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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

TBH, this is why I don't think Metroid Prime 4 is the most likely big launch game,
Nintendo is a Japanese company, and Japan remains its most important market. Japan buys almost as many consoles as all of Europe, they buy more games per person, and they have a single shared language.

No Metroid game has sold a million copies in Japan since the NES. In fact the entire lifetime sales of the whole franchise in Japan is less than 2 million.

And the Prime sub-franchise does worse. Including the rereleases, Prime has sold less than 200k in Japan. By way of comparison, Snipperclips sold better than the entire lifetime sales of the Prime games in Japan.

There is no world where Metroid Prime is the key game in Nintendo’s global launch strategy.

I’m not trying to be harsh. I just want to make clear that considering Metroid is very Western Nintendo Fan Hardcore Gamer centric, and no matter what the strategy, it’s a bad pick.

Prime 4 can’t be a broad appeal cross gen game with Japanese ceiling of 50k in sales.

Prime 4 can’t target hardcore gamers because Nintendo already tried that when they announced the game 3 months into the Switch era. Those people either bought a Switch already or are burned by Nintendo not delivering in 6 years.

Prime 4 cannot be a big exclusive showpiece if it is a cross gen game.

The only thing that can get MP4 to be part of next gen launch is for it to coincidentally be done around the time of next gen launch.
I originally thought they might be thinking of digital only backwards compat when I read this translation but i've changed my mind xd

Can I play the downloadable software from Switch on the successor console?
With Steam, it's ok to buy a new PC, but Wii U to Switch was NG.

Answer (Furukawa):
There is packaged software where software is bought in stores, and software that is downloaded on the console, sold together or download-only.
We are considering future hardware and its specifications, but we cannot explain them here and now.
The ratio of digital sales is increasing, so we are considering the future.
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I'll have to look at the official translation, but from my knowledge of Japanese, it seems more accurate to translate it as game developers are greedy rather than game developers are arrogant.
That's still pretty terrible for Nintendo to blame the devs because they dont want to continue to constrain themselves to a console that is 1/4th as powerful as the Xbox One.

Gives a sense that nintendo is no where even close to ready with their next generation of hardware.
If I'm understanding this answer correctly they might be suggesting digital only backwards compat which is interesting. Glad I went cartridgless for switch gen besides xenoblade special editions lol.


Can I play the downloadable software from Switch on the successor console?
With Steam, it's ok to buy a new PC, but Wii U to Switch was NG.

Answer (Furukawa):
There is packaged software where software is bought in stores, and software that is downloaded on the console, sold together or download-only.
We are considering future hardware and its specifications, but we cannot explain them here and now.
The ratio of digital sales is increasing, so we are considering the future.

I don't see that what you say is suggested there.
My reply was buried near the bottom of last page. Since things got a bit heated, please pardon me for reposting:

It’s bad machine translation. Takahashi was talking about Nintendo’s internal teams. My Japanese reading isn’t great, but I think he said that game developers can be [“particular” or “ambitious”] and try to include many features. TotK’s Ultrahand came to mind.

As mentioned in my original post with the screenshots, this isn’t the official transcript. Let’s try not to read too much into it. That said, it sounds to me that Takahashi was humblebragging that Nintendo devs had been pushing their hardware limits since the Famicom (NES) days.

Edited for clarity
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That's still pretty terrible for Nintendo to blame the devs because they dont want to continue to constrain themselves to a console that is 1/4th as powerful as the Xbox One.

Gives a sense that nintendo is no where even close to ready with their next generation of hardware.
According to Microsoft, it's closer to 1/2 as powerful. Which isn't too bad. In theory that means a skilled developer could get a 1080p Xbox One game running at 720p on Switch, a 720p Xbox One game at 480p, etc.

Low, sure, but not in another dimension compared to Xbox One.
I don't see that what you say is suggested there.
Probably just confirmation bias since I'm digital only but the mention of physical games and digital games, then saying we're still considering specifications and then saying digital games ratio is increasing. Makes it sound like a possibility. Though being challenged made me think reread and it could just be nothing lol
According to Microsoft, it's closer to 1/2 as powerful. Which isn't too bad. In theory that means a skilled developer could get a 1080p Xbox One game running at 720p on Switch, a 720p Xbox One game at 480p, etc.

Low, sure, but not in another dimension compared to Xbox One.
As we can see with ports like TW3, Mortal Kombat, Doom eternal or Batman Arkham Knight
Probably just confirmation bias since I'm digital only but the mention of physical games and digital games, then saying we're still considering specifications and then saying digital games ratio is increasing. Makes it sound like a possibility. Though being challenged made me think reread and it could just be nothing lol
I'm just reading the answer and I don't see any insinuation.
Simply, in that question they are releasing generic information.
It is nice to see nintendo constantly being pressed on new hardware though
Nintendo is a Japanese company, and Japan remains its most important market. Japan buys almost as many consoles as all of Europe, they buy more games per person, and they have a single shared language.

No Metroid game has sold a million copies in Japan since the NES. In fact the entire lifetime sales of the whole franchise in Japan is less than 2 million.

And the Prime sub-franchise does worse. Including the rereleases, Prime has sold less than 200k in Japan. By way of comparison, Snipperclips sold better than the entire lifetime sales of the Prime games in Japan.

There is no world where Metroid Prime is the key game in Nintendo’s global launch strategy.

I’m not trying to be harsh. I just want to make clear that considering Metroid is very Western Nintendo Fan Hardcore Gamer centric, and no matter what the strategy, it’s a bad pick.

Prime 4 can’t be a broad appeal cross gen game with Japanese ceiling of 50k in sales.

Prime 4 can’t target hardcore gamers because Nintendo already tried that when they announced the game 3 months into the Switch era. Those people either bought a Switch already or are burned by Nintendo not delivering in 6 years.

Prime 4 cannot be a big exclusive showpiece if it is a cross gen game.

The only thing that can get MP4 to be part of next gen launch is for it to coincidentally be done around the time of next gen launch.

With all due respect, this take is something I've never agreed with despite the logic and facts behind it. I can understand it completely but I can't outright rule Prime 4 out despite how many people insist on ruling it out.

It's a matter of putting all my hope into them wanting to actually make Metroid a bigger franchise than it has been and taking a risk on it. And Nintendo does, at times, take risks.

I believe it can be part of their global launch strategy for Switch 2 and it will surprise many people when Prime 4 is announced within launch window when hardware is announced.

I just don't see at this point a world where Prime 4 hasn't also been in development for newer hardware. I mean, what did they decide to launch OLED with? Metroid Dread. I know it's just a small upgrade to current gen Switch but they easily could've chosen any other franchise they have to be that title to highlight the advantages of OLED to customers and instead they iterated repeatedly how OLED makes Dread look better and how it took advantage of that display. They didn't even need to associate Dread with OLED but they did anyway.

I can't really think of a game we know is long in the tooth in development that is from a studio where graphics and fidelity are important. Prime has always been a graphical showcase on Nintendo consoles. I can't really see how Prime 4 won't be leveraged to showcase at least something about Drake's capabilities, I can't. This adds up a lot more for me if I consider that Prime 4 is being factored into launch window for new hardware, both for Nintendo's insistent refusal of not showing a single morsel of this game and acknowledging it as well as the hardware's supposed launch date as well.

No matter what odds are against it, I am really adamant that Nintendo will Nintendo and do it anyways because sometimes they do take risks and you never know, it might pay off. There will have to be a point where Metroid has a Zelda moment and reaches a zeitgeist, with Switch's base it is better to try hard now than to never bother with the franchise and never try. Given Metroid's renewed interest and the project's Nintendo has been making acknowledging that interest and the positive reception that is garnering, I don't think Nintendo isn't at least trying to make Metroid land and boost its popularity. I think Prime 4 is a bigger game than people suspect it to be and really undermine it and its potential.

I will be the dark horse and say a lot of people here come reveal and release will be shocked and surprised. And if I'm wrong, remind me in the future. I just can't get on board thinking Prime 4 really is just an absolute nothingburger that isn't even factored into anything with Nintendo because it doesn't hit back home. Why even bother restarting development and trying so hard in the first place? I think it will be placed however it's going to be placed but I don't view it as low as some might, I do think it can be launch worthy and that it will be revealed within that window when hardware is revealed. They have their plans, I'm sure there will be other games, Metroid can easily be a part of that line-up.

The Switch family is the best time with the popularity Nintendo has at this moment in time to push Metroid and try to make something that will land harder than previous entries. I think Prime 4 is going to be something special and more ambitious than anything the franchise has done before and it will garner interest from what direction it goes in.
That’s still a really shit thing to say.
Nah he's basically saying developers (specifically Nintendo's internal developers) always want more power, because they always want to put more stuff into their games, and it's been that way for 40 years.

And he's also saying that sometimes the restrictions are good, and can force developers to be clever with workarounds that can make for more efficient and cheaper programming.
And he's also saying that sometimes the restrictions are good, and can force developers to be clever with workarounds that can make for more efficient and cheaper programming.
Something something Marx something something seize the means of production
This is why I once said and wondered if they're going to face a N64 situation.
I'm not quite sure what would be a alternative solution to the game cards.

UMDs? Maybe M.2 drives perhaps?

Solid state storage has gotten cheap, but I'm surprised Macronix is the only sole supplier of ROM chips in the industry. Surely there are others who also manufacture such chips. (And if all else fails...Samsung?)
I wonder what tomorrows headlines for the investor call will be. Although with the FTC thing it will disappear fly under the radar
investors: the switch is dying, yes? What will you do when the switch is dead? will it be like wii u?

nintendo: yes, the switch is dying :)
Is it just me, or is it starting to sound like all of that "restructuring" that happened at Nintendo recently was actually them completely shifting their focus into becoming a cult. Like a koolaid drinking cult of worship similar to Heaven's Gate, except in this case it is all of the Nintendo employees planning to leave this earth to go visit Satoru Iwata.

Anyway, I've got my koolaid cup ready to go.
I'm not quite sure what would be a alternative solution to the game cards.

UMDs? Maybe M.2 drives perhaps?

Solid state storage has gotten cheap, but I'm surprised Macronix is the only sole supplier of ROM chips in the industry. Surely there are others who also manufacture such chips. (And if all else fails...Samsung?)
Really at this point it’s just digital with download cards if the cart prices can’t stabilize.

In regards to MP4, I can see if being cross-gen & I can see it being apart of Redacted launch. I don’t see it being the sole launch title for the successor. Frankly a minuscule amount of people were burned by the original announcement & at the time that announcement wasn’t a terrible idea either given circumstances.

I do agree however that the audience that would buy MP4 largely would buy Redacted anyway either due to being core Nintendo fans or in anticipation of said title. I don’t think it will change much in regard to JP & will more or less match Dread’s sales. The bigger question I have is if Prime 4 has expanded upon its offerings to a larger audience. While the initial sales will be good, it can’t copy Dread with subpar legs. I’ll also be curious to see whether Metroid has been able to build between titles or lose audiences for sequels.
Really at this point it’s just digital with download cards if the cart prices can’t stabilize.

In regards to MP4, I can see if being cross-gen & I can see it being apart of Redacted launch. I don’t see it being the sole launch title for the successor. Frankly a minuscule amount of people were burned by the original announcement & at the time that announcement wasn’t a terrible idea either given circumstances.

I do agree however that the audience that would buy MP4 largely would buy Redacted anyway either due to being core Nintendo fans or in anticipation of said title. I don’t think it will change much in regard to JP & will more or less match Dread’s sales. The bigger question I have is if Prime 4 has expanded upon its offerings to a larger audience. While the initial sales will be good, it can’t copy Dread with subpar legs. I’ll also be curious to see whether Metroid has been able to build between titles or lose audiences for sequels.
I think 3D Mario is more appropriate for Redacted's launch title than MP4.
I think 3D Mario is more appropriate for Redacted's launch title than MP4.
If they have a 3D Mario then it could very well fit into launch; depending on what their slate is for that year they could also slot in for holiday. But if 3D Mario isn’t there then MP4 needs other games coming out with it since Metroid targets a very particular crowd.
It is still kinda annoying that he would be like "Developers always want more and have for 40 years don't worry about them" when the conversation around the Switch getting more and more archaic is being had by consumers too.

Even with the "overly amibitous" read, it's irksome.
Dark Moon is likely releasing Halloween 2024, so either everything is cross-gen, or Switch 2 won't be releasing until next holiday, the earliest.
Nah he's basically saying developers (specifically Nintendo's internal developers) always want more power, because they always want to put more stuff into their games, and it's been that way for 40 years.

And he's also saying that sometimes the restrictions are good, and can force developers to be clever with workarounds that can make for more efficient and cheaper programming.

The difference is, Switch is hanging pretty far back compared to today’s hardware, more so than any home console before it, all while still trying to present itself as a (hybrid) home console.

When a game runs poorly on Switch, it’s not always going to be because somebody was too ‘greedy’. It can also because the game was targeting any other hardware on the market and Switch is pretty far removed from that. It’s easy for Nintendo to say “it’s fine” when they operate only in their dated bubble.
Has anyone seen if he’s said anything else after the Direct? Like, are there still rumblings for something happening in July
It was asked during their latest podcast

Streamable mirror here since YouTube Clips don't embed well lol
Takahashi doesn‘t say devs are „arrogant“. It should be more read like „greedy“ (literally), since they want to put more and more stuff into games, pushing the boundries.

I am sure it wasn‘t intended to be mean spirited, though.

Edit: too late :D

Double edit: i guess „overly ambitious“ would be what he meant to point out, like one poster mentioned before.
Nintendo: [our] developers are greedy and try to do too much with the hardware

Also Nintendo: yes the switch is dying, please enjoy. :D

Is it just me, or is it starting to sound like all of that "restructuring" that happened at Nintendo recently was actually them completely shifting their focus into becoming a cult. Like a koolaid drinking cult of worship similar to Heaven's Gate, except in this case it is all of the Nintendo employees planning to leave this earth to go visit Satoru Iwata.

Anyway, I've got my koolaid cup ready to go.

I stared at my screen for 10 seconds after reading this, and I legit don’t know how to respond 💀😹
The difference is, Switch is hanging pretty far back compared to today’s hardware, more so than any home console before it, all while still trying to present itself as a (hybrid) home console.

When a game runs poorly on Switch, it’s not always going to be because somebody was too ‘greedy’. It can also because the game was targeting any other hardware on the market and Switch is pretty far removed from that. It’s easy for Nintendo to say “it’s fine” when they operate only in their dated bubble.

I don’t really agree with that. The Wii is the most extreme example of hardware being so far back compared to the contemporaries. The switch is significantly closer than the Wii was to those systems.
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You silly Upside Downers and your inverted seasons, you.
As another shivering Aussie - I'm not wanting to restart the earlier seasonal debate, but I thought you should all know that it's currently Winter 2023 here, so I'm expecting the Pokemon DLC with its next gen patch imminently. 😜
Btw, for the conversation about Nintendo going back to change DRAKE, the only change you should all be asking for is LPDDR5X memory at the highest config and a solid amount of memory at that. :p

136GB/s would be kino for this. More than 102GB/s

(I’ve already retired to “it’s not 8N maybe” camp)
In fact we don't know what they have, maybe they sitting on a 3D Mario, MP4, F ZERO GX 4K, 3D DK, we have no idea
We are supposing

It has been proven in the past that next gen launches doesn't need a system seller, a simple game showcasing the power and capabilities is enough

Sony proved it with the PS5 and Spiderman Miles Morales, what carried the PS5 was the third parties like COD, FIFA, Assassins Creed..

They won't launch a 3D Mario on a new console with a low number of users, they will wait at least 6 months to do so like they have always did
They delayed the Switch to match BOTW launch and it wasn't even an exclusive

They investing a lot of money and manpower on Metroid Prime 4, why they would do that knowing that it doesn't bring huge sales and is not a system seller? Well it will be the "Spiderman Miles Morales" of the Switch 2, a launch game to showcase the power of the machine that fans will love and on the side we will have the activision, ubisoft games, playing in handheld.

This will most likely be the Switch 2 at launch
Except if I missed something, Call of Duty was not the system seller of the Switch. Nintendo games were ans still are.
Except if I missed something, Call of Duty was not the system seller of the Switch. Nintendo games were ans still are.

Call of Duty didn’t release on Switch last one was Wii U in 2013

Nintendo signed a 10 year deal in December 2022 to bring COD and more to the platform that means COD will soon be announced for Switch family, however I see it more fitting for the Switch 2 due the needed specs to run it smoothly

It’s all aligning
Call of Duty didn’t release on Switch last one was Wii U in 2013

Nintendo signed a 10 year deal in December 2022 to bring COD and more to the platform that means COD will soon be announced for Switch family, however I see it more fitting for the Switch 2 due the needed specs to run it smoothly

It’s all aligning
It was not m'y point.
It was not m'y point.

The Switch 2 specs will use classic games like COD to show and sell the technical abilities of the new console, and yes having COD available in handheld is a huge unique selling point for a lot of players that no other competitor is offering

Also comparing Switch 1 and Switch 2 launch doesn't make sense, Nintendo had to build its customers base from scratch with the Switch, all they had was their huge licenses, now they have a huge customers base and a successful console that still has 2 more years of support while rolling out the next gen

Switch 1 launch buyer is a brand new car purchase for someone with no car or a very old not popular one (Wii U)

Switch 2 launch buyer is a car owner (Switch 1) or a bike owner (PS/Xbox) that wants a more modern and beefer new car
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Nintendo: [our] developers are greedy and try to do too much with the hardware

Also Nintendo: yes the switch is dying, please enjoy. :D

I stared at my screen for 10 seconds after reading this, and I legit don’t know how to respond 💀😹


It don’t really agree with that. The Wii is the most extreme example of hardware being so far back compared to the contemporaries. The switch is significantly closer than the Wii was to those systems.
Shiya Takahashi: curse Nintendo EPD 8 and EPD 3 with they ambitous Legend of Zelda and 3D Mario games, stop making they ambitous
It doesn't change the fact that Nintendo is willing to spend a lot of money for this deal and that would most likely not be the case if a Switch successor capable of handling demanding graphics and FPS like COD wouldn't be around the corner..
My point is that Microsoft's tentative 10 year agreement with Nintendo probably won't be the reason Call of Duty's potentially coming to the Nintendo Switch family and/or Nintendo's new hardware, especially if Nintendo's new hardware launches during holiday 2023 or early 2024.

The probable reason is that Nintendo signed a separate agreement with Activision behind the scenes before agreeing to a tentative 10 year agreement with Microsoft.
My point is that Microsoft's tentative 10 year agreement with Nintendo probably won't be the reason Call of Duty's potentially coming to the Nintendo Switch family and/or Nintendo's new hardware, especially if Nintendo's new hardware launches during holiday 2023 or early 2024.

The probable reason is that Nintendo signed a separate agreement with Activision behind the scenes before agreeing to a tentative 10 year agreement with Microsoft.

So you think COD will be guaranteed on Switch even though Activision Microsoft deal doesn't go through ? That's a good news
It doesn't change the fact that Nintendo is willing to spend a lot of money for this deal and that would most likely not be the case if a Switch successor capable of handling demanding graphics and FPS like COD wouldn't be around the corner..

Do you think Nintendo pays for the deal which Microsoft needs more than anything to realize the merger? It's a nice game for Nintendo for sure, but they don't need it for Switch Two and it won't move the needle for the sales numbers of the console.
Do you think Nintendo pays for the deal which Microsoft needs more than anything to realize the merger? It's a nice game for Nintendo for sure, but they don't need it for Switch Two and it won't move the needle for the sales numbers of the console.

From the Nvidia specs leak we can tell that the Switch 2 will expand the customer scope to hardcore gamers as well, so COD will be a very welcome addition.

Nintendo's goal seems like they want every kind of player being able to play on Switch family of consoles (kids, family, casual gamers, hardcore gamers)

Switch reveal trailer was featuring Skyrim that's for a good reason, Nintendo cares a lot about 3rd parties being available
So you think COD will be guaranteed on Switch even though Activision Microsoft deal doesn't go through ?
Not necessarily. I'm basically saying if Call of Duty does come to the Nintendo Switch family and/or Nintendo's new hardware, the tentative 10 year agreement between Microsoft and Nintendo won't be the reason, but probably an agreement between Nintendo and Activision behind the scenes.

Did you have a source of this?
No, I was speculating. (I thought my use of "probable" made that clear.)
Did you have a source of this? It could be very interesting
There is none since it would be a backroom deal unless it leaked. I would remain wary about an ABK post non-acquisition since Bobby would still be CEO. I’d give them a 3yr window before assuming they aren’t interested period. I think it moot since the acquisition will probably go through.
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