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Fun Club Would you buy a Switch remaster of Kid Icarus: Uprising?


Of course you would.


Goodnight, everybody!
Yes, yes I unironically would.

Issues with the controls aside, I really loved Uprising and wish it got a second lease on life.
Yes, bonus points of it comes with extra chapters with the Star Fox crew. Why? No reason besides I think the characters would play off each other really well.
Would I buy one of the best games Nintendo has ever made with proper controls?

Why yes. Yes I would.
No; i'd definitely hate to have a version of one of Nintendo's best games to date with controls that are actually accessible.
Honestly idk. If it had new content then yeah. Otherwise it kinda depends on whether or not I'd actually feel like playing it again at release. Also, no gyro controls would be a no for me.

Kinda wish it was a Wii U game more than anything else, tbh. Wii Remote + Nunchuck pointer options would have been bomb.
Also, no gyro controls would be a no for me.
I can't even imagine any way they could adapt the control scheme for docked and tabletop play without gyro. Easily the most natural fit for aiming (while the right stick is left for camera control in land battle segments; I think they'd be seperated, having both on the Circle Pad in the original doesn't feel great).
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I would buy a Kid Icarus anything provided it had the same setting and cast as Uprising.

Real talk, maybe a return to 2D under the stewardship of Mercury Steam maybe?
No. The game needs a remake because a lot of the design is tailor made to the 3ds's small screen. I don't think it translate well just blowing up the resolution

First I'd be motivated to go back to the 3DS original and 9.0 every level I have only beaten at any less than the most challenging setting on the Fiend's Cauldron.

Then, after many failures and lost years of lifes due to the stress to my physical and mental well-being extending much beyond a few hand-cramps into total systematic erosion of nerves and synapses, I will give up, acknowledge my ceiling as a gamer, and move on to the Switch version, hoping to be able to pull off the clean 9.0 sweep with the port's lowered difficulty, which it will have to be to accomodate less precise and nimble controls.

So, after a fashion, yes. Gimme that Uprising HD, so I can support one of the best games Nintendo ever made, again.
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I have this on 3DS, never finished it due to controls not setting well with me, Seems like a fun arcadey experience. Perhaps Sakurai will work on a remaster for the Switch or a future Switch after Smash is done in his semi-retirement/resting phase.

That said, a lot of work needs to go in to a potential remaster as the 3DS graphics, while very impressive for the time on a handheld, will need to be overhauled to modern standards.
Yes, a million times yes.

I want more games with this cast/universe but if that’s not in the cards, then I’ll definitely take this at least. Give it a graphical boost and more accessible controls, you’re making one of Nintendo’s best games even better.
100%. Fantastic game. Sakurai handed Nintendo a pitch perfect new IP and it's a fucking shame they never did anything with jt
Kid Icarus Uprising was so good. It deserves to be seen again. Sakurai did not have to go all out with the game, and he did.

Heck implement pointer controls and stuff, maybe a quick turnaround button if needed.

KIU and Meteos showed me that Sakurai can make some real crazy stuff, even outside of Smash and Kirby.
I've always wanted to try this game, given how highly it is regarded. From my understanding it's sort of like Sin and Punishment, is that correct?

The on-rail segments are but they're only a part of the game. The (longer) on-foot segments play more like a TPS or action game.
I've always wanted to try this game, given how highly it is regarded. From my understanding it's sort of like Sin and Punishment, is that correct?
Each leve for the most part is on rail flying segment and then an on foot action segment

I’ll always maintain that if it dropped on a home console and with normal controls it’d be viewed as one of Nintendo’s best games ever.

It’s so content packed, charming, feels like a lengthy adventure with multiple arcs, tons of boss fights and environments, gorgeous OST. It’s insane what they pulled off imo. Gotta be the best old IP revival of all time.
You couldn't have made a worse post if you tried. Delete your whole account and start over.

lmao drive is genuinely the worst rider show I've ever watched completely and I've seen almost all of the non-showa shows (I could not, for the life of me, get more than 12 episodes into Ghost so I guess it's better than that)
lmao drive is genuinely the worst rider show I've ever watched completely and I've seen almost all of the non-showa shows (I could not, for the life of me, get more than 12 episodes into Ghost so I guess it's better than that)
You should have taken Belt-san's advice:

You should have taken Belt-san's advice:


hey remember when they finally remembered to give the villains a goal like 15 episodes before the show was over, around the same time they introduced the weird ipad triangle dad

yeah that show was stupid

how did Riku Sanjo fall so far from writing W and Kyoryuger to writing Drive

ANYWAY back on topic: I've never played Kid Icarus Uprising but my girlfriend did and says it's not great and I trust her opinion over almost everyone else's
I’ll always maintain that if it dropped on a home console and with normal controls it’d be viewed as one of Nintendo’s best games ever.

Absolutely. It'd be a lesser work, but accepted as an all-time great.

The Fiend's Cauldron alone would keep the game alive in discussions of noteworthy mechanics that ought to be emulated more often, even if a console Uprising's action would suffer under a more conventional control scheme and the 3DS' Streetpass function added a lot of appeal to the loot hunt aspect of the weapon gems.
It was a pretty great game even with bad controls. A switch remaster with normal controls would make it one of the best nintendo games ever imo.
your question wasn't "is game good or bad" your question was "would you buy" and my answer was "no"

show me where I complained about the game, please
I'm sorry but I don't know how this

of course someone with taste bad enough to like Kamen Rider Drive would want this

absolutely not lmao

can be taken as anything other than shitting on the game
I think that it really needs to happen. I love everything about the game except for how it feels. The shmup segments are great, but the on-ground segments feel awkward and unintuitive - and I'm right-handed.

I gave up on the game because I just didn't like actually playing the on-ground stuff. I am rooting for a remake in which I can just use a pro controller instead of dealing with the tiny little single-analog 3DS.
I'm sorry but I don't know how this

can be taken as anything other than shitting on the game
you know what: you're right you got me

to be fair I just wanted to dunk on Kamen Rider Drive

but now I've been hoisted by my own petard here

well, I'mma pack it up and peace out

@Mekanos you win this round!!!! I'll be there in your NEXT thread to completely derail it with tokusatsu talk

I'll at least admit that Drive had some pretty good looking suits that maybe felt really out of place in a cop show

but that would lead into my theory that the "police" angle for Drive was added very late into pre-production
...gosh, Kid Icarus Uprising is just a few months shy of 10 years old. Time flies better than Pit can, that's for sure.

I do take pause with everyone rushing to say "Kid Icarus with traditional controls is a slam dunk!" I would be extremely impressed if any developer behind a hypothetical Kid Icarus Uprising port could properly convert those controls to a more traditional set up. As unwieldy as they were, Uprising was built significantly around its controls, especially in the ground sections. The speed and precision of aiming you could achieve with the touch screen, both for aiming and turning (not to mention taps for quickly stopping) feel more suitable for a trackpad or a clickable trackball than a gyro and stick set up. Not even pointer controls correctly capture that turning speed. And it's why most of the other controls schemes weren't all that good, lack of buttons outside of the Circle Pad Pro aside.

It's not strictly impossible? The air portions don't seem ridiculous. The issue would be the ground portions. The one advantage any port developer would have is the sheer number of buttons players can reasonably use now that one hand isn't glued to a touch screen. Even ignoring the face buttons and clickable sticks, you effectively have three extra buttons to use now thanks to having triggers and expected access to the R button. My best bet would be a flick stick set up - use the gyroscope for general aiming and let the right stick aim you in precise directions, then have a button to reset the gyroscope and potentially a separate button to center the camera behind Pit. I don't know if flick stick has ever been implemented for a third person game, but you need that speed, and that's the best way I can see it happening. For accessibility let's also have a no gyro version, featuring another button to quickly turn the camera 180 degrees to quickly get the jump on enemies behind you, perhaps even using the shoulder buttons to mimic turning in 90 degree increments? You may still need to tweak enemy and level design around the new controls, though. Definitely more work than just an HD upscale with basic stick/gyro aiming.

I feel like the Wii U was the perfect platform for a remaster. You got the touch screen and control sticks/triggers on both sides in equal positions. No more left/right hand accessibility issues, but you also have a possible gyro/stick set ups (not like flick stick was a thing back then but still). Alas.

Honestly, I'd take a sequel with different gameplay at this point. The most beloved parts of Kid Icarus Uprising are its characters and writing, and it's not like the series has a solid mechanical identity thanks to it only having three games released so far apart from each other. Keep it as an action game, but it doesn't need to be beholden to Uprising.
This is probably my most wanted Nintendo release right now. Including new games. A Pokémon Snap sequel was up there but we got that now. It's time for Kid Icarus.
Absolutely. It's one of those games where, if I really wanted to I could buy it right now, and I really do want to but ... those controls. They're so infamous I just don't think I'm ever going to buy it for 3DS at this rate.

This along with Xenoblade X and to a lesser extent Wooly World are some of my most wanted ports/remasters. In fact, Kid Icarus is probably the most deserving one.
but that would lead into my theory that the "police" angle for Drive was added very late into pre-production
Yeah Drive is pretty incoherent thematically lmao, and this is saying a lot when the show before it was about dance groups fighting each other with battle monsters before turning into fruit samurai. The police procedural angle probably came after Riku Sanjo got hired since the toys and suits were already decided on and they figured they'd write another W-esque show about detective work. The second half also screams late rewrites with Banno, but whatcha gonna do.

As long as you admit it has a great OP we'll call it even.

Honestly, I'd take a sequel with different gameplay at this point. The most beloved parts of Kid Icarus Uprising are its characters and writing, and it's not like the series has a solid mechanical identity thanks to it only having three games released so far apart from each other. Keep it as an action game, but it doesn't need to be beholden to Uprising.
I'd love a sequel of course but the original was kind of a perfect storm. Sakurai's scriptwork plus a really strong localization and A+ voice acting at a time when Nintendo Of America was really willing to splurge on it. A remaster would have some technical hurdles but nothing unsolvable, I think, and it would require far less resources given that I don't think Nintendo is going to greenlight the sequel to a rebootquel that sold modestly a decade ago anytime soon.

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