA will eventually be covered via slow burn NSO drops (and the occasional remake); the plan has always been to carry these onto the next hardware and beyond. I believe DS will eventually join the lineup, and that’ll be the last first-party platform to get a dedicated app.
  • The vast majority of the current Switch library will be playable on the next hardware (sans a few accessory games like Labo I imagine).
Now we’re moving on with GC, Wii and 3DS remasters; we’ve had a few of each already but now I imagine they will become quite a lot more plentiful. We have a ‘Porting Technology Development Team’ in the credits for Pikmin; they’re utilizing Hagi again after 3D All-Stars which will make turning out GC and Wii ports a lot simpler (but not effortless, Pikmin has a fair few changes). Not everything can be remastered at the tier of Metroid Prime, Xenoblade or Miitopia; I imagine Luigi’s Mansion 2 will give us a good idea of what their general approach for 3DS will be going forward, should be a fun one to follow.

Maybe they’ll eventually drop Virtual Boy and Pokémon Mini collections on the side to really make things complete, lol.

Backwards compatibility was emphasized once again in the Shareholder Q&A answers just released; once again stressing that Nintendo Accounts will be essential to the transition between consoles. That’s all in line with past comments; they’re pretty willing to tease digital back compat as more of a guarantee, but they do mention physical media this time too, even when the question only asked about digital.
One of the my stand-outs from this direct, unexpectedly, was MythForce!

I just gave the demo a run on Steam NextFest (which ends tonight) and had a great time! It didn't blow my mind, but it was as comfortable to play as it's Saturday Morning Cartoon art style is to see.

Onto the wishlist it goes; hope it reviews well because it's the perfect type of PC co-op game I'd use to keep in touch with folks.
Out of curiosity, does anything about MythForce suggest it's cross platform compatible? I definitely want to pick it up on Switch but if I have a few friends on PC willing to hop back in, it'll be nice to play with them again
Out of curiosity, does anything about MythForce suggest it's cross platform compatible? I definitely want to pick it up on Switch but if I have a few friends on PC willing to hop back in, it'll be nice to play with them again
I haven’t seen any confirmation of it and nothing from my demo experience suggested it, but I am not sure!
Backwards compatibility was emphasized once again in the Shareholder Q&A answers just released; once again stressing that Nintendo Accounts will be essential to the transition between consoles. That’s all in line with past comments; they’re pretty willing to tease digital back compat as more of a guarantee, but they do mention physical media this time too, even when the question only asked about digital.
Could you post an excerpt with that answer? Can't access the Nintendo site to look for it? Thanks.
I remember a while ago before Pikmin 4 was even announced, I had a dream in which there was a Direct that announced Pikmin 1+2 remakes and Pikmin 4. I was very disappointed when I woke up and remember thinking that it obviously was too good to be true. Yet here we are and last week there was a Direct featuring Pikmin 1+2 ports and a new Pikmin 4 trailer. Quite wild looking back on it
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