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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

If the PS4 > PS5 transition proved anything, is that crossgen can go for two years. Maybe three.

Better launch software can be debatable. Switch had Zelda, Mario and Xeno. Switch 2 would only have Mario and Pokemon DLC
How do you know what software it would have in 2024?
Yes? That is what I said? I was correcting OP who was saying the game was built for the succ originally.
I don’t think that’s what they (Giancarlo) meant, think they were talking about the position of the game that it was supposed to be for the Succ as per Nintendo’s guidance. But Ubisoft didn’t listen.

Even if the development was for the switch in mind, Nintendo seems to have wanted them to position the sequel to the game for the successor system and wanted it to be a 1 per console ordeal.
I really enjoyed the first Mario & Rabbids game from Ubisoft and the second one looked promising, but it released in a year which was filled with a lot of games. Xenobalde, Splatoon, Bayonetta, Pokemon all were released in a four-month-period and Ubisoft said "Yeah, release the game, we will compete!" and lost the fight. It's a shame that the awesome developers of the game have to suffer under their management. They could have released the game as a launch-game for [Redacted] while going the cross-gen-route and sales would be way higher.

I also didn't buy it because Ubisoft was going strong on the NFT-Train and I would like to limit the scam from publishers to the DLC-section. If they go for a Deluxe-Version with all DLC included and patched up to take advantage of Drake I would reconsider a purchase.
I really enjoyed the first Mario & Rabbids game from Ubisoft and the second one looked promising, but it released in a year which was filled with a lot of games. Xenobalde, Splatoon, Bayonetta, Pokemon all were released in a four-month-period and Ubisoft said "Yeah, release the game, we will compete!" and lost the fight. It's a shame that the awesome developers of the game have to suffer under their management. They could have released the game as a launch-game for [Redacted] while going the cross-gen-route and sales would be way higher.

I also didn't buy it because Ubisoft was going strong on the NFT-Train and I would like to limit the scam from publishers to the DLC-section. If they go for a Deluxe-Version with all DLC included and patched up to take advantage of Drake I would reconsider a purchase.
Yeah, I also don't understand. Unfortunately, the game wasnt ready a year before, I had bought it full price back then, now my backlog is so huge, I can wait for the gold edition reaching 30. Would have been even not bad, if it had released earlier this year. But Ubisoft has to release games asap, they delayed so many important games, they cant stockpile good games for a better timing like Nintendo eventually doing.
This, I chose to believe. Being the head of Ubisoft, Guillemot should be regularly briefed by his underlings of the commercial longevity of Ubisoft titles. If he is led to think that the M+R team “will update it for the new machine”, they probably have knowledge of the backward compatibility of Switch 2.

I would assume Guillemot would have been briefed directly by Nintendo. Ultimately it's executives like Guillemot who decide what games come to the platform, so my guess is that Nintendo's first presentations on The New Machine™ would have been made primarily to executives, with maybe a couple of senior technical staff, with the executives then deciding which teams would be working on the new hardware, followed up with dev kits and further technical details. It's probably a safe enough bet that backwards compatibility and handling of cross-gen titles would have come up in these early discussions.

In any case, although I'm wary of reading too much into offhand comments like these, "update it for the new machine" does sound positive in terms of Nintendo adopting a more Xbox-like approach to cross gen games. It's better than "port it to the new machine" or "release it on the new machine".
I don’t. But Switch launched with Zelda and Mario. Switch 2 would launch with just Mario? Maybe Metroid Prime and DK. Would that be enough to make it equal to Switch launch?

I think Nintendo will have a Deluxe-Version of TotK with all DLC and a free patch for people who own the original version for launch day. Will be good for the development of the next title in the main-series to have the engine optimized for the new hardware early-on and even get paid for this effort.

Most important game for the launch year will be Mario Kart, it sells the most consoles if you look at the whole lifecycle.
I think Nintendo will have a Deluxe-Version of TotK with all DLC and a free patch for people who own the original version for launch day. Will be good for the development of the next title in the main-series to have the engine optimized for the new hardware early-on and even get paid for this effort.

Most important game for the launch year will be Mario Kart, it sells the most consoles if you look at the whole lifecycle.
In wholeheartedly agree with you. Successor’s launch could be full of optimized past gen titles
Late 2024 is 15 months away. If that's something you feel like you want to worry about I won't stop you.
counter point: most of us cant just switch gaming platform on a whim, and dont really want to jump between platforms all the time.

If they had the feeling they are not happy with the performance of switch and what third party games still get ported a year ago, then its not getting better, and they already had a year of waiting for many gamign experiences. Another year can easily be to much so that they decide to move on to another platform.

(i don't expect many people on FAMI to fall in this group though)

For me, it also the problem that i expected a cross gen period with big releases that work on both.
Since this is seemingly not the goal (would not really make much sense anymore, that would be more a thing for late last year), i don't expect many games to my taste to release this late in the cycle, meaning i expect an off year for my taste for the most part.
Is there a possibility that Nintendo doesn’t have any Switch 2 exclusive software ready for late 2024?

Or does that sound too far fetched?
3D Mario, the Monolith Software Adventure game and a new IP sound the most probable for 2024. Mario Kart 10 may seem inevitable as a launch year title but it historically hasn't always been one and Nintendo may want some space between BCP and 10.
Come on, if a new hardware was about to be revealed (today) we would already know.
Personally, I don't think it's planned for 2023 either, but I'll be more or less sure of that after the Direct.
A hardware part in the Direct would be veeery in-house. I presume 3rd party leaks occur because:
• Nintendo gives devs a due date for promo material;
• 3rd parties commission their marketing department to produce the material;
• If it’s not in-house, they outsource it to a PR firm;
• The PR firm either does it in-house or they subcontract someone
I presume this is how the logistics of a Direct move out. We can make an argument that first party material has leaked, but I presume Nintendo commissions their stuff to a PR firm of their choice and someone along the line leaked.

In terms of hardware, maybe that’s something they would include in-house.

But I’m just speculating and acting on confirmation bias.
I'm pretty sure it won't happen but a hardware presentation teasing at the very end (for, say, a July reveal) would be really wild and an awesome one-more-thing.
Come on, if a new hardware was about to be revealed (today) we would already know.
Personally, I don't think it's planned for 2023 either, but I'll be more or less sure of that after the Direct.
Don't agree we would know. I mean we do know there is one coming based on quite a few leaks... so who knows what N will decide to reveal or not. I don't expect it this Direct.

IMO, no matter what they include in this direct, even a gameplay trailer for Prime 4 (which I believe is super likely to be a Switch 2 showpiece) does not not prevent them from revealing a Switch 2 in a month with updated more impressive trailers for all the games we see today. Nintendo does what they want. They might want double exposure for these. While I think it would be better to hold it for the 2 reveal, who knows!
Don't agree we would know. I mean we do know there is one coming based on quite a few leaks... so who knows what N will decide to reveal or not. I don't expect it this Direct.

IMO, no matter what they include in this direct, even a gameplay trailer for Prime 4 (which I believe is super likely to be a Switch 2 showpiece) does not not prevent them from revealing a Switch 2 in a month with updated more impressive trailers for all the games we see today. Nintendo does what they want. They might want double exposure for these. While I think it would be better to hold it for the 2 reveal, who knows!
I am aware that it exists. I was referring to a revelation today. 😁
If they announce it I'll buy you a beer 😶🍻

Joking aside, I'm interested in games, even if my backlog doesn't agree. 🤣
Personally I’m not too concerned about what titles would be the “swan songs” of Switch 1 or what would be the launch games of Switch 2. It seems to me that Nintendo’s business emphasis on evergreen titles (what Guillemot disclosed to GamesIndustry.biz further demonstrates their thinking) may lead to a persistent Switch eShop, not unlike Valve’s Steam or Apple’s App Store. Looking at today’s top 14 games on both storefronts, there are many old a$$ games still topping the charts:



Granted Switch isn’t a PC or smartphone, but Nintendo is in a good position to pursue this strategy technically (a walled garden), positionally (1st party dominated marketplace), and philosophically (enduring value of IP).

I think there's an interesting distinction that almost all of the older titles that are still selling well on PC and other consoles are live service online multiplayer games. Counting free to play games on mobile, which is the majority of that market, they're also effectively live service games. Nintendo is relatively unique in that they maintain healthy sales of full price single player titles with little to no post-launch support. I would imagine Nintendo's aim here isn't to become like other videogame publishers, but rather to become like other media. In books, music and movies, you'll typically see years and decades-old titles selling well alongside newer titles, often at similar pricing. I'm sure Nintendo would be very happy if their latest Mario game had the same shelf life as The Godfather or Led Zeppelin IV.

I like this video for several reasons
  • mobile has come a long way
  • games are quite scalable when you put the work in (that said, rearting this game for mobile was definitely a time consuming process)
  • I don't think this is the future of Drake games compared to Series X or PS5, but it does show that devs won't be as limited if you're willing to make cuts. maybe shit like Avatar can turn off the RT and just rely on real-time probe updates
There's the nail in the coffin for a 2023 release. I'm guessing people will jump on the 1st half 2024 release with Metroid Prime 4 as cross-gen.
Remakes and DLCs. Switch is riding fumes until 2024. 3d Mario, MP4 and Zelda ToTK definitive edition as launch titles for Switch 2 in fall 2024 is my prediction now. Think I'm off #team2023.
Convinced at this point Prime 4 will be a crossgen Switch 2 launch title. Definitely enough for Nintendo to ride off the rest of 2023, so I think an early 2024 launch could be on the cards.
So after the Direct my hope for the Succ this year has been slightly restored. Either that or they are starting to slightly coast a bit.

Also reinforces my belief that Metroid Prime 4 will at least be cross-gen.

It is extremely hard being a Metroid fan.

At least Super Mario RPG Remake is a thing, never saw that coming and it looks fantastic.

Super Mario Wonder at least has more effort than prior 2D Mario games have had.

This being said...this Direct was a disappointment for me. A lot of filler, the headlines were very bad aside from Star Ocean Second Story R and Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince. What is happening with Silksong honestly? DQ III Remake? Hello, are you there? A lot of the games that were indie were not that great, a few announcements we already knew that shouldn't have been there (Sonic Superstars for one.)

Detective Pikachu 2 looks very...underwhelming? I don't know, not remotely excited for it. Having all the Pikmin games on Switch is great for Pikmin fans, entices me to get into the series.

A lot of time spent that could've, I don't know, be put to better use on more Nintendo titles. Wave 5 announcement for MK8 was rushed, didn't show the rest of the courses and come on, they totally could've gone more into that Peach game and Dark Moon remaster, would've been better time spent than yet another farming sim game eye-roll.

Damn, I wish the final announcement was Metroid Prime 4. No idea what is happening with that game and it concerns me, was certain we would get at least something given the Prime 1 Remaster shadow drop earlier in the year. Anything honestly. It's so strange to me that they have nothing to show for this game yet that I'm very much considering the possibility it's going to be a launch title for Drake at this point and the goal post shifted somewhere during development.

Overall, certainly not the greatest Direct there ever has been, probably could've cut down the bloat and simply made this a Mini all things considered, would've been better just condensing it to 90% Nintendo announcements with a couple of other third party's and just skip the filler.
there's something off with this direct they haven't even got a major holiday title yet. it's pure remasters & DLC.
Yeah. I found it odd, as well. It was packed. TOO packed. And the hosts were just… there. I even thought Miyamoto was gonna be there, but extended Pikmin 4 coverage, but he wasn’t. The way they delivered things, its as if they’re not gonna make a Pikmin Direct nor a September Direct. They featured a looot of stuff! They even revealed a couple of 2024 titles!

I’m sure this is to impress shareholders, but wow, what about a Holiday game? What’s it gonna be?

Or wil the Holiday season be covered by a new hardware? 🤭
Lol told you guys we'd have 2D side scrolling Mario. But it's an October release eh..

Oh shit at super Mario rpg remake 😳. Maybe thats the holiday game. Lol

Man, so many Mario games.
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This new detective pikachu was rough as hell. They have been working on it for so many years and ughhh, no words. I was really looking forward to it.
Drake please come and save us all
even the 2D Mario was underwhelming it's just a new take on the NSMB style. smh Nintendo.
Man i disagree. It looked glorious. It looked like a proper 2d Mario. It got me hype! Maybe I'm the target market though.

Edit: this might be my most “Yeah!”d post haha. Bigger target market then just me ;)
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Guys the Holiday game are Pokemon DLC and heavy promotion for Wonder and Mario RPG

Wonder will be iper promotode fron October to December for sure
I believe 2 crossgen games was reveled on this Direct: That Luigi Manssion 2 Remaster and the New Princess Peach game.

Both these games don't have a "coming to switch" neither the final title announced. Only word is that them exist and nothing more. Why so secretive?
Lol told you guys we'd have 2D side scrolling Mario.
Well I mean it's been speculated based on hires for a long time.
More than enough announced and rumored games without release dates to carry Switch through 2024 imo. Only question is if Prime 4 or 3D Mario is the big holiday 2024 game.
Uh, well I think a 3D DK game is more likely based on hiring just like with 2d mario. Hopefully we'll see Prime 4 in the September direct
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