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StarTopic Xenoblade 3: Future Redeemed |ST| Ontos the Next One

Tying in major progression like slot unlocks to exploration is so satisfying, especially with how well-designed the map is.
I can see people being mad at it tho
The OP might want to update the combo sections to say Daze is no longer a thing and both Burst and Smash work off Launch. And the enemy needs to be launched, it's not regardless of combo status.
been meaning to, but too busy playing lol
Trying to avoid to read any comments here since I havnt started this just yet - but I have seen a few screenshots on twitter, and it looks like they hit new heights with the visuals of the areas based on those shots.

So question: Is it better looking than Standard XC3 or sameish?
same. this isn't an updated engine like with Torna.
Just saying, if A had auburn hair I would be absolutely losing my shit watching her interact with Matthew.
I’m happy so far. The more I play and get a feel for the party, the more my feelings develop.

Matthew is either a lovable chav or a bit wooden - and it entirely depends on the scene he’s in and what he’s saying. I do like him, but I don’t think he has the best dialogue at times. It feels odd to see him take charge of the crew when Rex and Shulk are hanging around, but that’s what it is. So yeah, I think he’s a decent leading man so far, but I need to see more.

A is generally great - though she doesn’t have a lot to do emotionally, so let’s see how she develops. I think she’s immediately likeable, if only because she calls out how much of an idiot Matthew can be sometimes.

Nikol is a really odd one for me so far. I don’t quite know what to make of his voice or character. I realise he’s so accepting of his new life because he doesn’t like to fight. At the same time, he pretty much rolls with it straight away and feels a bit like a wet blanket as a result. Nice kid, but a bit vanilla and weak.

Contrary to the post on the other page, I really like Glimmer’s delivery and general character so far. For her, death was her goal - to reach that destination as a mark of respect to those she fought alongside. To have that torn away, well it’s not something a cheeky smile and a nap can smooth over (unless you’re Nikol). To see her run away, fight by herself, escape and then be almost killed by her comrades, was good stuff. And to see Rex scold her and then Nikol reach out to her in the aftermath, was great.

I like characters who drive conflict in a party and I think she’s pretty much the only one who isn’t best mates with everyone straight away. She has a slightly flatter voice, like Mythra, which definitely makes her feel a bit bratty. I also dig that they gave her Pyra’s cutscene idol animation (holding her left arm) and a run cycle that calls back to her.

Shulk sounds old. I think you get an odd feeling because Howden has played him the same for so many years across several different games. It is absolutely appropriate, but it takes a little getting used to. I don’t think - and I hate to say it - his delivery is quite as pristine so far as his previous efforts. But that could change. Again, I need to see more.

I love Al Weaver, but given some of the dialogue Rex has here and his general demeanour, I can absolutely see why he was recast. Love how he still has many of his corny lines. They play up his age through some new ones too (he comments on his knees if he falls from a high spot) and he doesn’t just come across as older, but considerably older and as a dad. I liked the NPC dialogue about him playing with the kids at Colony 9 and despite his gruff appearance, he‘s a big softy. You get that vibe too.

I think because Rex has a completely different voice - alongside such a massive visual overhaul - it’s both easier and harder to place the good and bad so far. Let’s see how he develops.

There‘s some cool story bits bubbling away under the surface too. A few lines here and there really get the imagination revving, but I need to see where it goes (or at least get further) before I pass comment.
The expansion is giving me Torna vibes, even the battle team. So far, the game feels like a refined version of the og 3.
I'm fifteen hours in and just got to the Black Mountains. I assume this is probably the last big area of the game. Tomorrow's going to be busy for me and I've been going back and forth on if I want to do Ludum Dare friday, so I may not finish the game til next week.

But this is probably the most fun exploration in the series. The whole thing's like a giant treasure hunt and I like building contraptions to reach new areas or find shortcuts for a bit of metroidvania fun. Combat is also mostly an improvement on base 3, the revision to fusion arts is doing a lot for me.
Played up to the start of Chapter 2 last night and so far it's terrific.

Matthew and A are a likeable duo with fun chemistry, and the new system of rewarding practically every activity with AP is a great way to incentivise a more thorough and varied style of play; I already find myself going out of my way to kill specific enemies and explore each nook and cranny.

In true Xenoblade fashion, it also does a nice job of balancing gravitas with wholesome silliness and optimism.
Can't wait to play more!
Where the heck are black crystals? I need them to produce the lift to Prison Island. I found black shards in that cave for the Riki fetch quest, but it’s not the same thing.
Where the heck are black crystals? I need them to produce the lift to Prison Island. I found black shards in that cave for the Riki fetch quest, but it’s not the same thing.
time to sidetrack then. it usually around quest area, path to quest area, or lost cities folks
I beat the chapter 3 boss and...well

Once I heard THAT field music and THAT battle theme I suddenly got hype for Colony 9! Woo!
I finished the game just now and I loved it, 10/10.
Just beat the DLC, I love this series and this game. Just perfect.
How long did it take you? Did you play just the critical path or 100%?

I played 6hrs yesterday and Im in ch. 3. So many feels after hearing xeno 1 music. Incredible pieces. Qol improvements were so needed. The biggest gripe of main game was the lack of info what monster drops what. Interestingly enough Im not using much chain attacks, which is awesome, cause they were tiring in main campaign. I miss the cool transformations but at the same time those co-op attacks used on launched enemies are so fun.
mother of god

Rex's fuckin entrance tho
The difference between his entrance and Shulk's is hilarious. They hid Shulk's face for a bit but then showed it without much fanfare, but Rex gets to save the day protecting Glimmer and Nikol from a big ass laser. It is pretty fitting for their characters though

Like many people here I am really loving the Matthew/A dynamic. Matthew in particular I like more than I thought I would, and it helps that he punches stuff since characters who punch stuff are always cool. I also expected A to be super cold and emotionless but there's an unexpected warmth to her at times which I really like.
Aurora Shelf music feels particlarly good after how disapointing the field tracks were in vanilla Xeno 3.
I vastly prefer that they got rid of daze and everything finishes off of launch. Not only was the previous system needlessly complex it also felt like the AI screwed me over constantly from the combo I actually wanted to do unless I unequipped all launch/daze arts from all party members (which of course means more tedious menuing). With FR's system I always get the effect I want whener I want.

Really I think I prefer pretty much every gameplay change they have made. In the base game it felt like you had a bunch of mechanics that were constantly at odds with each other, here it feels like they complement each other more naturally.
I’m switching around between characters to see who I like… but man, I just don’t think I can let go of the crit recharge life.

Rex, even now,
at the start of chapter 3
and half built, feels like the man if you like to spam - and I like to spam!

I’ve got to say, as a game - like, in terms of the systems available to you, how quickly they’re introduced and how meaningful they feel - this is better than XC3 for me.

Unity Attacks are slicker than the transformations in the main game and being able to mix and match them for different rewards is brilliant. Ouroboros feel clunky and slow for so much of XC3, particularly because your mobility is hugely nerfed. I prefer the chain attacks here too, character progression and so on.

I’m also spending far less time in menus, prattling about with classes every half hour.

The new ‘heart to heart‘ system is such a welcome return. I don’t care for the non-voiced campsite interactions in XC3. I want voiced conversations between different party members and I want to search for them in the world. Exploration felt really unrewarding in XC3 and not having optional chats that you could stumble upon out in the wild made the world feel less alive.

And speaking of exploration and encouraging you to look around, this game does a brilliant job of feeding everything into larger systems. Of course it’s a smaller game, but every 10/15 seconds there’s something to interact with. One of my biggest criticisms with XC3 was that you just had large expanses of nothingness (not entirely unlike XC) and I think this game feels jam-packed.

I didn’t know I needed an ether slide until this morning!

As a game - and I can‘t talk about the scope, amount of content, story or anything else, but as a game, I think this is a lot better than XC3.
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Does the Trinity set OST have a digital version of the soundtracks? Is that what digipacks are?
Don't think so but you can always digitalize a CD yourself, as long as you have a PC and a disc drive (mostly a external one in todays world). For ripping I recommend iTunes (even though the software is not liked on Windows). It is straight forward and you can easy adapt the song information if you need to.
Don't think so but you can always digitalize a CD yourself, as long as you have a PC and a disc drive (mostly a external one in todays world). For ripping I recommend iTunes (even though the software is not liked on Windows). It is straight forward and you can easy adapt the song information if you need to.

If you're on windows, windows media player is easily capable of ripping CDs and automatically applying song information as well. Only catch is that the song information on the CDs may well be in Japanese so you could end up having to replace it by hand if that matters to you.
Aurora Shelf!
Holy moly that lush green area lit up at night by the giant luminescent tree is one of my favourite images from the series since X.
Together with the fantastic music, it's quintessential Xenoblade and captures the magic of the series so well, I love it.
I finished the game just now and I loved it, 10/10.

Just beat the DLC, I love this series and this game. Just perfect.
Having not started it and not being sure when I can start Future Redeemed, I'd also be really curious to know how long it took. Also, did you mostly concentrate on the main quest, or did you do a lot of side content?

it kinda feels like Monolith Soft is throwing ideas at the wall to see how it goes with all these things like the field repairing, the x-sensor or whatever it's called, all the map stats, the affinity points system, the incursion thing etc

it makes me interested to see what they throw out and what they keep around and expand on and excited to see what their next game is like
I’m also spending far less time in menus, prattling about with classes every half hour.

Im really happy they got rid of class system, I wasn't fond of everyone being the same. I love when each character is unique and as a side benefit we don't have to change classes constantly like you've just said. I hope that class system doesn't return in 4.

Generally fighting feels snappier and faster. I love transformations so I prefere ouroboros, but what we have now in dlc is also cool. Really good changes all around.
If you're on windows, windows media player is easily capable of ripping CDs and automatically applying song information as well. Only catch is that the song information on the CDs may well be in Japanese so you could end up having to replace it by hand if that matters to you.
Yeah I know but I don't want to recommend the old media player anymore because Microsoft is phasing it out. Also I think it only supports ripping to wma and mp3. I am not sure if every new device out there will easily support mp3 because a few years ago there was some news that the mp3 license will not be sold anymore or something like that. I rip everything to AAC

Edit: found it: https://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/en/ff/amm/consumer-electronics/mp3.html
On April 23, 2017, Technicolor's mp3 licensing program for certain mp3 related patents and software of Technicolor and Fraunhofer IIS has been terminated.

Edit Edit: Just read that the new windows media player can rip CDs. It seems to be possible since last July (took them long enough). Supported formats are: WMA, AAC, FLAC and ALAC
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The expansion is giving me Torna vibes, even the battle team. So far, the game feels like a refined version of the og 3.

I agree
the base game was abviously meatier, but this "feels" more refined
and I love the interactions between A and Matthew honestly
Couldn't help myself and started playing this yesterday evening ... only in the beginning of Chapter 2 but i gotta say i was somewhat confused how short Chapter 1 is. ^^
Looks like this is the second main DLC in a row where the battle systems are better than the main game. Torna and FR feel like they streamlined what they were based on.
Getting close to 11 hours in now and barely reached chapter 4. I spent most of my five hours today doing side quests and cleaning up the maps. Having a blast with this DLC. Martial Artist was my favorite class in the base game, so I poured all of my resources into Matthew first and he’s just obscene the way you can constantly recharge arts and deal huge damage. Like Ghondor in the base game, having a dodge move to dodge the big swings feels excellent too (I noticed right at the end today, some enemy attacks display a meter in the UI so you know exactly when they’ll swing at you. Was that in the base game?). Also I’ve had some incredible luck with the chance recharges where I’ve gotten the same attack four times in a row once even. Just absurd. One separate thing I want to mention, I think my favorite repeated battle line is “LAUNCH!!!” lol.
Nearing the end of Chapter 4, and I have to get this off my chest

The inordinate amount of Xenoblade 1 locations vs Xenoblade 2 locations has me feeling a bit depressed
I do appreciate how straightforward FR's gameplay mechanics are right now but I think I may still prefer base game 3. Class system was dope and is one of the many reasons why I liked X.

The Unity Combos is a smart way to "not have to be in chain combo mode to dish out damage" and keep the pace going though.
Having not started it and not being sure when I can start Future Redeemed, I'd also be really curious to know how long it took. Also, did you mostly concentrate on the main quest, or did you do a lot of side content?

19 hours on Hard, I would say I did a decent amount of side content but still have a bit to finish.
I wish some of this could have been incorporated into the base game somehow. This is a wonderful piece of content - and if you're a fan, you are well and truly being serviced here.

But if a few of these bigger ideas and plot points could have made the cut in the game, XC3 might have felt fuller and more satisfying to me. It wouldn't need all of this either, just some of the larger plot points.

I'm trying to keep my expectations in check, but given the response of those already in front on me, I'm expecting some cool things.
I'm at about 8 hours having reached the Ragmos Desolation, though I've been trying to do all the side stuff. The progression system is I guess fine for a game of this scale but I would scream if they did a full-fat Xenoblade with it
For any other Xeno 1 fans this DLC is a treat. It's my favourite of the 3 games and there's a lot of stuff here to geek over

Also I love Rex talking about Dunban."Was he your mentor or brother in law?" and Shulk bascially confirming both
Aurora Shelf!
Holy moly that lush green area lit up at night by the giant luminescent tree is one of my favourite images from the series since X.
Together with the fantastic music, it's quintessential Xenoblade and captures the magic of the series so well, I love it.
What I love about it is how much it feels like a legit mix of XB 1&2. The Shelf as an area has XB1 vibes while the music feels very, very XB2, so the feel of the place is a nice mix of the two games, as opposed to just a mishmash of landmarks like the main game had.

Oh also the mild complaints I had about 3's area music being less grandiose and memorable are being washed the hell away here.

Jsyk, it's "idle" animation. Because it's what they do when they're idle.
I dunno, I might be okay with Glimmer as an idol 🤔

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