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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

I don’t think Nintendo needs more than 7-8 minutes to show new hardware on a Nintendo direct. Just talk about its capabilities, what the main difference is and more. That is if it’s supposedly going to be in the switch family and revealed as a revision
That would totally take most of the focus and media attention away from the games showcased though.
Out of curiosity, how did you land on this random 600 follower Japanese account?
I've been following the account for roughly 1.5 years, after see one of its tweet mentioned in a Japanese blog. Their perspective as (allegedly) a retail buyer is interesting, and the sometimes cryptic messages can be entertaining.
That would totally take most of the focus and media attention away from the games showcased though.

Makes sense, guess they would announce it after the direct as of not to confuse people watching the direct and wondering if the game is running on the new hardware or not
The switch reveal had both brand new game announcements and hardware. Even the first look video had new games. The 3DS was announced in a direct and so was the New3DS.

They only started to separate the two recently with the switch revisions.
The first look video was clearly focused on the switch and what you can do with it. The games in there were more like teases. The actual software presentation was the January one. And I think they were still figuring out at the time how to do presentations in the future.
I personally agree. I think Nintendo's probably doing a hardware reveal before or after a Nintendo Direct.

The timing of the direct being right around their annual meeting of shareholders actually suggests if they announce hardware it'll be separate from the direct but possibly in close proximity.

Last time they had a direct this close to the annual meeting of shareholders was in 2012 where they announced the 3DSXL.
Yeah, if there is a hardware reveal I expect it to be next week.
Same here. Brothers in arms!
Fellow day one purchaser. I’ve debated many times giving the OG to my kids and upgrading but I just can’t do it.

I also have a day one PS4 when they launched in AU. Picked it up at midnight, though that one doesn’t sound too good when(/if) I turn it on these days
I've been following the account for roughly 1.5 years, after see one of its tweet mentioned in a Japanese blog. Their perspective as (allegedly) a retail buyer is interesting, and the sometimes cryptic messages can be entertaining.
Ah we now have a retail uncle to go with our factory uncle.
They won’t announce the new hardware in the Direct.

To me, if the new hardware is this year, it will be a Pro version. Still, I don’t believe it’s happening now.
They won’t announce the new hardware in the Direct.

To me, if the new hardware is this year, it will be a Pro version. Still, I don’t believe it’s happening now.
A pro version in a marketing sense perhaps. What was indicated in the nVidia leaks showed something vastly more powerful.
While it is true patterns suggests no hardware will be announced and a separate trailer is likely, be mindful our datapoints for this only go back to 2017, and all have been hardware revisions, not brand new hardware.

Until the Switch and post-Iwata direct established the current pattern, Nintendo was happy to mix hardware announcements in their usual E3 slot and the Switch's own late 2016 trailer concept reveal may have been driven in part by it's March release and less a desire to announce it separately. Move it up 3-4 months and the announcement would have lined up at E3.

The only strange about the June 29th timing is that Nintendo has all of this week and next week to themselves if they wanted to do a directt. Why they chose a late month slot and adjacent to financial briefing does make one wonder.

That said, we don't really know anything with regards to announcement timing and announcing something is like the last step in a very involved strategic planning and positioning of hardware. It's important, but probably has extra importance for us the public because that's the only bit we see.
This switch is next gen powerful. I feel like Nintendo would want to make a bigger deal about this.
It's also been 6 years , not discounting other form factors. It's possible they unveil both the Lite and the hybrid model at the same time but generally I do think they will focus on the hybrid

TV only model feels like a fever dream that was tested internally but not Intended as a real product. That setting has been known since as long as the OG Switch has been datamined and they showed no intention of releasing it
I’m trying hard not to get too excited. I’ve been waiting. I’ve had the OG Switch since day 1.
I got mine in like Early April 2017, so I wasn’t “day one” but it really wasn’t that long after. My Switch is falling apart. I’ve had to replace the fan. The touch screen no longer works at all. The right Joy-Con disconnects in handheld mode. There are parts of my Switch literally being held together with tape.

That new model cannot come soon enough
Nintendo has said they see Switch as a “one per user” system, not a “one per household” system. A TV-Only Switch would go against that.
Ah my second favourite recurring discussion, the TV only Switch.

Anyway, for those getting excited about any potential synergy or synchronicity or whatever because Nintendo's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is also late June, please read over the documents from last year's meeting and the one for this year.

2021 Convocation Notice: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2021/convocation_notice2106e.pdf
2021 Resolution Notice: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2021/resolution_notice2106e.pdf

2022 Convocation Notice: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2022/convocation_notice2206e.pdf

If you still have any extra excitement after all that, please see a doctor.
Switch Lite can't
The Switch Lite already exists?
The core hardware proposition of the Switch is "a home console you can take on the go," and the Switch Lite is also that. A TV-only console would not be that. Like, people know that Switch = tablet, right? The TV output part is just a plastic holder and a chip that tells the tablet "go ahead and do TV output now". There is no actual stationary console component of the Switch hardware today, whether original model or Lite, because that's just not what the family of hardware is.
If you still have any extra excitement after all that, please see a doctor.
IMO it's not likely that the shareholder meeting will coincide with a hardware announcement, but I'm not sure why the IR notices being boring has anything to do with that.
IMO it's not likely that the shareholder meeting will coincide with a hardware announcement, but I'm not sure why the IR notices being boring has anything to do with that.

There's no reason at all for it to coincide with anything is my point.

If someone gets enjoyment from the reading of stuff like that on its own, more power to them. I see no need for "extra" though just cause the Direct is potentially the same day.
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While it is true patterns suggests no hardware will be announced and a separate trailer is likely, be mindful our datapoints for this only go back to 2017, and all have been hardware revisions, not brand new hardware.

Until the Switch and post-Iwata direct established the current pattern, Nintendo was happy to mix hardware announcements in their usual E3 slot and the Switch's own late 2016 trailer concept reveal may have been driven in part by it's March release and less a desire to announce it separately. Move it up 3-4 months and the announcement would have lined up at E3.

The only strange about the June 29th timing is that Nintendo has all of this week and next week to themselves if they wanted to do a directt. Why they chose a late month slot and adjacent to financial briefing does make one wonder.

That said, we don't really know anything with regards to announcement timing and announcing something is like the last step in a very involved strategic planning and positioning of hardware. It's important, but probably has extra importance for us the public because that's the only bit we see.
All of this post is important, but the bolded is especially pertinent: we are in uncharted waters with no precedent.
After playing multiple games on my Steam Deck for months I honestly can't stand my Nintendo Switch anymore, it's simply outdated in every possible way and has been pretty much ever since its release. I love Nintendo first parties, I really do, but it's getting to a point where some games are barely playable. Hyrule Warriors Age of the Calamity in coop was basically a Powerpoint slideshow. I understand the existing hardware is still selling like hotcakes and we all know about the shortage but eventually they'll have to release a new powerful version. Either that or third parties will simply slowly disappear, and we know from past experience that a console can't rely on first parties alone, not even a Nintendo one. Personally I fully expect them to announce new hardware this year or at the latest next spring. Any further and it's going to be a problem, they're going to miss so many titles in 2023 it's insane.
No, Lite isn't a home console.
Then I guess the original Nintendo Switch isn't either, since they're literally the exact same hardware. The Lite just has a system flag that prevents it from doing HDMI output.

Fact is, the Switch and Switch Lite are the same system and have the same purpose (play home console games anytime, anywhere). A TV-only "Switch" is not the same.
by the time the switch was announced, we had a good bit of detail about the system. given how little we solidly know, I'm almost certain new hardware isn't gonna be announced soon
by the time the switch was announced, we had a good bit of detail about the system. given how little we solidly know, I'm almost certain new hardware isn't gonna be announced soon
We knew much more about Drake in February 2022 (8-13 months before rumored launch) than we knew about Switch in June 2016 (9 months before launch).
It would have the advantage of rendering better on 4k TV, exactly what those who play only on the sofa would like
I’m more interested to know how come Hermii’s comment is in Italian for you when they commented in English, than the actual comment and what it says lol :p
by the time the switch was announced, we had a good bit of detail about the system. given how little we solidly know, I'm almost certain new hardware isn't gonna be announced soon
What don't we know about the new model today that we knew about the original Switch in 2016?
Could it be a TV only Switch?
I can understand people might think that with a pattern-mindset (Switch Lite) but it doesn't change the fact that the system guts are ARM-based which Nintendo seems to favor because of lower power consumption.

Just feels like Nintendo knows hybrid mobile pays for itself.
I'm surprised that not one was able to modify the hardware of a Switch lite to allow it to connect to a TV.
Also, a Switch TV is NEVER happening. If it does, I'll eat English food on twitch for a full week.
I don’t think Nintendo needs more than 7-8 minutes to show new hardware on a Nintendo direct. Just talk about its capabilities, what the main difference is and more. That is if it’s supposedly going to be in the switch family and revealed as a revision
That'd instantly make it one of if not the longest segment in the Direct. Even the NSO Expansion Pack announcement, with all of its explaining, took 3 minutes in the 9.23.2021 Direct.

Not sure what that means (if anything), just felt like pointing it out. Part of me feels like they could get away with revealing it at the Treehouse immediately after the Direct (in the scenario that they're even doing Treehouse Live; certainly not a given).

The Lite just has a system flag that prevents it from doing HDMI output.
I agree with your overall point, but it technically is missing hardware that lets it output to the TV in the form of the mux chip. The DP lanes aren't actually connected to the USB-C port in any way, and even with homebrew you can't get video out of the port. There are some neat wireless streaming things people made though.

What don't we know about the new model today that we knew about the original Switch in 2016?
I believe part of @ILikeFeet's point is that the original Switch wasn't announced for another four months. We arguably know more now than we did then, but the system wasn't announced at that E3.
Quoted by: LiC
What don't we know about the new model today that we knew about the original Switch in 2016?
we didn't even know Nvidia was involved until the reveal and the press release was made. People were heavily invested on AMDs comment about winning a new design contract which turned out to be the One X

While correct information about it being hybrid was speculated on for months, the rumor landscape included a lot of false information.

2016 lead up only looks obvious in retrospect and all the fake leaks are.forgotten. I am sure we already have the final product details leaked we just don't know which one until the actual product is revealed.
Then I guess the original Nintendo Switch isn't either, since they're literally the exact same hardware. The Lite just has a system flag that prevents it from doing HDMI output.
And that prevents it from being used as a home console 😜
It would have the advantage of rendering better on 4k TV,
Explain your reasoning because I don't think it makes sense to change the guts any different between form factors.
I mean Switch Lite has the same guts and amount of RAM as a Mariko Switch, sans TV mode.
TV-Only Switch would just be TV-Mode only. Doesn't seem likely they'll add anything extra performance wise.
Generally speaking, if we were going to get a TV only model, it would've happened by now. Plus, the biggest thing Nintendo wants the Switch is to be portable at it's core. Probably the main reason why that hasn't happened.
Explain your reasoning because I don't think it makes sense to change the guts any different between form factors.
I mean Switch Lite has the same guts and amount of RAM as a Mariko Switch, sans TV mode.
TV-Only Switch would just be TV-Mode only. Doesn't seem likely they'll add anything extra performance wise.
I was talking about a only home version of Drake, which would have the advantage of keeping costs down thanks to the absence of the display and the battery, and thanks to the lower need for miniaturization.
I said some of this before, but there was simply more to report on the original Switch in 2016 and people were much more keyed into it because it had been officially announced (as NX) by Nintendo already. Nintendo's plans for its branding and marketing were also much splashier, and the concept needed introduction to various partners (Eurogamer even specifically said they got details after a company-wide presentation late in the year). The new model is just that, a new Switch model. It will have a similar form factor, it will have Joycons, it will have a dock, it will have cartridges. All of those things made up a lot of the speculation and leaks in 2016 but are just givens now. And at the same time, when it comes to the parts where the new model differs from the old, namely the internals, we know far more about them now than we ever did the original Switch. Even setting aside the Nvidia leak, it was confirmed well over a year ago to have a new Nvidia SoC supporting DLSS, which is notably more architectural info than the original Switch had until even after its October reveal.
I agree with your overall point, but it technically is missing hardware that lets it output to the TV in the form of the mux chip. The DP lanes aren't actually connected to the USB-C port in any way, and even with homebrew you can't get video out of the port. There are some neat wireless streaming things people made though.
I stand corrected.
I was talking about a only home version of Drake, which would have the advantage of keeping costs down thanks to the absence of the display and the battery, and thanks to the lower need for miniaturization.
Unless they want to add a 3rd profile unconstrained by power draw with a large fan, a home version makes little sense when hybrid is more popular and they can price it higher using the same SoC

Lite can make sense with binned chips running at lower clocks or with dlss turned off as we had speculated or just from a die shrink which is what made the OG Lite possible
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Unless they want to add a 3rd profile unconstrained by power draw with a large fan, a home version makes little sense when hybrid is more popular and they can price it higher using the same SoC

Lite can make sense with binned chips running at lower clocks or just from a die shrink which is what made the OG Lite possible
Why it makes little sense?

It could be sold at a lower price than the hybrid (which maybe it could come later).
It would make exactly the same sense as the Lite.
Why it makes little sense?

It could be sold at a lower price than the hybrid (which maybe it could come later).
It would make exactly the same sense as the Lite.
With constrained supply of chips a hybrid model makes the most sense it sells at a premium and is proven to be the most popular model

It also sticks to two profiles only.

Lite can happen at release if there are yield issues and they have to bin chips. The new architecture could be such that the portable mode isn't just running at slower clocks but have entire Cuda clusters turned off. Basically like how nvidia and amd do GPUs. Binned chips become the cheaper model with fewer cores
If Nintendo's cloud saving was a lot more seamless and not needlessly gatekeeping the likes of Pokemon/Splatoon from being uploaded to their servers, a TV only Switch would be a neat little niche product to benefit an already existing ecosystem within a household that already has a Switch (or only consists of Switch Lites) and would rather have something more substantial than just a second dock plugged into another TV
Why it makes little sense?

It could be sold at a lower price than the hybrid (which maybe it could come later).
It would make exactly the same sense as the Lite.
the argument I've heard and accepted is that the lite is better at being a portable handheld than the standard model, but a TV model would be no better at being a TV console
Why it makes little sense?

It could be sold at a lower price than the hybrid (which maybe it could come later).
It would make exactly the same sense as the Lite.
Let’s imagine a family with two parents and two kids, and all four of them love video games. Now let’s think about their options for getting into Nintendo Switch.

1) They can buy 4 Nintendo Switch Lites at $200 a piece, meaning $800. (Nintendo’s favourite option)
2) They can buy a single Nintendo Switch at $300, and primarily play on TV but also they could take the unit out of the dock and take it with them on a trip or whatever.
3) They can buy a Nintendo Switch OLED at whatever that costs (I think $350?) and do the same as above but have it look slightly nicer and have a better kickstand.

Now let’s imagine there’s a TV-only Switch at the same price as the Lite, $200. It would be a singular purchase, so they’d only get $200 from this hypothetical family. Not to mention, now, instead of being THE only system in that space (Sony and Microsoft do not have handheld devices and the Steam Deck is exclusively for enthusiasts as of right now) they would be competing with Microsoft’s Xbox Series S which is more expensive, but there’s also the value of Game Pass which would be hugely beneficial to this family of four, and streaming capabilities for services like Netflix and Disney+. On top of all that: They’d need to R&D the system and then also market it, which is not even remotely cheap, even if this hypothetical system seems like an easy thing to whip up on the surface.

It’s not as simple as “they should do it because it‘s like the Lite but reverse.” There are way more factors you’re just not considering.
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