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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

That has been my suspicion too, but I think the more likely explanation is that insider info is a game of telephone and the information we get is incomplete.
yes, despite my attempts at reasoning within what's been said I pretty much disbelieve any conclusions that can be drawn from it
Sure, but really all I was doing was debating the literal definition of "cancelled". If someone heard from a developer source that "oh this product was cancelled" then they would probably not report that that product will release a bit later.

Just purely guessing here, but if Nate heard from someone that the plans to release a Drake Switch in late 2022/early 2023 were no longer happening and then he sees Digital Foundry ruminate on a shelved revision, then he might very well put two and two together and believe that the entire project he heard of was scrapped. When in reality the specific launch plans were just pushed back.

That's really what I think has happened here, Nate wouldn't have said anything if DF didn't make that offhand comment. Which, again, from the context in the video seems to clearly be about a Mariko based pro cancelled several years ago.
I don't disagree, but you're making a ton of peripheral assumptions about the leaks while vash was just considering a possibility that, again, nate has himself acknowledged

without trying to make sense of the leaker clusterfuck of the past three years, "this cancellation is functionally a rebranding from switch ultra to switch 2" is a perfectly fine interpretation of df + nate
Sure, but really all I was doing was debating the literal definition of "cancelled". If someone heard from a developer source that "oh this product was cancelled" then they would probably not report that that product will release a bit later.

Just purely guessing here, but if Nate heard from someone that the plans to release a Drake Switch in late 2022/early 2023 were no longer happening and then he sees Digital Foundry ruminate on a shelved revision, then he might very well put two and two together and believe that the entire project he heard of was scrapped. When in reality the specific launch plans were just pushed back.

That's really what I think has happened here, Nate wouldn't have said anything if DF didn't make that offhand comment. Which, again, from the context in the video seems to clearly be about a Mariko based pro cancelled several years ago.

What if DF was just repeating what a dev (or devs) told them, or were revealing only what a dev (or devs) would allow them to reveal. I mean, we all hope that someone would just spill their guts and it would end up on the internet verbatim for us to consume. I don't think all sources are like that. Maybe their source(s) was being a bit selective in what they shared. Maybe we're all just being played like a violin with that very carefully worded single sentence from DF. Maybe DF does know more but they're not at liberty to say more. That's just how it works sometimes.
To be fair, the Pro/X models were never going to sell more by the mere fact of them being revisions. From what you can read of the specs, the point of Drake will be running the games with little to no downgrades no matter what, even if it needs to upscale from outrageous resolutions for it. They want it to be a jack of all trades that should be able to play your favorite Gen 9 titles in the go, where the compromises should only be resolution in the 90% of the cases. Aka, like grabbing Plague Tale Requiem and running it in 540p on handheld, with hardware that would otherwise be insufficient (you can't compete with 350+ watt home consoles in that regard).
After all the never-ending revision/successor discussion, it would be funny if they actually cancelled a revision to release a successor but it's the exact same product. It's what we all deserve as penance for our sins.
This is, unironically, what I think happened. More or less developers were informed that it's being repositioned as a successor.
I don't disagree, but you're making a ton of peripheral assumptions about the leaks while vash was just considering a possibility that, again, nate has himself acknowledged

without trying to make sense of the leaker clusterfuck of the past three years, "this cancellation is functionally a rebranding from switch ultra to switch 2" is a perfectly fine interpretation of df + nate
Again all I was trying to do was debate the literal dictionary definition of cancelled versus delayed. I love arguing semantics, you know that.

But yes that conclusion seems fairly valid.
I love arguing semantics, you know that.

Not sure if that'd make sense and it must have been brought up already, but if we consider that the - almost confirmed - pro/mid-gen revision is an overclocked Mariko which would have been delayed multiple times (covid and such) since the initial plan of a 2019/2020 release, could it be this very same thing that ended up being cancelled (or shelved) for its 2023 release since it was just too late and wouldn't make sense to release just before the actual new gen successor, aka Drake?
What if DF was just repeating what a dev (or devs) told them, or were revealing only what a dev (or devs) would allow them to reveal. I mean, we all hope that someone would just spill their guts and it would end up on the internet verbatim for us to consume. I don't think all sources are like that. Maybe their source(s) was being a bit selective in what they shared. Maybe we're all just being played like a violin with that very carefully worded single sentence from DF. Maybe DF does know more but they're not at liberty to say more. That's just how it works sometimes.

Ultimately, if the info DF is not coming directly from Nintendo and came along a signing of a NDA, DF is free to say/report whatever they want.

The only reason they would withhold info is to protect a source, imo.

And if they have to take steps to protect sources due to info not being out in a lot of hands that could tipp it off to them, then i gotta ask why we're entertaining the Funcles, at least the one from yesterday, who openly posts stuff on public comments on an article publicly available on a public chinese gaming news website. ;D
Not sure if that'd make sense and it must have been brought up already, but if we consider that the - almost confirmed - pro/mid-gen revision is an overclocked Mariko which would have been delayed multiple times (covid and such) since the initial plan of a 2019/2020 release, could it be this very same thing that ended up being cancelled (or shelved) for its 2023 release since it was just too late and wouldn't make sense to release just before the actual new gen successor, aka Drake?
The only reason we have to even entertain a 2023 device was cancelled or shelved or delayed or whatever you want to call it is Nate saying this, and Nate has specifically said the 2023 device that was cancelled or shelved or delayed or whatever you want to call it was the one that was 4k capable with DLSS.

Which means it is not possible that it was going to be a Mariko based device, that chip cannot do DLSS.
This week Nate will be doing the podcast about Microsoft so we'll have to wait a couple more weeks to see if he clears up any of our questions.

It's a bit sad it takes so long to confirm if he can release some information but it is what it is, I would like to know out how he does it, a Discord server with contacts, a couple of DMs on twitter... Out of curiosity, no worries haha
The only reason we have to even entertain a 2023 device was cancelled or shelved or delayed or whatever you want to call it is Nate saying this, and Nate has specifically said the 2023 device that was cancelled or shelved or delayed or whatever you want to call it was the one that was 4k capable with DLSS.

Which means it is not possible that it was going to be a Mariko based device, that chip cannot do DLSS.
I forgot about this specific bit of info, I'm sorry. Thanks for the reminder!
Not sure if that'd make sense and it must have been brought up already, but if we consider that the - almost confirmed - pro/mid-gen revision is an overclocked Mariko which would have been delayed multiple times (covid and such) since the initial plan of a 2019/2020 release, could it be this very same thing that ended up being cancelled (or shelved) for its 2023 release since it was just too late and wouldn't make sense to release just before the actual new gen successor, aka Drake?
Unless they wanted to give it a spec boost in some other way (6gb memory or something), there is no reason for the OC Mariko to be a specific device. Lite, V2, OLED are all just as capable of running higher clocks.
Unless they wanted to give it a spec boost in some other way (6gb memory or something), there is no reason for the OC Mariko to be a specific device. Lite, V2, OLED are all just as capable of running higher clocks.
While I am an OLED owner, from an engineering perspective, the V2 is absolutely my favourite. Perfectly overengineered. ♥️
That's really what I think has happened here, Nate wouldn't have said anything if DF didn't make that offhand comment. Which, again, from the context in the video seems to clearly be about a Mariko based pro cancelled several years ago.
I don't agree with this interpretation. The context in the question he was answering was 2023, and to quote myself:
Unless they wanted to give it a spec boost in some other way (6gb memory or something), there is no reason for the OC Mariko to be a specific device. Lite, V2, OLED are all just as capable of running higher clocks.
Again, I wouldn't put too much credence into predictions of an empty 2H 2023, as we have relatively little to nothing to infer from. I am expecting some sort of announcement in May, as I know Nintendo wouldn't want to let their userbase hang dry.
I know it's useless to harp specifically on this point, but tbh I'm still salty that after Paper Mario: The Origami King that we were all effectively left in the dark for around what, three weeks, without knowing what was next? Supposedly in the "middle" of Switch's lifespan?

Nintendo's messaging to consumers has always been frustrating to some degree, always being left unsatisfied even with 40 minute commercials (which I think is probably why we all grasp onto rumours various by several factors stronger than we should in the midst of speculation), and covid has only amplified that.

If only there were a period of time between three months away and three years away to advertise games. The last time a game felt like it had a reasonable marketing cycle to me before Pikmin 4's announcement was likely SSBU.

As for how this relates to hardware...I'm just tired; at this point I almost wish it would be announced sooner if it meant it was underpowered just so we (general 'we', not this thread specifically) can stop debating its existence.
I don't agree with this interpretation. The context in the question he was answering was 2023, and to quote myself:
I remember reading the transcript and while the question was about 2023 I thought the actual quote was something like "I don't believe they'll be doing a mid-gen revision, since we know they did already cancel a pro-style revision" which doesn't at all suggest the "pro-style revision" cancellation has anything to do with 2023, but rather their potential impetus for putting out a revision rather than a successor.
cancellation = delay is probably the stupidest "technically not-wrong" explanation I've heard yet, to be honest.
Eh, in the game of telephone I find it plausible.

But can we avoid calling the opinions of other community members stupid? “Wrong” or “implausible” or even “Fucking wild bro”. I’ll accept “you buggin’”

I just don’t think we need to add any fuel to the fire of drive-by toxicity we get every time there is a semi-plausible leak
I do wonder are people in Japan especially investors as anxious as we all are for new hardware in the west and also if Nintendo is aware of all this?
I have a CRT, one capable of surviving the apocalypse possibly. It's great. TV technology has just been circling around trying to achieve CRT again but in different form factors. Still the undisputed retro king and adds so much flavour to the many indie retro-inspired games being released these days when you hook a console up to one of them.
Is CRT really that better compared to LCD for a casual retro gamer? Like for someone who would not notice (or care about) a bit more ms of lag, and for whom CRT's disadvantages (big weight/screen-size ratio) outweigh the benefits.

They will reintroduce the 3DS IPS/TN panel lottery.

Imagine a Switch with a TN screen. Terrifying.

I know this is a speculation thread but conjecture from mistranslated open forums muddies the conversation.

The funniest thing is that it is possible that ramblings and rumors from this thread end up there, mistranslated, causing an ouroboros of bullshit rumors and discourse. But it's so entertaining that I wouldn't have it any other way.
Again, I wouldn't put too much credence into predictions of an empty 2H 2023, as we have relatively little to nothing to infer from. I am expecting some sort of announcement in May, as I know Nintendo wouldn't want to let their userbase hang dry.
Nintendo did let their userbase hang dry before though. The timeframe before the Switch reveal was definitely frustrating, same goes for most of 2020. Not knowing if we‘re gonna get a Direct or not (like in summer of 2022) is part of what makes it fun and interesting to speculate, but there’s absolutely been a history of letting the fans in the dark. Same goes for information on specific games and franchises.
Nintendo still have Paper Mario, Yoshis Wooly World, Xenoblade X, Zelda TP, Zelda WW, Metroid Prime HD to pad out Switch library until Nove 2024 if they really wanted to wait a while before the next Switch. They can also release smaller titles like a Pokemon Let's Go 2, 2D Mario etc. This is in top of the already announced games like Pikmin 4, Advance Wars etc as well as DLC for Pokémon, Switch Sports, Xenoblade 3 etc.
The only reason we have to even entertain a 2023 device was cancelled or shelved or delayed or whatever you want to call it is Nate saying this, and Nate has specifically said the 2023 device that was cancelled or shelved or delayed or whatever you want to call it was the one that was 4k capable with DLSS.

Which means it is not possible that it was going to be a Mariko based device, that chip cannot do DLSS.

There is zero reason for the Switch OLED dock to have the 4K display processor, that is unless of course the Switch OLED was originally going to support 4K in some way. There are reasons to believe that Nintendo originally toyed with the idea of releasing the OLED as a Pro model. It could have been an high clocked Mariko processor, maybe a X1 Parker or maybe something unannounced. Switch OLED was released in 2021 and Nintendo made the choice to not proceed with a Pro model. In my mind, there was a lot of confusion between what was Switch Pro and what would be Switch 2. I'm not writing off 2023 because of what Nate has said, he has been wrong before and even if Switch 2 releases in 2024, that still wouldn't make sense for Nintendo planning to release a 4K revision in late 2022/2023 and then a successor in 2024.
Y’all, I pop into this thread maybe once every other week. I’m trying to catch up, but it seems all signs pointing to 2024 for successor, right? And even then we’ll likely be looking at a decent cross-gen period for Nintendo games? Really sorry to have to ask this, but like I said, I pop in here only once or twice a month, and it seems like there’s been a lot of movement since I last visited.
Nintendo still have Paper Mario, Yoshis Wooly World, Xenoblade X, Zelda TP, Zelda WW, Metroid Prime HD to pad out Switch library until Nove 2024 if they really wanted to wait a while before the next Switch. They can also release smaller titles like a Pokemon Let's Go 2, 2D Mario etc. This is in top of the already announced games like Pikmin 4, Advance Wars etc as well as DLC for Pokémon, Switch Sports, Xenoblade 3 etc.

If Nintendos fall lineup only consisted of Pikmin 4, Prime Remaster, Xeno X. and Wooly World that would be a big win in my book and plenty to keep me busy also good feel please make your next Yoshi game more like Wooly World and NOTHING LIKE Crafted world
Y’all, I pop into this thread maybe once every other week. I’m trying to catch up, but it seems all signs pointing to 2024 for successor, right? And even then we’ll likely be looking at a decent cross-gen period for Nintendo games? Really sorry to have to ask this, but like I said, I pop in here only once or twice a month, and it seems like there’s been a lot of movement since I last visited.
2023 is very possible, 2024 is also possible, especially if before April
Since the famous Linux code review which revealed the t239 "has eight cores in a single cluster", there hasn't been any significant reference to t239 or Tegra239.
In the last message from the review, the Nvidia dev replied:
Thankyou for the review.
I will do the change and send v2 soon.
Apparently, that V2 is yet to be seen.

After that code review was reported, it blew online, with thousands of publications and forums echoing the news, polluting any web search.

Do you guys think Nvidia is actively preventing any information leak?
They could be using other codenames, but browsing the archive, I don't think that's the case.
Maybe they're just done for the time being?
There is zero reason for the Switch OLED dock to have the 4K display processor, that is unless of course the Switch OLED was originally going to support 4K in some way. There are reasons to believe that Nintendo originally toyed with the idea of releasing the OLED as a Pro model. It could have been an high clocked Mariko processor, maybe a X1 Parker or maybe something unannounced. Switch OLED was released in 2021 and Nintendo made the choice to not proceed with a Pro model. In my mind, there was a lot of confusion between what was Switch Pro and what would be Switch 2. I'm not writing off 2023 because of what Nate has said, he has been wrong before and even if Switch 2 releases in 2024, that still wouldn't make sense for Nintendo planning to release a 4K revision in late 2022/2023 and then a successor in 2024.

I can see the Switch 2 releasing soon depending on what this Pro was.

If it's just an upclocked Mariko with more memory then Switch 2 can still come in fall 2023 or early 2024.

If it was a new chip then it would be odd to make thatuch effort then release a Switch 2 so soon so it would have to be 2025 the earliest.

Another thing to consider the 4K Dock could be there because it probably cost the same amount to have USB Dock that supports 4K.

I personally think they were planning for a upclocked Mariko and just had 4K dock due to same component cost. They probably ditched the upclock last minute in favour of better battery life.
Since the famous Linux code review which revealed the t239 "has eight cores in a single cluster", there hasn't been any significant reference to t239 or Tegra239.
In the last message from the review, the Nvidia dev replied:

Apparently, that V2 is yet to be seen.

After that code review was reported, it blew online, with thousands of publications and forums echoing the news, polluting any web search.

Do you guys think Nvidia is actively preventing any information leak?
They could be using other codenames, but browsing the archive, I don't think that's the case.
Maybe they're just done for the time being?
more likely that the t239 broke off into its own private branch. probably to hide it, but also probably because it's also a semi-custom part and anything else needs to be privatized
There is zero reason for the Switch OLED dock to have the 4K display processor, that is unless of course the Switch OLED was originally going to support 4K in some way. There are reasons to believe that Nintendo originally toyed with the idea of releasing the OLED as a Pro model. It could have been an high clocked Mariko processor, maybe a X1 Parker or maybe something unannounced. Switch OLED was released in 2021 and Nintendo made the choice to not proceed with a Pro model. In my mind, there was a lot of confusion between what was Switch Pro and what would be Switch 2. I'm not writing off 2023 because of what Nate has said, he has been wrong before and even if Switch 2 releases in 2024, that still wouldn't make sense for Nintendo planning to release a 4K revision in late 2022/2023 and then a successor in 2024.
Sure, the OLED could've been positioned at one time as a 4k capable Mariko pro, but it still wouldn't have been DLSS capable, which is what Nate claimed. That's all I'm saying. Mariko cannot have been in the product Nate is claiming has been postponed/shelved/repurposed/whatever.

Personally I think the OLED dock is 4k capable simply just to be future proofed to be compatible with whatever launches next.
There is zero reason for the Switch OLED dock to have the 4K display processor, that is unless of course the Switch OLED was originally going to support 4K in some way. There are reasons to believe that Nintendo originally toyed with the idea of releasing the OLED as a Pro model.
Hypothetically speaking, could they use the same dock for Switch 2 as well without making too many changes?

If so, could they have started producing it in 4k to reduce costs when the next console launches?
I do wonder are people in Japan especially investors as anxious as we all are for new hardware in the west and also if Nintendo is aware of all this?
From an investment perspective the stock price is the lowest it's been since 2017-2018. Investors are looking for what the next step is for the company to maintain and grow revenue, rather than falling into the typical cyclical decline. If in April/May Nintendo provides a forecast that just shows the continued decline of the Switch, without any appreciable direction for the future, the stock price will probably tank a bit.
I was SOOOO certain 2023 would be the Year of Switch 2. Personally felt like all the stars were falling into place for this. To name a few points:

1. The stockpile of raw materials.
2. Zelda being so surrounded in secrecy.
3. Pikmin 4(K) and Miyamoto's past desire for a 4K Pikmin game. Also felt like the game looked a little too clean for a Switch title. No doubt it's a Switch game but I would be surprised if it looks that good on a base Switch. I could be wrong.
4. While the Switch lineup has been fruitful in the last 2 years, it's been lacking a lot of key franchise titles (ie: Mario both 3D and 2D, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, etc) and I felt we were really due for some of these games to return.
5. Nate saying late 2022/early 2023 for so long. That was his messaging (Switch Pro was rumored canceled several years back) so I figured Nate was referring to what we are now viewing as Switch 2.

I don't know how to feel anymore. Kind of just waiting for clarity at this point. This whole thing has been the weirdest rumor cycle I've ever seen. I no longer believe in 2023 but at the same time I was so certain of it around June of last year. I guess though, that's how I felt every years since 2020 though and the years just kept piling on.

Well there isn't much for me to look forward to from Nintendo that I am aware of so far this year. I think Zelda and the Mario movie is about the only Nintendo content I'm excited for at the moment but I'm happy for those who are excited for the other announced titles. Hoping a surprise or two could make me a little more excited or this will just be another dull year for me personally.

I am still team 2023...It just seems odd because if the T239 was supposed to be the "switch pro"...The switch struggles to run current games at 1080p 60fps (being generous) so for the "switch pro" to go from 720p to 4k suddenly is ludicrous. That would be a even bigger jump compared to the xbone to the xbone x making a very similar jump in performance.

I also wanted to know if anyone remembered the rumor where Nvidia cancel the production of the Tegra x1+ (mariko chip) in 2021. There were numerous articles swirling around with this rumor such as here:

I know some of the sites credibility can be called into question but when there is smoke there is fire and I wouldn't put it past Nvidia to discontinue the production of the x1 in favor of producing a new SoC on a different node. I can also imagine Nintendo putting a big order before the cancellation of the x1 so they can produce enough switch stock to last them at least 2-3 years before the next gen switch is launched. That's why I don't believe the switch 2 won't launch in 2025 or even during holiday 2024. With my mental gymnastics I firmly believe the switch 2 will at least launch sometime during 2023.
Is it wrong that I would gladly take a next gen switch coming late 2024 if it meant we now get 18 months of Nintendo remasters to pad out the schedule till it’s release

Remasters would come regardles of Switch 2 release. The only difference would be those remasters wouodnhe cross gen with Switch 2 getting 4K versions
Since the famous Linux code review which revealed the t239 "has eight cores in a single cluster", there hasn't been any significant reference to t239 or Tegra239.
In the last message from the review, the Nvidia dev replied:

Apparently, that V2 is yet to be seen.

After that code review was reported, it blew online, with thousands of publications and forums echoing the news, polluting any web search.

Do you guys think Nvidia is actively preventing any information leak?
They could be using other codenames, but browsing the archive, I don't think that's the case.
Maybe they're just done for the time being?
The V2 patch is here. It was created very shortly after the comment you quoted, and it was merged the next day. Besides a small change for code cleanup, you are correct that it was the last public Linux commit that referenced T239.

I think being done for the moment is the likely answer. T239 support was already more fleshed out in L4T over many months before the above commits to mainline Linux, and it's long had reference to the private repo where active development would likely be happening. I can't speculate as to why they committed just this small bit to Linux, but since it was literally only this CPU change and none of the other L4T work, it looks like a one-off.
my only firm opinion on the matter is that there are a number of ways to interpret the baffling leak clusterfuck
You're alright Raccoon.

The fun thing about language is it's imprecise. Doubly so when translated.

For our purposes when looking at rumors we should take "changed", "cancelled", and "delayed" to all mean the same thing. In that each one could be the other.

The other thing is that plans change so much in a corporate environment that we will never really know anything until we have product in hand.
Hypothetically speaking, could they use the same dock for Switch 2 as well without making too many changes?

If so, could they have started producing it in 4k to reduce costs when the next console launches?
I think this is probably the case, really. The Dock with LAN Port has a lot of stuff going on that it doesn't need.

It has more ventilation by far. It can output 4K. It gets rid of the USB 3.0 port... But still supports USB 3.0, which sort of implies that the 4K DP over USB 3 we found in the OS refers to THAT dock. It can pass the whole 39W of the AC adaptor to the console, despite no current console supporting it. Even the LAN Port is kept on USB 2.0 speeds to keep those 3.0 lanes open for no reason we know.

I think the next console using it is pretty likely, really. It cuts costs, it does everything it needs, it's already a popular design that works. Like how 3DS re-used the DSi AC adaptor because it worked.

I think the likely reason for those oddities is that the successor will make use of them. The extra ventilation for the bigger processor, the HDMI 2.0 port for 4K. Maybe the 39W passthrough for fast charging.

There just isn't a reason for them to update the dock when they already have one that serves their needs. Even in advertising, there's already a black Dock with LAN Port, while the OLED Model is always advertised with the white one. So you advertise the new model with the black Dock with LAN Port, and bam, almost no confusion.
I think this is probably the case, really. The Dock with LAN Port has a lot of stuff going on that it doesn't need.

It has more ventilation by far. It can output 4K. It gets rid of the USB 3.0 port... But still supports USB 3.0, which sort of implies that the 4K DP over USB 3 we found in the OS refers to THAT dock. It can pass the whole 39W of the AC adaptor to the console, despite no current console supporting it. Even the LAN Port is kept on USB 2.0 speeds to keep those 3.0 lanes open for no reason we know.

I think the next console using it is pretty likely, really. It cuts costs, it does everything it needs, it's already a popular design that works. Like how 3DS re-used the DSi AC adaptor because it worked.

I think the likely reason for those oddities is that the successor will make use of them. The extra ventilation for the bigger processor, the HDMI 2.0 port for 4K. Maybe the 39W passthrough for fast charging.

There just isn't a reason for them to update the dock when they already have one that serves their needs. Even in advertising, there's already a black Dock with LAN Port, while the OLED Model is always advertised with the white one. So you advertise the new model with the black Dock with LAN Port, and bam, almost no confusion.
the updated display controller might have been due to availability of parts. an old controller that can't do 4K doesn't have much use when the vast majority of the controllers you're going to make will go into devices that can use 4K
the updated display controller might have been due to availability of parts. an old controller that can't do 4K doesn't have much use when the vast majority of the controllers you're going to make will go into devices that can use 4K
The reason I don't necessarily buy this is that the old dock can still be bought and plenty of HDMI 1.4 gear is still around.

I think while that's a possibility, I doubt it's the only reason. There's also the fact the new Dock can get software updates, unlike the last one, which hasn't been seen yet. I don't see much reason for them to even add such a thing, especially with the UI and software support to go with it, unless they intend to add some sort of feature that requires it, like 4K. I think it's likely that docks that support 4K that came out before the next Switch will prompt you to update them when you insert a Switch 2 to activate 4K.
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