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not the same thing and definitely not the same use case
Absolutely a different use case but I think the concern is whether they might go hard on marketing that aspect of it, thus giving the validation they're speaking of.

Honestly I'd also be a bit uncomfortable about that.
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The worst case scenario I foresee is that future big titles (MP4, 3D Mario, Pokemon gen 10, etc.) will be released only on Switch.

MP4 may go to 30 fps like DOOM Eternal and 3D Mario may go to 30 fps in handheld mode like Bowser's Fury.
Pokemon gen 10's performance could be improved by eliminating the open world, but I don't think Game Freak will make that choice.

Anyway, I hope [REDACTED] will be released in 2024 at the latest.
It’s a little variable depending on workload, but yeah, as much as 1.5x, iso-flop
Wait, I guess I left the boat when the discussion was at the consensus that Ampere FLOPS ~= GCN FLOPS on PC GPUs. Where do we get the 1.5x from?
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1. Intel 4 won't be available to external clients. Intel 3 will be the one made available for others, and timeline-wise that doesn't work out.
Thanks for that info, I never realised Intel were now tick-tocking their nodes that way! I guess just Samsung or TSMC 7/6nm are the only realistic options now?
Absolutely a different use case but I think the concern is whether they might go hard on marketing that aspect of it, thus giving the validation they're speaking of.

Honestly I'd also be a bit uncomfortable about that.
It is a shame how new technologies like AI attracts those kind of people. The same happened with AR too, but way less popular and less visible.
@oldpuck you weren’t kidding about them being all over the place 😹

3050- 24.8GB/s

3060(8G)- 18.8GB/s

3060(12G)- 28.25GB/s

3060TI- 27.65GB/s

3060TI (6GX)- 37.5GB/s

3070(Mobile?)- 26.9GB/s

3070TI- 27.96GB/s

3080- 29.77GB/s


3080(the other one)- 24.81GB/s

3090TI- 25.2GB/s

Average without outliers: 26.89GB/s

Average with outliers 27.1GB/s

The outlier being the 18GB one and the 37 one.

Anyway, let’s assume that the CPU uses 20GB/s and the average is with and without the outliers:

3.06TF and 3.04TF respectively

Let’s assume that the CPU uses 17.5GB/s and the average is with and without the outliers:

3.13TF and 3.16TF.

They can push it to 3.199TF , which is what I mean by 3.2TF by technicality ;) , which corresponds to the 1041MHz I’ve mentioned before (DOCKED)

And then the 520.5MHz portable (no higher).

These are my ceilings.

Edit: I also think 68GB/s for portable mode is preferred to make a more linear scaling from portable to docked, but I know others see 88GB/s for portable mode.
I honestly think whatever clocks we get for the GPU will be fine. The pokemon leak did mention over 60GB/s for memory iirc, in which case 68GB/s would make the obvious choice. I actually think ~17.5GB/s for the CPU is correct... Here is where it gets kind of crazy though...

We can actually get a rough idea of the GPU clock boost from handheld to docked from this memory bandwidth if (GFLOPs : GB/s) is maintained. The docked clock of the GPU should be ~70% higher. Here is again where it gets interesting, the clocks we have seen in NVN offer a ~70% increase from 660MHz to 1.125GHz. 50GB/s + 17.5GB/s = 67.5GB/s, 50GB/s + 70% = 85GB/s + 17.5GB = 102.5GB/s (LPDDR5 at 6400MTs is 102.4GB/s). I'm not saying this proves the clocks found in NVN are target GPU clocks for Drake, I've pointed out why I think that, but I think with the Pokemon dev giving us "over 60GB/s" in handheld mode, we can look at these clocks as strong contenders for final clocks. I personally think with the Ampere bandwidth rates falling in line here too, it's very interesting.

For further reference, Switch's 460MHz handheld mode to it's 768MHz docked mode is ~67%, so very much in line with this ~70% difference that this mysterious DLSS test uses for GPU clocks found in NVN hack.

EDIT: To further strength this idea, 3050 and 3080 have just under 25GB/s per TFLOP, if we look at the 660MHz clock found in NVN, tie it to ~50GB/s with the other ~18GB/s for the CPU, we end up with 2TFLOPs, or 25GB/s per TFLOP... 1125MHz clock offers 3.456TFLOPs, well docked, we are talking about an additional 35GB/s or ~25GB/s per TFLOP.
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
AI can also empower artists/creatives. Indie games could explode in depth and complexity, with a creative type at the helm, it also empowers people who don't know how to code, to make games. Basically, AI can replace dozens of people working on an indie game, while that is certainly scary, it also frees up those people to work in their own smaller teams, empowers them to make their own games, and use those same tools to give people more equal footing. It certainly can and will be bad for the industry, but it will also be great for the individuals and hobbyist in the industry as well.
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My hope is that this is all a silly, big ol' misunderstanding and the new gimmick of the console isn't AI, but rather the character AiAi from Super Monkey Ball
AI isn't something that cannot be done anywhere else. It is a computational task and requires software with sufficient compute power behind it. Any type of AI that Switch 2 can do can be replicated by XSX|S and PS5. As such, it is not a unique selling point ('gimmick'). That would only be the case if Nintendo additionally provided some interactiveness, e.g. a camera for AR or something like that (which would make AR the gimmick, not AI).

As a consequence, I personally do not believe in the least that Nintendo will use AI as the main unique selling point for the Switch 2. They can use it to make their games better or to create unique gameplay experiences, but all of that will be within the scope of the system and should be considered As part of the game design innovation by Nintendo, similar to how Nintendo have previously innovated in game design.

Perhaps this is an interesting analogy: the gen 9 SSDs allow for rapidly (and -- crucially -- dynamically) shifting action gameplay design such as in R&C Rift Apart or in the UE5 demo. But that doesn't make the SSD a gimmick: it is the specs of the hardware that allow for new gameplay design, just like how at some point improved hardware specs allowed for a move from 2D to 3D.
Thanks for that info, I never realised Intel were now tick-tocking their nodes that way! I guess just Samsung or TSMC 7/6nm are the only realistic options now?
TSMC's 4N process node, which is not to be confused with TSMC's N4 process node, is also a possibility since Nvidia's currently using TSMC's 4N process node for Hopper and Ada Lovelace GPUs and the Grace CPU.

I think Samsung's 5LPE process node is also a possibility, especially with one of the files in the illegal Nvidia leaks defining Samsung as the semiconductor foundry company being used for T239 (here, here, here, and here). But Samsung's 5LPE process node is considered to be an evolution of Samsung's 7LPP process node.

Although not related to Nintendo, I thought this is interesting.
not the same thing and definitely not the same use case
(Since people are talking about the AI stuff openly I'm not gonna bother with hiding)

The advertising aspect has already been touched on, but the idea of implementing AI for creative use in general also. Like that example someone gave of using Chat-GPT to replace human-written dialogue in Animal Crossing gives me extremely bad vibes. Even the cooler uses of it give me pause, because the even the most innocent implementation will inevitably be corrupted (especially with the game industry, whose entire motto is "give us an inch and we'll take a mile" wrt exploitative practices). In that sense, introducing AI to creative pursuits will be disastrous and if this rumor is real, tech bros are gonna use this to gas themselves up about introducing AI exploitation to other fields
But that doesn't make the SSD a gimmick: it is the specs of the hardware that allow for new gameplay design, just like how at some point improved hardware specs allowed for a move from 2D to 3D.

For you no. But when marketing a console it does. Remember, perception is reality. Sony sold the SSD as an important exclusive feature of the PS5. And it kind of worked, even among informed gamers who were at the time excited to see what kind of revolutionary open world would be possible thanks to this faster than light storage.

The new toy from Nintendo Nvidia sports hardware dedicated to play with matrices. If Nintendo finds a marginal use for it beyond increasing resolution, I'm betting they'll use AI as a catchword in their marketing. And even if it's just DLSS, I already mentionned in January that they could always use something like "ultra high resolution images thanks to the power of AI", or something of that flavor.

There aren't many gimmicks which speak both to traditional gamers and more casual people which Nintendo can leverage. AI is one of those.
Think about a hardware accelerated AI in a D&D style game. There are lots of cool possibilites:

1) The AI could serve as a DM, even generating randomized yet still compelling levels and scenarios on the fly
2) You could be the DM, and the AI can play the role of the adventuring party. You can try to make it as easy or difficult as you want, to see how the AI overcomes your challenges (or doesn't)
3) Enemies can use advanced AI to traverse their way through the dungeon at the same time as the players
Nintendo chasing and trying to lead tech trends kind of worry me. They've had some successes with 3D and N64 , but they are fundamentally not a tech company so their priorities change and it leads to conflicting messaging and not a good follow through. 3D on 3DS is a good recent example.

I worry AI is going to follow a similar trajectory
Nintendo chasing and trying to lead tech trends kind of worry me. They've had some successes with 3D and N64 , but they are fundamentally not a tech company so their priorities change and it leads to conflicting messaging and not a good follow through. 3D on 3DS is a good recent example.

I worry AI is going to follow a similar trajectory
Don’t forget motion control and hand held devices in general. Nintendo has set trends in tech more times than the other console manufacturers.
Nintendo chasing and trying to lead tech trends kind of worry me. They've had some successes with 3D and N64 , but they are fundamentally not a tech company so their priorities change and it leads to conflicting messaging and not a good follow through. 3D on 3DS is a good recent example.

I worry AI is going to follow a similar trajectory
AI for non-technical purposes though is something they'd be extremely interested in. And something I would trust they could nail quite well.

It's literally the Gunpei Yokoi thing, AI is relatively understood technology for the purposes of ML upscaling but what about using it to do completely different things? There's no company better suited right now to do lateral thinking with hardware accelerated AI than Nintendo.
Nintendo chasing and trying to lead tech trends kind of worry me. They've had some successes with 3D and N64 , but they are fundamentally not a tech company so their priorities change and it leads to conflicting messaging and not a good follow through. 3D on 3DS is a good recent example.

I worry AI is going to follow a similar trajectory
I think The AI thing, is more coincidental because NVIDIA gpus happens to be really good at AI, than it is trying to chase the latest tech trend.
Think about a hardware accelerated AI in a D&D style game. There are lots of cool possibilites:

1) The AI could serve as a DM, even generating randomized yet still compelling levels and scenarios on the fly
2) You could be the DM, and the AI can play the role of the adventuring party. You can try to make it as easy or difficult as you want, to see how the AI overcomes your challenges (or doesn't)
3) Enemies can use advanced AI to traverse their way through the dungeon at the same time as the players

People continually posting ideas that would be handled a billion times better cloud-side or production-side will probably drive me nuts.

Neural network driven enemy AI has also been wildly unimpressive in demos.
Nintendo chasing and trying to lead tech trends kind of worry me. They've had some successes with 3D and N64 , but they are fundamentally not a tech company so their priorities change and it leads to conflicting messaging and not a good follow through. 3D on 3DS is a good recent example.

I worry AI is going to follow a similar trajectory
To be fair to Nintendo I don’t feel they ever go out trying to lead in tech. They usually find a proven off the shelf tech that isn’t expensive that they feel can offer a new way to play. That’s all they have ever done. The last time they tried to lead in tech was GameCube and that was specifically power/architecture. The thing is they messed up drastically by using the mini-cd instead of the standard cd. Them again trying to be too gimmicky where it wasn’t needed. Missed out on GTA that gen because if it among other games.
Quoted by: SiG
Yeah, this was an interesting video. Couple things that I teased out.
  • Steam Deck has some performance advantages because of software. Another hint at how much of the Windows/DirectX penalty these devices are paying that REDACTED won't.
  • Bandwidth limitations aren't just a Switch thing. If REDACTED drops the memory clocks in handheld mode, which I expect, they'll be below these handhelds. Ampere efficiency advantage better hold up.
  • Obviously Ayo Neo 2 is running higher clocks, but its number of RT cores are the same as Drake. Some hints of what might be doable, considering Nvidia's general superiority in this space.
At least Switch 2's os will be more optimized then SD and Aya Neo Models. Will be interesting to see the comparisons.
Drake's bandwidth is known both from the Lapsus$ hack and from comments in the open source Nvidia Linux driver. With that knowledge we can compare Drake's bandwidth to various desktop Ampere cards, and see how it would perform. And the answer is that as long as you stay in that sub-3 TF range on Drake you should have plenty of bandwidth for Drake to perform like a comparably sized RTX 30 card. Once you get past 3TF, you start eating into the CPUs bandwidth - on game consoles, the CPU and GPU share memory bandwidth, unlike desktops. So for each FLOP past 3TF, you're getting less and less bang for your buck.
Edit4: Also, I don’t think anyone should see 4TF as on the table as it severely exacerbates the bandwidth limit. It’s why I didn’t entertain those ideas as I thought it was unrealistic.
Unless we somehow get max speed lpddr5x (133 GB/s) speed, which I'm not expecting...
All this, and hey, 1.6TF is HANDHELD mode, so now you're also comparing Series S on a 50 inch 4K TV to a 1080p 7" display. A fair comparison? No, of course Drake would win in a battle of sharpness that skewed in its favour. But that's what I meant. Handheld Drake in 1080p, at 1.6TF? That's closer to a handheld Series S, visually, than it is to a Switch
Huh? Series s is a 1080p to 1440p machine at best.
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
Why is this hidden? Lol
The worst case scenario I foresee is that future big titles (MP4, 3D Mario, Pokemon gen 10, etc.) will be released only on Switch.

MP4 may go to 30 fps like DOOM Eternal and 3D Mario may go to 30 fps in handheld mode like Bowser's Fury.
Pokemon gen 10's performance could be improved by eliminating the open world, but I don't think Game Freak will make that choice.

Anyway, I hope [REDACTED] will be released in 2024 at the latest.
They don't need to remove the open world for Pokemon. Gamefreak just sucks at it, when compared to Monolithsoft. I actually hope they keep it moving forward with open world games for their new games. Switch 2 is a lot more powerful than Switch, so it won't/shouldn't be held back by unstable framerate, pop-ins, etc.

We can actually get a rough idea of the GPU clock boost from handheld to docked from this memory bandwidth if (GFLOPs : GB/s) is maintained. The docked clock of the GPU should be ~70% higher. Here is again where it gets interesting, the clocks we have seen in NVN offer a ~70% increase from 660MHz to 1.125GHz. 50GB/s + 17.5GB/s = 67.5GB/s, 50GB/s + 70% = 85GB/s + 17.5GB = 102.5GB/s (LPDDR5 at 6400MTs is 102.4GB/s). I'm not saying this proves the clocks found in NVN are target GPU clocks for Drake, I've pointed out why I think that, but I think with the Pokemon dev giving us "over 60GB/s" in handheld mode, we can look at these clocks as strong contenders for final clocks. I personally think with the Ampere bandwidth rates falling in line here too, it's very interesting.
Hmm. Considering SD's bandwidth is 88 GB/s, it's inevitable that there will be some games (not CPU bottlenecked) that will perform better than Drake in handheld, when the GPU clocks are matching.
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While machine learning will clearly eliminate a lot of jobs in pornography and more technical art (for like corporate design stuff), the idea that any serious game company will use machine learning to cut their workforce instead of trying to release games faster is very silly.

Nintendo would probably like to be able to take fewer than 6 years to make a 3D Mario, Zelda, or Metroid game.
I think Samsung's 5LPE process node is also a possibility, especially with one of the files in the illegal Nvidia leaks defining Samsung as the semiconductor foundry company being used for T239 (here, here, here, and here). But Samsung's 5LPE process node is considered to be an evolution of Samsung's 7LPP process node.
Certainly cant dismiss the idea that Drake could be on 5LPE. It comes down to cost and performance. So when Drake was being designed, it would have been known from the start what kind of power draw limitations they were targeting and the target price for the SOC. From what I understand when designing a processor, a certain node has to be chosen early on and when looking at the roadmap for 5LPE, it certainly would have been an option. Especially if there was a commitment to working with Samsung from the beginning, making 5LPE the only real candidate if that were the case. 5LPE wouldn't be the best node for 12SM's to really shine, but its far better than 8nm. If its not 4N like the RTX40 cards, it could be that when development for Drake began, 2022 was the original target, making 4N too cutting edge and expensive for Drake. Its hard to find a lot of data on just how much an SOC built on 5LPE would compare to 4N, but regardless, the choice may have been made years in advance when 4N was off the table.
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The thing is they messed up drastically by using the mini-cd instead of the standard cd. Them again trying to be too gimmicky where it wasn’t needed. Missed out on GTA that gen because if it among other games.
Wrong. It wasn't mini-CDs. They were using mini-DVDs, and it wasn't the issue why GTA missed the Cube. (In fact, with mini-DVDs they could've easily made it a multi disc game.)

The reason GTA missed the GameCube was both the installbase being supersceded by Xbox, and also the perceieved notion that Nintendo was "only for kids".

I dare say let Nintendo lead in tech. At least they make it fun.
Wrong. It wasn't mini-CDs. They were using mini-DVDs, and it wasn't the issue why GTA missed the Cube. (In fact, with mini-DVDs they could've easily made it a multi disc game.)

The reason GTA missed the GameCube was both the installbase being supersceded by Xbox, and also the perceieved notion that Nintendo was "only for kids".

I dare say let Nintendo lead in tech. At least they make it fun.
Okay my wording was off. Mini-dvd is correct. Either way when you are looking to get a game why ask a developer to make multiple disc for your console when they don’t have to for others. Is off putting to developers. Nintendo got Resident Evil 4 as a timed exclusive at the time. They had a lot of mature games. From my recollection GTA didn’t come because of the lack of storage space on the mini dvd. Maybe they did think Nintendo had a kiddi image or the install base wasn’t big enough. What you don’t do is give them reason to keep a game off of your system.
Quoted by: SiG
@oldpuck you weren’t kidding about them being all over the place 😹

3050- 24.8GB/s

3060(8G)- 18.8GB/s

3060(12G)- 28.25GB/s

3060TI- 27.65GB/s

3060TI (6GX)- 37.5GB/s

3070(Mobile?)- 26.9GB/s

3070TI- 27.96GB/s

3080- 29.77GB/s


3080(the other one)- 24.81GB/s

3090TI- 25.2GB/s

Average without outliers: 26.89GB/s

Average with outliers 27.1GB/s

The outlier being the 18GB one and the 37 one.

Anyway, let’s assume that the CPU uses 20GB/s and the average is with and without the outliers:

3.06TF and 3.04TF respectively

Let’s assume that the CPU uses 17.5GB/s and the average is with and without the outliers:

3.13TF and 3.16TF.

They can push it to 3.199TF , which is what I mean by 3.2TF by technicality ;) , which corresponds to the 1041MHz I’ve mentioned before (DOCKED)

And then the 520.5MHz portable (no higher).

These are my ceilings.

Edit: I also think 68GB/s for portable mode is preferred to make a more linear scaling from portable to docked, but I know others see 88GB/s for portable mode.
Out of curiosity, I did the Maxwell 2.0 ratios:

950 - 57.87GB/s
960 - 46.49GB/s
970- 57.2GB/s
980- 45.01GB/s
980TI- 55.54GB/s
Titan X- 50.30GB/s

Average: 52.06GB/s
You would absolutely need a VR headset that cost at least $700 on PC to have VR on the Switch 2 that is any good (at least until foveated rendering VR starts going down in price by like 2028)

The Switch 2 is likely weak enough that it needs foveated rendering to get to 90 FPS for VR games.
I mean, depends on the sorts of games you're talking. Meta Quest 2 does plenty fine with a significantly less powerful chipset.
You would absolutely need a VR headset that cost at least $700 on PC to have VR on the Switch 2 that is any good (at least until foveated rendering VR starts going down in price by like 2028)

The Switch 2 is likely weak enough that it needs foveated rendering to get to 90 FPS for VR games.
This quite literally has nothing to do with what you pointed out. you said that the VR that the PlayStation has, which is the best VR ever created, is selling like shit.

I pointed out that, of course it’ll sell like shit, you need a whole new device to actually use it.

Implying that it will sell to a select audience that either A) owns a PS5 or B) is willing to drop a lot for it.

You then replied that you expect the switch 2 to be priced around 400 to 500 dollars as well

To which I replied that about the 1000 now all of a sudden being equal to 400.

And then you bring up a PC item meant for the PC audience with its PC pricing to a console like the switch from Nintendo. In what world do you live in so you actually expect Nintendo to push out a VR device that would even cost that much let alone half of that price? The quality of the VR does not matter that much for this company, and people need to stop focusing on “if it’s not good like this other product, it shouldn’t exist” mentality. there’s a lot of people on this planet earth that don’t care that much if it’s not the most pristine thing on the planet. I feel like you’re forgetting you live in a bubble

Are we forgetting this is the same company that literally sold people cardboard as a VR on a 720p display???

This is nothing to do with it, the original point you brought up is that PSVR2 is the most pristine thing on the planet ever, and it’s selling like shit, you somehow moved the goal post (I’m not sure if this was intentional or accidental??) to now focus on the quality of VR of Nintendo switch 2 as if that has any relevance. You originally already posted the discussion about sales of it. It’s selling poorly it’s probably because the barrier entry is very high. You either need to buy a $550 device that is an ad-on to a $500/$550 device that you already own, or spend a whole grand just to actually use this add-on feature for this device!

That doesn’t really have anything to do with the quality of the VR device Nintendo will use if they ever use one. 😭

It’s literally just jumping from two different points that were brought up. Do you wanna focus on why it’s selling poorly or do you want to focus on the quality of the VR device? Because you somehow jumped back-and-forth

Actually, this is more like non sequitur but across multiple posts.

Quite frankly, I believe it’s still a bit too soon to determine if it’s selling poorly, the thing has barely had enough time to male A splash on the market. It is selling primarily to an audience that has to exist first for a device that is still selling out, or to someone that isn’t in the PlayStation ecosystem, and has to invest into being in the ecosystem. But this is so off-topic to the thread that I don’t understand why it’s so important to ever brought up to begin with.

If you want to discuss the sales implication, we can do so in the sales thread.
This quite literally has nothing to do with what you pointed out. you said that the VR that the PlayStation has, which is the best VR ever created, is selling like shit.

I pointed out that, of course it’ll sell like shit, you need a whole new device to actually use it.

Implying that it will sell to a select audience that either A) owns a PS5 or B) is willing to drop a lot for it.

You then replied that you expect the switch 2 to be priced around 400 to 500 dollars as well

To which I replied that about the 1000 now all of a sudden being equal to 400.

And then you bring up a PC item meant for the PC audience with its PC pricing to a console like the switch from Nintendo. In what world do you live in so you actually expect Nintendo to push out a VR device that would even cost that much let alone half of that price? The quality of the VR does not matter that much for this company, and people need to stop focusing on “if it’s not good like this other product, it shouldn’t exist” mentality. there’s a lot of people on this planet earth that don’t care that much if it’s not the most pristine thing on the planet. I feel like you’re forgetting you live in a bubble

Are we forgetting this is the same company that literally sold people cardboard as a VR on a 720p display???

This is nothing to do with it, the original point you brought up is that PSVR2 is the most pristine thing on the planet ever, and it’s selling like shit, you somehow moved the goal post (I’m not sure if this was intentional or accidental??) to now focus on the quality of VR of Nintendo switch 2 as if that has any relevance. You originally already posted the discussion about sales of it. It’s selling poorly it’s probably because the barrier entry is very high. You either need to buy a $550 device that is an ad-on to a $500/$550 device that you already own, or spend a whole grand just to actually use this add-on feature for this device!

That doesn’t really have anything to do with the quality of the VR device Nintendo will use if they ever use one. 😭

It’s literally just jumping from two different points that were brought up. Do you wanna focus on why it’s selling poorly or do you want to focus on the quality of the VR device? Because you somehow jumped back-and-forth

Actually, this is more like non sequitur but across multiple posts.

.......... Well, the cardboard VR Nintendo tried also sold like total garbage so I would assume they would not want to try low res, low framerate garbage this time if they tried at all (which they won't)

And that would probably require them allowing third-party headsets to be compatible with the Switch 2 and those cost a whole lot of money.
.......... Well, the cardboard VR Nintendo tried also sold like total garbage so I would assume they would not want to try low res, low framerate garbage this time if they tried at all (which they won't)

And that would probably require them allowing third-party headsets to be compatible with the Switch 2 and those cost a whole lot of money.

Why would Nintendo do that? Has Sony allowed any other VR headset besides a PlayStation VR to work on their PlayStation systems? because to my knowledge only PSVR and PSVR2 work on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, respectively.

Nintendo will never allow such a thing.
I think Nintendo is very reluctant to work on VR right now; the Labo VR kit was not a flattering success.
They will not continue to work on VR, just as they no longer release new mobile games.
I think Nintendo is very reluctant to work on VR right now; the Labo VR kit was not a flattering success.
They will not continue to work on VR, just as they no longer release new mobile games.
I hope so. Zuck and his wasted billions could testify, this market is tricky.

And it requires mastering so many different techs. Except within a good partnership, I don't know how Nintendo could nailed it right away.

Nintendo creativity would shine in VR, but business wise it is a recipe to disaster.
With GDC being next week, we still probably won't hear anything trickle out from there until April or even May most likely anyways, right?
I dare say let Nintendo lead in tech. At least they make it fun.

This. This is the only reason I am still excited about new hardware coming up (for Nintendo), with Xbox and Sony, I know for sure it gonna be something like "The same thing but faster, more powerful but smaller (sometimes not), etc.", but I rarely actually guessed what Nintendo will do, yes, the concept may not work all the time, but it always fun to think about.
On the topic of AI, would Nintendogs be something that could benefit from it? I'm taking about a more traditional application, where the dogs in-game would seamlessly mimic the behavior of real-life dogs or something to that extent.
Hehe, a fun way to have use of Tensor Cores for gameplay and I’m surprised no one has brought it up, is use it for something like Dark Link.

It learns from you, and it’s a boss.

The game mechanic basis in the way it acts on how you did against other bosses. Actively learning to better know and be prepared for you.

I’d like to see an EMMI 2.0 but make use of those somehow.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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