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If nothing happens after august, would it be dead for 2022? Because if Drake is 2023 then there is no way they announce it before Xmas right?
I would say mid july is the last chance of something happening this year.

Keep in mind while there is even without rumors still a chance for this year, there is also a lot of stuff speaking against it:
  • Switch still selling well (better than 2017, 2018, 2019)
  • Software sells are better than ever already with current install base
  • Chip shortage is still a real issue. It is really hard to get a PS5
  • Yes there is a huge power gap to current gen, but Switch more than ever gets a huge amount of third party games

You can bet on the very vague rumors we have and if it happens, take it as a nice surprise. Just don‘t be disappointed or mad at other people, if there is nothing.

We know that it exists and I‘m sure that we‘ll get more concrete info early 2024 at the latest. So soon to in a soon future we‘ll play switch games in 4K.
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There will always be those die hards on this board that never give up hope. You just have to decide for yourself what you believe. Nobody has a definite answer, unless they have an uncle at Nintendo.

I’m happy to admit that I’ve moved the bar for when I’d give up - it used to be that we’d get concrete leaks by end of May. That didn’t happen. We have some ‘factory uncle’ rumblings but nothing that’s been legitimized.

Now I’m foregoing the leak idea and waiting for a formal announcement by end of July or early August. After that? I’ll step away for a bit and hope it’s 2023, because Breath of the Wild 2 deserves better.
The first BOTW was a port of a WiiU game. This new Zelda being tailor made for the switch gives me hope that it'll look better, run at a higher resolution, and won't have the few frame rate drops of the first game.
I'll be happy to play the next Zelda on my current switch in 2023.
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If nothing happens after august, would it be dead for 2022? Because if Drake is 2023 then there is no way they announce it before Xmas right?
You can never really tell. For all we know it could be a surprise September drop. Plus there’s always that thing about plans changing, etc.
The first BOTW was a port of a WiiU game. This new Zelda being tailor made for the switch gives me hope that it'll look better, run at a higher resolution, and won't have the few frame rate drops of the first game.
I'll be happy to play the next Zelda on my next switch in 2023.
The engine will no doubt have improvements from the first game. That would probably have been true even if it still was on Wii U.

But still, the first game running in high res on an emulator is a sight to behold.
What I can share, from rumors around the deep web (that is not my source)is that the Switch 2 could be coming out in September alongside Splatoon 3 and big NSO stuff.


Nia could tell me I'm a 12 years old cute anime girl and I would believe her.
Would it really cannibalize those sales if it’s targeting a higher price point?
For the OLED? For sure, Drake should be between 25-75$ more expensive than OLED, so if someone wants one it makes sense to just wait for the new console that will be supported for years to come
Folks, I love ya'll - all ya'll, this entire thread. Some of the smartest and most passionate people on the planet. But everyone knows what both of you mean. Including each other, right?

Bosintang fundamentally believes that the next device is Drake, and Drake is a successor. Skittzo fundamentally believes that the next device is a revision (and that it's probably Drake). You both know that because you've both been in the thread forever. If you want to discuss which of you is right about that, go ahead. But this thing where you talk past each other without acknowledging each other's base viewpoint isn't adding a lot.

There are four positions here:

A revision is coming and it is Drake: I think this is the most common position here amongst the regulars. This is the "Drake hack is real, and matches all the Pro talk from last year. Ergo, Pro is Drake, and the early reports were conflatingPro and OLED" take.
Drake is coming, but it's a successor: A vocal minority here. This is the "Insiders and clout chasers generated a lot of smoke out of very little fire. The Nvidia hack is our only undeniable source and that dang thing is too big to be 'just' a Pro" position
A revision is coming, but I'm agnostic on whether it's Drake: This is my position, and I think I might be the only one who has it. :ROFLMAO: This is the "I believe that the Pro chatter last year was real but confused for the OLED. But what's to keep that from happening again. Just because Drake is real and the revision is real doesn't make them the same device" take. It is reasonable to the point of being unspecific.
LOL, nerds. You got owned last year and won't let go: A common take by the drivebys, most of whom are insufficiently tech savvy to understand the Drake leak, but have a healthy distrust of rumors. The OLED announcement hurt them, they refuse to be hurt again.

Obviously, I think one of these is more reasonable than the others (that's why it's my position), but they're all understandable. If you know someone is in a different camp, engage each other honestly.

A lot of our release timing discussion is just a proxy war for the above - revision believes fundamentally believe the 2022-2023 window that was cropping up last year still holds. Successor folk look at the chip shortage and roll their eyes at that. And the "LOL, nerds" camp needs wants an NX era level of smoke before they'll believe anything is coming again.

Repeating the info we already have is unlikely to move any of these four groups - the differences aren't in the facts but how much you trust which set of facts. We should do our best to tolerate all of these positions and not be smug jackasses too much (I am guilty of this, absolutely).

A note about trusting sources: There are some genuine game journalists and YouTubers of prominence, and they post on this forum and thread. When we talk about "clout chasers" around here, let's be careful to not be indirectly talking shit about our fellow forum goers. Or if you think someone is out of line, say so directly, rather than hiding behind vagueness (while accusing others of doing the same). It's super jackassy.
Two things. I truly had no idea what his post had to do with the one of mine he had quoted. Still not entirely sure.

Second, I absolutely do not fundamentally believe this is a revision and I'm kind of upset that you seem to have declared that's where I am which I don't believe I've ever implied. Personally I have no idea what they will market it as, but I'm open to plenty of possibilities. What I think is likeliest at the moment is that they market it as a revision at first but then slowly transition to marketing it as a successor.

But do I "fundamentally believe" this? Absolutely not. I don't even fundamentally believe there are devkits out there, I'm aware that that is a rumor and I believe it like I believe most reputable rumors.

So while I appreciate your attempt to sorta clear the air I'd rather speak about my perspective on my own in the future.
Two things. I truly had no idea what his post had to do with the one of mine he had quoted. Still not entirely sure.

Second, I absolutely do not fundamentally believe this is a revision and I'm kind of upset that you seem to have declared that's where I am which I don't believe I've ever implied. Personally I have no idea what they will market it as, but I'm open to plenty of possibilities. What I think is likeliest at the moment is that they market it as a revision at first but then slowly transition to marketing it as a successor.

But do I "fundamentally believe" this? Absolutely not. I don't even fundamentally believe there are devkits out there, I'm aware that that is a rumor and I believe it like I believe most reputable rumors.

So while I appreciate your attempt to sorta clear the air I'd rather speak about my perspective on my own in the future.
Well, is there much difference between believing and thinking is likeliest? 🤔
Well, is there much difference between believing and thinking is likeliest? 🤔
...yes. I'm very open to the possibility of being wrong, to the extent that I certainly wouldn't bet on it being marketed as a revision.

Hell I wouldn't bet on it releasing within the next year, rumors suggest it will but rumors aren't facts.

"Fundamentally believing" something implicitly or explicitly says that I have a staunch position on the matter that is unlikely to change, and that's not true at all in this case.
Like they did when the DS released? Yeah I can see them pulling that sort of antic. But they won't fool many people if the thing pulls PS4 Pro level of visuals.
They did manage to fool a lot of people with the switch. Well, at least Pokémon fans who were very stubborn at the thought of a mainline Pokémon coming to switch (It‘s not portable, It won’t replace the 3DS, It’s too expensive, Pokémon games can’t be 60$, The switch is a flop, 3DS sold more/has more users LOL, etc). That was a whole thing back then. Nintendo is very good at that.

People are quick to forget but the switch itself was marketed as “the third pillar” and won’t be replacing the 3DS. Even the switch lite wasn’t a 3DS replacement they said.

This interesting to any of you?

No, Not to me. It isn't relevant to what the Switch's successor will be, and neither the PS5 nor the XBS systems will use it... But I'm sure one SuperMetalDave will have a promo video coming up on it, related to this topic.
Nate Drake occasionally knows stuff, such as direct dates and timeframe or third party games. Occasionally don't, though I'm not going to list his fails. I believe that anything related to the next switch hardware is firmly in the "don't" category.
I'm confused, way before the Nvidia leak Nate was the one who spoke of Switch devkits with 4K DLSS and RT.
I'm confused, way before the Nvidia leak Nate was the one who spoke of Switch devkits with 4K DLSS and RT.
Which is believable since guessing that when you know nothing would be dangerous for your reputation.
Er, he only spoke of DLSS and I remember something about a better CPU.

Nothing about RT until more recently.

Like they did when the DS released? Yeah I can see them pulling that sort of antic. But they won't fool many people if the thing pulls PS4 Pro level of visuals.
Just to correct this, but there is no game out there that is PS4 Pro visuals. The PS4 Pro doesn’t even do PS4 Pro visuals, it does PS4 visuals at a higher resolution and tweaked settings. Likewise, the Xbox One X does Xbox One games at a higher resolution, and better textures and settings, but all these games are built for the Xbox One/PS4 in mind and are the visual fidelity level of those systems. The Pro and One X pretty much aim to offer the same content in a more agreeable and easy to market fashion. 4K is very easy to market.

Like a 4K PS1 game running on the Series S via dev mode using duckstation is still a PS1 game (this is grossly exaggerating the point, but still).
Er, he only spoke of DLSS and I remember something about a better CPU.

Nothing about RT until more recently.

Just to correct this, but there is no game out there that is PS4 Pro visuals. The PS4 Pro doesn’t even do PS4 Pro visuals, it does PS4 visuals at a higher resolution and tweaked settings. Likewise, the Xbox One X does Xbox One games at a higher resolution, and better textures and settings, but all these games are built for the Xbox One/PS4 in mind and are the visual fidelity level of those systems. The Pro and One X pretty much aim to offer the same content in a more agreeable and easy to market fashion. 4K is very easy to market.

Like a 4K PS1 game running on the Series S via dev mode using duckstation is still a PS1 game (this is grossly exaggerating the point, but still).
Nate spoke about the Dev kits having a form of raytracing in November 2021.
Uh, what does this mean...specifically for Switch successor/Drake, etc.?
Assuming Drake's fabricated using a EUV process node (e.g. TSMC's N6 process node and more advanced, Samsung's 7LPP process node and more advanced), then Nintendo can't really avoid inventory shortages.
I don’t want to get too deep into the weeds here, but personally, I feel like you either gotta get something right or have known industry connections to be considered an insider. Anyone can claim stuff if their sources are from the “deep web”.

Personally, I don’t buy it. Think it’s just gonna be another normal year for Nintendo, with maybe an OLED Lite.
I don’t want to get too deep into the weeds here, but personally, I feel like you either gotta get something right or have known industry connections to be considered an insider. Anyone can claim stuff if their sources are from the “deep web”.

Personally, I don’t buy it. Think it’s just gonna be another normal year for Nintendo, with maybe an OLED Lite.
the Lite already has a very narrow market, an OLED Lite would narrow it further
I'm confused, way before the Nvidia leak Nate was the one who spoke of Switch devkits with 4K DLSS and RT.

The first person to mention those features was the funny french guy almost 2 years ago.
Also, I'm not going to discuss the credibility of a specific person. I gave my opinion, and my opinion is that I don't trust them regarding that specific topic. That's it.
the Lite already has a very narrow market, an OLED Lite would narrow it further
I’ve always been of the opinion than the OLED will phase out the normal models over time, so I don’t think it’d be that drastic. Would offer an incentive for current Lite owners to double dip and kickstart that shift to OLED overall, although I’m not entirely sold on it being 2022. Could easily be a 2023 thing.
I’ve always been of the opinion than the OLED will phase out the normal models over time, so I don’t think it’d be that drastic. Would offer an incentive for current Lite owners to double dip and kickstart that shift to OLED overall, although I’m not entirely sold on it being 2022. Could easily be a 2023 thing.
but why would they make a premium budget model?
but why would they make a premium budget model?
Because it would still sell? The OLED model is focused on handheld play anyway, so there’d definitely be a market for a direct upgrade.

They can leave the current Lite on shelves as the “true budget console” or whatever, and then over time they phase the original models out and leave the OLEDs as the new budget models against the Drake, whatever that may be.

Cash in on the market that wants an immediate upgrade now, and then rake in the more casual market looking for a budget option to replace their old Switch or just join the Switch family in general down the line. Don’t think it’s all that different from the original OLED upgrade in theory.
What’s wrong with this poster? I was already getting weird vibes from them when way they constantly jump to hyperbolic conclusions.

They're probably a 12-yr-old chasing clout. Just ignore them. No way a Switch 2 is coming this year. There's basically no smoke to that fire, and it's already almost July.
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